OCT J BOYD m of Toronto I of Counly of 3306 in MAIS DR DALES and Ave 1 for Vol comity DR H WILKINSON Dentist In and Sis Ijinillliiijiliiullnn lllit DR J Main Street North Opposite the Old Rink llllUtlS 2 to Will riltllllll anointment spinal My A Newmarket of Singing and Violin Oar Ne to Jowon yfifjfi mr yet What I dimple- Of wyb sit it lio riday night Oct at Odd Telle Church ii rioirijinMJ P M Sunday were defeated by in ho il score of 1 JlMT stonied to cite Monday I There was a turnout f girls at Lite Methodist school- tridny evening and the enignniiation of the Canadian in Training was complete tins following officers i Pearson ly laled shoulders very bad shaking up We glad to report lie was able to re sumo Ilia duties on Mon Mrs J Shanks Kottleby with M a day of Mrs A Shanks Thanksgiving This is following- Mr and Mm J Hopper spent custom or the past few yens with Mr and Mr to hold Thanksgiving Day Monday of the week in Mac Mo Meeting held il Farm Produce y good market last in vegetables and Eggs went up to and Dm wan tail apple at basket branches and rubbish at liio of Church shed A hoy along tin on Saturday idugc the sparks from which set fiie to the roof of the died in two places saw the hut just as it had the or a ladder the Presbyterian A for Church Union Vole by Ballot You have only six months in which to say jvliat tho future of your congregation will ho no after that Learn now what must lie done Every con- greguliou in litis district should he largely represented Speak ers T Ferguson and Home congregate attention day Miss Duff Field Worker- of addressed the or and ami Pledge Gentlemen We have Just opened our Hew Autumn fiultlnga From this beautiful assortment of fabrics make your for a fine Custom Made Sack F WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket he choir Hex on the ialcd by olden Keys N Notes Oct for an hour enjoyment it wusi Multiply Lice multiply most Id re found eiilly dec Mm Ibougl I glass of the iming in rivor he was plunged in Up and the hundred dollar oven the satisf the doer a nearly eight or catching progeny ana to thai cased to until the Ii and a half of And what a And what an ills The a few anuoynce- chiefly of our paper and the of the executive for small iiileviile acts to bo put on he ro Die Literary Then our mist Malioney favoured with an excellent piano solo little joyed by all The chief re by Mr proved calling His hull by Dorothy Ames ant rendered was much en- eh enjoyed by all Wo appro hope it will die by Harold FIRE DESTROYS 000 people 1 mil Ilil llii v fire to on be Hint hut the flrcnuouK efforts ave he building was built thirty male that themselves have a free Treatment for Cottle Lice flhould grooming with brush and t CREAM SODAS Ply I loose hair and following which a Kallon of added before applying to the f stable brush is ply the emulsion Care should be taken to saturate the over the entire body Repeat the treatment In ten daya another brood will be up and doing by that time Sheep dips prepared by reliable manufacturing available la destroying lice There attacking the tiled on tor on Lires Comrade ships sang splendid seimon by he pastor week and flu wHh much and be The Oily and Mr Alex Eves the solo in tho anthem Vice probably know laving us in a proved senlalion The ad- ead by the ilieatrc on ins of could wis for Hi- there and i fully held that her baby was I best in lie land bill the s entered in the prize not all be sa the judges finally I Hip following awards Fifteen Months 1st 2nd Haby 3rd Prize Haby Rowe Two to Four Years 1st Prize Baby Rone Death of Mrs Mr John Helta id i Standard iterinlaw o- of not for odd Mi market Hill pre iii I The will learn with egret of her death at the rat and Marine Hospital i uesday after late Sin War She Wood filie is sorrowing many year Vale and Towi those who in Latin Why does Vale aloud thore illy ii who fa She i Hie Mae I Daw was iii The truth Dove ed the belfry and Wa Milton at oclock tfHs iiivliieh Cleaves of Hornby lost his While ravelling north on Ibe Seventh inc pavement toward homy Mr turned out to allow an pproaehirig ear with bright liglrls lo pass when his car ized and rolled down He wa killed A passing oral men v reek up and released the occupants who were holt groomed during the winter s from lice Treatment lor that it is to wash a kerosene emulsion given for nosed louse niirl- ily Mr Cleaves Jarvls Get Heavy and doomed found guilty of jury fallow I had been found guilty Confusion reigned I latest styles hegan their and fifth form re- DODOS KIDNEY PILLS story the dramatic rfed flmitli Hi for of On It ivas a finale llel in Hie history of It took jury five an It tliey solemnly a pin 111 lulu 1 I nl 1 Willi til and wo men tumbling horse blanketed can be brushed Into easily and with good brush and oil are dea should be re- ifttjil In ten days si ace the powers of multiplication a wonderful biting and the re The formulae for ulslon can also be used practice of having a machine oil handy at feeding time and each pig a squirt along live conditions unhealthy for a pig The pig louse Haeinatoiiiiufi mi Is a big one almost as long as name and can easily be seen Your Securities A Safety Deposit Box Is Indispensable It provides the best known method of caring for all valuable documents and its contents can be referred to at any time during business No one but you or your deputy is given to your box It remains abso lutely under your control and the annual cost is very moderate Apply to the Manager of any of our Branches Canfa Reserves MORE EGGS from Each Hen be use of is to lay eggs and hens will positively lay more eggs it you put a dose of Pratts Poultry Regulator in the feed day Your dealer is authorized to g back your money if jt fails Rector Soft Bacon Experimental work Agricultural College ha soft bacon comes from fattening Dairy Smiths Hardware NE EVERYTHING IN BUILDERS NEEDS FARM TOOLS OF ALL KINDS OIL AND ELECTRIC STOVES SPECIAL LINE OF LAWN MOWERS SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS OILS AND LET US WHAT WE HAVE Phone SMITHS HARDWARE THE WATCHWORD TODAY College separates the good Baa Oa Stomach May Cause WHY NOT SAVE PER CENT ON YOUR FUEL BILL We can positively money in the pocket of any person who uses coal or wood in a stove or furnace Our patent device easily attached to any smoke pipe provides Safety Economy prevents trouble and costs but little WANTED IN EACH The Automatic Fuel Economizer Company STREET TORONTO JONES WALL PAPERS SUPPLIED STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND OIL COATED AND Practical Painter and PaperHanger AND ART ill