BR Our IsOel Twto Brief senior resident physician Monday Sept fliver holiday phone Schools open i Towns in of Toronto ioLlcentWtIiaR9Y and member Former clinical In fields Bat Nob Tested w Telephone PR J WWW B coroner for County of York Office Hours by On fturgery Young I Tile following tak Buffalo Nowi Ml Delia Lloyd the daughter of Police Lieut Lloyd drowned Sail a capsized I The Town mi mot iti in the Council Chamber on mo now ri Aug nth with following members Mayor Cane Deputy Reeve Fred A Aldermen A J H P Oil man mid Winger The affair were Urn overflow from from the ho regular session of a wick and included such subjects as gar bage setters ditches of I night watchman and the passing of year old A bylaw first question was whether not the town should rescued more- street paving and particularly companion in regard lo the paving of NEWMARKET Was brought back in an exhausted million Lloyds body was yesterday Miss a ililtr f Anion Lloyd formerly of Auro Main and Newmarket Dentist to the late Dr Clarke Newmarket BARTHOLOMEW rt Building Toronto Donlbi Over Pattersons Drug Store Newmarket tilings by Appointment OP Chiropractor Main Street North Opposite the panlon Nelson King M4S Lloyd and wore about feet from rfioro when Ave extension but llio Council tho happened with one vofco decided la call a hall raff and two other men saw lite two tins year on direct and In the water end owam out the Pialtcr ended there them Before reached What Is lo be done with Ihe pot girl disappeared King town garbage was llio theme of the material civilization of We greedy to mid It in of primal Importance for the realisation of Its hopes Titus profitpatriot of India Dr He went on lo the of rural re coil that the the rural Sunday Jaat August 1st the native horn away lo the The lale Mr wow born on the farm now occupied by Mr David over yearn and lie hod In loeullty ever since Although known the Mr Slouffer r took any public office hut his ieis were He nl- Olid of fetrng constitution and icler For lo wid to Tuesday Thursday iia Saturday and other hours appointment analysis and fr A Piano QcglPS and Violin In new and BOUTiHEvi barrister Toronto Rank Solicitor to the Late Main Street Newmarket phono Office Hours a p Evenings by appointment Private Funds lo loan on first SST-l-tl- riven 11 of legal work at -iiilli- I Painting and Paper Hanging loader In Hi- church About years bin life maiden Jane Macklem died ami since that lived with his The look place on to Dixon Hill church from residence of his daughter Mrs Cook of Of a family of tight ty Andrew of Newmarket and Mia leaae Cook Christian I I of he mentioned on the on the of Ihe fttlj debate and gnoscd all kinds of garbage from dry lo green and finally tho decision that Hie subject was jo lo he disposed of there was a full meeting of llio Council Therefore at the next session the will a on ho Mean while garbage collector will to dispose of on ly such in satisfactory lo Officer Just follow gar bage and Hie Council very logically considered them lliriiB out according Mr Clmii- tnnil Of the Commit Ice am places in lovyn when llio sewers not working satis factorily in fact lliPio two which blocked Mayor Cane slated town paid engineers to look nflcelfor of that Japan Is In dinger by 4ho following recklessly tho material man slat of Wes tern Tiio wisely In faol has pre vented clamor and agitation oucJi as might lead to acts of vlolenco against Americans but nan allowed calm discussion of the aubject both In and on the public platform Tho United Slfttca lias led by clever propaganda and a del icate International question that d have handled by di plomacy or by special careful study or question from all angles- it to be hoped that wo will not follow in eainc blundering fashion Pro pagawltuta that people are not allowed to purchase land in Japan thai laborers ex cluded that Micro ogalnbt In commerce rnlfl- and Japan that the average Japame family In that of a Japapei Canada Is Is IDBJ that One slater Mm Aurora and two Duvid Stouffor of i mlu ami of Slot vllle also survive Passing of Mr A wellknown last suffering imlng of and strokes Deceased was son Robert and Pickering on October Ui from there to finally I aliout years ago He Mm of the and it was bis opinion that the should ie held Alderman Winger held lh- sower inspector was to blame Hi didnt examine Ihe construction work thoroughly- The rouble is dim poor cement work The lown clerk was instructed lo ask Hie En gineer to a report on- con dition of the sewers at the next meeting of Ihe Council Mr Lundy slated dial many iii- bad made application Tor fill ing in the ditches in front of heir residences but lie did riot feel thai request should he granted un