Our Local Mews league meeting Mdhday evening was in of the President owing to liio illness of Mr on Vicepresident of the tian Fellowship Department A very interesting address was ghun by Mrs A J topic and Dr Gilbert fa- rod us with a solo Next meeting will be In charge of the Missionary Com Missionary of St Auxiliary will present Christian Mission regular meeting it tic Mission Circle will held in hi church Friday ev ening oclock The new is appar ently appreciated by increased Sunday ami ChiJ Man I Jones win be the Bawling Club The annual meeting of Die Newmarket Bowling look place in Hie Hoard of Trade on Monday evening about GO being present All the re ports wen adopted as Ihmiib made for a Ulan ever on of officers re- Ion lresiiinnL I ion VicePresidents and A A M Lister He v Father York County Hospital Donations to be York Com Hospital been gratefully during past few weeks of Lodge llow lr J Jar of Black Currant- and Jar of Plums V Talent Sale J Pickle Relish Harvey Mag ill- Mi- Smith and Mrs Cor Jar of Strawberries and Jars of Cherries Mr Elmer Starr Spy Apples Jar of and Jar of Buttermilk Mr Gordon Cole Jar of Maple Syrup Mary Smith Jar a toboggan party was enjoyed 0 Next will bo In change of idneat Bradbury Mr will give the The Method of fa The Womens Missionary So ciety of- ilia ciiurrh will meet at tlie of Mrs It Manning Main Street on March nth at 3 p m All who are Interested in the work arc cordially Invited to at- special Soloist Presbyterian for Ibo special I he Con Sunday March Ado the opiano of Toronto has I unified to sing at both sor es No doubt largo ions will avail themselves of his of bearing Industrial Home The Commissioners mot at Die me but imd monthly accounts The ipls at the Home were between and but it was nee- call on the County for 1000 lc linn iii about foi Inorintf also had a i of the Radio last Sunday the Baptist young people of Aurora and last given sets have boon left at the Homo to try out be ing Intimated lhat a sot would purchased for be use of Die me The loud speaker will so Hint all in room can at the same time The Homo bus been consider ably neglected those who irly provided culm stalled is rather a pity that been dropped as they made many bright in Die islence of Hie told people and name time furnished a valu able lesson to the entertainers of the necessity of acquiring habit of thrift in heir early life bo old age may not find hem circumstances Death of The following clipping Vancouver paper will no oldtimer lias passed way in the person of Charles an elder brother if exMayor T Townley who at ihe General lospital Monday alter a long It Born at Newmarket six- years ago the decease it an early ago became a lole- fiapli operator and was for of the time he coming to P so stationed at New Westminster lion of Die railway Leaving he service of the l company he engage in leal estate business and then partnership with he fil iate Arthur M settler at Cedar they conducted an sery and market garden nicy latpr returned to the real this ning the a lime stationed He later accepted appointment position lie of his death Miss of of I widow Cliuirh ring the lendiung John of San Diego or T now of be Commerce The ley for many splendid number eh be with Davidson geneioualy applaud- HIGH Report ibers indicate has to through Jr Class A Lilian MacCallum Sutton Clarice dio Ashonlmrst Celia Viola Brown Nona Belfry Irene Stark Curtis Mass Mortimer lie Alma Hilda Mabel Winter Atkinson Gladys Harrison loreneo Frances Margery Mur iel Alice Harry Hodge I Rlla 3 Grace Abhs Newton Hubert Colo Vera a leer Robert Manning Will Draper Lottie Morris Form I A iss A Isufjel Mabel Margaret Winn Laura Black Helen Burke Flossie lor Francos Tumolly Eliz abeth Murroll Viola French Marian Beatrice Aileon Margaret Cuyle Smith Mary Mary Walsh Form lass A Gould George Phimister ah Smith Mai shall Kenneth Currey Morton Curl Glover Goodwin Stiles Donald Cody Grant Widdifield Class tit Edward Pollock Sanderson Irwin Harold Cane Francis Kennedy go Doyle alii Allan Herbert Crouton John Kennedy Form II A