FRIDAY lies found with kindly but mon- that your man mould yu our bread Our News Literary will repeat Hie play Model Wife Jin he pear future ic near future the the Moll play Ilia win will be held at the of Mrs in fconnection Morion Huron Street or Iwllh a debate will llio Aurora evening I31h High School oclock ledge Dollars from Lite Home School Club Two Dollars from tlio Ex- class of Sun day School quantity of windy from Mr W Lyons which was out with of doming Presbyterian A Sacrament of the- Supper M and Illhlc fil Tho of Spiritual Power lArpl nil i I In Son and drink His blood ye no life in AH are invited to these Jaslop Hockey iiin was llio Arena last night hip against should win Hip boyw knew- it I hoy Marion Clarke will sumo her lit and Five Interpretative Dancing and lio Art on Saturday Jan A letter of acknowledge ha just received by branch of the Hod Cross Society 1 Mr and family on Josephs Island Northern Ontario for the generous dona tions of clothing and THE BEST PROOF of quality of our product Is Die rcat number of monuments- we have in the local cemeteries Yon do not have Inko our worn for It- get a 1Ht of work have done In your and examine It This will verify the llial wo do only the of work W en A Main CARD OF THANKS J 1 for the eclipse of In hockey in on again lo be limn for ice ha many now resolutions nip Kong sits to There If only one lions cage In Zoological Gordons In London which the keepers enter when the lions there more to protect herd cane sweeping brush end the Hon end I lioness who livo In the cage enjoy tho visit each morning brushes they I of asking the bucks with the brushes If the brushes held by say one but these two keep ers they would bo as the wildest by Ibis Society York A continuation of ar Now Years donations lo County Hospital is as Mis Aubrey Davis Large In of Womens Institute Newmarket Turkey Mildred Haines Choice Apples Mrs Cordon Jrizp inn Orchard Ladies- I ding John b6x of Candy Pud York County Hospital One of patients in he nihil jusl now is Mr art of Whitchurch town llniii weeks or slopped on his fool painful injury A local and treated lew days hut progress of Id ho to you paper and each other Wo since they were nearly keepers are received the native who took them in his arms when their mother was shot In the wilds of by Sir Geof frey Archer Com ml he loner Somali- land They were tiny cubs barely four weeks old then They have since then but they still Geoffrey Archer last England with broken wo arc itYing an winter Steady I K I ihlhili lUh Mrs McOonlgio Mi A Bruit ton intend ihaving fen at the from to There will be a silver in aid of the fund the Parish Hall All members of the church arc cordially in led l heller also eves him to not as salisfaclory hi like lo see and he was brought to the Hospital where belter attention and could be given that Mood poison wan selling in an operation was m Dee We are pleaded lhat he is now making liable progress and there is lie may able to leave the in a couple of Club The Main Street j pot in town where many 11 eel to curl The Club wen remodelled and are ve Windows I but ait in 1 and enjoy the OF THANKS Newmarket Agricultural Society PUBLIC NOTICE given Of Jby- Saturday dan 17 at 1 Oclock for Hie purpose of reeiivln tin Will Jit- A will lie The way of l Who Touched Christian Church News SALE FURNITURE THE ELECTORS I 101rfCl the i a l urn pm iun All tli The begin Of Siinda have 9 rid will be served P HI Sunday School in Sunday We have attempted an estimation of sizes In a number of Some dyes for example will exhibit vlded In parte Faraday prepared films sold which he estimated to he onebun or an Inch Contin uous films with soap bubbles and with oil were obtained when their thicknesses could hardly have been more than oneeighth the thickness of Faradays gold leaf Further and latk beat In gases yielded a figure which Indicated that six hundred million million atoms occupy one cubic inch If a drop of to the size off the earth the consti tuent atoms would be about the size of footballs to use a variation of this analogy if the constituent variation of If the constituent water could all later Identification and the world and if after bent upon linking the marks e atom you may this anal- to Dr Foote If the Goggles mo thousands shading glare Motorists that the finals week is find out the P ill classes Won our defeat has 1 us- for there Old saying That ejHh will feci hi you my dear Society of Christian will conduct its weekly A full attendance is Ibis will be he last for the annual banquet P will conduct its The en good but we would be glad have it better Boy Scout Meeting of the ling be the Cap will he in charge of the guide meeting on Monday night There is a on between the two sections and it is hoped that many new members will be added to the roll White the Guide movement was sponsored by the Pastor of he Christian Church it 13 not Unti led lb members of the Christian Anyone may join Someone had to start it and ha iih 1 tin No Rut- Team it a if worth Dull No Mills AIM Why do ridiculous hat Do you realty replied How lovely of you J On sunny da elr eyes from picture and beach all Indulge the tinted eyeshades or at least big colorless ones with protective declares the doctor In other classes lection and if they the but act illy helpful The the sides of the home Apropos Dr spectacles who wear them for tl as he calls th hearing that la dti lightly defective vis- Improving the Bagpipes Levers of the bagpipes will to know that an pipe major which is simple to op and suitable for home use The lng and manipulation are alike and simple there are two bass and tenor and the reed is the conducting factor speak The sweetness of the to declared to be pleasing to the and to show how well the tunl maintained the can pla four part marches a him without the dog dad tfte 1 A TO FORD VERHAUlJD WE HAVE ktalfedlNw FOR BORINQ AND RECHARGING MAGNETO That Makes the OLD FORK I And Prices are Less Nov than In the Spring Let Us Give You a Winter Price ROBERTSON Ford Dealer Newmarket if its JERSEY CREAM Canadas Smaller Wool Crop Affords Food For Thought the British lab while the whole Dominion of Canada porta but 2000000 one twelfth as many Vet the fiscal year ended March woollen and knit ting Imported Into Canada soma pounds of raw wool In Canada in according to the industry figures we had woollen and knitting mills which employed soma worker Vet in countries abroad sent into Canada worth of woollen and knitted goods and in worth representing employment for lor 17000 to workers Although during the pa year the wool and knitting industries have expand to some extent and particularly in the Townships of Quebec have new mill opened up it seen that only about half of the woollen goods sold in this country could have been produced here wool grown In Canada comprises but a small tion of that which used by the mills that art Thei enough wool eat wool countries imports to Japan one per cent In ten it two that Canadian wool grower is not only a growing domestic market bat an ever foreign market for his clips yet re rarely given consideration by Canadian rmer though they have bean ige lifter Id the Wt Col Roll of of for a comparatively those In charge of the Ottawa began to urge in putting op their fleeces and locally Following I being graded in I price which might be off efforts various sheep associations throughout from their members by expert graders and being sold under oca central selling in the Canadian Limited icy with marketing organization hand- only about shareholders and shippers of poo throughout Individual clips are collected ai various at Weston for grading and nit from coast to coast is handling a third of the Canadian clip I IS I will ferfetl of of a mil ARCHIVES OF TORONTO