a AOEHT MOUNT The which proved furnished by Mr- ring recently put of WOMENS The next pin- and Con Dont the of tor I i she in Hit tho tlilrd add Tile young pro- Invited Hie evening an wilt bo Everyone welcome Pastor MASS MEETING will be a Meeting of this village rounding community ilin evening Oct oclock J Cochrane of Newmarket will lift present wIWi a large number or slides on the and will also speak on of all Wed llio fie I raids who all ought lie PERSONA US Miss Gladys Thompson spent days last wool Mrs tin his parents in Mrs Stevenson of Appin a a visitor at homo of Mrs Hews Mr and Mrs Jas of Toronto wore visit Tuesday of this which The Value of Rally In Our League by Mr Arnold reading If f Had But One More Live hy Mr Itoy ioward the Canada was a very intoresling feature of tho evening showing many the beautiful places of Fair Do main The description taken Mrs Arnold and Mi atuhy Kayos sang Canada I Next Monday night you are come lo tho League enjoy a Boat trip on Lake Sail Boat Welcome leaves No Re sure Ic There will he music afloat On the old Sail Boat In the year 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue Come Com Sunday Mel hod Church lo lat Sunday Day I I- intend work at once In pul ling In a basement under Ihc church and furnace This will pinko ft great Improvement Circle lo ho held at the of Mr J Harper next Fri day Oct 3rd y glad lo hear that Mr Hay Morton is able to bo up No doubt the fact that he has lived a clean temper- unco life beta hudmuch to do in speedy recovery Jack underwent a Sunday at li Oct at p m In II Hall the people will have the opportunity of hearing Mr exPremier of speak of he most vital quest of foday Temperance Jtev J will hi dn No and at time of writing we are lo that Mr low is favorably Mr Clyde Draper Mr Din have gone on wo motor trip up reports they having a splendid time of ho children being ml before school was called Tuesday morning were and little Leon Con- looking through a knot id he interspersed with of Ih A number of the Meihodial Church mei parsonage on evening for llio purpose of taking up tin study of some of The chapters this years study hook China Real which very ably handled by Mrs Lay- cock and The Rally Service last in was quite success considering tho rainy Sunday School now Everyone welcome Dont tilts Keep till bole and It is thought that some- j date in Opt p to pencil hole and pierced his eye arled to pain Rev J T Stafford will preach in the Method aki I and Dr called but the Indies of Sutton Circuit not loll for liltle while H nerve a Chicken Pie would prove serious Im he laities appointed to make we all hope for the host and Hie pic know how lo hope to see Leons hack to school of the Mrtjioilli l Is to be held Oct IF will hejftkpn on Sunday the Rev J Simpson or Toronto make the at oclock in Mr Stafford a lecture on Fools Ancient and Modern The supper he welcome Literary Society was hold Friday September The meeting was opened by the school song and yell The minutes of the last meeting wore read and adopted The first item on the program was given by Marion Hopkins a sketch of Life of Pauline Johnston after which one of poems was read Addresses were given by the following Arthur Dawson on asa Whole Helen Morton on Prohibition Allan India and Egypt Jean Hamilton on China The next number of interest was our paper The Signs of the Times read Brown anil a talk on Athletics by Campbell The remaining part of the program was spent in games after refreshment lie itional closed by singing the Anthem Open meetings of he Literary Society will be held the last Fri day of each month at oclock Everybody welcomed BALDWIN CORNERS following a 1 Zephyr is to be given In Hie basement I we all know that the ladles of A Kery accident cant be beaten In that curred on Friday last when liar supper to be of Mr and Mr program We arc on the ling to et from Sutton I concession of Scott was helping Sutton Other places and with the drawing of oi fully expect la have Mr Walker of tho barn something went Mount with us with the which fell and Wo are la we the rain on part of it struck him on he which no doubt polled our check necessitating for Rally Day Is a that Its an ill wind that blows any good and I suppose expecting every ballot question no doubt Ihere are some does not concern them but think for a minute what 1 he like to have government d which is nothing like the lliei cannot help but see what as done already What taw is a step at a time tl big step so hoost It tbe After undergoing extensive nod Improvements a new basement will