em -j- it will feminine at make jrj I with mini fa end tsclt other ia off I VweMifofl Into I wo men i much hotter jibn Boutin Ire 1 sua for you to tics Rosa Notre Street Quebec Doctor an Operation yowbooki ago I in ft bed condition would Buffer pains at times could not do anything doctor aid I could cot children wont under En operation read fltimoninlo of Vegetable Compound In the and a friend recommended ma to toko It After taking thrco bottle A iW Willi Jl jus lit there arc ltm rion and who jemui forgetful ilcy the much hotter and now girl four month old I do my and help a little with the chorea recommend the Vegetable Compound to my friend and am willing for you to fell testimonial n trilling for you to Alberts i si una led by reliable- an that lly realized in cash fro touring through Canada cloy and sightseeing ing year TUB if quality our product la the great number of mpnumcntB we have the looal You Co not have to lake our word for it- set a Hat of work we have done In your and examine It This will verify the claim that we do only the highest grade of memorial work Q W Cor Queen A Main Newmarket FOR SALE choice clay loam Frame House Darn Implement Shed and Ilea Pen Good water supply I Hydro paved Highway known an he Homestead at Apply IIODOINS COMFORTING- ley Coal fills Is the hardest coal mined Try a ton off tho oar and J 0 LITTLE Huron Newmarket family makes a worship It is mid that Is full of delight Great It Co to thing about a dairy cow If have a mine and you t file ore productive value of the mine fa gone But a daily you i yea aim he fertility of land all the time The dairy cow to of nil humanity Treat her and to fan of tho Tourist Trade Forester The in casing value of the tourist ratio to Canada intrudes upon the indifferent importance factor In lifting our burdens in heat understood by comparison will in to about onehalf of of wheat pro- and approximate in the mining output of Ontario Quebec and British Columbia Owners Advantage Review The man his homo and has an in life and in hlch the int is a stranger fact lifj ownership gives him a stand among his Ho eligible to a for the Council for the and even for tin Mayoralty He has a place that ho can really call he is practically a his own right landlord fers him every month with a mand for lie rent in No plutocrat can send him a 1 notifying him to at the expiration of certain lime If the own occupant will keep in repairs without the of importuning a landlord to make improvements which if really eventually made mean nine limes out of ten a raise in rent The Victory of Huntsville The vic tory of Mia fiouth Grey emphasizes Iho valuo in public life of a perfectly lion type of keeping Miss made it during the la- at Ottawa of send and a weekly letter dealing will the progress of events at Ottawa to various public schools riding These letters wer to the pupils and served Ih purpose they FURNACE WORK PLUMBING OUR SPECIALTIES CUE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SON Next to EipreasHeraid Offiw f King iiu York delta io Yukon Branch- of yrtii the The la llml For Smith vhlch w question forming of the County into a area which was for what i grant tho Government en- v- S Imps no so aura of I rtth One day boy V- op- fcune vvhon the hi on the vnt thrown a pane completion of ttie designed to In the library- mother hilng the Mackenzie valley Hie covered and asked In her and the Arctic coast in- Who did that I did but I clldrtt mean to do r Hie from north to The hail 1 Mayo j what do you Fort and Edmonton father will say when he knows It town of 1b knows It now I told him fifty miles Jill miles from In the past it has taken many to a reply to a letter to far northern points opening of the l in Ottawa within The extension of Hie system formerly small boys had the of becoming a mom- parliament held You told Do you mean to nay when you bow what you had done- you went right down to Wo of- and told No didnt go to Iho office 1 called up on the THE OF KIND Include Hie fltallons of on to the people of her matter to bo the question and the police put in liy John of Bast York to discuss and of getting the electors out 10 VOlO I J J of j New Toronto introduced the fallow- j which was loll over until this sea- don That the Legislature bo peti tioned to amend the Town Planning n ten mil country Wll fli j 0 la In- billon wo arc getting lo a at folly and are coming it Island to operate during the- that the young people Jioforo the navigation should sfrivc not fo be president ton bridge ships coming not millions Strait and Alaska other places J leas will bo but to bo of their kind to the officiate In world has a more crying need of carpenters than of adtnlnlatrative work I HEAD of lamp plcac sir had be ik for two hours that the incJiupcnflmlo worker Some are ranked as failures for although exalted to that high position they did not measure up lis responsibilities j while a bricklayer who does his work bettor than anyone else Is an outstanding success TO be Ihc best of your kind is to succeed population of times hut there Was ft councils exultation in the me to look Tho small hoy read from his was a William the Conqueror land keen eyes A and his face was beaming with What does A stand fori in joy I had met him heroin a the who pondered I don township created Into boon drafted from the mountains exactly know ho replied at last have the authority to refuse to accept j voice Hint offered for registration and and at division which have not had liglif streets of which official of East Ion I I had seer will He weeks trol- f point IIm laBk he sold id In mciiilj dm first three When I arrived signed illiterates at Unit I ell I on that first week ago given public moling in not decide anything definite that he falloicd it Iho committee having tho reading of fhest simple I can read ana I can read a can free hand to use every lodMule the Canadian froa out the cancellation ill- III Already the members of the Council are thoroughly with tho whole situation and i said to he united In altering I nought at tin I days Now with Iho joy and pride of line of route who have built homes on the assumption that trai was assured lo them Is not the only government i hat is not operating profit either declared Mr Walla TOPPLES SIXTY FEET t great Wiii on a Idler he I with his own hand I he handed it me slight emotional tie said Thai escape from death louring car in which they toppled over a steep and fell lo the of the Speed 60 feet below practically unharmed At Hie he accident happened Hyndman had driven bis car out of Ihc garage located on the crest of the bank which drops almost to the river 11 iducitic fonmed bliey kept id kept the pupils id lb liie public work of M If our public men would adopt