Ouf L Monday i- and if Homemade I Work to attendance on Monday led till Church I l music and good pro- on friends Church The meriting message was new elmricleiisties apostle and out- ie li had been in school of Christ as is hy ihe wonderful willing let cord brought safety lo the fliouso Jericho of Joshua So of are extended and will lie undo of Unset number given Mr John Starr Records for Musical Club lsoturo Oh Wednesday evening of next week in the Temperance Hull to public are invited Hi- Lois Wilson specialist i Mum I and Hi Picture Framing rose Will la moat largely attended i over held by the is took place In Public Auditorium in Toronto the Christmas Con- second Street School Children free ad The Friends School bold their Christmas enter tainment on Wednesday St Sunday Morning Subject The Young Man and the Measuring Line subject The The Thursday evening You are cordially tin these services Trinity United Church The Official Hoard lertuined tliu evening in the school room to be llowcd by a special business meeting A of tiro Central Toronto Com ill be discussed Mission Will the members of- the M Circle of the United Chut kindly hand In their articles for the Bazaar Friday December the Parsonage from three to five oclock which will be in form of a Shower Reserve the date December for the Presbyterian Churoh At tit Andrews Sunday inspiring messages delivered to exceptionally large congregation at both services Many examples are given in the bible of God calling men accomplish some important task in rebuilding the walls l illustrate of Jerusalem assigned the work composition is can be taught lo composition in their mo- the auspices of the New- which ally of each till V Young Peoples Society Nip meeting of ihe Young in Trinity United evening was the for a long lime There present and the io missions amounted to Dr Gilbert the Mission was in charge J the program was inn Lords Prayer Heading and Devotional idje Hum Save at the Young Peoples Con in Toronto and then Boys Parliament The echoes of the last barely died away before an way against ggested the loy in building up the church at ho greater work of extending Christs Kingdom in other lands At the evening service The Demands of the Pulpit and the While the demands the pew were for an earnest and sympathetic- mi I tend ive lessons of the first day for other days of the week Selections the choir There is a Blessed Home an The Pilgrims of the Night While Mr and Mrs at the delighted tlon with the beautiful dmt Forever with the Lord with much feeling and expression Com Pine Orchard he Willing Workers will at the homo of Mrs Hope next Wednesday Dec 2nd The Hot Fowl Supper at Pine Orchard decided did supper was served lo a large crowd Great is due Orches tra who furnished such good also Mrs Art choruses by the Quartette Mr Walter Hall was chairman and passed off pleasantly the Older of Ontario are being throughout the Pro Saturday A very high standard is demanded of th candidates They sixteen but under twen- i embers of High School News Hurray members of ye High School or chestra have to produce wee cyhdials and Minding wllh which to soothe Irate and members of ye universe they until poor soul Shall to lecltut Compact Canada ho century under the In ho Slain were united 11 Dr as client man In some re tyrant In- the will be a rousing comedy entitled A Case of at the this year far as know the date the Monday night before Christmas the of you think would while to reserve the date scholars taking part In this Jean Hamilton a Henry William Cano Mills Donald Patlorfion and for the cold weather have some skating and oil boy wont the t think the first set and the reports Wit f we wall the Issue ami the parent Its before skating starts May we congratulate Joe Vale on his splendid success In wining one of the eight scholarships offered the KnlgbtB of Columbus for the best Junior students He pot only wins honor and oppor tunity for himself but for flic school and town as well Keep it up Joe This for rest of us duhs just goes lo show that If the Millard Avenue sheik con do splendid work there Is still a chance for Doug Marshall cliarlte myself and those who feel dubious about their Fifth form Is rushing trying I mngo for a program on Friday there Is so much else lodo there Is little time for practise The trying fo Inaugurate a few new Ideas Into the program In order to gain Interest and a pleasant from old routine of musical numbers and recitations No news from the lower for They are as mice when cats around Heres a little joke G had Just fallen down J C bappened to pass ricocheted from the eighteenth lo the twentieth and rebounded fr there lo the floor She said Oh dear did you ml a step laddie boy Naw hit em all replied G in disgust Heres another fell out of bis scat a landed on Ids elbow bruising hi self rather severely mpalhellcaliy Mon treat No- of venues of the Canadian Na tional Railways he pay menl of operating expenses i SfcAci church no iutuxi or registered ires or mentors of the same candidates in the field for York arc Charles Cane and I Meek both of Newmarket both members of the class of Trinity United li hi- j Gifts That Last Are kind of Christ mas presents Before decid ing corns In and our stock or Watches Diamond end Signet Rings Oar Pins Keokleto Gold Spectacles Heir loom Plats Li I murmured No of was Just leaning hi replied see If I could funnybone An itiMi it scandal is like money Many people who would not Ibini of being the to circulate It will along when it comes into their hands he fin appointed the Gov when died was picked from i