ISE la Willing Letter from WoauMtt Asking About E Vegetable Compound n4 recommended Vegetable Com pound to many women who wore child laa to women who need a good tonic I am English and my la American and ho told mo of Lydla while In England I would ft copy or two of your on womens I which I to lend I will lottora from any woman asking Iho Vogotablo Compound M Street Halifax Nova Scotia Not Sloep Nights Dublin Ontario I rtvaa weak and Irregular wlthpalno and could oat nights I learned about Vegetable Com pound by reading the in tho newspapers and tried It bo cause I wanted to got hotter have got good from It ana I feel a lot stronger and am toll my what kind of I am taking You may use my letter as a help to others Mrs James Box Dublin Ontario FURNACE PLUMBING EAVETROUGHING OUR SPECIALTIES THE TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SON Next Office iiiiii on of To- he tea of had J all their actions tl l Community Hinging and Hal added the pleasure IkiIiI Of 110 attended Provincial plowing mulch licit Mr and Mrs of Bak er Hill were Sunday visitors lit Ham Millers Dolus of who properly lo There no bird for the family tabic that caunlo llio luikcy Thanksgiving A wedding was I mi homo or and Line King when their only daughter Muriel was married lo J Waller Wallace or The bride who was and giving- litem a week special feed Confine llic birds for rationing In yards not in crates and give of ground grains mixed with milk twice a tiny just as will lie cleaned up Organdie E H BROOKS CABINET MAKER A WOOD WORKER Millard Ave Newmarket All kinds Wagon Repairs Doors Storm Doors Storm Sash Old furniture made over or any Cabinet or Carpenter Work SAWING AND TURNING By FARMERS OF NORTH YORK report any damage lo Incurred any member of the Hunt Club white riding your land to the Secretary of Club Toronto A SERIOUS MISTAKE addresses lie adults as well us the greatly Schomberg Skinner at Port Credit We are sorry lo learn Leslie is suffer ing from an attack of Head Presbyterian church last Sunday J A Armstrong Coffey and MacLeod spent few days recently in Northern Ontario A special service was held in SI Mary Magdalenes Church Friday evening when Sweeney or Toronto ad ministered the or confirma tion a class of twentynine The Si Georges Hotel which wax purchased months ago by Mr J Smith of Toronto has undergone material improve ments under managership of Thanksgiving hut in all proba bility wellgrown cockerels Will ban anything else not many more ore laird fiul it must be fleshed It also Is loss to a plump juicy a big difference though a longer lime is bettor per pound grow frame than it does he flesh on the frame Is hero To grow ho anywhere from lo per pound depending up on birds ami lie way they are fed but by cratefeeding the bird for a few weeks before killing a pound of ftosli Keswick The family was of historic value The house on this site was built about years ago known as Point It after wards became the residence of the late Isaac one of the most active reeves of the Town- Grand Opera House Toronto lie summer residence of Mr iBlake of Toronto Tin large this place win from I lie re in this week Mr fieniwe dis ci of bis drug and business to Mr Milton of Dr is also a Mr bad lie business thirty years having pur it from one Harry lUffyUle pulled biggest its history on the ami llio Interest from la prohibition of liquor traffic and I endeavor to give a jcd In tin of liquor should he on that ground alone when there are so many millions or people starving in and other places Secondly it ruined and Is min ing thousands of homos where children are In rags and next to starving Many young men leave good lo earn itbeir they in contact so early however few irkey no ready for IhnL am el of early birds he prepured thb tot than hold until Now Years picking out h Willi liquor llielr 111 I Illl or Hi largosl birds it will no liarni Id feed Ihe whole feed and out those hat are fit for the Thanksgiving leaving for later marketing to lain Third majority of and of a large number of be of insanity When a man under influence or liquor lie can hardly be that nrlDi in and totally as ever ago I VOTED FOR Well John voted out By nigh a ttioiiHuiiil And likely loUIl Ihe world Will go smash ere lonR likely von will Ihlul It tint I turn Ml And figtiiing for the grog Arid If you do I wont Ior it seems mighty queer That after forty toppling yearn IMiOulri refuse my Willi their nil Arid often have tin la all A set of went for as you he grog did me no harm And many a cold and stormy day tin sure It kept me warm And Urn that oldest of Could take IiIh of beer whet added from to 12 cents experiments Farm took but pound mash mixed with butt make a pound of meat and Ihe combination of feed as equal pari oats corn all finely grt Ublll utile the so should have a hoi fore he firs feed J if the bints kept in condition brought Another is lo ft wo feeding period feed for days until the birds become lo the confinement which they may have bitted packing box may bo made over stall in In nothing birds clean hem plenty of fresh aii iihoiri draughts II never pays to market bird- ithoul the finishing but it doe to get any birds that art off your hands Usually tin number at Thank than at Christmas me on he market On helps to keep up lie price lat GOOD COMPANY Hints just he pi for hat matter re where iiiHfs you sbuujil make sure mental that they muki reading are of a I to in- destroy all In iHiii lid feel an drink lasl June they e que lo Their old partition 1 up a bit you bet And let have my mind Says If ethers wish to drink And make IhemHelves like tlH no concern of mine And wan all fall With till the round I hough I fell pretty f To I was found Die To make a clean And could see with half art Mine was the scaly side I like It much hut still the in in sun ore the Vhat could have kept late been ten minutes there like a fiend nd the horses in a foam know was up They fried bent for to turn In But they do it straight They smashed against the gate post only had a feel like lal For follerln his dad the road that I had tramped to the I did some solid John That as you may guess our old iloek struck twelve hefor I slept I will confess I wondered how could have been So blind and selfish too But when the touched in I soon knew what do I didnt stand on taxes then Or bailey or hotel I got a glimpse of what make Call lis It kind of me when I though how I would have fell billed then- ill Came Offer FREE COUPON TNSTANT offers everything you desire in beverage It is delightful invigorating fragrant with the great advantage of safety for one and all It is absolutely pure and the poisons Caffeine and Tannin found in tea and coffee which are the frequent cause of poor sleeping excitable nerves indigestion and similar troubles Better health goes hand in hand with Instant Instant Postum a pure cereal beverage is particularly delicious and whole some for children when made with hot milk Try it this way yourself for richer smoother flavor Economical- costs a cup Ask for it at your restaurant your club and on the train For those who prefer it there is Cereal made by boiling for twenty minutes Accept Carrie Blanch offer Send the coupon Canadian Cereal Co Limited Head Office Front St East Toronto Windsor Ontario Theres a Reason Make ft like the the nourishment of milk of milk You know how they You know too how good it is You know how many children do not like the like to have the drink as the grownup for them to have a drink them using hot milk instead of boiling water Theyll they will get the food of wheat plus hot drink that is economical and so easy to Does he he can get ideas out of it in hat way No He probably doesnt it at all Its Just a and dangerous habit a dangerous il Because somebody with disease may also been try ing to suck out of Ihe same pencil I never thought of thai Yes Its not thinking which causes many accidents much Phone GREENS W FINE QUALITY WALL PAPERS LARGEST AND BEST SELECTIONS FOR ALL PURPOSES FROM TO PER ROLL Variety of Papers and In Oalmeali Crape WINDOW SHADE PAPER TOR BLINDS DUPLEX GREEN AND COMBINATION We Bill you Any Paper With or Without Hanging Mediterranean Was Once Whole World Wh THE boy doing