the originality of Miss there would he fewer following appeals for The Valuo in Advertising There is little wonder that the city mer chants can customers from both city and outlying dis tricts and counties They realize virtue of advertising and to hold what they have and places that advert The small town chant must in self defense ad his merchandise or allow gradually drift the city papers rgor circulation than II papers that would public in the YeaY of lit the 11 Cobalt Causing a loss unofficially estimated at Sunday morning destroyed Hit mill and main shafthome of Kirk- land Hand Mines Lake Starting in a working and it ran the isful llfi for here I could left to 1 not ashamed of lump rose into my throat I fell moisture in my eyes Neither of us for a mo ment but I knew what it to him Presently I said There is something else that ants to have something Wiai for a great joy and con tent in life aid And looked bis hand as hook- ad the Bible what he Y ha S Porter Moon i after Chevrolet motor has unusual power at all speeds under every driving condition quick getaway in traffic smooth acceleration and low fuel consumption Overhead valves and rocker arms flywheel and disc clutch are all completely enclosed to protect them from grease and dirt this construc tion also results in a quieter motor PHIL HAMILTON Agents Newmarket E O T In was erected three years ago and planned to handle tons dally by he Ontario Kirkland Com pany il ran hut a few months the mines unable to supply SKINNY MEN Run Down Men Nervous Men TI1I8 Sometime you may have a boy in a suit of cloth handed to him from older twice his his feet aln lost in shoes f loo big for him and a IT DOE8NT We recently heard of a little threeyearold girl who to the flower on her dress Soon after she put a heavy frown on her face and was reminded that he frown didnt go with face We much desire to have our clothes of harmonious hues- and our house furniture and interior decoration blend in some agreeable color scheme are we always as sensitive about life and charac ter exhibiting complete harmony On a street car the other day a good looking was intoxicated and persisted in singing songs exemplified the fact that drink docB not go with good and sane behavior Christ pointing out to his disciples certain A considerable proportion of Pauls epistles taken up with the same theme Tito fruits of the Spirit blend beautifully their offend with unspeakable ugliness It is a good thing to have an eye which can perceive the delicate shades of color and one blends with another to form a beautiful whole God does Intel in a marvellous manner nature in the landscape the forests the sky and clouds the rainbows and the What lovely colors harmoniously ir the sea as the prow of the swift ship flings the waters up in billowy foam Have we a deli appreciation of the colors in our lives It requires a sensitive conscience apprehend the disharmonies which disfigun and despoil beauty One unfortunate bit of ribbon may destroy the color symmetry of a whole costume one wrong habit one angry or vile passion one evil decision takes away j the charm of a whole life They dont go with the highest character Do not keep the alabaster boxes of your love and tenderness sealed up until your friends are dead Speak approving cheering words while their ears can hear them and while their hearts can be thrilled by them H W Beech- Power to get is never a sign of greatness Outgo not income is the lest of true great ness A mans richness is not measured what he but by what he has given His greatness is measured not the number his servants but by the number whom he serves THE VIAL OF not ridiculous he Hold his bus lines ant change good roads London Advertiser Liberal candidates all over the province report lhal never before were subjected to derogatory per sonal of the whimpering character such as they encount ered this time So widespread are report is made that this method of Because vitalizing food you that any ill bo glad to know that Cod Liver Tab- come in sugarcoaled form so if you really want to puf pounds of solid hat people will admire ask any druggist for a box McCoys Cod Liver Tab lets Only for tablets and if yGu dont gain five money you paid for them though It anything to gain in days and for old people her death weu nee of friends young piven places arc unequal and fhey pre- most absurd appeal with their hanging loosely on their dimin utive abilities If your job is big for you set yourself and grow up lo it you may just i one mistake either mothers usurped a jol other man should be fill A Canadian re apend- bis honeymoon Now York las bride in the subway suggests of underground work going Selfishneas leads yea and assumed unjust means lo gain wealth power presumed honor by There they lay ready to be packed tone carefully selected gifts for the missionary fa away on the other side of the world The lady who was sending them reached acres desk and suddenly the room was filled a strangely sweet perfume It was as if a gentle breeze had stolen in at he window across a garden of roses yet it was winter and outside the ground was covered with stretching out her hand lady had overturned a vial of delicious perfume a little of which poured oul upon gifts that were to be sent on their mission In faraway China a tired little opened a package from America and a strange sweet fragrance greeted her like a breath from a rose gardenat home brought her an added joy that the gifts alone could have given We aro always giving some limes we delight in giving sometimes we see the need and feel a sense of duty but all tho lime close beside our gifts stands an unopened vial when we pour out some of contents upon our gifts it increase the value tenfold Oh the vials of love and cheerfulness un opened in our hearts Let us keep them sealed no longer but pour their contests upon our whether they are for the level one or the stranger How wonderfully the presence of a loving spirit enriches the of The Youths Companion THE DIVINE COMPANION He might have reigned in heaven And sal upon the throne He chose instead the way of love And came unlo His own He walked the weary pallia of Oer old hills He lived with men of lowly birth And healed their many ills Willi rare He taught lliem there The way of life and joy He bade them cast on Him their care Their lives for Him employ The Lord comes and walks with i- His love and peace to give He seeks thorn now as He did then To come to Printing OcmiGlilnOoulorUieOrdlnaryl is touch give all our printing We liavo the latest faces in type on the best In presses with the best workmanship it assuredly gives you print anything from a Ladys Visiting Car a Poster from an Dodger to a Pamphlet Printing Office A 11