Tine For Cultivator Tooth I Lift Willi condition it Winch Sutton Apply Keswick BuUdloiJ jdii Hoof covered Would make l Editorial Notes tornado swept j and Hcporta Bay coal of b per gallon or Apply on Klgn person of Ben Islanding member of ho Conservative party He died on Sunday after an ill in of six week for 3 ye POT llftirtO w ready llul weik Rex Live Wonted In soil ih market Write J jMny llainlllun For Separator capacity only used a few to reHpniislbh Northend For Bale roniiied Modern garden County 1 in the Methodist Church irkoi Sunday was moved Or ami seconded Mi protesting iovernmoiu allowing ho in York ho constituencies which voted loner for the continuance of the by majority In- hands of he Ophelia sold la Ave Pit For Yellow Bead Oats Li Newmarket I in Serin and Mi to he placed fall the del a tide ling so strongly for the King liange they will have he for the The gleefully forward with bo of making people point and gouging out of for people having lo has cut also abolished all foodstuffs How appeal to you Our Toronto News Plans of the Ferguson for the redistribution or in Toronto were considered 1 a meeting of the Central Lib- ami report hack I ho natter will he submission to the House The city was plunged larkricss Friday evening the transpni lied snapping of id Burlington inside I of fl with tht onrGgTattoi Draper of Toron to homo for tno weekend Ross Hugo of Toronto spent the- weekend at homo Miss Sutherland of Toronto was a guest over Sunday of Mrs Isaac tliaa Gray and Mrs Phoebe Hendry Simpson oil Mrs A J and Mann at- tended a Golden Wedding 8 Creek on Fanners fie Cleanest Easiest Fully Guaranteed PROVED ROYAL BROODEI I I of To l i Of outputs of all of Ontarios mines A frame building at as a storehouse by made a sjiclaculai on Monday evening and 15000 POWER LEASES CANCELLED March Lyons Back us the Hon Jus Minister of Lands and that bis ficlnu leuees em three water powers at the expiry phi which end 1 Land 3it lion of Minister and Forests in faking cancel these leases was duo considerations First Mr not lived up Ho his secondly ho if Fort Frances has made st through lo Hie rnmenl that Mr the towns and thirdly parties ibo are prepared develop the sites once for he pent Law of To Challiafti March 15 The ma jority of people slept early oblivious the stalked through their Jicmoij as a result it obstacle which blocked pipes touting from tbo field end 1 Hie Gas gas main lo Chatham suoli a low pressure that in furnaces and healers ere With fires the city faced the anger of asphyxiation when Iho was repaired The obstruction occurred after two oclock Operators were rushed lo llio Of the trouble and quickly ftlP and Mr Joseph Ave family attended the funeral Irs McMillan of i North Dakota is spend- few her sister he after ho of both he and Hie the distubulois the rest of the early morn ilg he city and liiying consumer whore the fires one out Bolls Aro flung The city fire hell in us THE YOU CAN BUY Mrs Im in all- 0 her Mm W Basso of Can A nunlTtci Of ing people JOIN iIimIi1 pally at Mr on Lueaday enjoyed oldtime benefit of the miinlly arc si The he lea im igorously ales lax does the Phe To Id like 1011 to touched the pie lo bull Ibey scar tariff at all but when Ibey wan to distribute liaclo jiul I in mi free list and gave lie order lo power on the Seine at Stur geon Falls the outlet lo Moore Lake and Steep Mock Lake Cancellation of those leases and application Ottawa lo cancel his export licenses and privileges follow upon his lo live up to any of the ins of the made with the Since the making of the lease two years ago Mr lied up these potential a total cost him of only the nominal rental firs year As rents arc payable in advance be is now in arrears to the extent of Hun llil Hunt Uiu- Mi Lewis opened a bard- ware store at Pennington New Jersey lasl Saturday and gave a souvenir every person making a Hi it day Mrs Keith attended a reception given by Mrs Foihes- in Toronto on Monday afternoon and yesterday and through subscriber he fire e with tele- Buildings nod Mi Sin of To We have a full stock of Bread Pastry and Wheat flours Granulated Standard and Rolled Oats Bran 8horts and Hominy Gluten and Oil Poultry Stock Tonics Etc Also the following Specials Moat and Bone Protein per Meat and Bone Meal Protein per 350 Meat Protein per 10016 376 Digester Tankage Protein 100 Salt 100 PHONE 368 MAIN SOUTH Owned and managed by Consumers for the benefit of Con- Set Aside Fund of to Help Boys Live Better Lives New York Match Because Mr explained does hot thai wealthy ally idea bailing a men should wait until after they fund for hoys dead before they pcrmil heir am selling aside 2500000 lo improve will long referred by bis In J tin close IhCwbo saiit- r beautifully flow of gas was Church last Sunday morning is soloist in Davenport Presbyterian Church and was be guest of Mrs Booth lo were not subscribers Ibe precautions of the for if the city were nc many cases of af Id undoubtedly ha d thai and that no hy gas fume Mrs Gordon Lamb cousin editor left for her home in Monday morning if after taking care of he Mrs K for weeks The latter is able around the but impr last the Detroit wonder authority of list Canadian flour shipments real