Newmarket Era, 19 Jun 1925, p. 2

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til Vl- ON The Adlet Column 1B words or fop an for additional ward cent per word 1 1 bo charged for booking for Sale Millard Ave modern roomed house hardwood floors end finish largo lot garage fixture Winds in place Best locality In Terms reasonable mo Comfortable i Wider ligM of Ihc people of of evils of Ihe present regime and as a result trade is growing expenditures are wlng- and spirit- of unity increasing Word comes from thai Hie Federal Government buy taxfree bonds is sued during the war that mature bin year That in good Those that hold he bonds ilioiiid a to renew horn ho current rate of but they will be liable for in line tax About ired to retire tin malm- Garage What done lie answer It has reduced Hie public debt hi A Canadian Laundry to Rent possession Apply Win llodglns the ade II Ihe Wanted Work or a Companion elderly couple Apply to Box iHra Office i Rent a Boom balcony pe month Box i I DAroy Street tfi2 To Choice office over Bank of Toronto on the main comer See Dr Wesley or the Janitor Rooms to Rent Main St Water find Light Enquire at Era Office Smttmmm 1 These feigns bo pointed ine coat of best quality The Ideal Spot Public and Private Outings Mussulmans Lake Safe Bathing Reach for Children Spacious and Ball Field Make your reservations early For full particulars apply bo King Well i I of living more Improved trade of ho country reflected In iprovcd conditions of industrj d general credit deep pliograde step lukon In Ontario was pan tied during into he United Oar Toronto News Crushed between the radia build me removed Saturday to the suffering from of the minion Increased in some logoUier a heavy for labour and the largo same period of half months la for Ibo gain for May Contemplated n and for of In Toronto continues Jo activity begun fn the all of last year total value of build ing issued during May amounted to a tola slightly higher than May The for five months of this 000 higher than that for the in point ocourred at Detroit a few days ago A Toronto in her rams from telling of in critical condition of her husband yet ho authorities at border city bold up for hours dur- of the Canadian Weekly Press Assooia- imxl week and it expected bat up wards of editors and their ladies will he In attendance Those conventions do a lot of good in drawing together he prominent men from all the ru ral sections of lie entire Domin ion obtain larger views of sec tional Interests and do a lot for the development and unity of our whole country Mr Lome ho three days of the in Winnipeg various jnents pi in permits not Including suburbs were valued for May Prom Ottawa come reports of coord Increase in construe If on many largo having been Bulldlng permits for tli months nearly 000 compared for ill period of Trade It Is perhaps worthy of nolo tha first April since Can Ian trade showed an excess of ex ports over Imports according to a BulloUn of the Department of and The totals are as April April eluding a pouting dian GEO Boon PINE CRICK RESIDENCE For I located on All conveniences and In repair Part cash Easy for balance Apply to JOSHUA OLIVER No Hon speaking at a meeting in Toronto on Monday evening pointed that the General Council of llio United Church was convened for the purpose of union and organizing the courts Those courts will to Hie first leneral He thought that should meet than September of Ihi the not lots or an first General Council should in May or June of year It takes considerable ch a large body as United Church get irking at Halifax the Lieut of Ontario look occas o deplore the very rapid passing of the Weekly Press through greatly increased and lack of local support THE VENTURA CORPORATION Bank of Hamilton TORONTO North Toronto Branch Office Street Phone Hudson Financial Real Estate In surance Mortgage Loans fa IAet your properties with us for NEWMARKET CEMETERY see rati Day various Societies will assemble ie Market Square a vice at the Cemetery sharp at public cordially Invited to par te President passing has by bat produced at about and the city de- the Montreal and the sale of beer which ho Ontario Temperance Act and menaced the welfare especi ally of the young people- of i rescind is in this matter at the earliest possible Taking a Umck flip Into the water at the Bathing west of the Hun- day afternoon Clarence single alighted on the with such force that he his neck and is now para lyzed from the neck downward of recovery ind years of age surprised iirly Sunday morning by Con in the act of removing from one car into another both cars having been stolen on night They were cap tured but the got away despite the of One of best known took men on the d away Sunday evening the I HI Although Hie April year about it Is a considerable gain over the fcaluiie Of over for the same month a year ago and the unfavourable balance of over rii for April From lie