OUR hen pur food Wo feci In ltd town every day folk j learning taout Its and ft bout fMflly atfno our titbit W Cor Queen A Main END Fnuir Begin Your Breakfast Willi Fruit Sell WILLARO8 Most for Parties J Proprietor Sum Iiom It May Concern is hereby given to In National Insurai f Hartford Conn lr validity ttie Since lli been regularly ir TemperaRGe Office ttlipwd the as last he Jnled of Die night Ijm Hall was filled by a hi Die Into of Urn A open Mr To -ml- I and- bought millinery business of few Jokes Die audience tn lae nosjacsslon humor Percy Ova- I His wife a practical bam Die community I for City don I 1 in Hinging- vary lino Call and stock ad nr- I Dr Ames eh committee speaker and lie poured flIjol K of sharp short Home and School Club There will lie a social of Die King George Homy aim tioliool Club on Wednesday even- Oct Die King fioliool oclock wliarp A large attendance is bootlegging increased respect for law re duced taxation business men to meet liabilities j spent in I p League population less than half of On- A rally of the young people of more gold spent for booze Dig Methodic wilt he held I tan bum mined in and j at oclock There will be mi Ontario combined newspapers j program provided bootlegging the scholar ho served eligible for alenL here is Die law spooled or enforced holiday season la over I increased mills housebreak let 114 at rally lo he occasion and other crimes in execs Mia year with your of prohibition f you are young at highest in Canada near I or yon- is welcome Com 112 Ill I of idiots are Jit St Pauls I mils who use alcohol Thanksgiving Friday I to-night- nnin in 00 of alcohol i 100 timidity Oct th m Holy pi Matins and by ho p m Sunday School p and by It go lo parti liquor as a beverage Hon IB J was Die next speaker and for 45 minutes lie recounted Din progress of tem perance in Newmarket Hie lown- In of King and the province of Suitable music nt all services I llG Fa Minnelian for active efforts ft iw 1nlalr temperance for A bomb many flxojtcmcot our tool mai i Wednesday I election during the 20 years of officers for our Literary j uu was heldand the suspense he agonizing But when the re- V In follows eiiTlPd the Local Op Progress list Choose liquorM issue of the Plebiscite of October 23rd is Shall the sale of to be prohibited or the traffic be reestablished and conducted by the Government Since September of liquor for beverage purposes has prohibited During eight years The Ontario Temperance Act has wrought d moral economic transformation gradual but real If A new genera- Knows nothing of the evils of the traffic before the A came into force Older generations may have forgotten Think of itl There is not a man or woman years of age who has legally seer the inside of a barroom or liquor chop in the Province of Ontario Booze is banned It is a discredited and dishonored outlaw Now it wants to come back It recks not only rein statement but that the Government itself shall be Bo Remember The oldtime BarRoom nd Shop The ng us on NOTE THO OPINION OF OUR MANUFACTURERS under the A result in more comfortable and upplie3 food and clothing for I disorderly c- and who idled our ioudy adopted by the of aid No i asked of Presbytery of Montreal the Ontario Board That we regard it to be a or per to make it known that the drug traffic uhes here a never beore and is on the The debauchery incited by liquor that appalled good The Has Made Contrast today The brought in hi- Piit Homes arc happier All Systems of Govenutieiit Je Failed Socalled Government Control has failure wherever tried Every Cam y form of G cached Canadian Pro- Temper t Drunk- that has tried Take BRITISH COLUMBIA Hon H Stevens in a public in recently J have PROGRESS has All do of Old Ontario OFFICIAL RECORDS PROVE ALL THIS The following table shows that in Ontario under the T A there has been a Cruelty to Animals murderous results to what it is today Or MANITOBA Figures furnished by the Chief of Police of Winnipeg an increase of per cent the number of For the Honor of Old Ontario mark Tour Ballot thus X Ontario Must Hold the Line The Govt the Prime Minister has definitely pledged to strengthen the Act and fi it If a majority vote for Sale it means the Traffic in the guise of respectability under a The Ontario Plebiscite Committee uniting the temperance forces of Ontario calls upon all who love their Province- and wish us con tinued and increasing prosperity and the happiness of its people to VOTE FOR THE The Ontario Plebiscite 2 Toronto Street Toronto Nicholson Chairman vo Hie