match 0 certainly is fine slogan sicdit it is not so widen just how courtesy lends to pievent accidents A thought however soon reveals the secret Consider- the rights and liberties of other pic has a tendency to make things run 13 to It Selfishness is of irritation inistindersttindiiiiii Crowding and for work for in public con- ray a heavy tax for lr- vevnnce or building menace to safety It tike a more w of fitness Tern- lime to he mannerly but it pays just ho same is led to ask himself the cause of tho which wo behold especially in loing just what we like we towns and cities Everybody seems to lie in have no right to expect to keep fit rush to get to his destination Why Mm The fit man will do more work ami bet- should he the case evident ter than the unfit ho will feel no fake lime In lie holy lmt lira A dais work when unfit is harder on anything Milliners not only a weeks ive are in good significance but a moral one In keeping fit it isnt spasm that counts but the lmlil I may undo a t Idea for good conduct Of course they thai deportment but II is by side at tronspor- liuiue id