BRONCHITIS BRONCHITIS MONEY Hunter 207 lereati Life Around the Hub Mrs recovering her trenglh very slowly since In hospital a few excepting Saturday Arthur Sander- Jacksons son of Cobalt vlHltcd last week Hie homo of Hip fori I in Ml I eland lolliislnn in concession Mr Jon a familial on Tuesday evening Aurora tlic proceeding paid a license tho Pro llnqucncy Is largolymlsdJi After leaving a boy entirely 1 penalize lilm for iiclillnii meeting In growing up Father and cilri Tho Id factors In big anil nodal ami Industrial changes have appeared Ihe fathers In many cases the moth ers have become separated rttlUften during most of Ihel waking the Progress of tEte Is Slow Insidious and Chronic Symptoms Described Dow fug Affected Post Mortem The onset of this contagious Infectious of farm animals alow Insidious and chronic with outward animal made to due quickly should bo with suspicion A cough suBpleloua la not entirely characteristic nor Us absence to a hidebound condition with sunken eyes and rough coat animals utualy referred to an wasters There may be enlargement of the lymphatic glands the submaxillary or the brieve It though It though Zu- Ins lb school and If has Tit That Hollanders who have locat ed in Alberta are making good and are satisfied is the statement of Van of Rotter dam after a recent tour of The forming of a mining as a branch of its activities is an nounced by the Winnipeg Board of The bureau is to collect data on the mining situation In the province and will do everything pos sible to foster greater mineral pro duction in Manitoba Tourist traffic in Canada this year is likely to constitute a now record in the opinion of the Com missioner of Parks No estimate has been compiled as yet but the figures for 1923 which were care fully estimated at 136000000 In dicate the value of this traffic to the Dominion op these libra to the end of October more than 1000 circulating libraries were in operation in Saskatchewan as compared with about at the same time in The average number of families reading each book Is More than half mil lion volumes were circulated by during the year lind fca It hear pe Ravenshoe Mis Dbrb poll village is beginning to buildings have been by our blacksmith Mr r by Mi riinii Last Saturday night about at met and went in culler ml sleigh load- In Jr home of Mi ni Mrs Jos Wilkinson at gave their eldest daughter Mrs Miller and husband a mis- Mr Mrs i ihdr Mill icoptc in being many A hugs wooden tarpaper lined shelf erected over the space provid ed for the structure and heated by thousands of feet of steam coils connected with power boilers which a summerlike atmosphere for the carrying on of construction Is an interesting and novel feature of the arrangements made to combat the difficulty of building the new wing of the Cha teau Lake Louise the Canadian Pacific Railways famous Rocky Mountain hotel under winter con ditions Thanks to this innovation the despite frequent drops in temperature to far below zero is proteasing- excellently and the com pany expects it to be ready fir next Summers tourist season Sweeping changes in the Canadian or their old til- evening was spent in dialogue and songs until Just leaving they wen- time fashion The groom re ed by giving the captain a sum m which was hack to for home having mo Our blacksmith days but lie still to see Rev Id place after bis illness Mr John llolborn lias tho hoys In New York City enrolled In Sunday School at Sellout too Is 1 wo would wish It to be of compulsory education working permits and the Ion of these laws up to fa The physical business of living in easier limn It has ever great deal of leisure lime Is now Joyed where once the waking hours fully occupied It Is this Bit vhile it regarded a suspicious since the me senteric glands If badly infested may cause irregular action of the Intes tines with bloating and constipation by diarrhoea In cases where tuberculosis Is affecting the bones and Joints animal may animals Is a common Beat of tuber cular Hard areas in the glandular substance painless on pres sure which may be very small or even Involve the entire quarter of the udder should bo regarded with grave suspicion These palnlesa no dules or tumors if present can be fell by the most Inexperienced In cases where the udder Is the pre mammary lymph also become much enlarged and may easily felt Tost Mortem Appearances The effects produced in the body Ihfs affects Urn The hoys for needed a for the nd men trained Is leisure time to direct his mind and doc tors to care for Jils body During his impressionable years Urn boy craves and needs com panionship of an adult- of his own sex He Is a hero and every hoy needs a hero to worship The developments of his character will largely upon the hero he has chosen Surely no requirements are then loo for the profession of boy leaders They above at have training for they must bo teachers and athletes they must have physical buoyancy and youth and they must be to coordinate and direct Hie efforts in behalf of hoys being put forlti by all the the lee of the 1 scheduled for January 11 tie revision of the time- ex press To ronto VaBcouver to reach Foil William and Port Arthur between 10 and It pm instead of and am and Winnipeg am instead of pm as heretofore The new times are more convenient to the Twin Cities than the old and a day is gained for business in is to be reached by the same train at pm instead Sm and Moose Jaw mid have relume to their Saskatchewan holm disillusioned they say Canada plenty of fund they have returned penniless and being by friends declare that the civil and religion freedom they enjoy In Canada b many preferable the alleged promised If they to tin- land of their nativity aeonomle conditions here they say ltl night instead of Saskatoon radically improved while arrival at Calgary at pm Edmonton to reached that evening Van couver is reached at pm instead pm as previously The Winnipeg more while arrival at Toronto at am will make possible connections with early