AGENT w Mount Albert UNION Ladles Union United Cliuroli of Mount Albert fiura Mr James and daugh ter wish lo thank heir many friends and neighbors for Ihcir during IHricsfOimd dcntlj of wjfo and mother hose sent Mr and Mrs A Dike of daugh Vera Pearl liar Thursday September 3rd Iho home of Mr Henry Keswick On I a v and M Hi Hie marriage to lake place the middle of Mrs John Moorhond Is spend- of l ho Miss Olive haw re- from in dn North Day Mr Mrs Harold Mr Mrs of Sel kirk and Mr Iliac Detroit sponl Sunday Mr Carl Sharon Mr Wright man Is unloading a cm or wheal fertiliser this week A meeting of the Associa tion will lie held In Hie hall on next Most of have finished and are lo sow tlieh of which a acreage will around hero this year Queensville a long dry spell The grass looks grjeen and already Threshing itine Is here again and aft a good crop of grain A number bore attended tlie Hits week Vho Liberal picnic held piojid Illll on Saturday in honor of our Premier the Hon Win Lyon Mac kenzie King was largely attended In of rain people came from all York Anyone who the Premiers speech certainly a treat It was broadcasted fry and was heard toy ill over the Dominion Smith has returned from greatly Improved In filrs Allan fell and Wed her log when getting out of w hut Is now Improving Henry of Queens curries palm mmiu in to Paul of Chicago 111 rockier officiating The bride looked charming in a rfrAA ill hair Io beadeiJ dr hdi a Luncheon served which I he hi din and pom amid hearty ions lefl fur Buffalo Orchard Beach Confirmation elates wit ducted In James Friday evening at pm Time will vlalt parish i in Octobei city hoi a delightful i I lot of people Mr d Mr and Mrs lhvood Cronk Miss Prof Forrest of New Brunswick J Those were on a long motor trip and were very Orchard saying It was the prettiest place they had boys have taken In the diving at and the ho tower Is develop ing 1 ii vded Slinrpe Is putting steel pipes In Itch alongside of bin properly are In the ground levelled lie will have considerable the property along the Beach Is being improved and the dlf- owners seem lo try they can make their result Is added values properties and a better Co that is shared by Zephyr Ills I Ham win class and I flic best ye id Holt The rain so much needed has in things fine Harvest bur Threshing Is the Suite a of visitors over the Reynolds of Veroma Is a fi Rev J Nellie of Toion- rl fa at the home of J Knoll an Leslie Stephens and fanny of Pleasant took tea with on Saturday Wise Clara and girl of also Miss Evelyn f were risllors of Mrs J and Mrs Geo Maries motored to Misers Bay on Tuesday of last nk in company with Miss Stella Maries where she Is teaching school Miss Mamie is hello girl f4 central Mr bj Improving after If weeks In bed He Being able to sit up a while each y and Mrs Milton to the city on Saturday to a oter and sister Clarence Hope Items fe Wm is spending g her In Me and Mrs spent the end at Hill Mr and Mrs Arwed Case spent wdiy at the home of Mr George hi of tlie last Saturday aoon Mr had a their trip w very pleasant time Miss Mary and friend of Toronto were at home for the holiday Mr and Mrs Carson spent the with his aunt Mrs Myers The lie v Harrington of Toronto a representative of the foreign Bible Society preached In the United Church Indian from island a In Toronto visiting Canadbit for the third time seventy years Ills visit to the Ig fair was twenty years ago His vsllt was seventy tie to Toronto for- an op- San ration While playing with a pear he lold The Star tho point an Into my neck and broke off tor old me I wouldnt live r A3 immigration ho favored vigorous which 11 avo regard for In of immigrants brought to Can ada as our own indus trial standards and Canada ha and the But ft so that I rcoovcred their dm filler Jennie to Mr Al- son of Mr and Mp of Wilfrid the to take place In September Letter from the Co of Can- da Niagara Palls to Mrs reurhng Did sign ed by the different parties relative to attack made on you by one Ellen and from the we gather from your loiters while you toe able to convict her on an assault and battery charge or even an allempt robbery If their are ouch as we would be led lo be lieve they are from your the chances are out of could not efficient evidence to make Iho case against and you would gain unpleasant which no wisely In saying would drop IS HER EXPERIENCE Like many another Unexperi enced young married Mr and Mrs Dales went to house on scale beyond in a house much larLej than they really needed When the first months bills came in Mr Dales after frowning and over hern gravely but nlng Mr and Mis Duff of Dra rillOluiM fine Improved Ills arc In front Slieppard of Aurora did j weaken work and Hie lite wo a and painting Carman Pickering of Cochrane children are visiting Mr Mr and Mrs