aristocratic They lo inako any return of venues mado free grand of land lo and Ihcii followers sold hinds by private gave grant land to the the right li appoint Judges on of two land and of flu ay I ben Ided the Family Compact rtlBO referred id impiihiui- of Scottish philanthropist and the action Governor In tearing down a shop fpnccawhieh earned him a repri mand from England After recounting he under which the people suffered Dr Hughes who has been all his life and of lalo Sam Hughes onleroi into eulogy of Win Lyon Maekenie did reelify maffers reading the title of bills he sponsored late ha I ugh I of the hack again he very loyal man He was offered a position by Ihe Family Com pact at a salary of a yea a large sum at hat lime refused lo lake it He Ihe only man so far as tin speaker knew who brought for ward a scheme for bunging bar Ihe United under Ihe Flag ttliieh shows his loyal lo the British crown Hughes also narrated of Mackenzies to England and lis results and various incidents in his life An excellent entertainment was provided at Songs were given by Mrs Miss Caswell and Fred Har ris and by Ihe University Avenue Church Quartette Caswell stolen goods Charles Brun- In County Police Tugaday Freeman Had appeared me and lima again before this nisi BR UN has PJPEST of CHRISTMAS HANDKEI NEWMtRKET oil put up In FANCY BOXES Value Lowest Pifees MAKE YOUR A CO Mi ilin Mrs provided a treat for the element appearing in I- ding dress of her great he location of John Moiifgoiiiiiy ned the la- the She produced a night cap which by her lured by Mr Mr was fmm kleptomania A signed by tradespeople of Newmarket asking leiileiicy was submitted Hs a deliberate attempt of the man to his shelves from the goods of others declared Mr Moore refuting the kleptomania theory strewed need of pro tecting nonagent stations of radial railway Hot Magistrate thanked he Crown for a fair and dignified Tlianjt God In this country it Is recognized that Crown attorney Is not a persecutor a prosecutor under the law he declared Although Counsel dlaghnn on his address his Wor- declared that Freeman was lo Ye musl not let our sympathies run ray with our Judgment he Hatch Hes been so had Ive had to call him declared Mr Newmarket whose husband was with to the of his children by using and rtjsccne language What do Well what he calls ma I replied the witness iinplc at Hie tier whei she li History of ith William Cedar Valley YOUR PLUMBINGS SEASON Well its setting along to- the last of year now You remember that your heating facilities were nt what should have have them fix- Plumblno Corner Wain Ontario sts The teachers gaged training Christmas Ili very busily for the Pine Orchard on 111 Henry brought the largest one home Mr and Mis spent Sunday evening with Mr and- Mrs Walter Mr and Mrs spent Sunday Mr and Mrs Hal The raffle on Tuesday evening Mr Hopper proved to be a for this time docs he fall i boy falls down what strap produced In he kids lib and NEW MflRKEV once lilt he Magistrate lec tured Ihe offender then changed Ids tone and incited him to higher and finally Imposed suspended probation Feeling Funny Firstly David Miller a gun two handles off a plough near Newmarket then to smash up Ihe roadway with an axe and endeav ored to a mail box His only was thai Hick was on the road He did not explain why Hick Graham lee him to commit such deeds of daring Miller was placed on suspended sentence and and paid for his exploits- Hello oiks Here I am a reeling like Jack Bi lliis cold sua so allot all Tor by all hold Our ate CUSTOMERS are comingin to tell us how delighted they are with Lavender Line underwear It exceeds their expectations they it fita with a perfection and comfort they never before experi enced and its numerous charming and distinctive have made a strong and lasting impression You owe it to yourself to see this new underwear It has a charm and daintiness quite unusual and in of its attractiveness it is not as expensive as you might expect We be glad to show you Lavender Line Underwear any time you care to call LUNDY THE LADIES STORE Mrs Teacher of Primary Clas M Hill of Cradle Roll Mrs DepL Mrs Buci Thursday Dec of Newmarket splendid sermon in church last Sun- but the attendance it should have been We understand that Miss Al ice and Miss Evelyn Doane have accepted in Toronto We wish them every success in their new sphere of life Mrs Levison also Mrs Smith who have been sick for several weeks are reported to he doing nicely Wo hope for a complete I have left the best news till the last Next Friday night lo be Social Night at he Club and Ihe children or the public school are giving the program We take this opportunity of inviting ev eryone of the community to come out on Friday evenings and both enjoy and by the work done by the Club Kitty And Nov Upward 1 mi Mrs Hi II isful help and tin Ill lii four If of the Com on Oil Chili flr Mr Ability to Monday hold a sale of Standing Tim ber on lot con East at one oclock Terms cash W Kavanagh Die Mr Waiter Brooks will have a Credit Sale of Stock Implements on Lot Con North one mile south of Ten months credit Sale at one Deo Mrs Martin etc on lot in the 5th con of East GwOlImbury on the line Crossing on the Radial Credit till Oct 1st Sale at one Ok Mr Alex Cuy- lot 67 coo East GWilUm- will hold an extensive farm Dec John Walton Mount Albert will hold a sale of furniture etc at oclock Terms cash J Hot MV Win of Zephyr will dispose of a quantity of furniture oclock J Newmarket Markets Live Stock Markets Heavy Steers Butcher Cow Choice Milkers is her to Christfnaa ARCHIVES OF TORONTO