Our Local News iol took in Sunday Worship A J- Mann will inlk fo the Juniors Sunday School welcome to teacher hud a pro- room ami patriotic Principal Swimming Pool Tin kiddies urn Iihl in Swimming n Ave da hi provide a illdron to nils during Him his consider- Illl will ion llicy will III Hull Form Eve of mi mi for p in llio persons Prof J si Chris Farias Orange accept tills token of lie admiration esteem i ion and love your of old cuing Caledonia Lodge possess and favor- manifest toward you I in official by We trust lliat you may be flight spared many yearn of useful lrovinciial ffuiiid in advancing he interests of Ontario- West I of our beloved Order hut when Lold which inevitably comes by III bo lot of alt men ultimately may find it of Mm Bio Wop Grand Marshal CaplW and Master il Grand Honor it way and that you with Of- Visilors and of Urn present as well attendance of the local After the regular of tin evening had been lispnsrd Worshipful jailed upon ficotl to to Hie dais who a few ivorrls of welcome lira brief ouiou proceeded icad the following address To the Rev Levi Law rence A M of Die Grand Lodge of the of or Hie Orange of British North ifficers and members Caledonia No 815 at Newmarket Out con fined in our regular meeting pleased delighted and hon ed to have you pi paying kindly Of your brethren many happy hours lodge room of old No of Newmarket Hon Kino Prime Minister and President Council May A tribute to King wan paid Hinight Mm Liberal members of Hie House of Commons and the tiler the Grand Mastei beautiful gold engraved with fieri Malacca liable iplion thereon The recipient although laken completely by responded in an appro ale manner expressing he membc gift able thorough over an hours rluralion in which he gave a complete and ex haustive review of the progress and work of Order during the past year and also outlined P J A P Hewitt Speaker of the M P proposed he toast to responded lo by which President of the monlary Proas Gallery At by 111 the mlD Government sower in by the Prime himself George Kyle Chief Liberal Whip acted as lour yea Mil mlu be promoted by lie development the fostering of a kindlier feel- oil the pari of icli Hie I That kindlier feeling Canada between creeds and bo ot the country becoming a recognized fact that present lias brought about a greater feel ing of id the toast of Mr Kyfe Pine Orchard Fair congregation on Sunday parry brought us a me from the words of Jesus to its when but boy Wist at I mutt be about my Fat Luke Has lefA some or business a place tor each one This thought would nil leum Floral and Block Pattern si i win per Floor II Cloth All Widths per Yard Regs Newest Patterns All Sizes is Slock a Lowest Prices in North York IJihCbvj Shades Good Rollers Groan or Bream W A BRUNTON CO fillOl Wed ais till I r The W1U1IK lin homo of Mir Gins June 3rd at r Mr jinrl Mrs Gordon and with Mr and Vaiiluvtri King City are enjoying two weeks visit daughter from Clara Is special meeting of Women explained so clearly an atlDgly lioy Important and easy UNDY NEWMARKET FOR 111 SPRINB from to yd 36 In wide Colored Madras In Green Gold Blue and nose 30 In wide Fancy Cream Madras In Cream and Ecru Plain Frilled Edge White 33 In wide Check Curtain Scrim Frilled Jiffy Dress Lengths in length Normandy Voile In all New and Patterns for tho Now Smart made In a jiffy 8ale Price 7Bo yd 2Bo yd 3Ho yd