Newmarket Era, 19 Sep 1924, p. 6

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in Mount METHODIST A M Bible fa P MNesl Hi pastor a acrid of afrmonn under no title Yourself will llonB young arc especially Invited Wo ore hop ing thai tlioao will proved to exceedingly Wo ask you to got unit or Bring one You you will bo Pastor held In llio of 11 i llioillil at Ml ladies entertained wore about present from and all excellent program of choruses and vocal duels by and tlic Misses a couple of good leadings by Ml and a splendid by Mrs Warren on lie of J lie program Willi an Apron A Tile Annual lug will be bold in Si on Sunday 8cpl2lal in- church will be dcci I Thanks bo hold I on Sunday ncxl a and bo appro- grain and will special Jiymns and Annual Harvest Thank Service will ho hold Christ Church on Sunday ncxl at oclock will he lessons and sermon roc- I lor ft will preach and Wig will suitably decorated fox the Sutton Miss Hawker lias from tour of England Scot land and I ho continent and haft In I- as Principal our School Our School ion forced to open a third and throe teachers arc now not curtail the work of the boo lugger a nil thai hero was or this business prohibition In Hie coast pro I that did some damage occurred at Hie Con Y A on College St Monday morning starling the public School is the ice ere air s temporal Man lit of Ken W Evans Everybody welcome lo the collapse of the scaffold on they were working three men were injured on Saturday last Mr Mr Taylor suffered Jacksons Point I ken bat ml of his i JiliiCrtl litis lw Mr Glover a Point on Sept a short of West on Saturday in his be away about tin the bowling alleys was found to bo Urn Twentyfive bishops are at tending the pieSynod In St Pauls Church Moor oast this week Canada coast to coast Is Predcrlok J who- been in the Ontario Legislature since con federation died at lit apartment in flio aged Mr had seen longer service limn any oilier in Itio and honoured by the king in I Did by being made a member of Order of the Star Sept to intermediates won tho first of the homeand home A playoff games with the locals ling by here this are confident of sixrun lead the second Friday opened the at ised a session in floss is vWIUjB me of her in 3 unlJJiiely end His funeral was Mr Jus who is leach- school at was lu lioiue iimi Hie ftev it Miss ha a J hodal liMiiiiMlle ami al le Miss Mills ami Miss 1 Anna Dorr here and now of Newmarket were in SllMlJ w twu lvl part of the service J ale of i will occupy the Presbyterian ompanicd by Mr Tom He Pulley of Toronto Miss Hanker one lucky ones to win a large rug at the ml again on Sunday next Miss Alma Hayes of Winnipeg who was called home on account of the illness of her for the West bat Mr Los Phillips of church ling tin Mrs T Huntley and attended a wedding at on Gut Council of the Oouneil held calling on friends in town on home of Mis Mcr- JJ on J Auus in Miss Burn of Richmond Hill is year The deceased I the the pa and taxes for tins year All llm iiiemJieis in sent ex cept Councilor was given its third lings and finally paused Minutes confirmed meeting of of Mrs W Willhe has been- visit log friends at for past week Mr lid is moving from upon the hill Ihe residence of years carried 1 All memboi and is beloved by all who knew His predeceased him months ago was French and Mil week at Willow was in si fflioan Church Sutton Aug- and ivolatives in Scarboro Keswick never seen the efeols of the bar 0 A Is not perfect fully enforced the condition is certainly belter than wed lo be and government control more tlian government sale wilt open the way to obtain li quor very easy Some say the govern ment will do away with boot legging Ask Quebec and Montreal world an example of wh fceautlful Ontario can given us of countries in to I va would it glad to report that Raymond Is Improving and hope veil soon he well again Im sure the many friends in J wick extend heir deepest sympathy Mr end Mrs Jones and foully lathe sad loss of tlielr daughter all glad to see Ibis grand weather flirakes us too rail I Keswick ChurcJi was beautifully decorated wit f ferns and in autumn wedding on Wednesday Olli of Seil when Mary the daughter of Mr Mrs Barton Ward of Sutton became