HILL Newmarket County Fair Cant be Beat for Quality The cool and chilly mornings will now bo Willi us until Its to light the furnaoo havo Heaters In or Coal OH that will make any largo room comfortable at very small cost ELECTRIC from to COAL OIL HEATERS 760 COAL and SPECIAL ELECTOIO CURLERS NHS HARDWARE THE PAINT Sale Notes Every Branch of this Bank undertakes to handle sale notes Youmay discount them or leave them for safety and whichever you do the Bank will notify the makers and make collection may be sure that the notes will receive every attention IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA SOUTH END LUMBER YARD Best Quality Lump Thrashing Coal Three Grades of C SHINGLES VV PEARSON Cor Church and Phone THE GANE A SONS GO LIMITED Phone 1 IK MATERIAL Attondanco A FEW King Should bo IoiniioiMiice Hall few nights ago p -i- induced Main Building lie Dairy compel of lira Stanley tabic for I lie cumin Ail ii of Childrens Section designing an panel medial for tin willlcr Iho School cakes unci Son Co and by fore displays sewing tailoring anil kennel nil llll III The Second Day of III acrnmpun lion or Is Soflball being present fro Maple Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc The Win to Sons Co Limifstl Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket BUILDERS SUPPLIES Hemlock White Pine J Spruce BC Fir Lumber SASH and DOORS Fir and White Pino Trim rUUIi til EVES av nod li 1 MeCkaii Dr Smith la 11 by J of lies Lime Peter by Id Opera Queen by Ruwnliee Bios o ii t tliiiie 0 by Mr J BEEF inn i ii Shorthorn Hull old and over- Deacon Yi ailing Hull 1 K Am COW I It ml and Heifer Cull I It II Calf 1 J A Champion Male Tin oil male I 1 ill en Annus Bull and over- Blackburn Yearling Bull and Cow 1 Heifer yearling licifcr anil in Blackburn Calf and Bull Calf I and Bcrlv alt 1 A Broad I II rt ire cage The diiilay much attention is-bc- to Ibis important people being on rounds Third Day- Saturday morning opened I I and and Ihird day a So far as the exhibits it the beat years and never was live slock siiiowu in Blacken Brsl of Beef Breed I Berl in J A Broad Blackburn Grade Cow 1 Geo Millard Clare Shaw Heifer and Clare Shaw Yearling Heifer I Clare Shaw Holler Calf I Black burn Clare Shaw I J A Broad Bcrb- 111 iiklnirn I Bhcklm Bihy not over J A Broad Jersey Cattle Bull yra over 1 SI dan It Lowndes Yearling Bull I and It fovn- Yearling Heifer I Mrs A Pope Calf B Lowndes Bull over 1 Champion Male I Walter Bail Champion Female Dennis Herd of Anil I Waller Haines Grade Cattle Milch Waller Hnins Berini Heifer 1 A Yearling Heifer I and Dei IThy lliiuld i said lid before the ijolley had about way problems and Uic tariff been Two new had added and wo now groups of civil I On capital account he bail built a merchant marine Taxation was increased by the addition of tax The railway had Ibo of govoriunoill pri vate i Ii The flit Mr if you were Io ask of Canada wiiioti man gel along oil Sal liiniy I lii cm Hon Arlhllr the mll was going Miisiiull pointed thf Cinailian National M Banff where the p II I was had golf course built by government son years So It bad built a go Park and it Jasper tail had ii crowding of ho liofel here tho filling up of all board ing bouses available and in traffic wo pay tho Interest on tho ilm golf course lull tunes over Scribe Hotel building Iul the block pockets I yen Was who live people of Ibiswit Ferguson sol llily ami llll- soak Die people in the always III nice- th King bad reduced Hie duly on British woollens Mr was harping on tilt as Sir diaries Tuppei be did hi SO Years Ago Era lyo 1875 Hall night which was following veterans of cl received money this week Cornelius Van rand Whitchurch Draper Joa Han anil ivmarket of he council to on Monday to Died In at Iuaao Til ire Mr in his hay a Ion Years Ago and Prosperity The introduction of the lariff of Sir Wilfrid brought about a great era of prosperity in Canada a country needs country had head calve- Ml trade In got hack lo tile lions fur ac in Cattle a pound cows 15 a bead because cplooo sell them When the export market was agricul ture had always suffered Can ada exported million of wheal- It would lako fifty mi lion people in Canada to eat it We had head of for we had to find a that eats beef Cheese for amounted million pounds and there was a tremendous pork In found elf abut out of by tie Iney Miss Jessie Dickson or s vis ling in Town Mr and Mrs Elmer Davis ingspenl Sunday in town Mr and Mrs w Mr and lira Downs were ionic Tuesady evening Mrs Rob is viaitin on George Tore pent Sunday in town Miss Brown of Toronto guest at Mi A I Widdific 1 Mr Douglas Hunter left on Sunday for Colorado lift wife and gone Michigan her spend- addilio Heifer Calf- all Hie aiUeinoon an seemed look happy ft t I len Ham Ono She Aged Ewe J lying live Mm Canadian National officer in Paris What was lnulh about llu building of a sky scraper of King and streets When be came of Railway had bought that a hank site of He did not hi should give up a location so lo sell it 200000 It building and could my sid and this scraper no and the first rrtveneti for I for cat We ImJ lower frc rate land and had Juried ocean combine the Liberals kind or Mr aid he had way- bought it cost les transport by water by ago be bio from Glasgow to Quebec Quebec High Tariff Ruinous have Mi- Hon Friday on masonic Mulock opened Fair yesterday Mrs A sight of Wellington ie Mr A before for California E County Conn- Jiional Ha why did he thing Reading of in Marshall showed Hamilton the If a high ill Mr reached the peak of til ibai lime Hawkins to Han- the gov- lite ikn he lay ike i be the to The Mi and it the Ton th of Con out of i t would and tbeiehv revenue of to ins of He dote Hie wesi and froghl keep Hie early The me- a a tafiff tin fe- I a is ct in- In einlcii aul a mil oill fl NIGHT fr MORNING tH KEEP EYES OS TORONTO