DRY BODY HARDWOOD PER CORD OFF OAR Order Now P PEARSON Cor and DArcy Phone I SONS CO LIMITED DEALERS IF Material the affairs situation worse with the Premier taking over lands and forests Mr Sinclair has pointed out on several occasions and argued that Ontario Is entitled immediately to a declaration from the Premier on this point if public con fidence to be maintained In the government of the province The Premier as usual has evaded With replies that come either from an or who doesnt know his ploying on the Conservative side on the liquor question By at- taking prohibitionists and the wo opposition iaillCff hey are endeavor ing to conceal the gaps in while behind nice moustache Court Walter gilt out with tin delightful to see Innocent the naughty Police Court Officer Freer before the object of I visit wftB generally known brae himself up and began to wonder he many were likely to be handed to his benign care And Crown tornry and C aid ioptloi Lath Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc The Sons Co Limited ally radiant in the bachelorhood Mr be lieved to be the elder of the two actually over and talked to maiden causing them to laugh mer rily over quips anil cranks looked Oien passed the Ho a collection for I amounted to lUl WKI 111 Ik riomelliing Fore nun I ami heart all purposes too to have get out of lb Hon and away Hi municipals Luis ynl up hud i dignity I to wmulT to tools j i they the people of has ihle for fa Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket speech from the throne has wobbled around looking for the great secret policy that Is to please everybody and hiding his own feelings with an abuse of the Liberal policy ami of leading people J Sam Clarke the veteran from Northumberland deity Arrived this week Car Anthracite Small Egg Size 1600 Deliver 1 Car Coke Delivered 1 Car Coal Expected This Week Keep the Grate Fires Burning HEVES HURON one 22 ih lilt And Damage Weakened by the weight of aow a portion of he of Coulter garage collapsed bout eleven oclock Tuesday damaging a number that Mr the extent of h between and w damage to the building at the lime w escape without loss is Mr Coulter in building fortunate who came to from Alii 1 and in took ago A number of the ioh were caught undei f had been sold for delivery he spring is to of and i cars v iuvii protecting I a of this kind Advertising said a local newspaper man the other day is nothing but perpetual motion I print the and get paid for Hudson Hardships countered by Prospectors In the to mining camps of other being duplicated In part at least by Red Lake gold still miles from hen llii of the handicaps that must Summers of i prospector and mining man to Hudson from Med Lake t In slit miff 111 li si had fe to Like limited th boated litv thalluule fust and giddy IliMuii find- out light be helped We say that did not gn be- mining companies lb Sands hake halfway point between Hudson and Red Lake he spent the night In a cabin that housed at the same time other men and their dogs Of this number com ing out and going Into the district Indicating an Increase In the traffic tho Reports from Red eight high to i I hundred weight limidifdwLllit and bacon anil tor and pound Afany staple articles food are difficult hi obtain at price Dog Is reported lelt wellknown leroplanc yesterday Investigation property stated Lake In going to ramp that Canada 1 Era Pimsi ion II is only for those of own lo show and try to win her hack to ll iijrht wu if she lias strayed only silly and foolish Iheio a to out of her What lank in ibis community ris an of women who would willing deal with ml help such unfortunates Lady keen HOME POLITICS no surprising thing politics but partio- W the old grind we lake pains lis well to start each some the line of our work Is well an a flulte apart our work for lust struck quadratics some of In one of Irving later stores anKon New emigrant to the West a bun veins ago puts our ilic litllb lad on the scat hi The Club the following officers The final curling fop Davis Trophy was wan by A Brunt on over father Morris by a lo Program the League Mon day evening was given by Richardson Edgar Jackson Miss Miss Munroo Grey Miss Miss Jossie Lowe Mr A Coombs Officers of Poultry Assoc Father Morris A Coombs Dean Hartry John at Wr the youngster His face to Mr Everingha Richard Willi Walter Eves A E Coombs his Stark old his mi ting Alness to Abb Prize list is issued for Show July widow of agd years On the Whitchurch March Jacob aged 101 Near Man las Ilamsdfii ih Ins year in Mai lt Sarah wife of David Grose in her 30lh year wife asked Is a Liberal or a nsflrvallvo replied Hie lady hen a Liberal hes but when hes a hes a but Is he al asked tho ihat rather stilted jp small hoy and I pious mother bad schooled im to say it that way but it was hit of wholesome schooling jj- which no boy be the The day Which woo is of fair that it Am heart is- braver miance that it does untried alone if mishap befalls as ay the at band to approval of mallei- the day Lnlhfnl up A SURPRISING FIGURE Old Country people express urprise Hie extent to which rely upon the to hear that in On tario and Quebec alone the av erage daily use of Long Dis tance telephone in was messages These remark able figures are found in the Bell Telephone Companys An nual Report They indicate Montreal L George McSweeney well known In busi ness and sporting circles CIN0EBS ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO