OUT II never fell to particular people Day by day the year Around la compet ently good by hold May It EST Hie quality of our product Is Hie great of monuments we have lit of work we have lone lo jour mid examine 11 This will verify Hie claim that do only the highest of memorial work W LUESBY periiins greenhouses Oorham Newmarket Say It Willi Flowers ROSE Priced From three for Spiraeas Climbing Rosen Hydrangea flowering Al mond Hall Honey Suckle Dutchmans Pipe etc In colors lnllll iiid Petunia and plants Phone 13S Our Local News oclock till five It improvement to bis residence ill be closed on June 3rd Queen street by addition of a Kings Birthday being holiday riotcD ting was held in tl Hall on Friday lebralo Victoria principal delivered a few open ing remarks introducing the afternoon speaker Rev J Cochrane ills address was in- tscly earnest and fired wilii a IHolic spirit The proved In appreciation Morton Margaret to meeting with Cod Save the King Well honor yet school wc The best school of all Well honor yet the rule we Knew Till the last hell call For working days or holidays And glad or melancholy days wore great days and jolly At the best school of all There was a very fendanee at St Pauls Parish annual May of Mrs m class on Thursday evening last plcndfd J hen was a large attendano Ing program luge was prettily and the children all looked so pretty their summer frock The Songs were excep tionally well sung and the numbers by Dorothy Gee Ths ic Elementary asses of twenty pupils received The Post Office will bo closed Wednesday afternoon during no July August and Scptem- Is making quite I vices in St Andrews Church will bo in charge of K Man I An invitation is extended to all enjoy these services at It am and Sabbath striving School and Bible Class at 230 Next weeks will bo of the Missionary Com Ifiomono Union tho Annual York and Peel Counties being held at Richmond Hill on Thursday and Friday of next week June and regular meeting has been post poned till Juno 9th so that a full in the Temperance Halt is hoped there will ho a good delegation from Newmarket at he Convention at Richmond Hill Funeral Morning Word was received hero on Wednesday of the death of Mrs David J Dickson at home in Toronto Deceased was a daugh ter of lalo Patrick of and sister of Mrs Jos Could of this place The will he conveyed here by motor this morning and funeral service will he held in St Johns Clinch oclock when High Mass will he said Interment at St Johns Cemetery Use of School Grounds Complaints are heard with re gard to Una use made of our open spaces by thoughtless persons Hoys or young nun engaged in a game of baseball on new Stuart Scott School grounds on Sunday and before leaving tiano solos and duets and Mary Evans Height Helen Codling Lucy Watts Watts George acquitted themselves with much credit The recitations and dialogues by Jean Helen Codling Hilda Little Jlulh Gardener Nellie Ralph Adams George Richards Alfred Smith were heartily applauded The pupils singing the Anthem ended an evenings lyj enjoyed House for Sale of GORDON Temple Toronto Solicitor for Applicant 1 Eilhel Wallace escaped e Alexandria lnduidrial School on of May Both were arrested by Constable Kirk on Saturday morning one in Pine Orchard and the other in Newmarket The Constable is indebted to Calvert and Lieut Barfool of the Salvation Army at for informa tion leading o their arrest In the Police Court of Wednesday ning the Wallace was returned lo the trial Frank Arnold arrested by Con table Kirk as an accessory to ho Wallace girl wa or three months Mrs Geo Hale of the school 0 m while ground by the pupils of schools persons arc li able to fine or punishment It annoyances continue school will bo forbidding the o grounds lo all except pupils- Womens Institute The regula d the Newmarket Branch of the Institute was held at he home of Miss Pearson on Thursday May This was he annual id election of officers President Mrs 1st Vice Mrs IM Jtiehaidson 2nd Vice Mrs Penrose Widdi- field Secretary Mies Penrose nspendcil ilh Clarence arrested at by Con Kirk charged with a common assault on was fined 25 and amounting in all to Three young men were sum moned to court for disorderly conduct on the street in Sh and were fined 10 and costs each and given a piece of whole a foreigner was arrested by Con Kirk trespass on the railway and wa sent down for a week for obser vation ill conduct the ice at this hour instead of Fri- P Church Night The pastor will the address- introducing men to Christ Sunday mectii DW CORN FOR SILA6I Testing for Germination In lit mended for Good Expected from i Jt Stan Mis Mrs J O Moss Mrs A was united in the holy bonds of matrimony lo Mr Maurice win Foster son of Mr and Mrs Foster of form erly of Newmarket The cere mony was performed by the Rev W McCall of Brant Avenue Methodist Church The bride