totals it will be seen that the excess of exports oyer imports for April Is due not so much a decrease in Imports the A Graham Brothers Mr Graham who bad been I practically be lime at be Prince George Hotel here visited at his farjn for a few and there passed away in his On Saturday troops 300 strong loft Toronto by special rain for strike area in Cape Breton at three oclock this af ternoon fully equipped for ac tive service They were com posed of men and officers with horses from Canadian Dragoons and Royal Canadian Regiment at and one hundred men from the It at London Ontario Struck by a motor car while walking on Kingston Road near its Junction with the new extension at 8 oclock Tuesday night Harold Powell aged Of Junction was killed The Jews of Canada must pro vide for his year if are to do their in support the lev ii the Ukraine who are destitute declared Dr Gscar Cohen of Ber lin Germany who is at present behalf of tin for the Jew- M World Itolief of arjs York County Council and friends lo the number of nearl took in be Wardens on Society Mr J Merchant of Au- has moved to Newmarket and Mrs spent the weekend with par- Miss Belfry To ronto is spending a few days at Miss Hunt and Mr Miller Sunday with Mr and Kirhy Mr Wilson of epent the weekend with re latives in Town Mr and Mrs Wm King the of their ne at Gilford yesterday Mrs Gilroy spent two days visiting friends at St this week weekend with relatives Miss the guest of Miss at their collage Lake last Sat urday and Sunday and Mrs Prentice Hall of Toronto neo Mies Mabel are guests of Mr and Mrs Purdy during the Cen tennial Conference Mr and Mrs and son of St Lambert Que spent a day this week with Mr and Mrs Dr W Dales father and mother from Lakemonl are staying them during the Centennial Conference Mr and Mrs Hooker were on Tuesday attending MONTREAL crease from a year go feeing about am Igures of April for exports bout The total crease in Irado was 810000- I fi CO and Cooked Metis and Produce Pickled Meats a Specialty Cor Queen A Newmarket the menial interests so that lo- stores are cutLing down ex penses reducing heir ising appropriation The week- press has been a great factor public opin and higher DID HlwEMN About he ime electors were rolling majorities for the Liberal Gov- eminent and shortly after he vole in the house at Ottawa that back Mr want of confidence resolution substantial th James Lougheed leader in the senate When it came lime for after dinner speeches Hon What did he In this day if Is used at popular execution of Maple Leaf Mill ing Companys Russian flour order has been completed and payment of the final cheque for been made by the Trading Company Moscows New York Com mercial agency This marks the con- largest milling transaction an the of the world a contract cover ing Ah actual shipment of worth of high grade flour In the twelve months ending March exports of automobile tires casings amounted to valued at compared with for the same period last year valued at inner tube ex ports amounted valued against last ir valued at Forty- eight countries are now on the Canadas and list Is ports of rubber be lb pairs last similar increase Is shown In rubber exports for this year amount ing to against last year According the Montreal Gazette over six hundred million dollars is to day invested in rthe mining Canada In point of ca pital Vestment mining exceeds all Canadian Industries with the excep tion of agricultural and railway mining industry was credited with a total investment of capital amounting to 559514154 and with par valuation of to These figures give come idea of the tremen dous size of the mining industry In Canada and lend weight to tlu Government authorities statement the mineral Is our most Important Industry through which raw materials are supplied not only to he two allied Industries of metallurgy and chemicals but also all other industries It Is doubtful y other Industry even so opportunities for bobbed hair the territory North Pole the Lake Shore road mi on he caue- an accident was fined costs and had his licensi for ten days L J local barrister who pleaded guilty on five count of theft forgery and false pre tenses was sentenced one Ontario Reformatory and Mrs White motored here from the City Sunday and spent the day wit her parents Mr and Mrs Prank Moody Mrs White remained a few days Established Summary of Assets and Liabilities Silver cola rftk Gold CerJ- than In Canada Cell end on Dock cud Dominion and I end Dcbanl i Cftaediao Municipal Securitlsi and Bad ColonM Public Sev other than CuudUn and cheque of Bank Statei and other Loan and other Asseti Bank Prcialtsi LlabllMei to credit TO PUBLIC Letter of credit Other 3923981150 1175592096 7621969l iuCoixo Smiths Hardware El lJ J i last pin The girls from Jail Fan ilh he murder before Magistrate Wednesday and late period of who escaped were charged of the matron committed for rial Mrs Maud Poole pt guilty of aiding the