Newmarket Era, 13 Feb 1925, p. 6

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Albert Que AGENT MOUNT Mount Auk HOB of price on ho lot Roachs Point Wo Mm Colo elven to higher tducadon and Pol the lo he practical side of Mount a numoor from hoi Hold fltouffvlHo christian church by peal y much Iri and Hoy J winter courses would heimi-Viieu- lion of Toronto and Dulifc 1U6 past year Mr Keith Hint he I almost every section of and new Ontario and was de lighted the prosperous Hon of the entire farming HI bo but seeing all hold In Methodist at amounted Sutton on Sunday J wo rcspeotfuliy so- and shy licit in bringing Itefresbmonts were served and torlan en your cream and us Wo a few the people be- at eleven soful all fa Wo beg to of Mount Albert and Its violnlly Tile Contest v that he Mount Albert Creamery j- ami Will bo next Monday I jot hi ouch hero Is not any place quite as good as the old historic County of York of flte oast loOur Guests was nd lortan Church will Miss Eva pay eggs lo i a songis and Rev A Lay- which spoke of the very profit highest market lo depart will occupy pulpit at experience the slndcnls of the Quito a few of our Keswick oclock P There will bo school had had during friends up to Social special music hy In Miss Nellie Javey Ml Albert Creamery Co Grose Co References Do minion Bank The Community Concert hold under he auspices of tho lute and Continuation School held Inst Friday evening in Chinch was ft Despite fact til in Hie sumo ovcnlng comfortably singing led was enjoyed by Jits own humorous Tho special of the evening The Canada given by splendid and everyone it from qtnrl finiHh was both laiuftiff and instructive both tho teacher- and pupils deserve great credit for their work school also supplied good during I lie whole Proceeds Keswick oclock P up Social Ispeolal music choir Iweeks course On behalf of Nichols has Installed a Mr llafllon of Toronto guests made a few days with friends In very mid lie and Mrs J were Sutton it las for couple j Mrs Silver who has been Win or i business visiting Mr off was good skating Uni In lik Saturday night and day accompanied by M on some of the skaters i way who is at present into Mrs A for her I lift the farmers for Die of fanning industry Adult Class In iear iH list Sunday flohool but wo grows Baldwin toast Miss Christ- to the splendid course to lie girls and ui- He he hanks lie mo rx ill mi il llio liome mint tiled financial assistant I day evening The study look will be by Gills Ql l land Oil tin Our Toronto News failure The conviction far having approved or con- two bank statements irotind apartment the soubriquet of the human lly and whose capture result of the of Mrs was to a the they I showing us wliirt a the has been a i lialdwln its Utile girl road to recovery a inn Slow but sure imJ i tliilr luck Sharon Mr jalibai PI illy busy these at Sunday is In oharge of Miss Dorothy VicePresident Miss Dora lias spend ing a few in the city this week The meeting of the Ladles Aid was postponed until next Thursday to be held under tin cos of Ihe Womens Institute in the School Room on Friday ev ening at oclock A social evening will be spent in games Your attendance to the AfiicuMur and Ale Bert ilent of he if and Mr of at Iho homo of 1 a felicitous Mi and Mrs Barton Ward vis- A pleasant feature of relatives at Bloomington the pn of a flic weekend each of he Iwo Miss Gladys Gilroy is in thoal Mr visiting friend- and rela- ere and K both h llemen plying to We sorry to learn of tho In a manner illness of Mr- bull in the for a speedy recovery men of evening was I lie Union Young Peoples jng of Miss Lillian who League or Presbyterian and rendered in iee f churches held their as an encore effect My Aln Folk Mr lingers presenfed Hie prizes fo Hid hoys who stood 1st and 2nd in till Slock jlldfin f fieri Hid- J Latimer respective of ho Parables dramatized in panto- J I lino These woe made the IPI jr I Mis of a guessing lie young people asked to of parable nG iflnnft and vfciorta where they of Jewels and the other number police slatlon St West where they sot away with woith of valuables Four prominent professional