Eileen Boyd Helen Jean Gordon Evans Leslie Boyd Marguerite Lehman Incline Scott Roger Caldwell den Green Garnet Rob in Elsie Campbell Kath leen Rut ledge Bruce Bain Vera Arnold Man ley Cole Austin Cameron Jack Flanagan CO William Walsh Ihur Germain Edith Edith Parry Hazel Frank Bain Vera Arnold Mauley Colo I Helen Flanagan Doris Lloyd I Austin Ha el Cameron Jack William Walsh Form B Class A Helen Richardson 1 Vera Morton Harold Weller Hazel Dike Lewis lied Nora Boyd 1 Class B Florence Chantler Evelyn Mar- Miller John Meek Veda Pollock Hilda Dorothy Phillips Mar garet Muriel Sherman Willis Morton I Frank Wight Ruth Edwards Andrew Watson George Ralph Bain Harold Rose Dudley Un commercial A Evelyn Patterson Irene Lundy Eileen Lula 3 Edna Brown ing Class Fanny Jo- soph Quinn Elsie Ro bert Apps Evelyn Muriel Dunn Lloyd Alice Johns 1 Edna Lilly Form III Class A Helen Moore Mar garet Jean Peppialt Fred Murray Maurice Evans Alex Ruth Myr tle Peters George Caldwell Glass Marjorie Fred Chapman George Morton Beatrice Lepard Anne Millsi Douglas Bain MeKin Blair Morton I Helen Richards Margaret v Mabel Mo Class Ruth Amea Idride i Fred Meek Will Webster Leo Gordon Honor Matriculation Subjects Second and Third Class Honors are over and per respectively and are indicated 2nd and 3rd Less Iban standing per cent is bull ed by an Form WicBO students lake part time Up per School yvork Ames 2nd Lit 2nd Lit 3rd Flintoff Ruth Walker I Mildred Proctor mental end the other the key i ATKINSON C0h and Class A Edith Widdifield Bessie Donald Pat terson Greta Richard Boyd Harold Patterson equal Parke Dorothy Arnold Ont March walking on a street oclock tbls Mr Al exander Ferguson was fitrioken with heart failure falling to and dying be fore a could be called Until the llmuof Mr who had to the tils about two away on Third Concession Town ship had appeared to be In excellent health Ho wan one of beatknown and most highly regarded residents of district and sudden death came us a great shock to relatives and Harry Lit 1st 1st French Auth German 1st Ger man Council Lit trd 3rd Leo Lit P Comp 2nd Lit 2nd 2nd Mildred 2nd 2nd French Auth 1st French 3rd Eric Lit 3rd let French Comp let Viv ian Lit 3rd DonncJI Botany 1st oology Margaret Lit 2nd 3rd Grace Lit 2nd ml Kulhln Comp 2nd Robert Leonard Lit Comp 3rd Edward Lewis Lit 3rd 2nd French 2nd Com Douglas Marshall Lit I Comp 3rd Fred Meek Lit 3rd 2nd French Auth nd French German 2nd German Mable Morton Lit 3rd Ruth ion Lit 1st 2nd French Auth Isl French Comp 3rd Auth German Lit 1st Comp 2nd French Auth French Comp 2nd Trigonometry David Riddell Harold Lit Comp French French Comp 3rd Doris Lit 2nd French Auth 1st French Margaret Lit 2nd Comp 2nd Botany Zoology Leon Trivelt Lit ist 2nd Vale Lit 3rd Comp 2nd French Auth 2nd William Webster Lit 3rd Morton Winch Lit 2nd 2nd Winn Lit 1st ist French French Comp Will iams 3rd French Aulli 3rd French Comp Form V These Students lakcful lime Upper School Work William Ames Mod Hist Trig 3rd Alg Chem F Latin 2nd Latin Ralph Bain En Lit Comp 2nd S Ancient Hist Trig loom F Alg Latin 3rd Latin French Auth 2nd French Comp Elgin Belfry Lit I Mod Trig 2nd Alg 3rd 3rd French Auth French Eman Campbell Trig 3rd Alg Chem Lai in Auth Latin Curry French Aulli Comp 3rd Greek 1st Cecil Dove Ancient Hist Hist 3rd Alg Latin Auth 2nd Latin 3rd French Aulh 2nd French Evelyn Dow Lit 3rd Mod Hist 2nd Trig 3rd Latin Latin French Isl French Dorothy Evans Lit Mod Hist F Aulli Latin Comp French 3rd French Comp Alice Hamilton Trig Alg 3rd French Comp 2nd Clarke Mills Lit Comp 3rd Anc Hist 2nd Trig Alg F Latin Auth Latin French Auth 3rd French Comp Mao Modern 1st Trig 1st 2nd La tin Auth 1st Latin French 3rd Grace Mod Hist Alg 2nd 1st French 2nd Frepch Myrtle Stiles Mod Hist Trig 1st tst ist Latin 2nd Lat in Jack Stiles Trig 2nd 1st 3rd French Auth 2nd French Bernard Sut ton 1st Alg 3rd Latin 3rd late Mr Ferguson was a son the Into John an 1 Ferguson In In He i educated hglate at and since early llf himself to farming the political whan ic riding a byelection lion In