FURKAOE WORK EAVETR0U8HINB OUR SPECIALTIES of tea the on Ills proposed It accurate estimate before whoni li HE TINSMITHS I OSBORNE SON 0X1 Office Irwin SMITHS HARDWARE NEWMARKET Plumbing ORK PROMPTLY To Seven I KIDHEV III found no In nap Hospital lint J apcody Toenuo Ilia Kidney Pills islon Hint a a receipt good I now since I Kidney Say It With Flowers What makes a more plccmlnn Ut floworlnn plant IN OUT FLOWERS Narcissus on Phono Kidney fin Word to a warm day anil when reclining in Iho- rocker a pleasant feeling- of rest came over mo Tim children were singing heir evening song find I bade While united ha with heir especially had mild knew it nd pro- I came to mo power and beauty In mo a deep and my thought was pray Lord not to give Tivselr or a Way but Thou abide and often had treated bin confidence and familiar- I did not feel in Ho was roan a mocker of the things using pure am Ho bare be Well he had spoken In the same way and though it had hurl me 1 had said word warning lo about lor fear I might lose him as a customer nor I even at his re marks But now I felt what an impression language would make upon the pure and holy GREEN I Ill it lie My wife Hip lit us lOin Ilia thought I asked lo elf If I I 111 1 mm your arc a fault kidneys become ton These an ill mil of order MO heroine Hi I iniiiiii an aril mil of tile lilood ami the result is wearl- and lack of all over lie body Kidney in 1 Pills trial and sac for yourself An I EXPLANATION Male Quarts OPEN TOR ENGAGEMENTS On OUT OP TOWN Complete op part concert west OF APPLICATION TO THE ASSEMBLY OK THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO NOTICE IS HE Assembly of at Us fled the GIVEN that In made by lite of Hie Toronto General lo the Legislative Private Bill I lands in the County for same purposes in respect said Trustees by the Act incorporat ing said Trustees and amendments hereto in respect of in the Township of York Dated at Toronto this day of January A I KEUH DAVIDSON PATTERSON Solicitors for the Trustees of the 1 the ground of adult- of For Divorce Notice Is given that nce Jena of the Town in the County of York and of Woman will apply lo the Parliament of Can- da at session thereof a of divorce from her husband of Town of Newmarket or of Ian ore EVANS solicitor for and by pos- llniiigli of homo in ike lively fur igufion as Ufa of the plebiscite vote Of Inst fcSX I town where fiffyslv callers had lo dll rah Such is In ronlimipl ilimi the fiovernmonl Is bout for new sources of taxation in it form of taxes lolor taxes not lo speak of the high splil ted legislators are out or an Increase In Indi brew and him steps could Up This he Ihought a pievoleut nil hi In correctly there on the town of its officials in enforcing l tin modihl a day In fifty days they on and it they also travel to their horn back most or them every Ft on free railway to Mr voice should hi strongest kick In Michigan a with the ad- which call sidle this might liiiik hat 1 cirihif place nd that Xing keep tht people to livt clean for dm I thank you GRIM STORY OF TOLD IN POLICE REPORT Two followed a billing only pails a I lie of I he Royal Hid He in he House of Commons wnen lie annual report of ho lablcij by die of Juslic Haying no when Join Thats said tint about a pocket book wag it shape of said been Ves Over and hour to wait report of Wilcox disclosed he crimes a time when all it village bordi The eulial with Hie mighty God and and possessed the I in Hi ed if character a no Hi he Mini Christ Jeans He walked earth aftei His I knelt down before Him and He laid His baud upon mo and said Stand will you I hi of I over lis pr the joy He spake wild was leading eemel 1 like foretaste of heaven 1 was in real I slonll now iy I to me leave Him and il d me niueli loss if J would away from my office lo me lid not take the Lord will fhe office that would draitse a lliing The Lord my no doubt lor aid will with you for have asked Me to abide but 1 doubled not or i Ho said and so I went to my office accompanied by lie A was already waiting for me He a broker and I had Iiejuenl tings with him did here for I was afraid he would talk abouf things which I would rather not discuss while Ihe Lord near me and list ened to all But il happened as I feared He old me ho had a heme which among brokers was generally considered I do honest he al fie Lord he saw Him or not I unable o describe how deeply I and felt how im- it was that such plans be pleasing he Lord The