WALL PAPERS AND BEST SELECTIONS FOB JILL PURPOSES FROM TO PER ROLL Variety of Glazed Papers and In Oatmeal Tints Crepe WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX GREEN AND COMBINATION Sell You Any Paper With of Without Hanging GREEN Painter and Paper Hanger NEWMARKET Hours lo loan ill unsellable jates Internal and External I are promptly relieved I Thomas Canadian Pacific Sunday School thai in their was well tilled last Frill Glares for all I at Iho benefit conceit liia Hand ilself Sighted Folks all expect Paul few months ice he mustered a few of the 1 players and he look the mat- d up with such earnestness that March 3rd Meet of the Official Hoard ho ho of the Chairman Mr Arthur ted up with such Queen St A full today hero tendance requested promptly Band Of wl elevated stage aid rendered elections of 7 P M The I will wor ship usual followed af P he Senior An invitation editable manner io show tin is extended lie whosoever at appreciation of lite members these services Bandmaster Arlilt was presented Girl Guides jwilh a beautifully goldmounted Regular meeting of Hie by Mr on behalf Monday Mm- ill bo Lei all the full the lis will he Something Pastor The Price of British arid Domestic Is ad vancing Take advantage of old prices and Order your suit NOW G F WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket L Obituary We copy the following from lilt j ii- i Hie family left Queens- Mil about years ago The death occurred will start ling suddenness on Friday Jan of wife Painting and Paper Hanging REALESTATE Special Bargains iel Abe horn on Main slreel had been calling The Mrs J did She a few words nary selections re seemed lo he on Ihe platform a she did last Friday night was such a freedom about expression and movement she was deservedly encored We cannot say loo much about the violin selections by Mil of Richmond cult with ease and some striking effects were inf was heartily encored and pleas responded Mrs J I- accompanied her Hie piano very ilhehcallv The Band was Mr Boyd let- of Che Obtained Know what the will lie lie find from Ills express the pounds from the trees by and Iho accept lianiipiiil charges trees ait sent out fa the spring illy during the later part of April How Trees Ma tatcrested In Iren should write lo the Forestry ranch Buildings Toron to staling the particular tfnd of work they propose doing An application will then be supplied Should be filled out carefully and re turned lo the Toronto office The Ontario Government maintains for growing trees in Nor folk County at St Williams on the approximately miles south of the town of in Durham County at on the one- half mile from the village In County at on Hie the cast was 1 was tile first lim yen floods liail 111 iraeKagc hour 111 by HO III It white in or Hi tad ibcen nil la till waters Myron Long section said llic worst bod in bia niglit ttu hills of Im and In mi IBS- Hardware NEWMARKET Don County at the School ami in it the Experimental Farm sill permit shipment s born in the he liNed I asl twenty- Hani Band fo solos dingly J Hollingshead it after with I he I Poole The shy all the heller the posed of Mi err members of of M is a and were Fred Andrews lie Blanchard V Hoffman A Marsh J Merrill and Among those from a disfanee ho attended lite funeral of the tie Mrs J Stephen on Mon- Feb were Mrs Keswick On Mr of own and I awn what is our town Mrs Brooks Mr Donald J Mrs Troup the Mis of Ha and Hi a firstclass proud of pan led equally a Mr good that com elsewhere included Ihe aical and the and we Band future for Ihe pun Uniforms would be We have been Band so long that the rail to the and the should he slated dislam nearest office of the of this nurse the with I The water flooded I foot of the hills and EVERYTHING formed an expanse stretching at the holler part of Hamilton Highway rescue was effected wlr Mr and Mrs If the son and his wife and the baby we from heir home on t flats of the River at a late hour last night F and J Poarce and his wi and daughter were till rapped homes by the feel were lliei depth The brought to land by a ladder which was extended from a which Gordon Chamberlain barked info current which had previously defied any IS RECOVERED and this fact should also clearly on Ihe application Trees Available For Forest Conifers White Jack Pine Pi White Cedar Hardwoods Elm Maple Soft Maple WOMAN ACCIDENTALLY BUOY 1 Jilt shot the hack In treat Diir Hi- that a tiic list would probably he circulated to help Band in the mailer of Uniforms and he hoped thai the citizens would re spond their usual and help make the Band second OF WOMAN her the borne Amy Cow daughter f at ihe Hie ovl while walking BUILDER8 NEEDS FARM TOOL8 OF ALL KIND8 OIL AND ELECTRIC 8TOVE8 8CREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS PAINTS OILS AND VARNISHES LET U8 VOU WHAT WE HAVE Phone SMITHS HARDWARE If You Want to to try on or Busibos dontreal charged Mr vent with Hie dec lives when word of his there reached of Hip of Shaw who photograph and of B L PHONE Let you In a CARRIAGE OR A en had them In JONES NEWMARKET papers UkROE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND OIL AND DYED Practical Painter and PapersHanger iiiir0Lfis3 fluu