Our Local News Oilier places we Part light for roll are Invited to A J on Wednesday Bring your inert Radial ie cur going north Standard limo eyfid to Newmarket ami defeated on Church There attendance morning in St i anil everyone the nips- y He A Reeves Of didst in thai iii heart inil to build a house nlv Ihc work of pro- inliwi granted Ii 1 1 of Iho Lin ByLaw The vole on Monday was In Hie purchase of ihc Cane for tins purpose of a Hospital Not much was only twothirds of Hid possible He polled of the were in fa ir of the and tills defeating Iho a majority of The o in the Wards was follow Waul ID Ward 73 Patricks Ward 3 An extended to all The the Sunday will ho announce i decided to luke the unlay to Preston ike All the attendants School are asked to luncheon and a good Wednesday In Army iSpcclul viall of Musical tollo from Hamilton on Satur day and Sunday and Mrs George Gadel Watson Thcso comrades assisted by Lieut assistant officer for Newmarket corps will conduct very special deal Salvation meetings as follows Saturday evening on Main St Hie north end and proceeding at the usual Saturday evening stand Annual The weather Inst ideal for a of New took Hand was invited and llie Band The contested including and song will he held Sunday morning the 111 and sing outside the Hospital on Main at At open air services will ha held on Huron Street and Prospect street following those services there II ho hehl in the Citadel on icon street a special Holiness Mealing aflcrnoon rvlceswill he held the Evening SI and West Salvation Meeting at in Mm Citadel Plenty of music and song dur ing all services Come and tiring your friends A welcome for all he Salvation Army Hall Gap last Sunday ere hut what you worship The Trial of he Soul by Everybody welcome Trinity United llcndance in line evening The choir turned out strong in the morning and at nigh During the morning of fertory Miss Lily Hart contralto sang a very nice of the much composition By Iho Wafers of Babylon This set for low voice was well suited the singer and most agreeable the car In the evening we wore favor ed Willi the overloved duct Light Eventide This was beautifully Bung by Mrs Smith and Aleta their blending to perfection while the sentiment of the word to he congregation subjects by Rev A addresses were those of last Sunday deal with the varying functions Natural Almos morning Lb from the Wind illutrulh Christ teaching of he radio and oilier today a did Esau of bible Let us not be afraid of soulrefreshing as laken from Hie 1st Kings where a picture of foolishness to forget God and sphere Newton Bur ash am others illustrative of the f God unto salvation and also the power of the wrath of God evening topic Lesson the Clouds Hi Holy Writ weather fore idhi ill he and will eveululillj One and only God lete Worshi the a Kennedy Point of the day in atermelons disappeared with wonderful rapidity The grounds ideal for a picnic only for e lack of spring water Many look a plunge in Hie clear wutor of Lake which was not Iho least enjoyment oT the day prize winners are as follows Hoys running race years and under 1st John Kennedy 2nd 3rd Cur- Hoys years and under 1st Boyd 2nd K Osborn 3rd ttcoT Kennedy years and under race- Wilson 2nd Draper Girls years and under race t Margaret Duncan 2nd Eva Wilson 3rd Helen Kennedy Girls if years and under race Marie Wilson 2nd Alice 3rd Elsie Wilson Single tidies Alici- Draper 2nd Olive 3rd Walking llaceslsl Mrs 2nd Mrs W Col- is 3rd Mrs Ed Moffat Married Ladies Isl MiS J 2nd Mrs 3rd lira A Boys years and under Bernard Williams 2nd- Wesley Mies 3rd Jack Boys Race years and under let Bruce 2nd Billy 3rd Jack Duncan Girls yrs and under Console Margaret Terry 2nd Helen Terry 3rd Dora Can- dim Mens Illinium llace 1st J 2nd Ed Moffat 3rd F Dun- on Boys Boot the of Christ in our lives We leadership of the pillar dor W 2nd A Hoys and under 1st Curtis 2nd Ainsley 3rd Wilson Mens Illuming Race Isl J Colt- ham 2nd Curtiss 3rd Tims Mies Boys Race years and 1st Jack Draper 2nd Glen Boyd years and under lean Boyd 2nd 1st Mrs Boyd 2nd Mrs J 3rd Mrs M Cook Hop Step and Jump 1st J Mc 29 ft in 2nd N William ft 3rd W Draper ft Mens Running Jump 1st J 131 