Our Local News Childrens Al ay- lust Saturday Hospital mum till ma Radios agisted 1 V front and day evening of of the decided Homo Supper Also worship Sunday School will 1 rial til will assist tho staff lie Methodist llle ohob Church will held at the Henry Harm of Mrs Dr Dales Millard Ave Wednesday October Bill at rill preach In tho evening P All welcomed 16 these services the Hospital llarliculuri the dale lull or the lives on next iit Wo a for n good Moderation of the Moderation Mis Im Post carols latest You ft cannot All Control and willing any way liit- fsiiJciils of Andrew an 111Ul1 with tho wny ii has been graded It is Topic for Sept a filrofil now io Got Things Done lakon by Rev Parry rr us how important j organization is and Urn need for I This m ning and Rally Tim Mission Hand of St A Church holding In opened at Now- terian Chinch Newmarket end of Main Saturduy afternoon A in when Hands from for North places bo prosenl Besides nc in Cavern- talent Mrs Dickson re- mission Horn ho ishome on furlough an address A cordial at Ion is extended to ail Fatal Accident Roast All members of the Newmarket Tennis Club arc heartily invited to attend a corn and roast to be hold on Friday of thin week the home of Ml Moss on dVffcrenl are requested to of Timothy at sharp and will hike out to Ml homo Friends of King the Sabbath Sunday School and Meeting applies to all kin doubly important in iv welcome lo all lhal are ihu flesh with and of Allred Andrews if- Newmarket fair There were no lean than 4 traction on Midway beside JM Elation agent at uiiciiuuiitB Sunday Junclion who waa formorly if was lanyc and an al Office Specialty was by the Works was si ruck by an auto on The Need for he Wednesday and badly injured Pretence of in our lhat he died yesterday The la a nephew of owning subject was The Mr Richard tins of In Action- of thin lown Much sympathy i the life and work of is expressed for the family John The only Ihcir bereavement hat will reach the soul in in and sin is the per- Presbyterian touch or love manifested Day followers Andrews on Sunday al A nolo Land of no maud i ciil ling Sun taken by Mrs ouL Ihcrno iMoClure quiet at Myrtle Mr John of Pine became the bride of Cecil Roy son of Mr ami Slta Vanhvveii of Pine J I fa bride Miss of the bride t I Pctch the happy couple returned to brides home and after the wed ding BUppcr lie young couple left for and Falls Mr and Wallace and llie MIbkcs Wallaces Miss Tate who la training In the Royal Victoria Hospital In Carrie motored down to pair out to have tea with Mr and Mrs Will Reed Mr and Mrs Dan Lloyd Mr Geo were of Mr and Mrs Albert Lloyd Mr Minnie- Wilson of Newmarket lia relumed to Orchard for Ihe Next Sunday Is Rally Day We bad very out to the 1RUNT0N read by Mi wcjik will io Saturday Band Band lVarful and Works is being with a new roof roofing Hall being repaired this w v and from tin mm oil lllick Wat laugliabh for noj-li- know dm to was a great string o on grounds and There seemed to bo as in the iwo in llie racing on Town track- Messrs Win Keith P P M P P Of To- ilo Mayor Walton of Auroyi Willi Me mo illy in rliool iuid ilnueli In In us ill lin Into tin Wlreots is on lathed for a coat of stucco J K isj the appearance ofjjii poroh A Starr is malting quite Ins residence losed and stucco Party About of llie MeMiodisf Choir gathered he Church on Tuesday evening and wopt in a to home of Geo nee Miss Barker a member of Choir who during Hie previous- changed her mime The in did not prevent a real charivari making con- noise the parly were J inlo lie Mr expressions of n and Mrs W Hue and Mrs John poral Win Holmes Mr Atkinson Norman Rogers and baa Ills resilience is adding a MrChas of Pair on day Hie firbl lime in is lOslniiistei Holt for a number of y pleased lo moot several old lead- gular monthly SHOO will lie Tuesday in the Tamper- Ball A good attend ivtjuesled as important s is to ho transacted i of Provincial Con- lion in SI by Mis ehMti and Mrs Rev Parry ladies of the T gate receipts An given by the A ding welcome for all Com will lie ii Good Samaritan was pi Sunday Ihe J Ice Come was Very inch j address was by everyone Wolner About Iwontyfive members of Iho of St Pauls Church attended a very enjoy roast at Ihe home of- Miss Ruth Blizzard on Eagle Street on Wed nesday evening Two big piles spile of Ihe damp weather of the pasl few days the brush burned splendidly Benches were placed around Ihe fire and between eating of hot dogs by unci expiessions of of pip good willies joy ami liappi jfl ie jiople ness were abundance in a mi a and hot coffee relieve their of members foliners After dogs had also various -arm- i xtcniiimtlcd party such as- Ghost to Miss The parly house where dancing provided enjoyable climax to a evening very pleasant Social I On Thursday Ihe TO Club w royaliy entertained at homo of Mrs Prod Daw Christian Church Newa Thursday Oct 2nd Church Night The pastor will give the second lectu How We Got Our Bible tors hour willr the juniors who have no place lo lmvard itsf ft M portion of the Ghristiari This is the of for this society for and a good number is Sunday Services A Is It Well With Thee Child Donations The have been al York County Hospital lored out and last publication j ly received Arnold as Basket of Apples requirements of the V is 1 jar Raspberries I mfiles ami nobly Jar Currants I the occasion The abb Cain jar Pickles tastefully jar Berries auiumn flow do with I iiiuh to sin lime accepl God There a In Will liOt do The Ladies Store NEWMARKET NEW FALL GOODS VERY SPECIAL PRICES All Wool 38 In wide shades of Henna Brown Navy Regular for yard Fine French all wool In In all the New Autumn Shades Reg for SI 78 English a nice fine cloth all Reindeer Navy Blue Pearl Black Alradale Henna Roee per yard Wool Crepe Rose Navy Regular for yd Agents for the D A A Try a pair Buying Your New Fall 8ult also lo all those who proceeds will he donated to the fund of the Plebiscite Campaign We might also add if any per son wishes to contribute toward tins fund it may he handed to the Toole High School Board A special meeting of the Board look place on Monday evening