end at Office Hour Omit Local resident Union York I o lake Thursday in Toronto oit on J- W of Toronto nelly I Licentiate lno of member rural yormer to Srlleld Bye Bar No and Teited f ulite Coroner tor county York office Hour e p or by appointment school on tlic A J a A Snider Mary Vltytoqk FRUIT JUICES FOR RHEUMATISM Fniltativos of Harvest Homo file annual festival of St Pauls look place on Friday of lust week the tiring filled warship- decorations of flow- fruit were very Canon of Oft VJ Surgery and ObalcrlOB Millard Ave Coroner County 1 it t Phone m Newmarket I lo the laic Dr Diagnosis by Office Hours preach special Tho Wagon Thin is the title of a fascinat ing novel Hough in which is In- uraiiouritallo diffioultlos that llie pioneers trail- from Eastern Slates to a deviation of of party California during I he gold of 48 Inter- woven through Mm happenings on he way is a love story telling how Will Bunion Sam struggled for llio hand- of Molly This story is to he told In picture at the Pal ace Theatre on Friday and Sat urday of Mils week and Micro arc muko lll the Drug Store movies dont King Township School Fair lie Handling I sill Cockerel Williams A Iewylhi Millard i 23 Don Ellen Hill Mary 4 Pullet Donald by Appointment Phone Farm tabids Saturday prices as follows 1 lo 40c dozen 35 to lb Apples lo JKiiil i r Saturday end other Green Corn to Parsnips Large Onions 45ohaakot each Cauliflower to each J street North the Old Wnk Phone lo and of Piano and Violin Dealer In and used Successor to the mock Main Newmarket Office i appointment Private Funds to loan on Jitrt Panting and Paper Hanpg Boots haskcl basket and head Chickens 25 and 30o lb Ducks Live and Hens to Wheat Shear Milton Wells Irene Gillies Waller Lawson Harold Auckland Oats Hon Li Pigeons Hides lb to to each Tallow lb was filled last Sunday being the annual pro motion exercises of Hie Sunday School Loimdcs con ducted the devotional part and of the School Dr Wilkinson took charge I In- distribution of diplomas the time explaining the system of grading and the ityof ope lo get the best re their Th was beautifully decor flovtore The Super and School on I part Prices Reasonable Iron The G WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket 1M4 Sunday Small by Tim One loll i a Cowleson Smith limn if Mi v Wednesday of a in wedding- when filter Edna Viola to Mr Byron in noil of Mr III Glycerine Mixture Gas on Stomach out nets for iV J Ill icon was con 111 W Dunlop paste of III ilUt Jueel Mil both Jin Wei a cabinet of limn laliy afiillic was served Later in llio afternoon Mr and Mrs Cow iioii by for a trip Buffered fio years Mr I I absolutely In Back Headaches duo to liver troubles and other of Kidney BIflease I In Vlllle Helen Hunter I I Williams Donald Gillies Ellon Hill I Mini Willi 1 Milton a Irene Gillies Fred Bin ley A Irene Gillies Leslie Glass Walter Field Corn Hi Scott Sweet Corn Evelyn Auckland lean Fail Folliolt ill in Harrison Ella Wallace Jennings Leonard Cliff Humble Benson Waller Hill A Willie ii jli- I On Orma Fry Billy Carl Mangels J McLean Harry I DODOS KIDNEY PILLS J THE t Mass Wislej- Whytoclq Wallace Henry Hill Mary Mi Walker iiii Will Eva Chapman 1 1 nth Alma a Annie Helen Hunter Olive 11111 Jean Jones Northern 1 Vein Annie Don McCallum Walker Leonard 1 Mary McCallum I Christina Walker Charlie Ivy Ella McBride Walker 3 Glass Grace Williams Jennings Annie 1 Annie Cassia Walker Jennings Ella McBride Earit Leonard Ilsh of Assorted Ella 2 Dion 1 Marjnrle Benson Gates Evelyn Dion Albert Insects Waller John Murphy Itoy No Name Everclt Weeds Helen llbntir Weed Seeds Flounce Grace Williams Audrey