mil J WW Hon President Alfred Rogers President Wirt First Vice President Carl Morton Second Vice President Allen Railton Secretary Treasurer and Manager J Kay For Reserved Grand Stand Seats Parking Spaces and Standing Roohv Apply to Secretary BAND THE LATEST NEW YORK MUSIC Pun and Frolic Heaps of Happiness Love and Laughter Tvvo Great Days when the Farmers Landowners Summer Residents and Sportsmen gather together to drown dull care EVERY SECOND SNAPPY EVERY MINUTE MOVEMENT EVERY HOUR A HUMMER PLUMBING and FURNACES OCT OUR SHASHTON COUNTY OF YORK NOTICE OF TAX SALE The Corporation or the of York hereby announces that Us list baa been that toareor may be had In the office of the County Treasurer Adelaide In the Ontario publication dates July it and August 2nd and in or payment of the taxes the lands In the said list will sold for laias at the limes and places la the said published notice this notice is given pursuant Life Around the Hub LOCH ERNE KING Mr and Sunday with their daughter Mrs Maw of at Mr JOlnm BUJb and line Presbyterian churches last was well attended reports a good lime Jacksons Point Mra Robert daughter of J R Wilder is tiultdlng a fine Mr and Jamlcson of 1 visited lh weekend with Bon Dr Sparta her Utile son Douglas visiting or a few days with Mrs Mrs ha Tim old vharS at Jacksons Point has now been completed by the Dom inion Government A fine new five foot plank sidewalk tias ioi I Act J MAGDONALD Office Treasurer County of York July TO CREDITORS ih matter of the Estate of JOHN late of the Township Of In the County of York farmer deceased I all Ims or Le estate of the said July at the are the day of send by post pre- A Currey Solr 1 the last will and of the said deceased their against John Stephens the day of N lhi been all fine gravel making It a beautiful promenade and a fine landing for passengers Point can now boast of one of finest up-to- date wharfs In the Mr and Mrs Spence of Toronto guests of Mr and Mra Macklcm Cook The carpenters are busy at Mr A H barn preparing for the nois ing wliich will take place shorty The new pastor Rev M Burgess occupied the pulpit on Sunday after noon and a wry spiritual Jessie Lemon of Winnipeg la visiting her sister Mrs J Brown an absence of eight years We ore rto see her looking so The Ladles Aid of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs Brown on Thursday afternoon and was will attended A very pleasant and profitable time was spent the pro ceeds amounting to over The Ladles Aid intend holding a grand garden party at the home of Udora light and ail report having fc64ateoiit of a of ILe deceased among parties entitled thereto having re to the claims of which it have notice and that the will not be liable for or any part thereof to Stouffville to an invitation given by Mrs Sandens a member of Wis about thirty members of the Adult Bible Class of the motored to Jacksons Point Tuesday had their lunch tlful lawn at Mr and Sanders cottage after which the was by boating and On the return trip the ay of seven cars motor- by way of Point Keswick I Sharon where tho famous KOfiCE Is hereby that a of York Married Wo MP the Parliament l next thereof tl i from her husband Esquire en the ground of Ontario id i Ialnnm has gone Midland for Mr and Tiffin ftpent Sunday In and Iiad union School jdeiiw at Port Thursday of week Vandorf Sunday of Wesley annual at Mus- ana made interesting his Journeys hi Persia MJesopatamJa and Northern India with Expeditionary forces dur ing war With the pastor of the Wdte In the pulpit also Mr of India in the Both of hail Wesley In and are home on fur lough from their mission fields Mr Church In and are home on addressee on his work in India during past Mr R Is holidaying at Toronto and spent Sunday with Tottenham friends The Misses Wood end Miss Sunday at Miss Vera Brown of Toronto Is spending- her vacation with her mother Davis of Toronto Is guest at the home of Mi and Mrs Ralph Davis Mr John of Manitoba Is his parents Mr and Mrs Dan and Mia Kilchlag and Miss are holidaying wllh friends near GueJph Mrs of formerly of were and Mrs recently and Mrs Sam and Ateta of Toronto spent tho weekend at their parental WILSONS FLY PADS AND rOUOW THEM of all Fly Killers 10c per Packet at all Druggists Grocery and General Aurora Sixty