c AN OPERATION Road Eh- with Compound Milton rteformci the country Is a ego I in a bid End poula pains times End could not do T I could cot have children I went under operation I read I VeEcts- liul did not fin to two to get free j should Juries about killing a three I became much belter or- wo end now I have bonny baby girl four old I do my housework and Una No help a little with chores I Bulletin Why mend tho Vegetable Compound to my I Fergusons great con- the Mo I en lingers A A Mid am willing for Box Provost Alberta Pains En Left Quebec I took Vegetablo Compound bo- I Buffered with in my loft ride and back and with weakness and other IroubleB women often have wan way about months I caw tho Vegetable Compound In the Montreal Standard taken four bottlcn of It Montreal Standard and bottleB of a I feel nun I- would not bo without It I Sanative I recommend tho to my end I am willing for you to my let ter Notre Dame Quebec THE BEST PROOF of the quality or our product Is the treat number of monuments we have in he local cemeteries You bo ttfil have to take our for It your cemetery and examine it This will verify the Unit we do the or memorial work LUESBY Cor Queen A Main Sis FARM FOR SALE choice clay loam Frame House SO implement Shed and Hog Pen Good water supply mile to Hydro R It- and paved Highway known as the Nelson at Apply HEATS OfTHlN-lNTIMATE- AHD COMFORTING- Notice I Pay no attention to the Little Coal Quartette this week We have failed to keep on hard coal but a car of Hocking Val ley Goal This Is the at of the game lie Is Jump the job in Queens get away from the betrayal of on King SI urn tint and the Gov number up here thai Hon Here the Gov depond upon These men l with taken by Muokuii- lom parly That v- v- l handing scut James to work way to the Majesty s I offered lo go but was a In ppotil thought more likely to fell much alioii during a fitting one to say word foil tin lllMH practice of reading ah like mercy Unit gives and A Manly Man Proniioi King doing thing He thai in the of the proas going on ly ml utters Unit are before him in a way that commends lenient people and confounds ho stand off and usurper His decision to avail thai could ho most of were in the hand of the and the oilier wore hidden away to prevent our jet- About tins lime the thai John Powell had Anderson and soon after thai the Sheriff had put to flight the that we arms hat could he dc- if we should have I So we concluded to On Thursday orders dm Newmarket to prepare oh for Toronto the next Accordingly the for but lo whom should gov reasonable course and contrast with the low held Ihoc who row constitution and into the discard lliut light Approolatlvo of Local Paper The vil- in the County of is one where and citizens the value of spapor and its iHlii to the ileiiiunitraled whe Lor- published Hon llieu plant by fin al an earl J Library Board mel the Mi free use of the basement of tin Library building The Towj Council met on Monday and volunteered the ImHmonl the Town Hall On Monday lernoon a committee of business men waited on the publishers and offered their services in any way within their had a meeting and they sent similar offers of to say nothing of many As of deep friendship helped wonderfully lo the proprietors fresh liould theft by be Government and bo guided its directions Accordingly morning have Joined the Jin they able to and make a stand 2B ltu wo had picked up l wo trin the a City of Montreal a organization penally to careful attention of the people of Province of Montreal in Province the offices itre in Old end New Ontario ant of icd to for and for the lender wo When to where I Col twice and passed Some 10 or of us Pt tho hut vein and paid our both J ill and at Bradford thai night in of Aurora The next by wo of lie Landing and joined those from Newmarket and Bradford about Inn on St ionic or of the Scotch West and a lliots on bearing that a body of men under Lount was the whom to flgh lie lomiled his horse and called out or volunteers A fow fell ilh hint and he and hey fell us when we look up larch for the Cily Men Who Joined ill ell jo the Land ii From ry Fry his man John Selby David Philip May Alfred Wills From the West side Street George Playlet- Henry Playter Who This Is loyal ma upon this he was prison guarding until next day la that chose were soul ployed for that purpose Some of the men volunteered Col Hill who was author ed a lo go West Cart hew was also lo one for Toronto service went hack lo hut