re- In 1010 very us follows Hi Ii ioidontllalili Bain 015 A was passed Helen llieli- 1 Hearst as a War measure to In- ease and t3o I fuodliiffs a vole was Iivl tolien usee lain if lie people A ha lie A and said they did by a ma jority of over He LOVE OF LIBERTY MADE HIM A PROHIBITIONIST PROTECT OUR GIRLS 2nd ViooPr Hamilton J JiL Pianist Mnhonoy real credit is due file officer for capable dbnded by M to faltier and Hon J Davis and Which ho look of dVforeneiiiooriim in eieetion booths people in general as a insult o And so IS our A Women and child for cumins year I ron are better fed and have mm to their success and oinfoils many men I Ucb and may hold the reins ol i lnon speaker the Literary Society capable went over the bar is Gorman Hush and prudent bands turned into stores and if it Olectipn that v- bad not teen for this during on meeting closed Tennis Tournament Iilull Hade of the nasi foul veers l0 wlh mBin8 Mr P Pearson announced rally on Oct lion the for t7 principal It is not natural for an Irislimon to be a A report of the while slave traffic was unci although I have an presented by Mrs Asa Gordon al the National abstainer since my early youth for hl h mel years I was not a an in- tonse love for persona and I to the quoted by Mrs Gordon are so Hint it is because of this love 1K l- of liberty that I am now a prohibitionist It was- a result of mingling with moderation- lars weresp all j is in that my eyes war opened to the From an Address by Rev Father SLl ban on June 3rd lent Hi or on Friday last for sequonces employees of the Office Specially should the Tow were lo Mens what con- and prayer by Rev would have Why change Quebec British Columbia and CHILD DROWNED IN THE RACE 111 In ImDuv pii- of Manitoba rls Ihey Control is in operation were fie- I iat not only I Clime arel Daniel Harvey sal for the open bar hers mill on the he a mem Whitchurch Friday Local House he had last the fn in l found in the mill race The little fellow had the mill with father thai but disappeared about hoped oclock Ladies scribed Singles and Mixed Mixed Doubles arc but drunkem not yet finished hut they get lliem the yea of the uld be Ever talking over Hie telephone wire during a storm Yes once I called up my wife while she was housecleaning lo say Id bring a home to dinner They who forsake the law praise the wicked But such as keep he law content with them be hutJens it IRISH EARL VISITS CANADA finished they AM Nit- if The 111- Mrs 2nd M Menar Singles 1st 2nd Head Office lo ne did justice glad to Have Mr j about he he home failing lo locate I child it thiuiifihcjul vofe should CARPENTER WORK Work in the camps of lib arid Northern and Hit wages Very Sudden Gall Jos on aalurday Saturday evening he alt ended to bus lot sustained every lie province will be in he liquor He asked he people lo read the articles lliat are I daily in the Toronto lie spectacle of finding the was indeed sad The gates opened and the large crowd eanliei watched in Mir Inn t as the wafer red and the of the will rapturous The audience having Home Home Bible the ie if the little ere life extinct evidently wandered fro and probably playing to any speaker of years ago and least the old llouoc Ibe name to the Pipher House After belling out bo opened tobacco hup billiard bowling alley which was He aid of Ottawa tho loss of an band and The funeral Wednesday aft late reside by Canon piohil proceeded lo give his experiences along thai line which were very convincing He considered toxicaling liquors as a beverage an waste of money It was his greatest surprise how John Bull could reduce his ness as he has done with an an nual drink bill of four hundred million pounds Drink is the form Of slavery in any try and be gave evidence Indent of in he United States of the accidents by The Moder he and total of Ton Send to AUtni only child ay he funeral look place Hill cemetery following service at he by TO EXPLAIN Earl of who has been i on of the Atlantic passed through Montreal on his home jailing la week by the Canadian steamer Montclate The is greatly Interested in the of Donegal as a tourist resort and has been to part of Ireland bears no to and Hew an wick with hills running up to about two thousand fee and ana lakes full of fish Ireland to Earl is rapidly down to fcil sidereble Influx of tourists there being hotels such as that at which has it- a beautiful bathing beach of golden sand long waters warmed by the coil the Old Country The Earl of who Donegal has such ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO