smmmmmMmmmMu I After or fttthtta die breath So to mm after every or Application for NOTICE la hereby given that Wal ter Roderick of tin City of Toronto in Hie Province or will apply to Parliament of Canada lift for a bill of from hid wife Clara on ground lliat the Bald Clara M descried him and purported obtain a in a foreign country and to remarry and with a Him oilier than the Bold Walter Roderick Dated at Ottawa this day of January A J925 GUTHRIE o Citizen Building oitaw Solicitor for Petitioner notice of App for NOTICE given that Helen Strickland of King Street In tle City Of To roulo In the Province of Ontario Canada at rcNtdlng at Glenn Iston House Mldlo- llilun Scotland will apply lo Up Parliament of Canada at session thereof for a mil of from her husband Louis Fauquier Strickland of Shirley Apartments No West Bancroft Toledo Ohio In the Republic of America jniployoo or and Freeman Lumber Co of Toledo aforesaid on ho ground of Adultery at Toronto In Iho Province of Ontario this day of January McCarthy Solicitors for Margaret Helen land Notice of Application I Life the Hub Holland Lauding UN Vcrna few In King Minn Huh Land lit thereof for a Hill of Divorce from her husband Allan Lloyd of the City Toronto In the County of York on the round of adultery cruelly and this 14th day Street Toronto for the Notice of Application for NOTICE i hereby given that Paul of the City of Toronto In the County or York In the Province or Ontario will apply lo the Parliament or Canada at the next Session lliereof for a Hill of Divorce from his wife Vera otherwise known as Vera of the City or Windsor the County or Essex on the adultery and desertion Hjtil at Toronto this 14th day of January PAUL J FITZGERALD federal Toronto anient Canada Ion thereof for tils wife Hannah Pen rose Primrose of ilia Toronto on the ground or adultery at Toronto In Hie Province r Ontario this 23rd day or Decern- Willi his- night by Rev Cochrane or sorry to thai Harolo who way badly fiurl while op erating a gasoline engine Is not Mr New market fa spending a foiv days will Davis catling Two wore married In Toronto on Feb when Mm Vera Maude J Hoover wife of Mr George Tito sale of farm slock and on Mm of John I brought logolli- or a large enough to buy quarter township Horses a very ordinary typo sold high prices filly being id up to and bought by Mr ranged from lo Henry paid for a bull calf only nine months old Fancy prevailed for sheep to was he range In slancc two ewes with small lambs brought There was no grain or hogs but the Block ami Implements ami some furni ture totalled Is re garded as a record mice for a farm slock sale of the kind of late years Aurora On Tuesday evening the union ists of the Aurora Church a meeting In the parlor of the Church which hey invited the beads of Una The occasion of this meeting was in to a re from some of To- Ho that they be an to meet lav and In friends and to express sympathy in view if in In la halt I in id sat down supper well equipped bios jiread ami and silve with were rendered by candles fresh roses lln- dilus prepared by the ladies As an for Mr Gonns WIIIIonisTajlor or the Bant of I entitled llovlr E they have lo mere on high road of you speak in the Kings Highway answer ed my friend learned at start ing was There Is hut and that wlth- marc than meet but The HUeral son shall he made rat and that a- wild a faltfi In Ihclr own country and the willingness lo develop It llnrflnal In spit of intervening period of men I should be a condition or prosperity and a standard of living difficult to elsewhere Canadian Hade for Hie mouth of December showed a ravorable balance of nearly sort com- pared Decem ber 1023 The export eunhir to excess of Hum the that the love i having all sufficiency hi all things they may fthoiimi onto every good works Well Officer I you will tell me atari my old car I will be going Perhaps It needs a new spar plug I noticed you great with your said Can you looked glance I proved to bo a white bora looked at the officer I recalled In the old under which was piloted the text And I looked and heboid a pale horse and Ills name that sat on him was Heath an I Ikit follow wilh him I now began to feci very uneasy in his presence I said Let me change Hint spark plug I will pursue my Journey Your Journey Is ended he replied and your chine will run no more Look al the dial ami you will nee thai it has run day Some run a few days longer but go no farlher These arc to say Hid days years of and the I amounting lo ihs than Hioae for Dec em Although both exports ana r Import to 1 trade balance the figure for total trade wua lower than hat 1 1 Tor December This lower rigure bo more then account ed for by the fact that agricultural ijexjioilH wort lower by approxliiiutc- This or dc- trado In agricultural product Him of strength they bo four- ore nam yd la- and Tor it Is soon f and we fly away You- Juniri hehotd walls or hath round wlroc ilwtp and maker Is God looked and before me were walls of Jasper and over a glory of sunst Turning on he white horse I Inquired shall I he perilled lo enter i ean not tell he only know obbltiir God and I feci enabling ii Im hoi Vandorf We are sorry to heal I Mr uncle and aunt of Mrs J Australia were with Ihc lily at Wesley Church on Sunday I Mrs i lenden or Aurora Vandorf The public school pupils have heen si- ling of Cinderella folk dances c pleasant afternoon was spent at the home of Mrs James Graham hen the of Hie Community Ibe 10 Miss Berth her with a nils- tor deluge as i will probably Tho trade balance for the S ih compared for Hie floipe