July Mr Mrs James T Davis of this ware united In marriage by Anson On Saturday the IP their diamond wedding the recipients of many Mrs Davis being Hie the greater pant of vicinity Mr Davis living Bald lives In this vicinity Mr Davis no members of daughter formerly friends In T Column IS BRITAIN TO TRY In an article in a recent issue of The Century GharIo3 Ed ward Russell g us cheer ing picture of temperance in the Old Land They have still a long way to go to up to this continent hut history demonstrates that onee started usually heat all competitors Mrs says When the British Parliament is in session hardly a da without discussion o lion of the Prohibition and from hour to hour he debate grows the shadow of an uneasiness Like a graveyard sounds noa the once confident assurance that Britons never- never will life without beer while societies in England alone working for Prohibition War Measures MM at This means and a half hours for the selling of liquor as against or before war The Morning Tot had a habit of slopping al a saloon and drinking a mixture of hot coffee and spirits or hot spirits atone The new hours cut off that many working Iting late ly Now comes and the house closes before have a chance to get much fuddled on a drink thai lias only four per cent or Got Their Eyes Why have radical war changes been continued Mr Russell says and con clusively il that rfhe war threw such a glaring spot light on the losses the Nation was suffering from the heads with each other Now they reason that if was needed to win the it is equally needed to the Nation out of its slough of ORCHARD BEAC REGATTA debt and restore its old So the regulations stand Ramsay and Lloyd George are at heart Prohibition- s so are most of the Labor Is Mother Land heading for Prohibition RACES AFTERNOON AUGUST 2ND AT 3 30Q Running Race years and under Running Race Running Race Boya years and under yd Race 350 Running Race Running Race Ida Running Race 420 Running Race Running Race Balloon Race 450 Sack Race 14 years and under 75 yds MORNINQ AUGUST Single Canoe Boys 12 yra ami under Single Canoe Girls years and under 1000 Double Skiff Double Canoe Single Skiff Double Canoe Mixed and under Skiff Mixed and under Canoe Race Boys years and under Single Canoe Boys 14 years and under Swimming 10 years and under Single Canoe years and tinder Single Skiff Swimming Race Girls and under Single Canoe Boys and under Swimming Race Boys and under 1220 Swimming Race Girls and under Swimming Race Boys and under 1240 Swimming Race Girls and under 1 2 Swimming Race Boys and under 75 yds AUGUST War Skiff Men open to Orchard yds Single Skiff Girls 16 and under yd Obstacle Canoe Double Canoe Mixed and under 240 Gunwale Canoe Single Paddle Men Double Skiff 100 yds 300 Tug-of- War Men open 315 Single Canoe 325 Duck Race Men open Crab Race Ladies Greasy Pole Men 410 Crab Hands 50 yds 425 War Canoe 200 yds Canoe 100 yds Tilting Men CONCERT AND DANCE IN THE EVENING AT IOLIWVLD of down by half It did not say to the Brewers ou got lo make weals beer bough that was the in- lention lying of the order Bui Biawer saw that the way in which he could ly the trado was by watering is And this he did as Mr Russell puis it it became about as potent as lemonade a section of Brit uttered a wail of wroth Government first wilh a lake be- whole drink business from lo bar and then villi the grain iborfsee Was the Nation to without bread that he ime kirk should be reored he can Something Doing Every Minute JVTOT a dull moment Entertainment galore for everybody A hearty welcome awaits you We want you home in Oshawa the Motor City of Canada Here are a few of the Special Events arranged to make your visit a memorable one Sunday Aug Church Day Hppy reunions at every church Joint evening ser vice with oldfashioned hymns Monday Aug Reception Day Game Street Parade Community Singing Bands iuesklay Day Races Softball Tournament Soccer Great Historic Pageant Race flay Horse Racing Wrestling etc Sports flay Athletics with valu able Band Concerts Aug Saturday Aug Baseball Day OshawaPeterboro Ball Game Community Dancing A real Farewell Party Added Attraction Shows A Huge Midway Reduced Fares on oil Railroads Camping Accommodation Write tor program to Old Home Week Committee Out OLD HOME WEEK