flllOUlli belongs to Him the of our In Music tho Choir and Mi- WWdlflold and Mr Sanderson song The Old Irons Hearing Completion The carpenters finished lhc interior work llio new resi dence of Parry on Park of this week In respects Mils house is different tlin HI in To Unit touting doors The Him is burnt iColumbia Fur which brings out Mm Bruin very beauti fully and takes a high polish wulls are cov ered will plaster thai comes in heels similar to Beaver Hoard and while il has all Hie sound proof of ordinary plaster it saves dirty muss ihe- usual ler floor with the usual conveniences will lake the drudgery out of housework Mr Parry has a residence that be may well he proud of and he lid a good deal of ihe work The Society est of Medical Staff hospital who has work at Christie Military Hospital Dr son who lias charge of work at Western laboratory demonstra- Ihe of the Society ids of Ihe an excellent Clinic nut a dozen patients stages of treatment is Chief of of faith audience was ilb sinking of Mis die whotook Ihe sob acceptably and generounl two numbers at each Ice Her- ions were Com Open the he Temple The Holy City closing to the messf Way of Meeting Mans Sin Miss possess a rich voice of beautiful quality of and daffodil which added very mateti- the beauty of lie service Presbyterian Cliuroh Monday evening the ladies veil supper in the schoolroom the church and far excelled ivliiiir- 1 The tables were an abundance of o satisfy and over down to enjoy he ueh a supply of III I of readib he close of The auditorium filled with an who enjoyed read by Mrs A solo Mrs Dunn and Mr Cross a number of selections he male quartette of Queens Weste pita Library annual report of 14 Library Hoard was Department of Ho from the a and i53i books elia ieai- about the wan kindly throughoui the The congregation of SI An liewj wish thank all friend for their liberal patronage am issislance towards making hi memorable occasion in the his lory of the church a Town Council A LAI or Of Council mot on Monday even ing- March all the members present except Mayor Council Committee of the Mr in the chair Following passed Co helling ting Office Electric Co Keith insurance Doyle Fire Inspection Pay Sheet No 23035 Id I low in referred Mills coal Co Clerk Wn placed on Hardware I- Com for powor Com Doll Tel Co to dork Applications The following Applications for el ectric light wen- received and granted W Mrs An ile Oiigli and OJIcj Applications for Edward Pole W for lenanl and Mrs Annie for all granted placed on fyle From Warren Paving re on contract last year to Finunco Com and Engineer with to act Taking for Bo ngo not to later dale with Hi Day of York County Hospital City of London asking co operation against the proposed gas lux on fyle From Northern Electric Co regarding payment of account Fire Alarm System installed Osborne said hat a proper It nged on Monday From secretary of Public Li brary Hoard asking for levy of for library purposes Re ferred to Finance Com Firemens Association of Ontario asking for fee of cooperation in of bill placing volunteer Firemen the Workmens Act for injuries Referred finance Coin with request interview ihe Local Member solicit bis support From Hank of Toronto That the Clerk do and is authorized to town PI a on Deputation from Hospital Messrs J Harvey and W pitul Hoard took over the insti lutiou a year ago the 1st April paid tor and discharged all running ex ft has proved to be the the patients all pra received and I be bos Malum in Town arc in will the ending heir patients here be lie of going Toronto Patients have received all the way from and the On Tuesday i IHh- bcsl wishes from the donoi or future success of St Andrews Church The wish to thank most month for the opinion that the going solve he so of the Soldiers Memorial reminded he Council lings are different lo wore a year ago Si it is a wellknown fact lha cannot he financed fees that are chatged has been spent in equip the Hoard took the Hospital and this money ha half the cost the Tow pork in the Public Works tako the mat ter up with the Hydro Electric fly Company and see if the on Park considerably improved ere not loft in as good condition after their work last they were previous to the changing of the tracks Also the road along nagtan ml offered Township of Slip8 Street when Hydro Hied in 1 width d to odvau gravel so he is practically a present Th Light Committee bring hi a as to llio of getting our Fire Alarm Homo lighted up the same as wo had years ago If his is possible wo would suggest red light on each pole where alarm box is installed bo that our citizens idea whore to ring am alarm in of fire Carried That toe Fi nance Cora and the Fire Light Join are lioroby instructed to a new Water byLaw that first for- the King that both llet within borders for drainage of their lands and therefore the would to make two one on each side of tho and thus keep he affairs Of each separate- from those of other by showing hat thu lui would four of a total lh of 30 miles Instead of two more than doubling lie cost per aero A second argument was that petitioners knew King they went to West GwiU liinhiry itefeiec held Ihat Ibis even H rue which is lot admitted was irrelevant as he gave the petitioners