The Maple Dprnlhy Silk Eva Mary Stephenson Hazel Agnes Margaret McCabe Wilfred Bare Lawrence Scott Hup of Ontario Everett Barker Hunter N Li and BRONCHITIS LJUUUUULJOLJUua FURNACE WORK PLUMBING EAVETROUGHING SPECIALTIES THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SON Nest lo ExpressHerald Office III limit ill Collection of John Murphy Oil Hill Walker Walker Bird House 1 Milton Wells Horry McBride Albert Weaver Bread Hoard Bert Milk Stool 1 Wilfred Dion Arthur Jackson Milton Wells John Murphy Nail Box Wells Ed Sullivan March Wilfred Dion Thornton Browning John Murphy School ml Annie Lillian Helen of Candy 1 Ella Allco 3 Glass Helen Hunter Margaret Whvlock Louise Oatmeal Cookies Jean Boyle Lillian i Hose Wall Louise Alice Jackson Louise Whylotk Maxwell Annie 4 Olive Thompson In Hose Wall Alice Apple Pic Gladys Helen Hunter Jennings Mary Sullivan ilii Fry House for Sale or Rent Wtil situated Apply ESTATE Special Bargain In Houses Stores and Shops Apply to WM Holloa of for MiArthur Jean Boyle Adella Lawson Set Kathleen McArt i Edythe Glass Helen Helen Hunter No Name Flurence J ward- Helen Hunter Forence Folliolt Helen ice Hoys Tom Lowndes W Millard Donald Hiding Contest Hulh Lillian Douglas Vegetable Conte Walker Rudi Cairns i Alma Helen Hunter Singing Content No S No S S No I Drill These are Great Days Did You Get a Good Start This Morning he and tin feaakeff pHOU8ANDS of farmers throughout Canada have proved for themselves the value of a connection with The Bank of Toronto The opening of a Email account has in hun dreds of eases been the means of friendship and confidence and the loans obtained from the Bank from time to time for farm operations have been of great assist in helping many important to The Bank of Toronto We welcome the Farmer at any of our Branches Ml Want To Jutt Thirty Days and Surprise of Your Ufa arc the days of speed hut Only now starved Id Iivi nick and lll llll I with the all carefully excluded to a v rays f in 111- iLl mid I Of fight 11- lit In 11 i tillr il eiitlon is by far ion In the anil lt ileal f in the fight for health Tonic Building I I Hint ici tiiiii glad ft has hsnhiie- ly health and In in living thing full of lot- people an I i let t K lie package have hi- foijuuri and it j I Of Tdiijin v -M-iHaiu- ltd and lion tn Wild i I Jl Port Wine and a l las no taste or odor Do Heed to Tell the Phyelclan Body and Nerve Vitalizing Tonic ever to ii dn ailij women That la the reason we say If are ay of living hor Hi life i Is blood the others with the rich red reported I ionic that rebuild Jiour health as we he intended attack the body can become i and healthy That with desire to enjoy Iaybe doii appeal lo you and If you have our apologies for wasted lime la II In- iiiilOD lo its fullest reading ad by J Patterson Drugglt Newmarket who send a by mall to those unable to call at the cents additional pay postage Regular price mailed to any address In Canada cold in the following towns J Mount Albert Lloyd ou Cart Stand on this Our SIHP Pearl Ware Wash Board is so strong tough and durable that a fullgrown man or woman can stand on it without doing the rubbing surface or any part of it the least harm The enameled sur face wont chip flake or peel off Think of the wear there is in such a wash board There is the same wearing qualities in ail articles in Pearl Ware Try out the wash board be convinced for SMP Pearjmre Buy Your S P ENAMEL WARE AT YOUNGS FAIR NEWMARKET MEMBER OF PARSONS FAIR SYNDICATE JONES WALL PAPERS SUPPLIED LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND OIL COATED flHU DYED Practical and PaperHanger FIRSTCLASS AND ART