Hie of Perry 1 wWoh i conducted by Rev Willi picture hat rope of pear and carrying of Ophelia roses She was alien bitter Ward Hail of and Mr Queensville The WomenVTnslilule Month- v HI be at the me of Mrs Thos Miller on Wednesday Sept 24th Paper he by Mrs A by Mrs The weatherman Is fine days Is in are gelling highly lusid die m they are their hands Irs Jiod on Mount Albert visit with hJip bister Mr Mrs accompanied her home Mrs Doyle Mr Mr kilt of IIU mother Mrs Marsh at IK i i com and weiner roast en Joyed by of he League ho was blame that the hoys A polling wife the tale Mrs we hope everyone give Seciaary Mrs lights Mrs J of the ftev Shepp and ftev Mann of exrlurige pulpits nest Sunday the Mr and Mr Of Zephyr q iheic Edith Verno Mr of the o place in last liteMorton That tlie Collector viz Mr Uriah Sarah and be aoeeptcnt sallsfatlury Pipe Carried Kemmerer Sept Kightyone men were entombed In mini number five of the pool Company Sublet a small postal station and mining town seven north of a explosion this morning Ing to announcement made by official of the Company As sound of the terrific explo sion died out rcHfdnils of the little community five hundred population rushed from their homes through the blinding rainstorms to mine number five New of the disaster sent to Kemmerer and soon Ihe mountain with auto mobiles end persons on fool rushing to tho scene of he disaster crews were quickly formed wart- on their way lo mine The rain continued to fall p ihe James Good Roads I to 1 of Land at It Albert Road for Hi of road said corners Carried Morton Osborne Thai the Clerk Interview the Good ftoads Deputy Squires regarding the sending of lloiid for the Town ship on the day of October P Carried White That Mr Perry Crittenden he notified to fill up road and plat condition he of w glad to bear that be is ret home on Wednesday Improved Mrs who has been her daughter Mrs Mr bid Of ftbci I payment as follows viz John Hodge sheep claim sheep claim French timber for Nelson drawing gravel Con 1200 Amos Lapp gravel and Center Road Norman Thompson drawing Road Con drawing gravel Mantes cutting weed Con Insurance hall and out buildings rep road Con m lot 3 Hamilton Bishop gravel gravel Waller Craves drawing gravel S 1501 Albert Reynolds drawing gra vel Newmarket Era advertising Voters Council adjourned to meet at Noon on the day October at the Municipal Hall Slur Uyoft spread to joining camp bi all men entombed within tho mine are believed by the company lo be dead They have been residents of Sublet for years It 1b hat famine may have been wiped out with respect lo their men- temperance issue and Ihe laims of he missionary enter prises of he Methodist Church ere the topics of discus- ion at the Financial meeting or Bradford which con vened in Aurora Church on Tuesday Sept the Methodisl of iBradford District were in at tendance as well as a fair repre sentation of laymen Rev J Cochrane Chairman of he presided assessments and 4 of the various Connxional for each circuit were care fully considered The afternoon on was largely devoted to consideration of needs flev A re lumed missionary a very earnest appeal for the mission work of the the need of a more sacrificial mil in ihe chinchs life afternoon session closed with a discussion of how the churches of the District could nest serve in the present campaign Mr chairman of the County orga It 1 the runs scored two third and three in and one in ninth the third I minx performed brilliantly striking of the losing play If as seems probable Hie is won by they WHILE Victoria Street this city luined 1 very serious lacerations of both leg today when caught by the knives of a being used by his grand father William who the midline lo cut con on grounds at rear of in Ambrose Street The child gni Hie corn rich without the knowledge of grand rather he flint he knew of tin acid dent being when lie beard the child erics It Is lated by doctors that both of tho will ha tho Angles with a well filled behalf of the congregation Father replied expressing iid been assured his congregation that he would carry away and retain the kind recoIlebUons of theih all was rarmcrly a left on day for Toronto where he will lak charge of Ihe