period a According i 4b report at me can Pulp Paper he of The tola awards for Canadian construction the month of y aw compiled by Jj In building Mntd for bunding new work in 12132800 an f 07 over amount was re f mi Hie value u for w mi dm The Mojilreal Males the puihidlon or her gross loin or eent over 2711 Ions rr Canadian which HALF MILLION PULP MILL WILL BE BUILT ON MAMTOULIN Marie Bros and Ed Charter- have been given a I tin of pulp mill on In Island by the capacity of liSiri for the jnstalh- or machinery In September nest Is being imincJiJle- Ihe file purpose of Pulp and Paper this mill Is lo pulp wood exclusively and to ship Hie product to their pulp mill Fox River I looking- forward I tg dining lj2i If eoiidllioiis p peeled hi Urn on of those in two countries duilng Hie pasl having ponded fairly closely urli In his Hie Ford Plant having reopened I a stimulating effect in Hie fi Cities as activities are atetl in industries Sank from for fie month or ror the same period a year a Increase In the Western he clearings for Ihc Eastern cities lower by or 09 exhibit there which valued at from National Park at iu Stop sweeping and You wouldnt slam the door in their faces Every business baa two doors the street door and the telephone door Those people who are pre vented from visiting your store are you nuking it easy for tbem to buy from you by telephone Many of them would like to Would a polite intelligent cheerful voice answer their ling Would the exper ience be such a pleasant one that they would wish to repeat it We have helped many stores organize their telephone departments for such trade It would be pleasure to help you farmers have recently been shipping a new commodity to During the few there has been a considerable increaee In the number of bee-keep- and last year keepers had a total production of nearly of honey valued at tely The exact number to not known facturers of aeroplanes and Frank Buckley ot Vancouver The apnice wilt be logged on the Queen Charlotte Inlands and milled at the Hill at Port on Graham Island and at Burrard mill In Vancouver The contract for the delivery of two million feet during Canada leads the world In automo bile exports In proportion to produc tion domestic sales or ownership of motor vehicles or to population Not relatively but absolutely the automo bile exports of the Dominion are exceeded by those of the United States Since 1020 the motor vehicle exports of Canada have nearly doubled the increase being from 08 per cent to per cent of the auto mobile trade of the world A special train of fortytwo care containing nearly head of stock for export to Great Britain arrived at the Canadian Pacific Railways East End stock yards Montreal re cently These added to shipments from Ont and other points in Ontario and Quebec made up what cattlemen claimed to bo the greatest of Canadian cattle for export in the his tory of the trade From the yards the cattle were shipped by special train to the ships side at St John When the roundtheworld cruise passengers aboard the Canadian Pa cific steamship Empress of France reached Egypt recently they were entertained by a prominent holding authority over a large number of villages along the Nile Unfortunately the sheik succumbed to a sudden attack of heart failure The visitors from across the Atlantic before returning to their ship were permitted to at tend the funeral which was con ducted In the desert with weird and impressive religious rites an ex perience few worldtravellers have known Between and Cana dians and Americans of Norwegian origin will gather at Minneapolis and St Paul in June next to cele brate by a great national gathering the hundredth anniversary of the landing of the first organized party of Norwegian settlers on this con tinent President King Haakon of Norway and Lord GovernorGeneral of Canada have been invited to attend Meetings of some forty Norwegian org tions divine service by the Bishop of Oslo formerly Christiania field sports musical contests and historic pageants will make up the pro SMALL BOY BIT LIVE WIRE Following on unusual accident Ida home tills week when tie bit tin cord or an curling long yearold Jackie ley road Toronto is rccoverine rapid ly In Ihe Sick children Tbo lad was severely burned about lie mouth Or twelve men who offered their blood to save ha life four were accepted including the childs rather John and cousin Arthur Hushing Mrs Griffon had turned on the electricity In the kitchen of her home and was racing the way when the cord anil bit Into Wire He was severely time iIapslng before his I remove the cord hi A sister had presence of was and killed bj accidental discharge or his Although no on how the happened il thought he resting the butt of Hie ground with over Ihe mi shot 1 the nearly sever eh irgea med up his ARCHIVES OF TORONTO simple to just run the dust- less mop over the gleaming of a Hardwood floor No woman who has enjoyed Sea man Kent Flooring would ever do the old backbreaking work on soft wood floors and car pets without protest it nectary Kent Hard wood Flooring is actually cheaper than carpet linoleum and other old fashioned ideas When Seaman K Hardwood Flooring comes into your home its beauty comes to stay Drudgery goes for good Measure your floors and get an estimate now A Hardwood Floor Is cheaper than a carpet Why not get It laid now be fore the carpenters get busy Let roe quote you price w H EVES Phone 22 Huron Street NEWMARKET Beautiful Bird Card inlvBryDtir DROP PRICE OF PAPEl ERA OFFICE SOU To Ream not end Quality that Mirkat Can ORDER WOW While it Lasts