Newmarket Era, 13 Mar 1925, p. 6

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ffit Albert ill AGENT MOUNT Mount METHODIST Sharon Mi Abort at a rnl wan closed in I antral of the meeting Wednesday lw follow tin- you are most The Mr Barker The announced lite ft Of Nettle of lute Donald ami Marfan el Me- or Jnl to Dr Walter Little of Mount Albert of Mr mid Mrs off lOivl lake place lh last The Moore from latter part the a of lament every Toronto last week some more of our sports at- milled hockey game In To- IKltsoNAIv Whitby Madeline unit Porta we ami spent ere guests of Mr Shaw a we ok end at League last number of Ihe It been on the sick lev Bailey has been or sink i recovering Gordon was few weeks at the home of Mi John Smith Mr Roy Cook of of Cedar Valley spent Sunday with her cousin Mlb Marlon Stokes of Toronto pent the weekend at her home Mi lie if Mis Hoove failed for a we II Spank of W D Stoke Hie popular op erator of he telephone office suffered a stroke last week and slowly recovering from the effects Mr J Harmon has left for the West where he intends to re main for the summer Laura Oldhtim is expect ed home from Toronto Hospital his week She lias been there for Iwg months The in the hall Ramsay has charge of he meet ing next Sunday night was visiting her ulster Mrs Tate over the weekend Hie sick list in our village We are pleased to see Mrs J Mr Bellamy is the now in store and post office Messrs Percy the Hall Keswick A number of an Buffering jet from colds and flu but robins and other spring birds suggest the fast roach of wanner weather highway now open for aulas citizen haw- the day aulj Mr Mcintosh ployed in thr- Urea ho has moved to Toronto During his slay in Albert be made many friends host wishes go him to their new home Mr Waifs has moved in to the house a the Creamery and Mr Byron Watts has moved on he farm down the Centre Road he left A hockey match was played in he local rink between Zephyr and Mount Albert resulting in vic tory lor the Mounts by to Mr el rat I71h March in it followed by Voting Sirs j Prayer being much appreciated by the attendance i tin meetings being held there there has been a lid nice the Sunday School a tin and the public- worship at am while Hie Christian Endeavor service at pm has increased by nearly per cent Last Sunday over remained for our Blagsong wliicli enjoyed ib Tickets linn meeting Jack Iiad charge and Miss gave splendid of the Church in heir St Patrick Da A Hot Supper illustrate The lectui a real witty will be 1 and Tragedies by Do and Canoe These an experiences of Mi in the North Country has been given else with great and should attract la Building fund Mr Sam birthday this iigratulations Glad to report that ve iljeen are Vera Pollock was f p Roachs Point ivMifnpr Mrs M of navcnalipo her tfalher Rev J day layt Pearl te visiting Mr V Cunningham look a foJntlng fell and cut his bead re quired a few Mr Is slowly from an attack of Klollu Sunday Willi Miss Howard and Diss Mo Crouch Hope Items of Our Ottawa letter March Clearly demon strating the existence of North AllanLlo pipping combine whom are In serious freight rale and aenger against Canadian trade and marked the on Monday the motion of Good Progressiva member fur that public gambling at rucelrucks bo Af ter he hud presented bis case in support of resolution Stork Liberal- A Minister of lb day in of Commons the muchheralded plan to control and reduce freight rates by paying a cash consideration to an English Shipping firm beaded by Sir Mr Lows speech in sition of that scheme and lively which wore the features of an otherwise dull week In Proper emphasis was laid minister on the fact that the Ian bad its Will birthday There wi to of few days Howard Id at Ml Albert to Mid- Sutton West ark pis Dr Lowrie Specialist lye and Fit Ola Mansion House March mil from 1230 p in Make appointments with Mr Graham ad Christ Before Pilate is the 3rd snbjecl in the Lenten Series by the pastor I COUfJOIL all present of previous meeting and on motion adopted ltcsolved A be refunded the of Two Dollars dog las being wrongfully assessed Carried DavidsonGlover That Misses Young be refunded the sum Ten Dollars statute labor being performed and charged on the Carried WinchMorton Resolved bo Clerk be instructed notify the County Treasurer to strike His list of property collected assessed lo Con as being Also the taxes against the property of Rogers p lot Con these taxes being charged in the Roll of and paid in the taxes of and the seal of he corpor ation be attached to bis resolu tion Carried WinchDavidson That the lender of L G Jackson for printing and advertising for be accepted Carried MortonDavidson The Reeve and Clerk be instructed lo go lo Toronto re collecting Carried Winch Davidson Resolved hip make a grant of One Hundred Dollars to the Sut ton Fair and the seal of the be attached hereto DavidsonMorton Resolved he Reeve be authorized lo call a pecial meeting at the Clerks of- ire lo adopt he auditors reporf when adopted A Hirst instructed to band over all vouchers etc with the of this Township to F L nut he receive a receipt the foitonWinch Hi following and the seal of the be attached to this J A refund do lax Misses Young re fund of statute labor Warren Bituminous Paving Co yards gravel at I John King 18 barrets land bags Toronto Gen lent Hospital I Hardy 11700 Era printing 1924 Fred Jones yard io Bridge at of Andrew Brorno made report lo dial combine ex isted and it wan doing Canadian trade He stressed the fact thai cured abundant combine from the id be report House of gill bored by Mr Preston in of Report Opposition lo the irnments plan as by Hon Stevens Centre or and previously Donald Sutherland was not so much aimed the issue Of the existence of a combine as at tho or he Preston re port Mr Low pointed put that denunciation of Mr Preston was effective criticism of the plan The Government was not concerned with the reports au- lliorahip but rather with the re ports contents which showed conclusively hat