DR J- BOYD M hi Medicine of Licentiate of College of Physicians and College of Surgeons land former clinical title id the Office I loom in by appointment DR Dentist Main and Bis DR QlLaEftT DR J- of Forum Toronto Dentist Evening Appointment all In regard 10 spring trade- is evident Mili a il with few ex a Die eeptions arc lookiing up and Inspector a greater amount of ac- about an hour on school in Hie Trades grading Dr was in the chair A talent Halo wag also acute on io hold in connection with lliu pro- of nring- mid the of at lfl The Due do Nemours a lislicul returns sup- of Louis of Franco It During and Hie trend is in nailing in April to visit Lord wholesale and re- Lady Rodney who have a specially have been Saskatchewan and feeling of op- w a the Wales establishment of the Prince of Scotia Technical Col- I ays under direction of the Each school Dominion Council of Scientific id and the Nova Scotia j I hale to be the rlclwst peeled should ale of at the March to from hould to many According to a report issued 111- Don Of trade has made a favorable start in 1925 excess of exports over of about for month of January as com- with a favonible balance of for iijnniding The trade i largest favorable one for January since port lltut 1010 of volume of spoiled by lime Ihiy iiiuulhy street changes in company Kay had put on a good do some ironing when Hie pipes caught fire and hi the corresponding period of last your the most In crease in the exports group be ing that of animals and animal products which shows a gain of Hals allic so allow a substantial ports of textiles to a ton of hundred million tons of the are readily accessible and vast oil industries similar of Colo and the Western States might j well come into being in this I find general business condi tions quiet but improving through out Canada and undoubtedly the Increase In the price of farm pro ducts will prove very encouraging to the west said Grant Hall vice- president of the Canadian Pacific Railway on from a re cent tour of the Dominion Large orders for hardware shipped over our lines of late to the that the en diet alio called to whose laundry is no id by the in door a there where I he pip caught hie A hole lie Km I goes through J had wiliti he the fire Literacy The Navy League o Singing ami and Used Pianos Old Dualo led mage of Fa O J Snider J Day Juno la The Navy League I Ilia is all opportunity of and then products all llic main of imports Ilio lolal awards for Canadian compiled Macloan llepoils lod wore com pared Willi 000000 in January Building accounted for per eon business building per induslrial liuilding per and public works and Tim was disiriliuted lie province as follows Inlaiio per cent per Mini aggregates over value of Monlroal Area Guatoms and Customs and Revenue for bo of rob was JI8- figures for lie 1021 a 200000 is shown The Montreal Dial steel ingots of slain The Price of British and Woollens Is ad vancing Take advantage of old prices and Order your stilt NOW WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket Church of who guv taken Miss Li last Sun- iiXrd of ii hilt Miscellaneous The Montreal Gazelle rc hat prices of farm lave continued to advance a of unusually large veiling for the off in I adult eholu Rev Panting and Paper Hanging ESTATE Special Bargains lei- for wintered his season and it is expected that wool ehp in 1 will he ban of a year ago he during latest by the at the greater th laid down In each of plots in original eight In It was found the plots where llmo and acid phos phate had been applied yielded the check plots imlilK or outlets real of profit article i its turn There phases of the lumbering in- in Canada during 1023 as with the previous year according to the latest report of the Dominion of Statistics The average value of the output in that year amounted to as compared with 9114324680 in this respect the lumbering industry comes third on the Hat of manufact uring industries in the pulp and paper industry first and the flour and grist mills second Passengers aboard the Canadian Pacific steamship Empress of France now touring the world had a unique experience recently while visiting Ccylpn Returning from a run out to the old capital of the Cingalese Kings and Site of the of the Tooth of Buddha a trainload of the trav ellers was held up by a herd of wild elephants which hemmed in on either side by the Jungle ambulated along the track ahead This wag a feature of the journey which de lighted those of tin were not anxious about missing the Viola Dana the famous picture actress work has de lighted millions is to be the star of a drama to be filmed at ac cording to a recent report Miss Dana journeyed from New York to Montreal snd then across the con tinent via Canadian Pacific Rail way in order to join her company for the film The remainder of the cast are proceeding to Banff from Los Angeles and it is expected that shooting of the scenes will commence shortly A very consid erable number of big pictures have already been taken at Banff which seems to have a great attraction for discerning stars and directors who appreciate the beauty of the ROD AND GUN April ol and Gun in j or long The initial story The Shanty tp By the Gens de Tor re Griffin Meredith is a lie of silver prospecting war- The to hold the attention of all termllk ho read if In The Motoring arc Coming Win in heralds he influx of sum- tourists into Canada Dale ami J W gain on ild bird life and V Williams ml Martin Hunter add their quo- good reading In Fishing of year when contemplate greater farm development purchasing more stock more seed increasing acreage buying additional To go through with such a progressive program borrowing money to cover initial costs is usually necessary Securing a loan of this kind a simple matter for farmers of sound character All that required an interview with the local branch manager of the Bank of Toronto He will be glad to listen to your problems give advice and lend every reasonable financial assistance in his power Consult the branch manager of the Bank of Toronto today end of 1 and months The lota having salt averaged higher In flavor were practically the at the end of and monl ha and a little higher with one than the tailed lots jut he holding period In these test apparently Dairy Notes Milk Is such a perishable food that it in good condition tor at least 3G to hours after it Is drawn mm the cow Nation which in cludes cooling and holding at a rea sonably low tempeiature preferably things practicable milk held at gly J J play handy for awing Gum on he is say die leases juices and prom health the women were the Hubbard the style re rabies Hut taiyi fold DODOS PILLS it I up the due be lor lisping anil mi departments stories anil ketches all deal with some sea- unable subject interesting lo 111 Published month liy J Taylor Limited Wood lock Out the Holy 13111 tthn Is ff iftf li in the who The lira to i- a good condition ability in Phone fi FINE QUALITY WALL PAPERS LARGEST AMD FOR ALL PROM TO PER ROLL Papers and 80 In Oatmeals Tints Crepe WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR DUPLEX GREEN AND COMBINATION We Vou Any Piper With or Without Hanging GREEN Painter and Paper Hanger SQUARE They also fed chickens ship and that the Its high quality after being indicating that The known to be an Inherited very serluusly by Department of Poultry Ifany of Ren complicated and A Collefo readers will he Off Want Lot OR IMfO Servlo Cbarff E A BOYD Flight on JONES ALWAYS ON HAND OIL COATED AND DYED Practical Painter anil iiljli ill-