Our Local News idisalto raootlno no Newmarket I t tor Division V to hold Willi liim l lay soul sLs Wanted y A hourly welcome I sat lino all I my Thy lamp fi i Monday who lias Ilwraduy J of llio com- l off til hill I front staff ad las sUinion Mm I at A lie proper til J J t illVhilillurill WO hied J and In farm il iintiUlilrllls til Mich is farlliost s tronrrly his son as you i subject lo thepay f legacies of to 111 iiiii 8100 his ml all who ha anil his pleasure Bible Vacation lid A of nil the lees in com Hi il inll- Vacation lo lake ho that wo have Mothodl i wind up of llio last a friend Id us all and at lo be congou I Andrew of the Circle was home of Mrs Phil 1 Tuesday present chosen Nils way of showing ami as a mini I rouiembranco th lie court lo revise Hi I Newmarket for d when you no longer with may hum hack yon kind n played tt Mass Mention 1 merlins held In Icinpil Town Band was to be id la Hall lasl mill linaiir on i-ii- in of fifty ladies r Mil anil nil I lie are asked to li of lie meeting to the purpose of il Mir Hank clipped hen going and fell 1 1 I 1 Sunday a lad son of Mr franklin of Hie out walking Willi fell off the pavement injured his knee The doe- was afraid il he sor bet boy is geltuu along of llio life of Norn tin Ontario following off- Man Mi Allan 3rd Mr Donne Newmarket lib VicePresident Mrs King Mo Friends Two given The morning Occupy Till The duly of be il in the He 1 iiH Id Do linn should actuate all very wedding look the homo of Mr and Mrs now and iiiticipalcd Methodist Ghuroh Services on Sunday next he in charge of the pastor The following ladies were ap pointed meetings of all throughout the Hiding and urge the Temperance vole Mrs Win and Mrs Ilev of Keswick for north of Newmarket Mrs Rev in King Mrs il- to the christian News Thursday Sept Sunday School mi 1week when their only P It of bride who v m away by her ied a Miss of Hie groom 1 vhich Ihc happy couple left lo the Highlands side I We earnestly try to make services helpful to all in Hie practical business of liv ing All ire very cordially In vited The will be lad to meet those who may be strangers in Town Pastor Death of Mrs Norman A young lady who was well and favorably known among the SI Johns Church succumbed to pneumonia on A very wedding wai ill be served Ladies at the of Mr Aid all members and Ml I Au of the church All be 10la tl A J Mann of officers of all and 111 Andrews Prosbyt in- especially I Newmarket when their will Hazel Donald youngest son of and be J Ihraith of Newmarket The bride who was given ay by her father looked vvilh the child in a gown of russet will be held jointly Willi shoes and lo Temperance Union at the match She a bouquet Hall Ophelia roses val- ve for funds Past the church will give an out bis plans for the fall and Friday I to attend The Girl will lieir i of three lit email hoy in care of her de voted She was only 3SJ years of was Julia Smith and Miss Dorothy Penrose Lieutenants Sunday Services I A M Sunday School Classes for all and held Mi during the The flower- wen id hiaiitiful wreath Davis Leather Co employed at SI Johns Tennis Club Tournament The club Ton went of Hie Newmarket Te 1ib will held weather witling on Saturday of ihi week The tournament will of doubles am doubles and will he play Seat arranged so that a of the can he had by all itois air tee of Ibis sum will include which will be served by the lady members of interested in tennis fa invited to ho present Jbe tournament aliaiji 1 oclock fur Mo Worship Heboid the Lamb ley fern sir During the signing of the a beautiful solo rendered by Mrs cousin of the bride The wedding march was played by Mrs Willis of Aurora Tub happy couple left by mo tor for a short honeymoon in the bride wearing a smart brown tailored suit with hat to match Upon their re- of flic Coining Frank daughte CueMJsjTil P- I Endeavour p Senior Endeavor An invitation is extended to all Wednesday p m The regular meeting of the Scouts will meet at the new meeting place Temperance Hall Any boy in the that is Interested in scout is invited o be Master Rev i in charge Pastor father and was beautifully gowned in blue Gertrude became bride of Mr Wilfred White Mrs J J White ceremony was conducted by thfe J Cochrane The draw ing room was decorated with asters The was in marriagi want own that JJnd is sure to do I disappoint 1 iJid he hat carrying and wearing the rateh groom The bride and tended ceremony a buffet luncheon was served Later Mr and Mrs White left by motor to spend honeymoon Ihi States the bud a will reside at Orchard Vie Toronto The was the recipient of of member of the Canadian met tenui united in man age to bad put some coal into a lit tie boater and pat down in a rocking chair wbon she called to her daughter and expired The deceased wan born in West on the farm on which brother John Noilly died only three weeks before Her predeceased her in June of last year and ono daughter Clara died about yearn agio Surviving are four and two daughters in West in Toronto Mrs Ceo and Mrs Archer Aurora Her Alex of Brandon is tho last of a or ten of fit Hill Thursday Church Pine Orchard Sunday Sept Jith at a Missionary Work the Hie School Fair held hero last was a great success The made a fine and ihe speak was extra good ihle that lib a Pail Hope Wend and other A fire occurred on the farm of Hiram a and a quarter north of Stouffvilie on concession on Thursday last vet- when totally Shortly ion ttour a ltirchlng engine the barn being the