less sanctioned by the Engineer ajul WarrenBituminous Co- Engineer will make a report on this jimafjler also at lie next regular meeting of the Council Mayor Cane brought up theqiies- lion of the duties of Hie night pa- It would seem that In 1 had not specified such appointment and of the late North of Quaker tin Society J ami a In he married Barker who predeceased him three years ago He leaves two a daughter Miss Ethel and a son Leslie both of this town The funeral was held In the Friends Meeting House on Sunday loom conducted by the Experience submitted SUMMER SUITINGS We have en especially Fine Assortment of Patterns nail-bearer- were ills old neighbours Elijah Pred and John Collins Friends fro a distance alienling the funeral we his brother Morris of Leal Nor Mr Walker of Pen- vim leo and live i iliol we poor Canadian are in iluger of being driven out el Of siafeiutnfi art know dozens of ioiipnerclal purchasl In Japan In religious The so crowded and Western would not for a moment think of try ing compete I know hundreds of Japanese families In Japan and In known but a few in which there family five haveknown In Toronto Montreal and Vance that were childless and never such an exchange of wives as I I read about and repealed above was bom In the County of York on mothers a Canadian of generation and nine child were bom to mm km dungs twice as often this way not necessary to keep your prettiest things folded and laid away Wear ten Launder them Bui dp if this ikjj Use PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES and tee fragile crepes laces come from laun dering absolutely unharmed Colors brightened and freshened if anything if anything The great foam of suds contain nothing to he daintiest fabric the most delicate coloring It dirt however moat thoroughly and the daintiest fabric the dissolves the dirt washes it away These crinkly flakes contain nothing hut pure So they go farther cleanse more effi ciently That makes it economical to use them the washing machine for all laundering and for every general household purpose to ftp get some today of your dealer He them in handy onepound packages THE For finest silks ere an ere died In a Toronto Friday of lost wook In tu lo his duties actually arc Council gave tin- outline in In night patrol his actual duties while patrol The Council is thai loitering on street and he I will he instructed order the loafers off the corners The Council passed Hie bylaw au thorizing the of a pavement together Willi nec essary curbs and gutters and a sewer on a certain por tion of St in town of Newmarket as local improvement under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act On motion the Council adjourned long hours and yet my parents were highly respected and were not considered undesirable citizens I have visited Japanese in the cities of Vancouver Montreal Toronto Ottawa and other places In our Dominion and have that they conform A remarkable report comes from Harry Church- a fanner residing five miles north of that town Ib the owner of cow which just given birth to three calves All are alive and thriving On July Majesty Queen of Spain and her tvo daugh ters visited tho Canadian Pacific Railways pavilion at the British Exhibition Her Majesty evinced deep interest In all she saw and declared the exhibit to bo per fectly lovely Although the present of can travel has reached the period associated with a falling off in the number of passengers steam ship companies report that little de THE RACE PROBLEM Continued from Page on of differences of r I nationality It is of Miss ker Mr John all Mr Rob Fogg of Sask- Frank Barker of right F WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket York County The following donations have been gratefully at the York County Hospital during lie past two weeks Mis W of Mrs Germain Miss Dorothy Mrs riNSMITHINQ PLUMBING and FURNACES 1 art SRAfflfT0M Mrs a land One pair of pillow and wo boxes of Mothers ClubOne iiieliwoik quill Specially Company ii ling Cabinet for office Mr John A of Cherries Mrs Stevens i jar Black Currants Mrs John Queensville Raspberries Mrs Jas A Wright i Raspberries Mrs Hill J jar Currants Mrs J Moore jar Rhubarb Marmalade Mrs lvo jam Mrs J Davis Tries one jar on cherries From he Social Athletic Sharon through be ass of Mrs A quantity of and arts standard which should he based upon on intellectual physical political qualifications and upon no ground ic Immigration Act of the United states in lis present form neither in accord wlUi spirit of nor with the standards above Further nor was here time fo mutual conference and friendly And this we feel Is additional matter for regret Dr Japan since the passing of Hill and has