morning trains for On- and with day trains for American cities thus saving more time Cains on other trains between Montreal Ottawa Toronto kud Winnipeg are Scheduled These arrangements follow the can- of tba train Winnipeg At the University of Notre Dame a training school has Istabliftlud for hoy leaders It a two year graduate course leading the degree of and a lum has been worked out lias been accepted- authorities at the academic ill multiplied characterized by the form may be single icat of tubercular lesions is the following glands bronchial and mediastinal lymph glands the cervical portal Inguinal sublumbar popli teal and mesenteric glands The lungs and the pleura are also they appear as hard lumps easy to see and easy to feel These when cut Into are found to be and contain a thick yellowish pus Pearl Disease Condition When the pleura covering of the lungs and lining membrane of the chest or thorasfc cavity Is affected it presents over Its clusters of smalt round nodules pale creamy red In color and resembling had believe It though leh troubles long WlM The Lord still Ami thats what I believe Homer of the sightless eyes And Caesar lie neath other skies But greater men than they will rise And thats what I believe The world grows fairer by day Awl Urals what I good have not nil away And thats what I believe Though many a one we loved Is Fond hearts and true are beating on The happiest days are sllll to dawn And llmfs what I Kaiser in Chicago Times PASSED THE VEIL The Touch of a Vanished We sigh for the touch of a vanlshei The hand of a friend so dear Who bas passed from our style to shadowy Janil But what of the laud that Is near Than to grasp for a kindly helpful abscesses are formed These when cut open show the characteristic yel low gritty feeling on the passing of the incising knife Where the peritoneum the lining membrane of the abdominal cavity Is attacked the pearl disease con dition Is characteristic Lesions In the udder lymph ovaries kid- masses and abscess formation com mon In the liver The oviduct the uterus the bones and joints may also be affected with tubercular In old standing cases the pericardium covering the heart and the heart may be a position of attack by this destroying organism the work or which characterized by its destruc tion of tissue and formation of tubercules Stevenson Director of Extension O A hi h Jan Because fourteen were reported to the tag seven days of the iar aim others yesterday last night local authorities lug with her busba of the afternoon Last there Septic Tank It consists Of a large concrete ta divided Into two compartments by vertical partition The size for single bouse Is about ft a ft deep This tank holds the sewage long enough for a certain kind of bacteria to destroy th calf it mi When the liquid accumulates a certain amount a nonmechanical affair called a siphon the chambers Into a tile called the absorption shallow under the ground soil by the friendly to do a very valuable us This is science applied to f We supply bulletin and any one wishing to build touch of Ihe hand WORTH WHILE little word of kfudnes To light the paid when Some little smile feci lighter And help ly case come wlPt will an make Ills dull old brighter THE BREATH OF air Ihe breath of life There is little use in trying lo keep well If wc do not set abundance of pure fresh air to breathe People whose resistance Is weak ened disease and who must fight not only to keep alive but to loonquer the germs of any disease like tuber culosis must have abundance of fresh air Ior Ihem it ls not enough to spend Hie hours In the open the entire twentyfour hours be air hours The windows should be open or the porch available at all limes The tuberculosis patient who trie to stay In the open air as much as possible and who faithfully follows the other directions of his has Ihe chance of I he It maintained by man woman and young person In this country could be persuaded as a mat ter of daily routine to lake at leas twelve deep breaths In the open air or before an open window ever morning the residual air In the lung -pi- R Graham from by certification from the of animal husbandry that Is free from European foul est or contagious disease and as not been exposed Oil Bubble for upkeep of the body would undoubtedly everybody and would bring general Improvement in standard of the entire Dr J J THREE TIMES EVERY DAY Pulling dlillt- eat Washing the dishes afterward Sweeping up Ihe icrumbs Planning the next meal and making the neces sary preparations Mother knows the endless tale It is as one moth er presses It nagging to gel three daddy especially Ilk salad daughter KG Because OXO is good food tastily seasoned OXO Cubes are econo mical for they are lull of the easily digested bodybuilding nutriment the best lean beef Because they are not only good in themselves but they make other foods yield more nourishment They add variety to your cooking and enable you to convert leftovers into tasty dishes Because they are so convenient- ready in a moment OXO Rice Soup Send four Cube y i Street If to go to try on few if call up phone Lei us you Comfortable In a COVERED OR Service A BOYD on io your hens loaf or just be boarders We GUAR ANTEE your hens will lay more eggs or your MONEY BACK send you a copy of POULTRY BOOK FREE Write for it TODAY PRATT FOOD CO OF CANADA LTD TORONTO Poultry Regulator Hard war NEWMARKET EVERYTHING IN BUILDER8 NEEDS FARM TOOL8 OF ALL KIND8 OIL AND ELECTRIC STOVES SPECIAL LINE OF LAWN MOWERS SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOW PAINTS AND VARNISHES LBT US SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE Phone SMITHS HARDWARE and soiled not Infrequently happens it is the only time hi the day when whole family to gether After all perhaps Ihrve limes han reaching so good that he home of man Heave of mankind and REAL ESTATE Special Bargains In Houses Stows and Shops Apply to VI of Ontario will apply Parliament of Canada at the thereof for a Hill of by her Solicit TAYLOR