roadway It in the sparks from tho engine le trouble Only the saved while over rood about panel In the larger home on IucsdSj was found or In In inictn for- i i- people venture to your wire good enough to that our would out or a the to our orchards with Planting out a In not a question or a Tew dozen trees but la a natter of more than hundred at a time Of course nit like to growing quick our Uvea are growing older but we have wail probably some five years tlft ore cov ering the ground and Ihen they will almost grow many feel In a year Brow the first year varieties are helped very inch year by the wet though Jack pine re to grow oilier and the larch ftli owing up fine A Alt I had to Orchard if and Mrs Douglas motored from Toronto to visit Mr and Mrs My are all Horry tlie is over iliniiing that is the topic of day out here Mrs Ed Thompson has re lumed a pleasant visit in Toronto Miss Edith Hope mm in To for the Ex and Mrs If W Mr nd family of lid Mrs A Abbott of To were guests of Mr last Wednesday blf- woman said IMiilriudiifjpie the more she clings lo you Yes God bless her I grunted a pessi mist more clings to you the more dilapidated you become Mr Mrs Will of Newmarket spent Sunday with Mr step at hi Smith the ontime renowned In this district has been an in valid and only on four or live occa sions during ids has he been able to gel from his own Last Saturday was of those special occasions- when he was taken by to and 0 III of the town Out In that which appealed to mm most was he many trees along roadway grown so large as compared to the or the same roadway in the days when he saw lliem last Of course he noticed the of Improvement at with new garage and other improvements Coming to town again change made by the new houses erec ted by Mr Todd on the prop erty where the Queens Hotel form erly stood also two houses to the east all fine additions to the street Toronto visited their cousin Gray on Friday hat Tlie Hood Bros loaded a car of and report a good field but and girls School Fair Forgot pickle and fry the- whole broad It is much better for you Tho Willing Workers had to postpone their meeting until month see Mr and Mrs Mot Duncan were at the School Fair and what do you know Mjss Dun can got 1st prize for flowers 2nd for Sandwich and 3rd for Candy Three cheer for Miss Dorothy Kennedy of To- One liver red and good Remove ail grouch and throv away as anybody should Add twenty grains stint but tears are only waste Handle with tact and loving Try this Miss Penrose who i training at of Mrs Hill Mr here and merchant has bought eying the format reserve recently planted by department merchant has bought out the opposition store by Mr Wright Mr no doubt feels that one grocery store la all thai fa profitable even in a live corner like to enjoy such near ho I In of Mi Cha Toole Miss Marjory Toole is visiting in and Sunday was such a beautiful autumn day We had a at tendance at the Friends Church Rev Mr Parrys text was the He of the today and that hairpins or nets to buy I heap Frank ha position to Toronto Sunday to visit friends arid to bring Mrs Speller home after a pleasant visit with her sister in St GaUi- of Newmar ket enjoyed dinner Willi Mr and Mrs Ed Thompson last Monday Such a beautiful home of prayer last week at Mr I Roses Next meeting at the home Live Stock Markets Sim BRUNTOK LUNDY Store NEWMARKET NEW FALL GOODS VERY SPECIAL PRICES All Wool In wide shades of Henna Grey Cooen Brown Navy Wine Regular for yard Fine French all wool In In all New Autumn Shades Reg English 8antoy a nice fine cloth all shades Reindeer Navy French Blue Pearl Grey Black Henna Rose 1B0 per yard Fancy Wool Crepe Rose Copon Navy Regular for yd Agents for the D A A Corsets Try a pair before Buying Your New SHAWS BUSINESS SCHOOLS Toronto still lead- in High Grade Courses and Successful Graduates That is why they have grown from to in all located in To ronto where records are yearly proven and nearly all graduates are employed Free calendar on request SHAW President Dept West Toronto 0UMITV WALL PAPERS LAMEST AND SELECTIONS FOR ALL PURPOSES FROM TO PER ROLL Of nd SO In Otlmeili Tints Hsmtnlltt WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BUNDS DUPLEX AND COMBINATION Sell You Any With or BERT OREENInter and paper Hanger SQUARE shaft granite crowns In stately tomb the soldier take Ins rest The still stone form above i guards his grave Guards and with gracious Thro all the years may hold sway Nor friends deceive nor tyranny thundered shr shrieked and lives FOR SALE Some good second- Shingle Mills and Portal Sines Re- Cleaner I Mil Other lienors tor Call and see before you I NOTICE OP the County of York the Province Ontario Accountant will apply to the Parliament of Canada at he next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Patterson Jess of the City of Hamilton In he County l of In the Province of On- heavy hand where tarlo on the grounds of adultery hope denied I desertion And wars rude clamor all Ihej Dated at Toronto In the County or filled York In the of Ontario this smiles upon the day of August fruitful plain IMPS Solicitor for tlie above ftppti- Orchards and vineyards bio in sun He did not sacrifice his life in o There flows Hie the lake Losing last countys sake stone form stands guard eternally Holies of Application for NOTICE Is that Held of city of Toronto In lite County of York and Province of Ontario man will apply to Parliament of for bill Divorce from of adultery and daverUOQ