that will do this of work to perfection It Is of a natural that will not show or turn white Tho is but for Call at our and coo on strati on of wort Neptune Varnish for Floors and Linoleums la another that Wonderful Results HARDWARE THB STORE p having dealings with foreign countries will And It advantageous to negotiate their drafts and bills of thr0lIgh t peria Bank This Bank can always procure the closest possible rates of exchange aw CANADA SOUTH END LUMBER YARD JUST A Oar or Largo Size PEA The Best Fuel for Burning 1250 per ton FOR ONE WEEK ONLY PEARSON end I THE WMCANE SONS CO LIMITED Street DEALERS IN B M Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc The Win Cans Sons Co Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket COAL COKE WOOD All Sizes of Anthracite Coal and Grade Coke for Immediate Delivery iat Well toft 10 my liking to the of fit ail look It over Is thumped a I L ho valves do Oil for long make la In reading only or llio hook liivt hotter for the caution in which a few of Somehow their former elasticity was gone I had been fearful for some thus that there might he a sudden blowout mid a Mowout at high spued It apt upset the whole car officer wan certainly gaining and wondered what kind of he might be using It was noiseless and I noticed loo there was no smoke He Just seemed lo glide along May be he had an electric anyway he had a noiseless speed he passed me raised his hand and In a commanding volo3sald hen to mi prise and dis comfort my engine went dead I saw the officer had men and there was no ends pride In them th them The Author has said not ail who say I shall enter the kingdom of bill he hat doeth will of my father beget character and Is Itir end all should seek In ths Journey A man in what he Is and what ho he la who fill Irjii and lo have- done neglected the poor sick had not fed ill lliclr loin things amounted of I could do parley Willi bit J had heard some- Iraffic cop could he bribed dollars hut this one looked that I dare do nothing but his arc you going he asked In a command ing lone hardly know I I have never been over this d before Officer I said What Hits road called I fell sure tie replied that you not consulted you guidebook doors Ihey had been travelling wise lo modesty which ot ready ell erred but towards mark of the pi calling In Christ A long way back said i passed a fine looking car running slowly and noticed llio- front badly I Inquired mishap but he declared IS that they had had none said Hie officer the parly well They carry a guide book but think It so difficult that they use a key is a Jumble of printed in but Ihc belter Kings Highway followed your Iinl In the hi- making prepare ye the with corruptible tin handed down from witii precious ilighv comes by your reel Ions of the carefully read travelled SLABS Stove Lengths LUMBER and BUILDERS SUPPLIES FLOUR AND FEED He EVES HURON Phone Newmarket The way of holiness the unclan shall not pass over It but it thai be for the wayfaring nun fools shall not err therein I said how It was missed Hie Kings Highway I have told you you not dully read your guidebook and learn lent to Just hold be wheel and speed on but if you had carefully read the i at he strait gale for many I lie And the I thou shall know the of I tliou shall not e suddenly which thou all outa -v- of I I the postmistress which stood next door and he village posloffice were comnlclc- ly destroyed by fire Hi morning A number of gliosis most of litem wellknown of To- had escapes two llirce of llicm wore breakfast In heir rooms en the broke out barely in little more Hum their night ho inn Is a tola loss and only of lite was able save The escaped Willi Jual what lliey were wear- when forced make their hurried departure n one was In jured The in Ihc base ment at nine oclock and is be lieved lo have been by de fective wiring Some of the guests still breakfast others hud already breakfasted were taking llieir meal their rooms J said I Mmdieiizif ho place originally in of was flic boll Sir William and Lady Mackenzie The Inn itself was a of for lire farmers surrounding ineyed there in order prayer of i miiMyii iii in akn of he beverages dispensed The main he place bal time So Lady Mackenzie who Jnled he facl the chief holel in he village should be julil for lis bar alone cd lies he place raara for ie sole purpose of sav ing its She from lop bottom and turned lllni a lb il lul driver llionght dy a of Hie mind However tioclcm on his ay well have great charily for on guidebook has hi REAIOHEO THE MARK la all Judge ask a after One of ihe very lliis pari or Ontario Mrs witii whin jnd- jsarih died her late ionic in Goodwood on- Monday CO 1925 in her ear only because of Iter Morgason tail he Judged well I nail parly hi in minutely iat wen the I heart and lean not thine own understanding all acknowledge him and he Ihy path know the party well said lint travel the Kings High it make a display of the guide- but lely on Author and often I heard hem declare their fnllii words Thou shall guide me me to glory