eight lutes were being charged against Canadian shippers as compared with South African and other shippers within the British Empire and the urgency of tak ing some vigorous steps to rem edy an intolerable Mr Low old House thai the Conservatives when in power took action ho facts with re- mailer of fact thrives best when the are farthest away scene the betting Contending lhal the matter of he Stork was not lo matter of his own resolution Mr Good appealed lo Chair against permuting lhal amend ment The Chair occupied time by DeputySpeaker Gordon of Pefcrboro ruled that amendment was In or der and on the Chairs ruling be ing challenged a vote of the House was taken which resulted in sustaining the Chair Then al Canadian racetracks Late in he evening the House voled on ruinf which was defeated poll of lo Then amendment was carried by a vole of 108 in Follow Ibis vote J Brown ivo member for Lisgar another amendment he Stork motion and aimed to prohibit gambling not only racetracks liut also outside of racetracks This was voted down by a poll of 77- result of lh motions and amendments voting hereon was Mint lh approved of the legisla troduced two years ago by then end the Jeiliniis A cold my and by April 3GD3 worth of be for whatovop they will Dry Goods and tit day until end of March Rio Mount Albert All claims Mr must be presented before April 1st CEIEAM i and after mm at our and promptly pay for Vour We are paying Toronto for 33o per lb of Butter Fat and we pay tho Highest Market for By bringing your and to us you of a Deal LIMITED Dominion Bank We Solicit Vour lb of Ho ho headed reported lo Parliament he lo which the North At lantic Conference militated a- Canadian interests Hav ing shown the seriousness of be evil Mr Low left the details of plan remedy that late by Combine Has Effective Lobby Before that special committee members of the North Allan- lie Shipping Conference most of whom have their offices in Mon treal will not only he given an opportunity but will be requested fully their objections to hie plan and also to foack up facts and figures if their challenges lo the rtions contained in the Preston the principal legislation pic to of be scheme in will he watched pep in I crest throughout Ever since its by conducted and bis fact was pointed o last Friday by Hon James A Acting Minister of Finance the Conservative ranks he objections taken lo the plan are on the ground that it will involve the subsidizing of a fleet of vessels to compete with the ships of the North Atlantic Conference Many in fbe House dislike be idea of a subsidy and some Progressives have openly Mated that they would stoutly oppose introduction of the principle of a subsidy On the hole wilhhoiding their views of plan until here is opportunity of studying the evidence to be sub mitted to the special committee If that committees efforts re- in firmly establishing the accuracy of the facts and figures in the Preston report and he report of he eliminate lie handbook business That legislation was rejected by Senate and a few days ago Hon Lapoinle Minister of Justice announced his intention of reintroducing an early dale same Criminal Code amendment RumRunning Treaty Ratified General approval of the Do minion Governments- efforts to with United Slates Government in curbing the grow ing evil of smuggling across the border especially liquor and narcotics was evident on Tues day when the Prime Minister submitted the House his reso lution providing for ratifica tion by the Canadian Parliament of I he proposed treaty between the Iwo Countries which has al ready ratified by the United Slates Congress The treaty will be in force for one year ac cording the Prime Minister to will he after the exchange of official- of he wo will make much easier he of the smuggling of liquor of narcotics and of across the border and will bea long toward pulling a slop to the de countries in AUTO DASHED of Occupants March or a family riding- In itomoNle escaped wKh cut ant at when was pfekrd by a feet and smashed by the be Port Hope track of Hie city The cor was centre and Is a complete I principal thoroughfares Street car service was practically paralyze last night and Jits morning lite cars being stalled on the Iracki In all parts of he city and Early deliveries were virtually mid auto mobiles were abandoned on llio roads by who attempted to plow Ihrough I trains In transporfatlon by be swept DULL FOR SALE Fawn bite Ho took third Royal Show J SONS of Holland Landing country I beg am now open for all llcpalr W CARD OF THANKS and Mm Geo Cole of desire express their s to the people of by i the for i FOR OH RENT Veneer nine rooms Hardwood floors Georgia Trims Goal and Mantle on Ave In Town of Aurora Cholci Apply to Auk On J Office Hours Keswick am 1r32 2i 30 p NOTICE TOFARMERS GREENLAND A SONS Wholesale Holland Landing Are Wanting Fat Cattle Calves Poultry Duller and Eggs and Garden Produce BEST PRICES PAID ns and Slallioiia- from a herd splendid Under and by of powers contained In a certain Mortgage which will he produced at time sale there will be for sale by pub lic auction on Saturday day of March at the hour of eleven oclock In fornoon at the George Hotel by Smith auctioneer the following pro perly namely The east half of Lot number lx together with the half of Lot number seven both In the Fourth Concession of the Township of North containing acres more or les The laud Is well of good loam Ten per cent to he paid time of sale balance to April The will he A Newmarket Oct for Hie Mortgagee at the time Smith Esq on for tale Tuesday the Ihe hour of oclock at oclock the Hint- Hotel a by J the following faun property 2nd Concession of the Township of of Lot East at by on oiilam- tog acred more or and east angle tolly hi Ihe to North York Registry five chain bury There lb a good frank- and mora or leas except- are fair The soil a clay loam and workable Ihe Is mil ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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