girls in escape and was remanded Three young men remanded for trial on a charge Dr was elected Moderator of he Uniied Church and Rev A Moore secretary of he Council York County Council COUHTV CHANGES he Juno session of the York Council was opened Monday liljle business was adjournment being so as to permit of the members attending their an nual picnic at Niagara Falls The only matter of importance be fore the was the proposed the county roads The procedure at present is Ahat per cent of the Is paid by the province and sent by the county and the pro posed bylaw provides that the equally divided between further provision in the bylaw re quires on any country road or roads within an urban municipality the county council shall remit In of a town per cent and in case of a village 75 per cent of I proportion of general county lev and he amount so repaid shall be by the council the municipality and streets forming extensions to or eon- links In the country road- or municipal jty when ap proved by the Stase bands stldoi Mrs Dr Montgomery and two little daughters of Toronto Miss Minnie of Toron to spent Sunday with her friend Mrs Herman Geology and Mrs of Toron to is spending a few days with her mother Mrs J be fore sailing for Scotland where she will spend the summer Ret on Friday of last week attend Committee Meetings in connection witli the Co Council Miss Armstrong and gentleman friend motored up Sunday Brussels Post Mrs Toronto Mis the Forest City and Sunday W J and the Misses Rev Alfred Young and of Denver Colorado who been attending the Friends Yearly Meeting at Toronto ar spending this week in Town wit Mrs Youngs sister Mrs Shew Mr Young was a he left here preaoh in the Friends Church next Sunday both morning and ONTARIO HYDRO SEEKS PERMISSION TO EXPORT MORE POWER TO U Ottawa June The recent pronouncement of Sir Adam Beck Chairman of the Commission of Ontario regai he question of the export of having created but little in Parliamentary the arguments of he head of lie re not always coincident with The statement of Sir J Beck dial he is not alone opposition id Carillon and the Export of Power hat he has with him he Premier of and power interests is no altogether in keeping with tit actual policy of the Ontario It is pointed out that such op from the Group is lessoned in its force by the fact thai the ion of Ontario is he largest ex porter of power to the United Slates and hat while then the claim made hat he Pro has a shortage of power from time to lime Ontario interests have sought from the Federal it Iho interesting mart hi lliaf the ll Hi a sit power f which can scarcely not for he fact that everything in builders needs farm tools of all kinds oil and stoves doors windows oils and varnishes let us show vou what we have Phone SMITHS HARDWARE p and that last fewmonths application had been made to Parliament by the same commission for be privi lege of further exportation of Commission will have the right practically export nearly h p From the above facts it is really understood why he Gov ernment is not altogether in ac cord wilh he professed power policy of Sir Adam Beck and he they seek permission to enlarge and increase the ex port privileges now held hy this province STRIKING AH AVERAGE The children were not allowed in the kitchen but nobody had ever for bidden Iheir- sniffing the door of a small nose to a crack Why Ethel said Mrs who discovered them In the entry outside the kitchen door one morning why are you twitching Tommy and slapping him Cause he isnt playing fair At Toronto on June ilia 1925 Margaret daughter of the late William and Elizabeth Munns of Newmarket Funeral service at Ihc residence of her sister Mrs E H Bolton Avenue Saturday Joter- Newmarket Molors Smith At Private Pavilion To ronto General Hospital on Sunday June P Smith beloved husband of Margaret Forester Funeral from hie late resident Ont on Tuesday June In ley men Aurora Cemetery 1925 Mary Eleanor of late August a formerly of North GwilbiLVJo had and his playing fair asserted trance smothered as applied his nose lo the got an awful cold and ell half as much as she Alt At the home of the SI June f0ftJ Freda Margaret to Clifton Thomas or- Sound Rev A J Mann taventon In Trinity Church Saturday June by Rev A R Beverley Kath leen Monica Cotter daugh ter of MTb fiarwlck and the late ffarvlt to Gordon Me- i Of Mia the late J McL S At Alia June I2th his year be loved husband of Armstrong Funeral from the home of his At on Poster of Foster in her Funeral was lulled Church Queens At her A Avenue ii Monday June S widow of the In her 77 year Service at Wednesday Cemetery sister of Mrs Geo Srlglcy street and her maiden name wis Miss Sarah Donley Her husband learned the trade In old Era office at the corner of Main and a in Hamilton he his thorough allround printer In in loving memory of who died In rtomfi lunch fi TORONTO I ROSE

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