fey Taking E Vegetable Bask For two or thrca days often I would have In a mid sides tfcst I could not do could not even Ha quietly la end my ached too way about Unco yews but I married on a farm not nearer than fivo relics end a person to Ed visa mo my folks In Manitoba me about Lydla Compound end las Vcjol I took hern have been thankful tor it over since After tolling for months I can It baa helped mo a lot and I am doing I am glad to rec ommend tbo Vegetable Compound to others and you may my HKLEiJ Saskatchewan Often coma slight trouble will causa a general of the system Such symptoms Irregularity helped thounanda of ininl salary of a Enterprise One of tho issues in the Now election was Ihe of a hydroelectric by the government Tihc caution ind further ligation before the province to such llio fact la that Tories down rabid hydro and in litis There wan no of caution simply out and out opposition ffijffi expect that it will he Try it today Your druggist cell COAL COAL YOU SEE- THE WORLDS IMMnJift JU8T ARRIVED CARLOADS OP ALBERTA COAL ofr car J 0 LITTLE Huron Qt FURNACE WORK PLUMBING EAVETROUGHING THE TINSMITHS OSBORNE SON Next to Office in n received and hired i during our you life folk in their natural tan Often have to a difficulties learned in one l the rows They declared from per Canadian- Flap Lindsay Poet Unit J land under the auspices of Colonial Institute can hardly bo accused of desiring to break up llio Empire reality la a propaganda organ for a purpose exactly opposite it published to promote the unity of Empire That is bread by it lives Toughing on Dominion affajrs in llio latest number to hand that the United Ei It is unfortunate that vomcnl made in Canada which flier status warrants is of sinister import Canada for instance is seeking a distinctive flag such as other Dominions possess At once there are protests were a novel In London work for Empire being Dial was simplify Dm adage and make personal application of it ihusly What others have done I can do it docs a lot of good ii helping over difficult asks to put If for latent forces are within you li you put them to a real test iboring that what have you can do if you li long enough and hard enough Dont Reallzo Ownership Pembroke Standard It morcd that there will be two m lor busses operating between a and Pembroke in the future This shows that while the people owned the Canadian National Hallways they prefer to spend their money on another partys conveyance It is very funny for is understood that charily begins at home The reason is people cannot got into their heads that Cana dian National Railways is their property So far as the busses are concerned fhey are killing country The bus operates during the summer season under very light expenses bill he rail ways operate during the days of mud and snow hoy have lo lake the hitter with the sweet am in ihil Pioneer History Whitby Gazette Chronicle how mneli Ontario know about tin days and of the difficulties privations which the early set but i the of the to think PEnRlN3 GREENHOUSES St Say It With Flowers Flowers for occasion on the shortest Phone school hook leads on that might well more views of or Mien- ancestors a few genera lions ago The average child of school thai Ontario as it is lobe seen at always the samo from time immemorial with smiling fields of grain fruitful orchards comfortable homes Some of ho pioneer tales would not only for hem firstclass reading lessons hut would as well be a contribution to their education in the history of our country and instill Into tli a proper repeel for the the unity of li alarmed about crested In flag of her i Ley regard- it and South that we all lo send a delegation of across and clean up this disloyal bunch London tho Hurry Central Canadian In the old days If anybody missed a stage coach he tented lo wail for Iwo or days for the next Now he out a squawk if he misses section of a revolving door than lake the time necessary pick up our feel We dodgo through fraffic in the middle of a block rather than spend thirty seconds in reaching n crossing Motorists go from Place to Ottawa Peril Smith falls or ant point and boast thai they made the Irip less than last lime We fast talk fast ride fast fast sleep fast and die Whats the hurry There re still 24 hours in a day even daylight saving which is in some places A straight is the shortest distance two points according the but why confuse lb geometry Dont bo in such a hurry SPECULATIVE Canada and die United States Happy homes have been wrecked Young men lured by the tipsters and deceived by the manipulator- ocks have bankrupted then Myriads of them have been ruined financially spirit at yesterday out backward at noon and a fleet of twenty- vessels hold up bound is of 1 Montreal Aug action in withdrawing water from the Great is blamed by shipping men the grain traffic in the Canal occasioned by the grounding last night of Aubo bound for Montreal with bushels of grain oclock this afternoon thirty boats sliips laden from Central Canadian grain points wore re ported stationary in canal of release only inches of there east feet til fit more than 540000 caused by fire which tonight gulled tho lop floors of the wooden mill Voiuabli on the ground floor aged considerably by water but the lire was confined lo the upper pari of the building by the heroic tffoitii Of tho local who for two with tho flames fire started the picking room pm ami spread with narked rapldlly of the VICTIM OP ACCIDENT IN Herbert Cass many yeans employed farm of William Kennedy Road a fall from a load of hay was broken death occurring most instantly accident THE Carle Toronto a his motorcycle turned the Whirlpool Rapids by degree Successor chosen Bulletin Mr Ball editor of the News of and president of the National Weekly News Association has been He will they have been broken ml abandoned lo Mill- ly pools to stocks beyond their legitima value with one