2nd OHalloran A 3rd A Ainsley ied Ladies Nail Driving or Aurora spent Ml Cook ist Sunday large motor for ttio Holy Name liad a church Pine Orchard ration on homo First Aid each the Pin- diard Meeting House Carherry of Mr and Mrs Gor- n Sunday and al as May and he Mr Will motor to Hamilton to spend a Frank Phillips Mrs Fred Hopper and baby I Kenneth visiting at Mr and Mrs George night Windsor July John R years old at the Windsor posloffice mornjng was sentenced to J years in Kingston It check from the A Delroit died in an electric chair he built for expert- lal purposes scienlistr report Naval activity summer is the tlio end of the war British unemployed on July held up and robbed of am his watch at Sudbury Ontario Thieves stole from tin office of the Grand River Railway at Preston Forest fires southern Columbia Three were killed and injured when Polish torpedo boat exploded in Danzig harbor Bandits shut Detroit bank a vault and escaped ravaging the of ting last Monday Mayor Nesbilt Deputy arid In tho Accounts 1 LViidfi Sheet Boyd and York Roads Com turning back Main and to the control of the Town From or Public Health weeds Referred to Smith From Inspector of Prisons and Charities re admission of Llhbio to Ontario Insane For Pen Women Children A Roads From Municipal Canada re From of Industries ask ing for report of Water Works Department Referred Enquiries reported a ease dog bad and the asked for a rebate on ttie license Not allowed Mr asked for the of a citizen if ho would bo allowed to cut off branches of Jon Monday August 3rd pointed Civic Holiday Mayor requested lo accordingly Mr on behalf Ihc const sidewalks on Andrew and streets at a cost of Mr aaid the Co at per foot which mi about per fool on contract and the work being done in the very About twothirds of cost of the new ceniont will he saved in the first year Report adopted The Clerk reported that the Hospital was defeated majority of There being no further bus tho Council adjourned Uhlto Pawn and A CO CoLUI NEWMARKET rimer bale Clearing All Mercury at Goat Silk Lisle widen top and 85c Sale Price 50c Mercury Silk Hose Sale Price Childrens Sox all sizes to and 85c Sale Price A Corsets pink and White reg Sale Price 95c A Panel Corsets no lacing and Sale Price and 275 Belt SelfReducing Klastic Bell 450 Sale Price A Corsets Pink and White Sale Priro CARE OF on the till and likely tank Second grade Grading cream and paying for be produced it on a graded basis will be Intro- allowed to cat highlyflavored duced in the creameries of this when the separatoris only province early in is washed once a day or not that therefore important fliat cream often when utensils used are producers become familiar properly washed and scalded so do en We are fast Clouds have lie they leach us ad- Sorrows id beauty rael Wo 1 he thunder di Ids old on lo Jesus God comes us i the cloud hut every officers with Young of Toronto was accidentally shot in the leg while hunting near Married women whose hus bands are working have been warned to get out of municipal service of Milwaukee Frances Johnson of nia was kilted in motor smash en route from ML Clemens London report says plans to take charge of food the ladies drove each the time was kept- Hopper Mr- Williai 15 sec Thread the Needle Race 1st tori- J 2nd Mrs 3rd Mrs Thos Ladies Balloon Race 1st Mrs J Thompson 2nd Mrs W Draper 3rd Mrs W Blind Mans Race 1st J 2nd W Osborne 3rd Geo Wilson Three Legged Race 1st Fred Boyd and Mr Cook and Boyd The Ladies Drawing Contest interesting feature of the pro Ed Moffat in having lucky The ticket was drawn Deputy Reeve A number which entitled him to half a ton of coat Games of throwing horse were also played and were very keenly played Messrs Hopper Wilson Doyle and Richardson The prizes were then distributed and the picnicers prepared Mitchell July The load of fail wheat of this y harvest was brought into the I of Suspended foreman of De s public works depart men I admits he got gifts of and from his men Vast of are hundreds of Columbia he for expressed by here Mrs Chapman from Milwaukee Wiscon- her should bo first of May start early like and flies this year theyll crawl upon your butter dish and