Pickering trip to Niagara Falls Wedding bells are ringing near zephyr Mis Pickering spent the at Toronto attending the MAY MOVE FROM GAMP BORDEN Sept An Is expected soon of the of training quarters of Hie Canadian Air force from Camp to the Mohawk near on Day of a move has been discussed for time and hose In charge of the reasons are given by those in favor of a move One is villi development of the of flying both for I My The quite morning Ned she nobbed lady look 0 call took lie little girl up his knee and said Hunk you had heller He girl But you have lived papa six years now yoi come and live with mi years urged the doctor The little girl looked a That the way tin alio said decidedly they gels em they keeps kindly pointed of watching expenses very fully You shall see how I can bo J was Into autumn Iiiilc void Iho dirt caused by using coal had arranged hum gas in This was something f tho fu and after ho had been brought by he bill lo a realizing gense surprising and manifold expenses of mamiainiiig homo ho began to fear that ho had We lio do nowadays Acting on Ihis plan often urn the gas on force One evening to an icy cold Why the asked Mrs Bates who wrapped W0S livGrins 0 Nod Im afraid were must bo lo unllotno east and in He proposed the forma ludy tariff an fiscal itondcd continue ants policy of on- agomont of export trade by treaties and particularly the en couragement of interimperial preferential trading which would help Canadian and well as domestic sales fourth great problem Mr Kins was prepared to face was f reform no by tho the wiiolo of his was more by the York In this he promised f elected an intri provincial v ltd I he object of reaching a unanimous of reform unanimous conclusions of such a conference he form of a resolution would in the measure of senate agreed upon by tho pro- There was also the policy of hug only senators who Pledged themselves to support reform Uphold Responsible- Government ive been asked why did hen rejected gauntlet and important Go down the challenge the chamber by iiimedily declainiK for a gen era election in the name of re sponsible government I yen lure to say lhal to no in Canada do those word mean more lo constituency of York where if anywhere responsible government in fan had its Nor do I think to any one in North York responsible goveniinejii as a Ibau myself I am he lasi man in Canada to stand and see re sponsible government threatened I am anxious lhal re sponsible government shall upheld he Imvi been to make sure of the mound before taking a decisive Had I gone he country years issnn year ago I should have done not convinced thai lis importance would have been as fully as it is today Of this least I have certain km ledge I would nol have had the eight Fifteen Year Bonds Dated 1925 Due September 1 1940 Interest payable at any branch in Canada of any chartered Bank Denominations This is an opportunity to participate in a new and attractively priced issue of Dominion of Canada bonds The con stant demand for bonds of previous issues assures a keen demand for the present offering This suggests the wisdom of ordering promptly Orders may be telephoned or tele graphed to us collect and will receive immediate attention and Interest Yielding over Company King Street We3t Montreal Toronto New York Telephone Elgin London Eng Toronto Winnipeg London effect in legislation to lie n I have outlined this on and which we believe to he the interests of national will and yuMlly A Word to North York May I say a word in concilia to those who have iored me and trust When I this afternoon jtill enjoyed tlie being your member in the liiiuuou it ia mi honor wliich of you my grandfather bygone I have tried to discharge it you have committed my keeping be worlliy of his memory the memory of my father and mother whose name I bear the who who pledged to Senate reform and two more to be appointed and who will join their fo other appointees of the Liberal rly in bringing aboul this all- of Liberal at May I say that the decided without which this historic the history of delay meet the pay such lot you lijl Senate reform a only way that it at thai end As ha been truly said A vote for and thought healthful to be a lit rm than a lot too cool into the basement and more gas though I didnt hot o the passed the gag down the meter I thought much we were using because knew we couldnt a great deal When I saw we had use twenty five thousand do worth I just gasped it right off for Id rather freeze to death than to have you embarrassed financially Mr Bates who had been look at her in astonishment be to laugh reassuringly moment more he was calling to tier from the basement I thought Dora ays twentyfive thousand feet and it is a dollar a a foot the reading in cludes all that we have used for Iwo months