Newmarket Era, 20 Mar 1925, p. 3

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Our Local News On Thursday evening of las Mr Alex enter iiined the Junior of School at the evidence of Mr iHiciio social Friendly won by a small Hie periods play- fool ball Willi brooms The of SI Andrews as several weeks ago I In direction yf J intend giving Olivet lo Calvary on Good Friday evening They jjfiBii successful in engaging Winifred wonderful Hinging lias so charmed everyone on previous lo be llic soloist for All lovers of good will do well lo reserve Presbyterian Itev A in HI Andrew Church Sunday March at in and p and Bible Farewell Party A most e JOD people hmiv the home Mr Owens on Hired farewell Si Party given by Mir Owens and family lo neighbors and friend on of ihoir removal lo Ihe Town of Newmarket in the near future Everybody wan made perfectly home with nil kinds of games ami dancing till after midnight ft a party long bo hnml for its molality The of the whole go tiiem for future prosperity in their new Friends good attendance A Woman Princess a special collection will be taken for her benefit ad The First says that last Tuesday morning St Patricks Day playful in Mr Noil oft til Ju ral market Athletic Association in lite of Trade Block tin Tuesday evening March As thero are very many mailers for discussion we hope I lint a large attendance will lie on hand no wo can decide a to what our plana are to bo fa the July iul by the North Atlantic Shi ping Conference extends to degree over almost Fund meeting of Hie Local Branch of tlio Armenian held on Tuoyday resignation Mr as treasurer icrepted bo having removed Town and Mr J K Eaton gpr of tho Provincial Bank was appointed in his Mr Eaton was previous- Canadian goods and Canadian aria hen ihp actual high rates by the North Conference Is the nation hose goods and in favour of the goods shipped from United In f two boys ii for a per- second of MOO due on lie if April and the local net re- was requested to remind have not paid Ibeir iiJlinn in full bat oT the second would lie gladly received in minors and Canadian ml the money la being ioally spent in a mot which ed in flie evidence taken Iw ions by the Special on Agricultural Conditions and demonstrated in by lion Tin to Canadian Government for five years It is hough dial while ml has been lo upon com plaints by introducing a measure Ihe ad- look no ac Britain Moo In School Board Public School Board met in he secretarys office on March Mi it clock with the following present Dr Wilkinson Fred A Maiming Dr Boyd Eves and Ira Walter Stephens The minutes of the last regular meting were read and on motion The following accounts were pro- Hint and on motion of Mr Mau ling seconded by Mr the were ordered paid Mrs Irs Ilollingshcail 1000 if to Him In the that followed a number took pari The British Foreign II and Mr Edgar Scott of Mr Manning by Mr of Iticbaidson for was referred lo Re to report on and if to give Presbyterian Church sh ha alvi faith In I celestial rendered the an mi in usual inner Exalt His Name am rant Us Thy Peace taken by Mrs Dunn M and Mr wen elingly good aLsiJ due were sung will it unit It alsi led by Dr toy that Hie balance duo Richardson be paid Hie hands of the Coin Our Ottawa Letter March From tiie char ter of tho debate already in the of Commons from the ehjiniulencc tabled In the from day to day by members of the Government id from the warm attacks made is both on t 1ms become thai ma been uncovered one of lie largest and most powerful inly of lllh he said about the at least up thing that has the of Canada scheme is probably not perfect I have confidence in vill light March the t oclock for will bo a good crowd if which the whole matter to he referred suggestions are made til ill quite evidently will bo in the Interest of lo ac cept they will be Attitude of Prooroaolveo lie altitude of Progress- parly as by- its leader Robert tin Friday fleii I not hostile lo the They readily re of tins si become on in and out of Par- mi Is thai following strong objections taken British ship- inleresls lo he subject mal- of the Plosion report it has been arranged that concurrently with the investigation be con ducted by a special of he House of Commons there will ie an enquiry by the Imperial shipping in Ureal Also the evidence lo taken by the Canadian House will bo transmitted day day Imperial Shipping Committee and on tiie hand Ihe hitler body along British shipping interests itranging lo have witnesses not only from Canada but also attend igs of Ihe Canadian commit mien All disclosed between the British he Canadian Governments luring tiie three weeks and in the House of last Friday by Die Prime ft Explosion one of the cables sent a by of Stale for tiie Colonies in London it was made clear that the course of action now being pursued by the King was decided upon some lime ago and was based up on evidence and the mendalions pi Special Corn- found lliat a North I Commit combine existed Iraffic and action Church and will be of her of Womens School Sunday iel j Princess be Syrian will gVjie all be Ihe different id Stuart Scott Saturday nigh livery of coal to fore March to have power the Hoard ill lie 11 jil if 1 for III 1 in ul- in III finny he able l ha Mil In no Ill of was If upon I to Canadian Exports Only to Important conlributibns to the debate on this measure in House of Commons during week ended from W Motherwell Mil of Agriculture William Duff Liberal member for D Libera ember for North Waterloo member for Red Clark is toll upon Canadian ship and they are ready o reasonable plan whereby lull combine can be curbed is operations and ocean rale educed Plioy are not bout the feasibility of the Gov mid mplolely in MiaiMl by I he if and when that com- substantiates j Predion in the report of of two sessions it finds ilia