doplouible unloading of holdings dupes loo weak to carry the load break under the strain l infrequently steal to loss The rigging of he market and the selling of purely speculative stock is mean and men making any pretense to respec tability should be ashamed to participate in It are bound to add to the appalling wreck should be shunned by all right thinking men no matter how en dicing salesmen may make them appear Montreal Star 11 succeed Mr Roy who recently relumed lo week journalism through the purcha of the Renfrew- Me Ball comes lo the man lb years of bee on Idle directors of years is not Hie work of the Under his direction the News has occupied a and widely recognized position a a strong weekly journal three years it successively woi the competition within the As for the host weekly and in Juno carried ho nan Cup as a Mr Ball has the interests of Hie and prog never offensive Mr made if I body In a position of that they never hefore And while he has left the centra office ho is not lost to the craft Ho has simply changed his a fact that is a mallei of great pleasure to his friends in weekly Mr Iho membership was Ont Aug Bert lien a river driver was drowned Lake here this hen he slipped from a log and the an hour later were provided on the drive three oil went out lopick i peeled thai he made at one Industry In he founded more mm A SHOULD SEE THE Specialty Canadian National Exhibition A MANUFACTURING ACHIEVEMENT FOR NEWMARKET TO BE PROUD OF NEWMARKET ONT TORONTO MONTREAL OTTAWA HAMILTON QUEBEC HALIFAX WINNIPEG REGINA CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER POU DniVIHQ There must he a conviction and it the defendant were not ho respect- abb I would send him to Jail Magistrate Rnintou yesterday as he and on a charge of reeking delving and doing bodily liaini to J rle a former Toronto policeman propose lo a stop to this reckless driving by motorists for him In fine hi the could not down instead of clinging to a log until help came ho tried to climb up exhausting himself so that he lei go and sank feel of water Another man for him but was unable to cate him The parents of the dead reside north of a miles from here Stones were so large In Gloucester county tlia was knocked unconscious Currle said he was cross at Thonthlll wfcen In by the fender of Montgomerys ear and thrown to the ground sustaining to his head shoulders and Montgomery contended that he was not driving fast and that Stepped out In front of I was Indeed gratified to see thai some one has last had the cour age to write to the papers on the matter of the Immodest dress of Ihe women of todiy I think It was in Thursdays Issue of The Globe I an article by an English Church clergyman condemning the present styles of women in England I doubt If they can be any worse than those of our own Canada As I see the women who Gods Word said had to bo adorned in modest apparel Timothy about- Ihe si with garments on without the least pretense of a sleeve or w garbed In knickers and mans tie and cut In shingle style the back I ashamed that I am I wish some of wear such apparel as the above would read what the good book says In Deuteronomy The shall not wear that which LUBE NOT EFFECTIVE certain words in the amendment advocat ing high protection lo winch perhaps sufficient attention not been paid These are To preserve and enlarge Ihe Cana dian market for Canadian farm products In the opinion of many farmers in all parts of the country this is the Conservative bait that is supposed lo lure unwary eigricullurisl into Ihe meshes of protection and still higher protection It was largely an inducement his kind hat lemplcd United States farmers fo accept the tariff pro posals but Canadian farmer is not iso easily duped and will think twice before lo a condition of affairs which left the county in position it found itself wherr tho present government assumed office If the Canadian manufacturer day finds if difficult to make tho profits did in former times it is for two reasons First labor has organized and secondly for many years farmerhas found it very hard to make ends meet thus reducing purchasing power to he irre ducible minimum that the lido has turned why should he be compelled to pay more for almosf everything he need3 either to make a living enjoy- to a greater extent the comforts and conveniences of modern life There was never in the history of this try when lhoo close to the land should more resolutely sun- port tho Liberal parly and bo to try If You 18 SOT I ill up 8 LWJM Deuces in Syila and the brings to print names the borders the casualty to a man for all are on unto the Lord if the women could hear some the reniarka that opposite make about them might shame the int dr ago I beard a business man say to modestly attired young lady who his store In Toronto You a the first decently dressed i long white While may have been an exaggeration on mans It a sad pity to have t say that a modestly dressed wo man Is a scarcity would do anything to longing I I shall If you will hi Let ui you Comfortable In BUQOy CARRIAGE OR HI l A BOYD Pre Oil lit ill I Promptly I ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS and makes each day con tribute something loward its ful fillment Success often seems delayed but is surely on the way for those who arc getting ready for it Over the desk of the boy struggling with hard belter than the farmer himself that may seem at th esenl quite useless let it in letters of gold ill study and get ready my chance will come Hamilton woman Is charged with having had gallons of alcohol in her possession No ordinary bootleg ger she must have been going to fill KILLED BULL Kingston An- Vankouglinclt Loufhlco guilty to si bull when he I Judge Ills ease for a week In li will be given a la owner for his the was Ho Barrister Office I Of legal gliter of The Lucy i ly by Lucy T in In North i ths Baby for Old lilacs frd inuiy Ray TORONTO