and business men Gougb Stewart Wood and were sentenced lo their part In the ttrtclicn wilt be fro Public Schools Board Always Buy SALADA GREEN TEA Kittle leaves and tips from high mountain tea gardens that are used in are much finer in flavor StwaEi or Japan Try it for ay Hall ided by the It was an Hie Parables Some meeting ling In Hie A most pro- played urge crowds attended Ik and evening service- public worship last mi I Hi be lai Chin Mi iil able t for all meeting of fl look 1 in Jam tlic II of tin Methodist the auspice of the Bound To Win Class There will be a Valentine Everybody Zephyr played hockey at Bald win Tuesday night Score for Zephyr played here on Friday ftiglil Score for Zephyr masquerade dance on Fri day was we attended The Womens Institute will be held at the homo of Mrs Julius Uynard on Wednesday Feb Program Maple Leaf For- ever Minutes Business Dem- Aid Mrs W J Itynard Mrs i Music Miss Alma Boll Call Humorous Jokes Aiild Lang Syne Lunch is still old hunter Jias bred Kentucky red bono ess he intends to make some fait Old but no Keswick St is to be in he basement of the Church next Saturday dad to report that Mrs Will loncy is some better after titer bad itftej- piiiiixiii tier uile a few from here went in lo the Lodge at Queensville last Monday he mild spell was enjoyed it certainly spoiled our urn We are sorry to hear of Miss Morions sickness an of Ihe flu bout two weeks ago and was set hack to eliool and helpful sermons word given of St mi ens Church Toronto The local of ho Girl musien aro holding Hi Valen- atondai party on Friday evening This hie cannot speak too splendid Grebes- iiuic was deligbiful and of Sutton is Ijfii AT SUTTON and Science Claws With and The classes in and of January tinder dii We hope to a complete recovery On Mr A imiltoii of ick wo Toronto Churches of In Conference reel ii the Hie i We III tie Arnold pei A goodlv attended the Methodist at Hie hoi of Lulu on Wed at lb bo His Barrett and A letter was read and Mrs Bruce Church mission be To Hall OF PLEBISCITE Specelies condemning Premier iMon the proposed ifif fro of North Toronto electors In Baptist Church Two were passed un- llmously slallng in no uncer- terms Die disgust of with the proposal The lire urged dry to I Mr There Is a chairman tenipc ranee fight be in it Is governments There a the parly affair learn listen of the Dominion Parliament CLASH BETWEEN PREMIER KINO AND CONSERVATIVE LEADER Ottawa Feb Picturing the nth Atlantic Shipping Confer ee a giant is eking the lifeblood of trade HI Hon King in lie House of Commons brought the days debate on Address ply lo the fro I In rill by for York Don A of young the Confeieneo at Pi Orchard recently and report About ninety of thej bool and friends posed a surprise party at home of Mr and Mrs J is Sunday School years but who teacher were to a Friday evening Jan able I an highly dance in St James Parish Hall Stillin Some seventy were in alfindance al the school and tli together will lumber of guests participated in lost excellent menu provided the young ladies of the DomosHr Science Class The tables were at tractively laid and abundantly the most appetizing viands Mr Waller Scott Sutton West at the banquet and among hose a the brad Keith MPP Mrs Keith Tupper of St James Church and Mrs Tupper Reeve of Township Reeve John Hopkins of North Mrs Arthur Dr Beat lie Mr A An derson Mr Mai rill of Keswick Mr Russell Rogers the conclusion of Hie bountiful banquet several toasts were drunk and some excellent addresses in re ply were given Mr Waller made an The National Anthem was sung in re sponse lo he loan to the King Mr Sandy Latimer in a witty speech proposed the least fo be ladies ami Miss Violet McKelvey replied hap pily on behalf of the ladies The fo York Countv was proposed Mr Scott Ho praised York County hi province bred stock also for its educational features and North York was he constituency which was represented lite Prime Minister of Canada Win Keith M P and Reeve John Hopkins replied to Hie toast to York County Mr Hopkins hat did not know County Sale Register Thursday March Mr John will have an extensive and unreserved