September 1006 of Mr Utile the sitting member Ho at the gen Rial n In 1008 by tin tlhi though Hie icon changed Curtain Scrimm Plain Double insertion outh and continuing lo he riding until He was a Methodist and a member of the Orange d Orders Mr who was unmarried survived by two brothers William and George Drills Co lumbia and by six sisters Mrs ray Mis William Mrs Toronto Mrs Duff Mra diaries Wilson and Mrs also Columbia PEOPLE tin sixty below collapsed Quebte on SatuAiay at Hie line of I earthquake according to a received tills from I agent of Ihe marine and liberies at Gape Salmon who or Tin church which was built en of stone and only complete about two years ago at expense was one of the finest to in any of the downriver par No one was in the church a the llrtie but a number of worshipper had left the church a short lime be Priests The in charge of the parish were fortunate that they did not have their living quarters In church proper but in a Joining building which however narrowly missed when the larger structure fell Tlie noise made by the the church terrified the Inhabitant the village and for the remainder of the night there was no sleep for as first Bill id Hill iViiiiii Mum auto d 8 i Hill i on Hill Roger A n li lull I burl ll tt in Ii Ii J a Km Until morning voli gangs of men worked among hoping to save articles of were attended by their and families all streaming down heir faces when they realized thai their house of worship was Thus a lonely night vigil by people who only two years ago had witnessed tlie fruits of their labor taking definite shape priest assisted by scores parishioners last information among the debris Ihe host and according to hand going at attempting same message there wooden houses partly den and the residents were fori take up their living quarters their more fortunate About thirty chimneys were shaken from houses and the bricks an men were hurled to the road I of Ihe villagers narrowly Marquisette Yard Wide per yd Full Yard flood Colors and Regular yd W A BRUNTON CO LUNDY The Ladies Store NEWMARKET WHITE GOODS SALE PINE Hflfj Sate Pries yd 84 and 814 Regular Sale and 88o yard FINE PILLOW Pure In 480 yd FINE WABA8S0 to yard UNBLEAOHED FAOTOBV In Wide Regular Sale Price 39o yard FINE NAINSOOK and In wide for Fine Underwear and Night Robes PURE TOWELLINQ Red Border Sale yd Heavy Red and White Cheok GLASS TOWELLINQ 26 In wide Reg Sale yard Ottawa March First steps to wards the formation of a iialionil brokerage company on basis for marketing fruit and veget ables as recommended In the report of Lewis Duncan of Toronto follow log his InvcstibatPins on behalf of dominion government of an allege combine in fruit and vegetable today at a conference of lives of fruit associations There were delegates from tiire in Columbia five in the of Ontario and one each lb provinces of Quebec New wick and Nova The sessions were conducted under the chairmanship of dominion Hoi Motherwell After Hi adopted till- resolution the Associated Grower Columbia Limited owned broker larger cooperative fruit and companies of Canada have discussed with Ihe lives of the Associated Growers tin possibilities of forming a lo pro vide for the national distribution of agricultural products resolved that this prove or the formation of a national company- on a coopera live basis and further recommend that hi attendance at this meet support tin before the respective Sale Register March Mr W Eves will have a sale of Farm Implements Furniture Etc on lot 23 in the Concession of about two miles from on Ihe line Noon cars ways will be met at Crossing Credit till 1st of Nov Sate at one oclock If auctioneer Tuesday March 10 Mr S Thompson miles west of Bald win will hold an extensive sale of farm slock and implements and poultry at one oclock months credit W J March 12 MY ward Con hold an Important farm oclock months auctioneer Wednesday Mar 18th will have Farm Stock Implements Mr Geo Thursday March Friday Slock Con Whitchurch Sale at one oclock auctioneer Sale the properly of North Lot King Sale at disposed of