Adlet Column finish largo lot garage mi blinds In place Best locality I Vou Tried Canadian Our customers arc constantly because- they recommend up work Family washing a Charges rlglit Work called and delivered Phono Notes- It used to bo said In at Manchester bogs so won I political pendulum Canada an If onto throws off of purblind and fanatical Tory- quarter over the demonstration in honor of of lie Hon Mackenzie King on tho September as that manifested the of King Whit industrial and church and oily long swathed Townships hope for a better vision for ho hope that In grave cloth at Two Iliad Richmond Hill will of attendance the one at i liomt Wni at Ihc lo Mrs AUco or J Sale on to Public School furnace Oarage Ap- will buy Knllli Uirec cylinder Good ply to Box to Rent located Possession Sept Era Office How for Terms able James Howard Cor arid Hamilton Sis Mixed loam well fenced frame Oho mile to school and church on good road March ttt Apply to John Nixon No Maple or J Nixon Prospect St Box All creditors and having Claims against bake Lyons and Sidney Ross lately currying oft busi ness at the Town of us and plumbers under ho name style and firm of It arc required forthwith to Hie full of all such claims dully verified only After the day of September the in Prima Miniate is to bo accompanied by two or most infiueniiiil men In IiIh of two Cabinet Hon P Graham and frorri the front of a theatre in Hon Ghns Murphy and subsequently i In Acton for a fraction of tlio coal where thoy were and taken back lo is a good Job were for had they got away with tho the next thing would be and on upon hem by Mngislri that must attend Sunday School every Sunday for a lengthy period anil also bo In the at night Violation of tills rule will mean in Reformatory It splendid thing that the boy given a second chance It will make men of them other wise they might fenders it was decided to recom mend Hint law bo to permit a short time of imprisonment and corporal pun- all corporal punishment must he with the catoninelailB but la not so This form of punishment has been banned for its cruelty and in its place comes modified form with a strap culled spanking This produces in he offender a use of humiliation and disgrace bout physical injury and a an is not likely lo fcol very heroic when be is being spanked The idea is commendable Any body will tell you Mi a I a sting on tho body loaves a more lasting than a squeeze of the pocketbook ill i fifrlil for lower frei he Ulanlic we ha inMniily of organizer Mint the not been lost Bight of by the ad- minium I ion all hough lempor- Liberal the export Trustees will proceed lo distribute money In bin hands having re gard only to such as notice where of shall have been received by htm Dated August EVANS Bradford Trustee under Bulk Sales Act who find Bri the best in th Id for their products No host it is the in will be lb driving mile poopfc of Rich mond Hill are determined to out do their neighbors in the way decorating and propose hand fionio arches on street a well as oi the grand aland There will alei ho on attractive program See particulars this issue and posters and Editorial LIBERAL LEADERS AIMS A correspondent of Mail id describes of as an accident If ho is slit it was one of moat fortuitous accidents thai could haw happened in Win country But ever there was a decision by electors of tho which brought greater advantages o Canada wo have yet to hour of It Nothing less the nature of anything acci dental can well bo imagined heartiness displayed in turning out the admin was a wonderful exhi bition of united on the of the majority of electors which operated lo his flight Into the a accelerated by bal lots of a majority of the people of this country who were tired Tho of least resistance was fol lowed in emergencies calling for salesmanship and debt of tho country added lo at an alarm- rate and he railway situa tion was being allowed lo drift to tho disappointment and Keswlck Beach Mr J of Bramp ton la upending a few with Mr J p Little Mrs Howard i on are spending a month her parents at Miss McCaffrey and Miss Annio McCaffrey have gone to Ottawa for Hi elf and Mrs Verne and Lehman are enjoying a weeks outing at Lake Mr and Mrs Proctor care takers tho Post are spending their holidays in To on lo has relumed home much improved in health nd will resume his practice im mediately Mr and Mrs John Rosamond and their children spent a few days last week visiting friends in Mr and Mrs have returned after spending a couple of weeks on Lake Bcr- i Miss Vivian Webster and Miss of spent a few days Ibis week Miss Morton John Missy Mabel Mr Hosier Mr of lied at Mr Mortons on Orillia Times Miss Ray Sloan of was the guest of Miss Jean Thomson last Miss has re lived appointment of teacher on the Public School staff at Lind- filie expects lo leave on Saturday or Monday The many friends of Miss Florence Colo A will be pleased lo know that is pro gressing favorably after her operation at Ottawa and CAR SERVICE Canadian National Exhibition September 1st to Inclusive Car leaves Toronto for Newmarket and Intermediate points at pm to Inctuelve Car leaves Toronto for Newmarket and intermediate points at pm and midnight SEPTEMBER Car leaves Toronto for points at pm- moat generous for the consumer if lie is satisfied with what offered does not about price rates will bring a new lease of life to Iho producer of ba lm turn will share