the Ight lo present llio peliljon council ho of ap peal having ho decided He corn- ended Went for n appointing tho suggested it was per cent of the Tested He further thai only estimate report of for 1025 at Council In order that the ice Committee may make up budget for the year and help reduce our ax rale Carried That the 111 act age a the per li introduced led jxm the effect hat all als for he use of the be made by be lender forred the practice of members of he Council furnJsii- ng materials and read the in the Municipal Act that payments of the were illegal and vend fet ors from he Mayors of name and as to he practice in hose owns said he principle II right but he saw this tested in court whore il roved that the members of Council did not do any injustice in laid a bene fa and Judgment was given In favor of members The Man material- could be and was done speclive of the perse a member of he Council Reports of Committee he Properly equfcsl Society for High school Litei he free use of Hall Mini charge of hi for the two nights which A scale of for follows For where no per day ad for 1 That contrail and duly ope order i That specification bo prepa for redecorating the Town Hall and the Clerk advertise lenders for the Work Report The Committee ported regarding the employees fortnighlly of weekly and also the sending light They bills fin ihat old action lis ago in another part council had on a petition that to he coin for order to force mncils hand order and com compelled lo a r illmibmy had toact Id have been compelled d- by the petitioners applying courts And the same to King if he petition ha King been presented Council claim was that the estimate for he work is too low by he King engineer while those for claimed thai he is a reasonable one and likely bo very close the unl cost of he work alter view seemed carry most Iil with be Referee 1 be question of climate was Ki that Holland marsh is much farther north than hose d in Essex and Kent last June I will he subject late and and jiilablc for crops par The Referee King he knows of re in schemes farther north Holland marsh and that entirely successful too respect it was shown by that most of ongoieum S W A Wo c UNDY NEWMARKET If FIDE BLEACHED 8HEETIHG non yd mid Sale and 880 yard fine row e hi yd FINE to yard UHBLEAOHED COTTON CO In wide Regular yard I ill J In vhlj in and Robs PURE TOWEUINQ Red Border Sale Psloo We lie common provn or on flal land and ing linlli and he fertility mi ii Analysis of Hie Oil die A also ils fertility The most serious attack of all of llio 11 off Innliuij eight cross sections of tile river which showed that from file town lino the south right down within a mile or so of the outlet wo canals combined lie actually larger than the riv er It was also shown hat since canal is from two to three miles shorter than tho river the grade is correspondingly steeper them will flow- so that even much taste are capable of carrying In summing up the staled Unit he was many reclaimed in Ontario and that the A bylaw was passed regulat- and disposal satisfactory BUSINESS soil the silt from the high land has been deposited could not be ATKINSON CO Jeweler end Oolioti wi on tins li It the School Reports PINE ORCHARD SCHOOL V Total Minnie Stall brass Clara Hall Eva Vera Total Eva Marshall Merlin With lantern slides Every one praise of the treat The called on I esteemed friends and old il 325 Tola Charlie Joyce Piaster in Herb Held Walter Prehton Bruce Lehman Total Mickey lloiie Dean Brandon Speller I T 423 Once Ah Jr J Belly Grace Lehman A Steve Komar George Me Kmet Clarence Preston raa ah Wilson lechers Street A number of friends neighbors gathered at the of Mr and Mrs J Shanks Friday night spend a They presented Mr Shanks with a Club Bag evening was spent Mr Eh after bey bad lunch went home feeling well spent Atonzo Itose nose Mr and Mr Shropshire and little Jack Western AhM of Mr and Mrs Duncan and family on Sunday- Mr Hopper and Mr there would not have been any Sunday at Mr W Ho against a report like thai I Mr Stanley spent low under consideration He day at Mr Moores urlher staled however hat Miss lhornas of Toronto iere in Central where I West in visited her is unknown e over the weekend criticism should be made of We hear the road is go- he King Council for entering he 3rd Con We hope indeed they were is hearsay Hi I him to of their i-e- the appeal and West to ith the work i that King must pay jut they are at liberty the statutory the piyei of eol 1 foi by the vera awarded againsl the roads and therefore be paid out of the fun Bradford FIFTH LINE JONG lo last week and day night hired a special car I Line of Toronto Wth-i- Mrs her little guests Blackburn for the weekend McGregor or Aurora very occupied of the Church on Sunday Ids theme dell Monday pur- based by the Mr Fred t Mr and BarradeU Ihe were Ihe guests at lea on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Harry Webster Mr Tom Dale of Ketlleby accom panied by his to lea on Sun day night with Mr and Mrs Fred Mrs Chambers Black the Lino and her brother Oscar Monday with Mr and Mis It I Willi what Newmarket Markets Live Markets Choice Milkers King Ridge Farm AND Green Mountain will your production In Quantity and Quality g52 I