Hill remain- at Newmarket lis time I was popu- tlic men vQlun- their own be no difficulty ir sing men my old hands etc for two So both Cols Hill nd requested join hem and they both said I Cap 4io As Col Carthcw would he at Now limo then I chose attach myself to this corps When my ty went horn as detained in Toronto for I days by the request of Esq M P who had come over from St Catharine and was immediately appoint BANK OF MONTREAL Assets in excess of Headquarters for Ontario Wellington Street East Toronto several gentlemen who had been nowhere at lhc first had come In and had got Com missions with my men In the Col Carlhew had very unexpectedly feone to the and when called for men thai I had raised the men were lling but the officers Ihem up The on Id An important fact about Battalion was then where I followed them and saw the Colonel who wished me lo join them I said I had come lo dp so He then said I must Company which I agreed do if In I had who companies 1 1 to 1 whoa North King merchant law to Mr Gull ada Companys dozen guns among us three swords and one pilchfork However we were not afraid to go on Those we joined below equally badly imbfella 1 butchers cleave 1 billhook for tri George Ram on Hill ie command and a horse that the Sloekdale Lioydlown as he was trying get home after the dispeiion the rebels at Montgomerys got down at the fentranc a halt was con council was held yet feared by some that a strung force of nidge it was decided about eight old Ion n from tho La I have Willis a Col Hill I officer of fiuaid on the night that Peter Matthews was brought into the Parliament House a prisoner On the next night I went with Mr Robinson Dr King and Sheriff to the Hospital where Edgar and were lying to lake their depositions with re gard to certain of lie movemenls of the rebels On the next day I was- sent with dispatches lo Col Carthew of those that ding to the guards number of prisoni the Baptist Meeting Horn Sent to Look for Lount When I returned homo I was directly ordered to go where now stand- loot for Who Was said it a lonely house of started and we got as far as Bradford when a man was us with the report that he had been laken some of George with a gun word Henry Playter gun Alfred Will sword May club ly Bacon the little before referred lo nothing and myself sword And tie party went Ihvougi Ridges while Hill and his serve remained there for half an hour when nothing from us in the or turnout we and a quantify I ridge blankets large kettles etc for a Our Company My next military exploit was the time that there was a talk of a rupture with he United Stales about the Boundary thstanding I remained in the Sedentary Militia I was a when joined Col company and I worked my up until I obtained a LieuL- Commission I till hold on the staff My object was lo serve my country instead of serving my- I would have held back until an opportunity offered for he wasnt takei after and then or frying lo cross Is Your Child Thin and Weak Cod Liven Extract In Sugarcoat ed Tablets Puts on Flesh and Builds Up Cod Liver Esliaet Tablets to any thin 111 one sickness and where are suspected they are for days and if nil Hi stepped aki After tho Rebellion believe the first of my ser ies after the was on Canal where I was being employed by Completely Enclosed Flywheel and Disc Clutch showing internal construction is a new type of clutch in the New Chevrolet It makes gear shifting easy it starts the car smoothly a light pedal pressure operates it it has more than a thousand pounds pressure action de livering all the power to the rear axle without slippage it is fully enclosed it is simple it has no internal adjustments it requires no lubrication what more can be wished for in any clutch PHIL HAMILTON Agents Newmarket H EVR O LET the Hon as then Commissioner next year spent al Port Stanley the after thai Street superintending the of the Afterwards I was employed by Mr on he Road and to examine Mara between and the fn this year I pay off James Mo lllhoiiiil II Hit Willi Ibis my Public ends and I shall leave it should they think proper f Free belong and Ibis date Dei Mason in Can and were Ihn Hugh vin Hi Augustin i860 oldest of Richard Titus his wife Eleanor David Mary Mar- FINE QUALITY WALL PAPERS LARGEST AND ALL PURPOSE FROM TO PER ROLL Variety Glued In Tlntt HuwuilIU WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX AND COMBINATION Sell You With and Paper Hanger I Will One for J J y I J I Bull A ARCHIVES TORONTO