entered the drawing room to the Andrews on the arm of her fa along an aisle formed by ribbons attached lo flowerdeck ed wands carried by the little of the bride Ruth and In much difference In opinion KB to the beat variety to and the selection generally hinges points via- the value of lctnd and tho coot of labor If you to pay high lor labor and your lend la high priced then tho heaviest yielding variety that you can find taking a chance on reaching maturity Production acre you must If you ore on land then make highel Dig heavy corn full of Juice hard to handle it money to out of it while light yielding early maturing lor t but what produce 1b produced with the aid of supplementary grain So If you have abundant land tho early maturing high quality var ieties will bo most Butted to your need On the other hand If you have few acrea and must get the moat out of area of labor coat then you had beat select the heavy variety Teat the Seed Corn Test or germination every ear of corn that la used for It does not take very much time to do it Tenting seed Is the only lneuranca you have for a perfect stand Why take a chance and loose by upending your labor on a field with only halt as many plants there should be Better teat and get started right Two weeks before you figure on planting corn prepare a box with or Band plant a give It cars and watch for tho He guid ed by the performance of the sample tented Good seed corn Is not abun dant this year be careful in your purchase Soft or moldy fieed corn produced a plant Dont forget that first of all your crop depends upon vigor of tho that you plant to the frost action until dry enough to harrow down In the spr a successful method for corn application of not less than t of good manure ahould made In early May and the land ploughed and worked down to tilth of a good Planting When the White Oak leaf Is large as a black foot last It In May plant the in check ma ion and the latter in georgette pale green of kitlens ear crepe trim med with lace and seed pearls the train being lined with shell pink georgette The veil was of tule the bandeau ide carried a shower of Ophelia roses and lilies- The maid honor was Miss of the bride who wore lovely gown of French blue in silver and American silver ami planter or drills with a wecder Just dust mulch and prevent weed growth be shallow much Chickens for White few like tuberculosis It spread around largely through the exchange of breeding stock Chicks and eggs for hatching from Infected breeding stock have carried the from The bacteria responsible for the trouble bacillus central In the ovary of the mature hen lesions In that organ a ability to properly function and At last closed car comfort and protection in a smart one of original design and low price Onepiece windshield transparent flexible door windows on extra wide doors Smartly proportioned body with large rear compartment The Coupster is the greatest closed car value ever offered in the lowpriced automobile market Wheels SEE IT AT OUR SHOWROOMS MOSS HOLT Dealers Huron Street Newmarket mm Factory Extra Ml ft 12 TOBAY tinea Shake tells us Now is the Winter of our discontent made glorious Summer and he weather forecaster tells us Fair wilh a little higher tem perature We believe them both with varying degrees of suspicion There is however no doubt hat the weather is due for a decided change and then II he thinking of holidays and Canada it feeds the mind body and soul all in one mouthful as it were and thereby fortifies our poor systems lo withstand the Numerous organizations to day recognie the needs of the public and offer wonderfully itineraries coveting any lenglh of vacation One of the most popular cruises now being offered takes Ihc traveller from Lake Ontario through the Thousand Islands and the St Lawrence Rapids down tin TOO GENEROUS said th young ladys aunt with impersonal calmness and that was the trouble that and her being so literal Its a terribly reiky combination o qualities They kept having hitches all along but come Christmas time Albert asked her right up and down what she wanted for fear of making the wrong choice and looking at him real coy Well her feet arent as small as some but that wasnt his idea twas because hes generous and literal He sent her a five- pound box poor deluded and she up and broke the eni HI8 FACE VALUE A gentleman who called attracted by the nor of the small attendant and started a conversation says Til- Bits which resulted aa follows How much do you earn a week my boy asked the caller Ten pounds the young- promptly The visitor had no be gelling len pounds Ten pounds a week What about of Parliament Ho Iw Mill that are ten pounds a GRIM JESTING Deathbed jokes isfed the Nonene said the member of Parliament and touched the bell Billy he said did you tell his gentleman Iwas paying you ten pounds a week