spoken In ad Tokyo before large His address in Tokyo wsi a nev hall conneeted with Ihe law department of Ihe Imperial University was to at pm long before hour he hall was packed and windows Over were wailing to hear Dr when he arrived He was received with applause but as soon as aged seer began to apeak a great fell over thetaud- He said In the of his address that India is looking to for and expecting great in the realization of the rhisrfOE of the Orient peoples have a quality our lawn and nd Ideals of have as im ice and as well iielr lug out in he helping an apology or foreigner and feed her baby prop- advised thl same neighbor the Yet this neighbor a eecnt a rival front Itdim I find of my Japanese friends and comfort good books and children that are respectful well behaved and bright I have made enquiries of others and learn that they are at Ihe head of Iheir classes in school that their credit- is good in speak Wo are told lhat the question does not affect Eastern Canada but that It Is acute In Columbia If so let it be Investigated by a fair commis sion tet returns lhat I could get show thai four years ago there ntctl by Japans and field od it tilled A Mrs J Robertson Two Raspberries Mrs Cane Six Jars Rasp berries Mrs Bond One Jar of and one of Black Currants One Jar Mrs Sharon basket raspberries Flowers from he Anglican Roe From the Hospital Garden Party 5 lbs 1 lb coffee of pick I- the mining of life And stupendous scheme of the world i we live Western people energies on the of It was a Indignity province a of land of the They do not much In police courts Judging from debates our House of Commons No Mi when Mr Belaud Minis of Health stated that there had be convictions during the previous year for trading in Illicit drugs and its such offences If we have made a mistake in Humiliation policy in the past let our fair Dominion but have n solute light to ft In perpetuity hold it Id trust from ike Almighty crops 1 There is sally mm to Mil thin that the total volume of passenger traffic in 1024 will probably be the largest of any year since the war- World production of silver for the first half of is 117650000 ounces as against 118250000 ounces in the first six months of Canada accounted a pro duction of ounces in 1924 as against 10600000 ounces in the first half of being the third producer after Mexico and the United States both it which show ed a decline Saskatchewans output of- cream ery butter in June amounted to pounds as compared with in June an increase of pounds or per cent From January to June the province has produced pounds of butter against pounds In the same period in 1923 an increase of pounds or 155 per cent Among the tributes to the late Sir Edmund Osier of the Canadian Pa Railways directorate from C Hosmer for many years a fellowdirector It was addressed to VicePresident Grant Hall and read as follows ne was the last living of great men who organ zed our great railway The late Sir Edmund became director of the Canadian Pacific Railway in the year of completion of the transcontinental line A most interesting and attractive volume entitled Here and There In Montreal has just been publish ed by the Book Co of To ronto The book is well illustrated with maps and pictures in color tad brings out many noteworthy facts such that the total popula tion fs that twothfrda of this number are FrenchCanadians and that Montreal is the second port of importance In North America The author Is Charles AesI Gen Publicity Agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway The first annual Wow of ho Trail Riders of the Canadian Rock- held at Camp was a great success Over internationally known writers artists etc rode la to gather round the sacred fin the Sun Dance Lodge sonlan Institute of Washing honorary president of Trail Riders addicted the gat a poem written specially the occasion by Bliss Carmen read and Chiefs and Buffalo Child Long formed Indian dices a cuff link and This la it Darken the room as much possible close the windows raise one of the blinds where the sun shines in about eight inches place as many Wilsons Fly Pads as possible on plates properly wetted with water but not Hooded on the wfnrfnw ledge where the light is strong leave the room closed three hours then sweep up the andburn them See illustration below Put the plates away quired in another room The right way to use Wilsons ASiio good you 1 cant resist them different E Lyons and A Smiths Hardware NE IN BUILtfcRS NEEDS OF KINDS OIL AND ELECTRIC LINE OF LAWN MOWERS DOOR8 AND WINDOWS MINTS OILS AND VARNISHE8 OS SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE Phone SMITHS HARDWARE Canadian National Exliibitiou Toronto ore other 111 Marching On