for light heat I guess can afford to keep the house above pneumonia temperature Liberal candidate Senate into the Liberal Government and h House of Commons A vote for a Conservative candidate is vote lo bring the and House of Commons the Senate a vote a has also been said to der the direction of public Canada a Senatorial oligarchy Dissolution What I have said will have been sufficient to that the Government has decided upon a general election to be held this I been addressing you word Ottawa that the order dissolving was signed by bis Excel lency at oclock tills afternoon The fourteenth Parliament of Canada is therefore no longer istence it has passed into history and frorn its record on divisions will be known as the Parliament of large majorities beginning and at party of though the close the Go In the Hou but one Could irrefutable evidence of the degree to which in adminis tering the affairs of he country period of four years we on and retained the support of the House iding holds appear before you as candidate of the Liberal party in this riding Should I again be entrusted with your confidence and elected by you as your member the Parliament of Canada I shall my utmost faithfully to serve you and to uphold with fir and lo uphold the honor Jegrity of our country and of the British Umpire of which if ho allimjjoilunf pari WHY BOYS LEAVE THE Oliver of Ont a farmers son his reasons In the Financial Post an follows time to time I have seen in the press articles on why the young people leave the farm The theory has fool and told me that farming was no life for a person How then with all this trash being preached Into the heads the boys and girls by farm- era and farmers wives can you ex pect the hoys and girls to stay on the farm I say it Is the fanners them selves that are to in the ma jority of the cases There la another hoys and girls aro also to blame for always behind with t work their land have and If the boys have any all they are so sick of the way things are being run gel discouraged with farming kick up their heels the farm and gel out I have seen tills very thing work out and once while talking with one of the boys from such a form a real bright ambitious young man he said me There Is nothing to be gotten farming why the We have work only I said Why Jack I I ORIGIN OF KHAKI Several years ago in India of Iroops they good Jaw of protective from the banks of one of strcarii 111 tin- the affairs of the proceeded leresting ered evident l Iheni for a of this color as a adopted for all the troops ill he you I money and fiports and that the long hours of work and the press articles on why the young peo ple from the farm but this Is false I have lived In this farming com munity all my life I am stilt a boy and I know what Is the cause of Ihe boys and girls the farm I talked to many of the boys who gone to town from here Those have come back when asked why they left the farm never give the ed by the press although exceptions In all cases and that the majority of young who leave the leave for tb me roc sons that the boys of have I have had privilege of a school education and I believe the If farmeri would give heir boy hardly believe It Well he sal ould with This same young fellow tried the city and got sick of it came back farm but he never came home I do blame him for the way things were run would discourage any boys from farming I know of farmers wives in this community who have instilled into the minds of their daughters the idea that a farmers wires life is a drudgery and have warned them never to a farmer theii circumstances can you expect young people to with the farm Farmers if want your sons and daughters to stay with Ihe farm them but always keep he farm ahead heir goal Brains and as essential to a farmer as lawyer and more so than to a factory worker Preach the doctrine if farming as It la the est occupation of tin VOTERS LIST NOTICE MUNICIPALITY OP THE TOWNSHIP OF COUNTY OF YORK NOTICE is hereby given that I transmitted or delivered to the sons mentioned in Seciions ant ft the Ontario Voters Lists Act copies required by delivered of At i or Roll of he aid to vote at as the Legislative and lei one and two a list for the of ill appearing by itltled to vote Elections in said and that the said lis office at September roll at ra firt inspection actors are called upon and it any fir Pari ill hut and ask for lha itllrnr for Hie run passed Gjioti rnprning by the clerical tarlj know null got If tills LI heaven why asked because lakes a Is divorce and are none up replied The Mrs nlly Samuel move i showing a id did I buy that take Immediate proceedings to Dated Sept 3 FARM SALE mil Ml th on County h runia bam 36i56 b and t a house orchard Apply BR J end tiles en p Office next to TORONTO Dated of Ontario A- 1