sale of Stock menfi Grain Poultry etc on lot Credit till tst Oct Sale Wednesday Feb of Don and to the Government of for support of Hie Canadian Administration efforts secure reductions ocean transportation rates At the close of a Iwoandn halfhour speech Ihe made it abundantly clear that the proposal subsidize Hie Peter- Mr Things Right Hon Arthur held the centre of Hie stage for an hour and a half duri i session with of be ills whi as having fallen Dominion as a result of Ibe ope of Hie policies laid down by the King Administration The Conservative Leader on Wednesday Feb Windingup sale of farm stock implements etc beioiifdng to llie Estate of the late Sharon on lot Con East No credit Sale at one Smith auctioneer Tuesday March Mr Eves will have a sate of POik Furniture on lot In the Concession East about two mi Queensville on Hie tli II IM ill of Ml will hold an Import J Kesteraucttoneer Feb Auction Sale stock and Implements on Con Whitchurch Yonge St or Geo W No re Sale Jl I i Is I It is hi Her ranee people For the wets It ems to tie something lo to wolves for the I dont it ie a skip in the face punch in the Jaw But one of that for Bale To be fed Apply to John A Keswick Old NOTICE GREENLAND SONS Wholesale Butchers Holland Landing Are Wanting Fat Cattle Calves Pigs Butter and Garden Produce BEST PRICE MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the i will be produced at lime of sale Ihere will be offered for sale by pub lic auction on Saturday the day of March at die hour of eleven oclock hi at he King George Hotel Ncwmarkd by Smith auctioneer tie following pro perty namely The east half of Lot number six together with the half of Lot number seven both In Ihe Fourth Concession of Township of North containing ifi2 acres il In ho TWENTYTWO SHIPLOADS OF FLOUR BOUGHT IN CANADA RUSSIA What constitutes the largest or der for flour ever given at one time on Ibis continent was placed yester day Russian buyers with two Canadian milling companies The total business placed amounts to 000 to be shipped as us black Sea ports this the Maple Leaf ired barrels with taking ihe watered and cent of the pur chase money lo be paid down at the time of sale balance to be paid April 14th The properly will be sold subject lo reserve bid further particulars and lons- of sale apply to A Solicitor for Mortgagee 10 day statistical do Ills he effort to I ha they country the shuddering on ho brink of ruin King Uses Different Spectacles on Hie other at every point contrary was working along I Ik lines of a carefully bought policy which beginning the luefion in transporlation rales vas designed bring he hack prosperity Sciioo Reports NO 3 EAST IV Jean Smith ma Wheeler Atlr Smith I Violet ton Alma Demi St Jr II Lois Sw J Tanning Thompson Morrill Irene my Jr I met swe Fern Bone Kathleen Bo it chases are believed to be pending The large quantity of flour bought by is due to the nea one barrel lo one Individual for eighteen months of the So rtet the total of flour from car iad1 by Russia since the middle to I- barrels Globe Winnipeg Feb Sw wheat prices downward nearly cents during Hie last in of trading pit brokers were II Into a panic to execute this morning ha five cents from clodng break plunged of he May futui of i of good said the Yo to a further pail DOBBIN Life Building Toronto Solicitors for the Vendor FOR SALE OK RENT Brick Veneer Dwelling ulna rooms Hardwood floors Georgia Pine Trims- Coal yrate and Mantle on Ave In Town of Aurora Choicest lo cation Apply to Brothers Bos 33 Aurora Phone SALE Valuable farm Property 2nd day of al three clock In the afternoon at the Kins- George Hotel Newmarket hat valuable farm property described NinetyNine Acres more or ls be- big tho half of Lot ThirtyOne in the Third Concession of the Township of East Gnlllimbury from Crown In North of the County of York the property is sold lo be erected a frame dwelling stone cellar and woodshed driving house bank barn stabling root cellar Iwo large sheds soil Is said to be clay loam free from stones There two swells never failing creek near the day or apply

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