he reopened on Sunday 1Mb p lfili istoi Rev J On the by will I at Hie preacher on a former popular Simpson of Is following and literary pro- si Ic from Newmarket Sutton and Mr Walker elocutionist Mount Albert Short addresses are given by several former Supper will served Is that all who to of teeth knocking a il and breaking Medical atten tion was soon given the lad and wo arc pleased lo report he is improving nicely although painful as yel Rev Mr Dudgeon of Sunder land will occupy the pulpit in tin Methodist Chinch on Sunday af ternoon Service will be hold aft A cordial elijiilid lo all We are sorry to report that Mr Samuel Leifcli Jr was tak en to the General Hospital To last Saturday We job Ihe people of his vicinity wishing a speedy recovery Mrs French Ottaw her sister Mrs Ha in last week About three oclock on Tuesday while the village of Zephyr was locked in slumbdr resident of the North end suddenly awakened As be opened his eyes a bright light shone into the- former drink of discord and dis Wednesday October fiflltij of slock and oclock by the household J Kesterhavo always been the THE ONTARIO ACT Jibb brought many a To the of thousands o proper food alio cases brought clothing to from lack Stock North of mile Slallon going We Auction Bale of Shorthorn and Registered Shropshire Sheep quantity dry wood V Lot Con Whitchurch Sllversldes auctioneer Hie of many families who under the old License were unable to for lack of tolhing on account of the money being spent in UnjEl orK Hon in attendance at our High Schools or Collegiate preparing themselves for leadership in agrieul- other products of intoxicating liquo Frlday Oct 10 Auction Sale of High Grade Cows and is wellknown pure bred Jersey Bulls near ill- war the manufactur ford credit on Was by order of proved Joint notes or off Tor greatly curtailed both cash one V A Canada because J key auctioneer he wias whiskey and beer DROWN the experience shows IN RUSSIAN FLOOD victions for drunkei jkindred evil are Sept Martial law duced under Ihc ha- been declareil owing lo the that and goodwill condition brought about by prevail at public and holiday prow much l gala morning Ihe flood I ale lilt hut were fiho dency lo flillitla firemen and ller with vlgllanc preserving tberings I crime and disorder because the proposal the Government to fake the of liquor if approved by the people would make all taxpayers or province partners in busmen a thai repulsive and distasteful great majority of the people fight lo decide the street Fire I Neighbor and residents arrived All his time Mr was asleep in bis borne was awakened by Orr In the adjacent Islands the reached pie second floors of bultd- iagx Many of Ihc City Leningrad are completely Isolated Relief work an a large scale hag been The Neva River went over lis banks five or six feet The electric failed and Iheclly was In Trains trolley telegraph service were paralyzed Vehicular traffic was Impeded and famous province And all because you bell the liquoMraffic is ing after all liquor traffic is to be the policy of this Province you are unhesi tatingly on the side of firmly do promote that it GREEN TEA you by which JudrfeoShosftoD3 SaladaUthe fin produced in the world Eut ah CREAMWANTED Best Prices Paid Does it fay to The demand for Mount Albert Creamery butter grown larger us your let us do your work for you A phone call will bring our to your door Momt Albert Creamery Go Creamery at Mount Albert resembled big was completely Inundated and the front of the Winter Palace was like a vast lake Many ioofc were away and trees Providence i Will want to be uprooted by ihe violent wind which hat seek to magnify an at assumed a rye Ionic fury i dishonour His Holy Name incliH dcadiwi have ttius far of trust in God ruling consequence of NO WHITCHURCH Taken in Let each one ot us note thai the questions which were asked to vote are practically CRIHTiD AT THE EJtA OFFICE 500 SHEETS To the Ram not the that the Market Don tile You Wallace lion No I Charlie Plilllipps ore Sheridan Ronald Mo Sheridan Class Moore fteorgina Good Good favor the Freddie Smith Alfred IS Edna cacock have forgotfeo remember write town It words Obi Testament Now how many letters are to tl How msaj J ord of The undersigned aS Testament Next write down words Teb lament There are also In New three and nine letters Now three by and you have number of In Ihe New PREVENTWN SALE ilaetilnejLp fomplete dies and repairs Car painted Set House Scales wilh Outfit comprising augers ipoon bar and reel Stoe Ride extra Several and Shot Gun Jack