parish of St Anne church on street one of lip largest In city hi hat should t the a complete expression of he will or he electorate on the question at District passed a ion pledging its utmost in sustaining the present measure The evening session was In the of a public at which J A of Winnipeg was he speaker For hour and a half held the closest attention of his In his exhaustive and dsulon of In Mr j orktngmen to Manitoba I ana expressed the meetings on the strut re to a stret and In where he would be to meet those who would not at- re these Questions He was t denuncJallon of Con sod alarmed a l A Mr Day ley will be tlif pie of W J Been and Mir garage i Mary Vyie ili- rpl Vik Vegi Ml If be man- then heir fight ton 111 dr Fred Knwi of Chatham was Ld l fill hi iy 1 I Sept soldiers of troop c United Slates cavalry were burned to and five other were missing in terrific oil fire which was devouring the fashionable residential section of Monterey early today Flaming oil from tanks Standard Oil and associated ill panics on the hillside above Ihe wldch were by lightning day afternoon drifted over the Inlet threatening property valued at mil Homes of eight of the new colony on the been destroyed by the spreading I wealthy resident A burning sheet of oil feet square over the bay million dollar estate of Mrs Murray one of Montereys places A pail of thick pungent black smoke bung over the city and Before midnight the damage ready caused by the flaming oil more than Mitchell Sept 12 Muihiay of age of town died suddenly yesterday afternoon while sitting in a at his home The late Mr was well known here having been in the linsinithiug and plumbing business for a number of years He was born Bradford the widow he leaves riye all id Sale Register None Will Satisfy pure SALADA GREEN TEA tfrecn tea produced In world Ask for a trial package foee mint sun ww tnuon EAM WANTED Best Prices Paid Does it Pay to The demand for Mount Albert Creamery butter has grown larger Soil us your cream let us do your work for you phone call will bring our to your door Albart Creamery Co Creamery at Mount Albert FIVE DEATHS FROM DROWNING Sudbury Ont Sept five deaths from drowning occurred in bis over the weekend A triple drowning Larch wood claimed three and a double drowning at claimed two out in a canoe on Vermillion noon In attempting to change pos itions a brother and a by the name of and a friend Miss Lola were thrown Into the wa ter when Itielr canoe capsized and all were drowned beore assistance could reach them The body or Miss came to the surface almost Immedi ately but the bodies of Miss and the Sauve boy were not re covered until tonight When last they were In a death struggle be fore sinking out of sight double drowning claimed the lives of two boys of Sudbury and one of here the Sudbury boy Their clothing tragedy when fitlfitO frill i high and feel lone The Ihrtf topmost were for individual steam Sept big yields are now rolling a threhlcg becomes general Henry who north of town threshed Saturday twenty acres which a return or bushels or SO bushels to the acre was on dry landl Tile wheat No DR J M WELL ACQUAINTED A lawyer had a somewhat witness and finally if he was acquainted with any that to swear that I than all of them to QOOD ANSWER schoolteacher in a despairing the young hopefuls in charge I want you to think before you answer question The young slopped pinching each and waited her question openeyed and full in each bag as thought and ist one boy put up hags miss with I J or tie wellknown his house destroyed by fire Sunday moritln- Aug Nearly alt the contents LIVE STOCK The undesigned will pay the lii Mr ill lock Stock ion HARPER HAYES Phone Albert a to- mo For date of 1 JamuMiitjly or application ntj r In the apply Canada at thereof ror a Bill of City or Hamilton In he A 1 w ji Dated Count ork In the or 5th day or August FRENCH Solicitor for ailed authorities Africa are hold- armed guard in Hamburg its port thousand rifles Whine guns a quantity of in shins discovered on board by t officials thai the rial was destiewj or ror fitrfcchm Raid of or Toronto In the Conl of 1 Province or Ontario inanud iJ AIM

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