Britain lie late higher than on flour lo be ineiu In 1020 Meigbcn was asked he advisability of liii and I he ol freight mnhnif- put The wale lying generally Fort William and Fori Frances and all the other im portant water powers are also controlled by Mr Backus or his companies Cancellation of Dig Seine leases with curtailment of he port privilege at Fort Frances Mr Win Piiulj and Of and shown Jessie Unit Mtti Kathleen Winnipeg Man March JO The- gold discovery which ha thrown the people of Minilona and Swan into a frenzy of excitement and has resulted lie staking of more than 3 claims covering appioxirnalel made year ted here 1 ill week thai there metal in the find is made by Mrs Ontario gagenent of her only daughter Charlotte Clarence A of Mr and Mr Ontario The mar- age to lake place quielly ho Lottie loover eldest J lie 1 a a I 500000 ill be i courage to ive bell ire successful liv Mr 11 come- places hoys of amy and get them lo pledge hat they will from all bad nabifs obey ihe laws of genei to da his iffjC and where he importing and luring with which lie been identified for years Before ho made not he rebellious in Ihe any or club which they be belong and to comply all eels the rules willingly so hat they for he li If they keep pledge Ibey 2500 founda- ign for years I intend lo if Mr give from o to lis own employes help the ory who grind Ihe Imports and his sec nouncedj it bis intent id be of men o if and administer lines indicated by of March itte and Mrs F of Sutton West Ontario an nounce ihe engagement of their daughter Mildred El Shannon of both to Toronto eldest son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Shannon of WesU the marriage lo take place the middle of April Mr and Mrs Wesley Mi miles from He was dig- one and a half In tin 000 I IK a defied i dollars deficit of deficit was In the yea closed companys earnings showed an improvement df no less than half a million dollars and instead of a heavy deficit there were profits of What heller conditions could a manufacturing concern expect The Welle Hospital Board and to ill k loni nth over Russian ites The latter came lo this last August and icen temporarily housed Waterloo County since then This it is expected be their last move as they intend to make their permanent in Manitoba and swan Last summer about of these Waterloo County and already large of County Council has al ready granted and the Board are asking Hie City Coun cil for If the York County Council would he a tow a ids York County Hospital in Newmarket there would he no trouble ii a the Hub of Hospital Board her Ibe County Couu of Ibe mailer That Hospital here he of greater service to Hie whole tbout question before PM when open on Hie evening or tin Urns affording everybody KlUlTSrOULTUYYARDS Custom Hatching 500 per bundled in Or more only horn liKrej a i York itll see Hunks in Newmarket and- rfLory for selling of oilier small liortly leave for ml nee will slay at surrounding at least was a marl the sample o Cobalt passed and no reply was forc ing Then the day In a letter Cobalt say- thai traces of gold had been found in he sample he forward ed seven years ago The new spread be community and today In snowcoorcd prairie surround ing he homestead is well staked out and claimed Ex citement is running high and some of the more enterprising prospectors already have brought machinei a to begin operations the first thaw a yesterday by Ilev John minister of the Scotch Newmarket He was living Lot Street at tune and Mrs Wesley whoso maiden name was Miss live together lay see Ihcii health March SON laimuni lo have been killed tonight iu an explosion wrecked Mine of the Bethlehem Mines Corporation three miles west of The and oclock and at first it was believed all or pari of Ibe men were alive At mid- night however Mine fendent Benton Mitchell all III and thai he The faille- an Sunday Mary Sylvalu amnion March other handbook V who won a in from a former lager was sentenced lo rs less one day imprison he Ontario Reformat Judge loday Bail for he change of Ibe ago whe they to Waterloo Then Ibey appeared oppressed and ill nour ished especially the children but since then thev have filled out wonderfully while they are also much better clothed than when left Russia Then wbre forced to leave practically nothing but the had on their back During heir winter sojourn in Ontario many of the children have acquired a sufficient know ledge of he English language lo he able lo as interpreter for Hie rest of be parly A large crowd of Ontario ga thered Waterloo station to bid he vveslhdund party godspeed Wins Had Haig and the Service July next helween four ar aits of lite dominion I conference of the met Oil on Saturday agreed convention of the a Id be for this Id cled of from the Union Bank of Canada Substantial was made only yes terday of he large sum is alleged lo have won from John MoLelland who was a branch of the bank McLel- land has been in jail since last appear for open on July of I by rial next theft PURSUE id Parties jil A- Hi settlers fear learns with the result that dances have been postponed and yjcjal In New mark to Mr ait Altar in Trent At Sunday infant of Mr and Mrs Nee Of VUQ ROADfieUSE ft TORONTO