Ihe Govern- plan is only plan and bat is workable then they their weight behind in getting it passed Down to lively scone was enacted House Thursday- afternoon when lie moved thai beginning next Wednesday lake that day for its business The move was made by Government ox- plained Premier King Tor the of expediting tiie Misiness or Ihe House shorten ing the session and hereby ing Ihe of Parliament and lonoy of the people mmediately objected by Mr who saw fast fad ing any possibility of a debate csoluiion made public cy of the Conservatives in tiie tariff and trauspor and Ibo British Prefer nee Also it is be hat lasi session he Con iies were scolding lie for needlessly -prolong- people of Snowball Mis Greta wi over the weekend Ladies mot at Uio C ffigfllllEl The young people of Snowball I LO e giving a play at on I March entitled Pumpkin Ridge Dont forgot tho play Alvaya in Trouble given by the M Society on Miss Dorothy Evans spent the in Newmarket Surrounded by their direct de scendants two of the eldest living pioneers or York County celebrated their diamond wedding jubilee last week They are Mr and Mrs Ca leb Brown now living in both hide and hearty the fact that they have passed Ibeir fourth year- iIiiMi ail of Include five still living sons and seven daughters Anollfei link in Ibis unique chain of is formed by Mrs Tlioma Green was bridesmaid the marriage knot was tied by tin A P Campbell years At the diamond all of the we of the daughter lithe I the till- tin much talk on been the Liberals or a conspiracy of silence imply because he latter were agreed upon needless debates and saving the peoples time and money On vole of the House on the Ibe pioneer is by no mental lo health is afforded when one learns thai Mr and Mrs JSrnwn have farmed in North York district all their lives Three of Ihe sons are still farming One is a retired farmer and the fifth a merchant Mrs Green who was the bridesmaid is also a sister of Mrs Brown The It include the children ti grandchildren and II greatgrandchildren KING LINE Mr Cliff suddenly jumped from the bonds of bach- wife in llic person of a of They will re side on the homestead with formers parents engaged and aked Ml I billys moving posts and informed lenders are the canals and ditches Aid of or- in In was hy and l of Dial vole I- of lni liaiiicn II them nil lis iin III Al- and also the iw nil- met at the home of Mrs Stanley on Levi Brown is kept busy circl ing wood Rev McGregor of Aurora occupy the pulpit of tiie church on Sunday next Every body come Mrs- Mary Ann ha returned home after visit with her daughter Mrs Skinner Port Credit W A CO GOODS VARIETY Fancy Stripe Silk Broadcloth and flatlna New and Silk Scarfs for the Spring New Qloves In Silk and Kid Nov Silk Famous Brand Elastic Ribbed Top Heavy Silk all the New Shades Fawn Blossom shades of Grey and Fawn Rust Tan Brown and many other shades Reg Sale Price MORE EGGS from Each Urn day Your your money if it fail Regulator Will Raise Fund For the Banting Research and Industrial Toronto is to have a Health lo scheme il and Science Loan campaign like will involve tie collocation of he old Vietorv Loan funds of a con able amount In York Club on Saturday a capital of i00000 or night Sir William was hi in an income of the presiding spirit at the or What we want launching of another Toronto is advice from thoe present York Fund This peace the Mr Angus light summed l William that the House on Thursday by the Prime Minister of Canadian Governments attitude to the Geneva protocol In declaring Governments policy on this question Premier King said We do not consider it in the best of Canada of British Empire or of the League of Na tions itself to recommend to Parliament adherence to protocol and particularly to igid 1011 nous in practically every future war Among the grounds for this conclusion is the considera tion of the effect of the non- participation of the United States upon attempts to enforce he sanctions in the 11 and particularly m British Columbia a point of criticism which would be by the Canadian would be carrying out of Montreal United v ell Pastor tiftu ATKINSON end Mr Motherwell would not be mixed w in wheat at any given before I ing by boat to Buffalo and tire special prize of Toronto i vae of tin fund totalling at i t ul IpisL r00000 be li vcaoaerorCbhlaslPT Ho would report the board of governor- lint fhero uggosfions thai the was every evidence of iiearly books be kept perm- public support for a Banting In China and Dorothy told ilioul work In Japan This Cimseeratloa and la Mr Burgess Mrs King Willi Mr- Cook Mr Gvrge is home from hospital while be is confined to bed he feel glad to be back again We all a recover Mr Mike Wallace was in City SaUirdiy alt to bo put still funeral of his Han of open and that a much reeeach fund and possibly for large endow he secured to wider fund to encourage general assist pure cientifie and research under the research as well as medical of the university research I If Toronto has been put on Sir William was Ihe scientific map by host of guests it ii- life of the cily Among hem Ferguson and Mayor Foster In the speech with which he opened this search symposium the chancellor of Ihe university slated- that he had called them together for ullafion preparatory lo definite of After the nihil FIRE the ayes had fund had been commended for les of Mrs by a score of speak- they apparent thai a- Hi his home township Karl floss here on Saturday to light the fire I li- MM II lo be that he Hi about SO hold career and can render further eJ real service lo i he l0 can be given the means for ending his research To Ibis end there has been found in Ibis Newmarket Markets have in mind Ihe of 7777 of what only Dr Live Stock Markets sfaff putting it before the

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