broker had lo me in such a way lliaf I saw he did n that the whole aim dealings had an I gel he greatest drdhti though broker was ion I old him of losing as if Deeply as he feel of for the fufi other into danger left me quickly Ihoughl f I fell before Lord and asked pray My lo my feelings tiil- Lord nod already heard all other I had had Willi Ibis man All day such and similar happened and ho pres ence of which Ihad thought would give me who used Young Gunpowder Tea vHU appre ciate the superiority of this delicious blend always so pure and rich Try it joy aln ill reproof liocn it had Jiefore I had life Willi 1 llml I Lord liuil lo do Ii my in a ra soul when nodded kindly ami it niy v of Hi llllllKfl am and If 1 las so till lc It life dear dream lie a Ilia use or life leave El grace Hi Inill from amidst all mil my we ill III we do Canadian Big Game For Austrian Mrs mil of Ilim lie know- of A GREAT DESTINY what he formed al HI Arthur medicine tariff scheme and Premier King J use the other to of New York Stales sition Leader could lie hoped Mr Ihbrily was not in full by Ihe Premier but in part Mr said in exagger ated language or in flattery but measuring my words ay that the growl and Pacific and heard the trains that day by day shuttle to and fro on the worlds greatest highway In deed so close to the railway track did they oft times venture thai the people in passing trains had the upholstered sheep of Canada accommodated in Express car they a large estate high i the flocks that feed meadows at wander up of Valley an who had Rockies and who had Alpine near Lake and that wander upon the sunny ho had travelled In the the witd would the highlands of his to put his entered become acelimai thrive well in native country theory to the negotiations with the Canadian Gov ernment and succeeded in securing two rams and four ewes export Pacific lif Is The territory dent to Lake noted for Grizzly ward of and convenient to Lake Camp is noted Bear A comparatively where white goats clamber on the cliffs and crags In the open valleys south of Banff there are many elk browsing the water in Nor West Canada And whether you hunt with rifle or with camera the sportsman will find development of Canada havi Lellibridge Alia le y I In trapped ho Ill Canadian oph have added ses tliey liuv that of Canada lo III Collins reached her country A lelii and hi country is -liiijun- out for itself I energy and ability day his body in by tons of i raging around Accompanied now lam tomb from Ellesmere 1st Q ravelled mi days A prominent fin agree with Ihen European fulfillment of My prom hat Twill abide with al Have not I said lo Mjm Abide Me and I in you inlo he office of ve produce in Canada producls arc abroad at CANADIAN POTATO The following paragrapli is typical of Hie concise report We remained in damp until pm on the Jib wailing for Ulead neighbors and without icpIivuU close We then came the roof of Ihe work- half a mile of Here Tjings caved in He was instantly lie movement of the ice killed while bis companions rue rapid and we were kepi The aged mans head lor several hours moving waj visible beneath he earth and kit from ice pan o ice pan I rock hut when his companion- Upon Hie shore we were a further cavein bad confronted a perpendicular occurred and mine was on Wl of ice 10 feet high v fire started by the lantern car- from drifting ice of rind by several yards of open waler or For many days neighbor and alternately by a heavy grinding to gain en- of broken ice We to the old shaft but Ihe succeeded in gelling importation In shlpnipnts North America is the cause of prohibition Joseph a fracture of Ihe leg and killed and three UOUslV id Kta ha tempts to been abandoned id al- body hi daikn Lit fit OVER EVERY DAY Ihe Long pointing lo Ihe sales effort merchant is telephone The probably cor wonderful in By this lime he ice was piled up all around our bobsleighs JO feel high o thai it was impossible to move The noise made by grinding was deafening and the pres- I sure was increased by a gale from Hie southwest Early in the morning the following day the wind dropped and we succeeded in gelling our on firm ice e30lli The balance until late in Die was spent and liluii a daily when laid of Long make up 17 da liulrol carried liy A Joy HOST HEW PHONES IN HOMES THE CAUGHT If a lid the Itacini what will a Willie llnn gave It Alllctl ah index of whnl I Hie liusiness and re during Hie ye I gain in Of Hie tailed in homes all