Whom have I in heaven but Ihee and there is none portion forever tea he drab car Is still on and while most of Ihc changed heir manner or tint or clothing rood a the Utile drab bind last ft Continued July A large number of gambling Willi money or stake busy emptying the pockets of foolish attendants and this In spite of clear of all gambling In rims of Criminal Code Hie Fair Hoard Direc tors having accepted sum for the granting of this Illegal privilege A policeman arrives Willi a war rant and brings one of Hi fakirs be fore the lie his gambling paraphernalia and he Is The gambling slops Scene of which some lb are uni fied appear before members of the Dominion Government and ask that the law be amended to permit wheels of fortune and oilier gambling prac tices not only the exhibitions but at he agricultural fairs Of Hie are well over In fiicse men represent gen- in professing speak for he country fairs hey without their host Scene III Again at Otfawa In Ihc 10m of the Prime Minister with he Ministers of Justice and Agricultural The Social Service Canada the Canadian Council of Agriculture the United or Ontario and Federate In titules of Canada together with re presentatives of five churches protest granting of the request of Canada was designed by J Stokes of Sharon and Dyer and Mitchell of Newmarket traders The cost of the ail building was about following officers Howard L son Mrs Geo M Mrs Ciias Mrs A J and Johanna Mem bership delivered an lecture before Mechanics on nighl on Mistakes Married At Royal Hotel sling subject but horn jusl he ist of far in days was of in his woods and when the ravelled from one clear ing la another by a blazed here and there The the daughter of one Jacob lo this eighties from the hand At the age of he of his sketch united in marriage to the lale John and Ihey on he 2nd concession of where of lb- was spent Here hey reared heir family of twelve children deven of whom are still living Mr died year- igo and Mrs Mo sullies until delight of he large family honor aged mother day of June for some year The eleven Lie William Mary at Toronto rs of 2nd con of George- of To Milieu Goodwood Mrs i Township Toronto Mrs TJios Armslrong of Goodwood Mrs of Jacob of and John of DONT WANT MUCH past week spring will scon the farmeis are awakening biggest problem lhat hired for per month and board lo be the Least asked by the and tie highest offered the help of Ihe list in luck for 1 1 keep a with Association alike In against the Hie or morals and in of the country fair They that such an amendment will put agricultural fairs In the same un enviable position the race tracks depending upon gambling for financial solvency and stability hat Hie way to kill the iltural fairs would be to grant the request j that their can he no more certain way of demoralizing farmers boys and helpers hat sod Each rural fair will gamblers paradise as he race tracks have become gathering tliem Ihc gambling fakirs of our Canadian only from he lino professional unsophlsllcaled country youths and asked that exhibitions be the same privileges religious and charitable These or ganizations have the liberty at ba zaars held for any charitable or re ligious object of raffling of value than they have previously offered for sale and If Hie Mayor lias given permission Hut his is not what asked or They asked Tor wheels of fortune and many oilier girihhng devices totally be rep This Ihey Jo In ho of religion and charity that these sacred object be no longer on a basis and installment ho coining money at hi debtors but now working bought in an installment nous lug down and Si she and thrown she weeks before hi he was placed before a who angrily ordered the girl Expert a the aid it originally was not 111 more lhan 25 The Judge girl Jo house for raise a cast- of this girl Friday by Rev John Brown 2nd Mary Wilson of Phillips aged years 25 Years Ago Mar 2nd Florence Gray has cepled a position in Toronto Miss Moore of Grey County wag the guest of Miss Palmer for a couple of weeks Mr and Mrs I Hoag wero At Home on Friday night Miss Emery and niece of To ronto a week with Mrs Mr Gilford Mann has accepted Mr city ves in Mr J Wie iff ice ly here from On Tuesday evening a parly of from Mount Albert a jolly time at residence of Mr Jack program til he Gospel Temperance meeling on Sunday was provided by Mrs Lush Miss Moore of Miss Palm er Mr and Mrs L Jackson A Parlor Social attended by CO people was given al Ihe resi dence of he editor on Friday night for lihe W Tito following look part in pro gram Mr Coombs Miss Miss Dickson Miss Irwin Gane Mis Cody Mr- Mr Mrs Cane and Mrs Cody The Altar Feb 21st Miss Marietta Lloyd or Lloyd own fo The Tomb Franklin Millard of Joseph Millard Esq in his her 891 In widow of Join the a Gee in rod in the third and fourth tries north where mosl or the n BOY BURNED TO DEATH SI Dili lob 10 nun JCU old son of en Aid Iil deal Id Ii in III a Dial in ill suit of III ill Hi- IuK Oil tr and Mrs Park were i Club fiuddenly wero Willie down hospital ate archives of TORONTO