four will upon your ear I paid no heed to as I left his store it was business when in there to load me with a door Id only got some tacks and nails it made me just a sore to have him on to how I squander I mind I read about that where ome gave talk illustrated what said with a piece of chalk He said how we must swat t fly and do it when the year young and win the fight for Peterboro wo when she stung by hornet She struck the insect which was tow down on her neck sharp blow and killed it She was then horrified to ver that the baby who was a passed Tile George lie of tested There are fields of fall wheat in this a is all good qualify a July 20th holt ill the day and si T A BAKER humohii- City highclass soprano and popular singer at Lake in Pavilion On Friday Eva mission Latest be seen that Three months ago the hard are man when I day he said the fly doi different grades and plan how they can produce cream will bring the highest price Grading the cream and paying for on a graded basis provides nee three markets for cream for special grade one for 1st grade and one for 2nd grade the farmers He health and He was of rough for like man wa boots his stuff No fly doors de and flies are there too heres flit kitchen range theres before the bat till upon the the table loo And when I eat my victuals now theres flies upon the dish more flies are the bread than Pharaohs folk could ever wish And when saucer out my tea to quench long and thirst I have to battle jots their innings first When I don I dinnertime whirl and thumbs he flies a row and fat their upon tl At nighttime when the cloi strikes ten and it has come 11 time to rest theres walk upon my dome while on my chest in my hand a wicked blow at them tome back and gaze al if I will Hand camping of thei I hay and has been theres that ones hurt a Most foolish or all me scoff at wisdom three ck I should have got doors then and spiked the my shack about how lege produce of these markets J If he produces special grade cream he will be rewarded by the highest possible price If he produces first grade cream will receive a slightly lower ice second grade cream produced lower price have to be accepted Off grade cream is of little value and should be relumed given the cream will decide market it will sell in The grade Special grade shall include any cream which is clean in Of uniform consistency when the when the cream is not cooled sufficiently Metallic caused by keeping ing Urn Wholesome feed and pure wa ter for the cows clean separa tors and utensils and cooling Iho cream quickly fifty de- will any danger of second grade am The ho longer it will keep W should never villi cream already cooled ne per cenl at into butler First Grade This grade shall include any any lol of cream which is reason ably clean in of uniform consistency and suitable for making of this grade Its acidity shall not be more lhan sixtyone of one per cent at the time of being graded at the creamery where it is lo be into Second Grade This grade shall include cream that does not meet the require ments specified for first grade bitter musty metallic or Off This grade shall include with strong objectionable odor or fla vor such as gasoline leeks stable or such other flavors may render cream unfit for second grade butter Spread In LA premium of one cent pound butterfat shall be special premium of three cents per pound butler- fat shall be paid for first grade provided with pure wale clean wholesome feed cream is cooled immediate separafing and kept cool i delivered to the creamer duce first grade cream PROGRESS Qllawa July Exports of Canadian for the twelve months ended June 30 last are well over he billiondollar mark and show an increase in value of more than over the preceding 12month period Domestic products were ex ported from Canada during the months ended June 30 to the value of In the months ended Juno 30 the value of domestic exports was and in the year preceding that again their value Was less than a billion dollars for the past four years lue of domestic export during the 3 months of Ine May and his country during the twelve ending June 30 last show falling off in value of Newmarket Markets Stock Markets miEio