ir of rales on a fail liable basis both to ship i of of last week period of a few minutes Superintendent Bailey announced that five more signatures were anted Hie guarantee the next year and ap- HydroEleclric Railways DISTRICT Gen WILSON is turn today jjeahid In he audi tcers Only four had been pro for tin As hand after hand up be boys and girls cheered and clapped hands Finally hen the was seemed lie Boy Scouts could bold longer auqua and for Rev Graham There was no doubt whatever but hat the children wanted the Chautauqua hack especially the ofited by the king it one and anothers i lo allow various interests their hands in pockets of the people Mackenzie King has thai he is made of Hie ighl stuff He is a born leader who commands obedience re spect and willing service from followers in turn share is anxiety Dial the Dominion a whole should prosper ex pand grow industrially and agri culturally and take its proper the great nations that comprise the Empire Development not exploitation is aim in regard lo our lleled naluial lcaourccs an policy along sane and wellthought lines economy parsimony lessened cost of follow a in which they can do little any harm Thoy should milted to remain obscurity to privilege and I which Peters followed concessions lo Paul lo equalize mailers by taking something from somebody else It was a spinning lored up from Toronto them Mr and Mrs 1 Ion announce Ihe engagement of their daughter Edith Pearl Mi William son of Mr Williamson marriage to lake place in September Mr and Mrs Howard Moor North End Newmarket gave Trousseau Tea on Wednesday afternoon in honor of Iheii daughter a bridetobe A large number of friends and were present War entitled ejections ai determining said Mr Smith The an had not the franchise In The law now provides lhat males and females years of age and ihjecta entitled to vote in the constituency in which they resides In Newmarket on Augo it to Mr E Manning of High School a daughter In East Aug la Mr and Mrs Fred Rogers a At York Hospital Aug lo Mr and Mrs Richard Burke of Newmarket a son At York County Hospital Aug to Mr and Mrs Norman ildeiihy of Gilford a son residence Pine Or chard on Sunday Aug Charles in lib if Burying Ground Or- Suddenly at the home of bis brother Pine Orchard Sunday Aug George Christo pher of Pacific Ave Toronto dearly beloved of Alice Reynolds Funeral service at Reynolds on Wednesday Interment Au ra Cemetery Fraeor At Medicine Hat Alberta on Aug S Eraser of Aurora In hlg year Newmarket on Wednes day Aug 2Cth beloved husband of Eliza beth In his year from his home Huron St August at am t Church Interment at St lufuri Newmarket ftaOSE Funeral Directors leVB6Cliillrcj ir llioio who- wish fr t tu sen your Money Hack if Brunswick Records do different and Superior musical Charm TAKE HOME ONE OR TWO OP THESE NEW BRUNSWICK RECORDS TONIGHT Compoitd by Charlie Chaplin and personally conducted him or tho f a record vocal ch 2912 Sing a Song With You Dear in Bombay J 2915 Ida I Do Everything Is Now 2917 Estudiantina wait Verona Alone at Last can i Say Arabella Fo Do I Love You Tell Me More More bikj Orchesta Post Phono At residence Lot Concession King on Tuesday August the Duncan In seventyeighth year Funeral Thursday auspices of the Masonic brethren In at Laurel Hill cemetery Bo Accidentally drowned on Wednesday Aug James dearly beloved and only son of Frank and Rachel In year bis fathers residence Brunswick avenue Toronto on Saturday Interment at Newmarket Cemetery by motors I Watson At Aurora Sunday i Mereab C Holies Wllaot Watson j Funeral Tuesday Intermit el hi- Cemetery In In respectful and memory of William Lyon grandfather of III Hon I King Premier of It Dominion of Canada and he al Reform en it the hellion of parted Ihla life on the August 1861 years to day in the year el his Libera Orilli Mount Albert and Ze- Master John Jerome lias iv weeks v I hi grandmother fiey Mil hen On Times on a motor 1 Mr John en and will Cor- v nil lie her ends Mr and Mrs of Lee Farm wish the engagement of their and Mrs Joseph of Virginia Wedding lo laie place he latter part of September l will be I y r and TO BE IN OF PRIME OF CANADA A to meet the Premier Everybody Gome tho afternoon In Richmond Hill An interesting was held Lake the Fockler funilic August Mrs Jacob gtouifville arc I heads The in perfect enjoy games occupying In the younger mem olan Besides Mr cob Rockier the fan present as named wife and fi wick Mr and Mrs lor and family of and Mr and Mm and family- of Robert minster Church charge of the service Church lost Sunday m a most earn These things w- your joy may bet full importance or the bible which heavenly Father an Sivlour and a home present lo enjoy the and muIc whoe On Saturday forth Avenue was quiet but very when Gertrude daughter of Mr and was by the Mr Herbert Willon el Mr and Mr- of The bride in marriage by looked charming ir crepe with veil tendant and woi gown of and black pic groom was supports brother John The wei couple left in I Middle Went veiled in an and beige shoes and fox fur to their return Hurrah for With glorious last Saturday a vei the largest of Mi the most csciling game of when bridge in the Oxbridge brough crowd the very first Pointed that nuous battle Mcllale of the Pitched a wonderful brought both The batteries e Newmarket and innings n he first team There errors in the 3rd ifh two men kno bringing firs batter mauc a s ll in