A K I AGENT MOUNT ALBERT I and Satto Mount Albert The Literary Society of the ML Albert Continuation are holding their last meeting of year on Monday April at 3 oOick in the afternoon The teachers and pupils cordially as many of the parents and Resolved thai Can- Benefited by iPiease keep the date ir the life of and lest and Mr a paper on Mrs A Sound dish of Hits at the gave he gramophone was for a few days Mr Merely Rowland of market and Mr Allen Bail Mrs spent the week end in the guest of her daughter Mrs A Morton Miss Taylor was at the home of her aunt Mrs Winch for a few days Miss Jean of New market and Miss Elizabeth Ham ilton of Maxville spent Easter ith IM at Queensvilie We Albert to his fan wedKi glad to hear hat Mrs able to be out accident on sing a circular shaped stick forehead and lie has hope hear of recovery Dont forget the Progressive Euchre to be held in the School on Friday April the Pro ceeds to go to the building of yu Rink The Womens In stitute are invited to visit the Aurora Institute on Thursday April the Hilts in the iday April Keswick VaiiNormnn York i few day Eastman was calling ids on Friday ire clad to hear that lit- Hurst for tin yes loft last wit friends have been days around this burg Id friends Always glad to see I dont think we have as far Baldwin to go for a real house Mr Jack Smith lias rim am any judge Messrs Ail and Josh Sheppard Sutton West 111 111 play Tin i he Hill Mi- Hill olo si Mrs of Many have the pro Walter C Robert i Moore of in I to the bar- pin I links to Kali luring the signing W Thompson pianist a black the lull charm of I the T Gup charm of is revealed The flavor is pure fresh and fragrant Try it Black Mixed or Green Blende he solicitor jrre Issue Bobbie ltoivc Co Hie Earl of Suitor of To OUT III Mr lltee iai Hi lolhaui School House by be Gin say Mrs Jol Mar- I on the lo her boil s Man it 1 Today is Mrs Mail- ale her ay and Mr I has Bo- Illl hear Iho man shed his with his iva a blessing she was II Will 1 Audrey like up inn nip and split ting wow ladies are Mis is on It t Hope for a speedy si itli friends 1 of with Mr Josh and of linKsta Pollock family pent Friday with Ihe tatters Air and Mm Arthur moved Into their new store at on Monday We wish them and good luck In their new MIm Fay spent with Nora Hasten Ay larrilt spent ays the Glad lo nee Hone under II beginning Oh I Hall first Iwrnly which ind Clarence rons will he used of Ihe United her mother The birds make ivher splendid attend- There was a at Christian night to hear by Hey excellent who the ably took ristian Church their regular monthly The Ladies Aid at thi mooting last week pancake and syrup to a large crowd in An creasing number of people each month look forward fo these popular suppers Chopping Mill will not I bat dont School Reports Zephyr No Hon Ml fiC Jr IV Llewellyn pel fit CO pc Helen Stick- Fred Opening Denny pr I Short talks en id Jr HI Nelson Tommy Kay Latham TO Billy liifrith Foot Addlnon i J Hip Women ItiHlltulp will lc held Ihe Mrs April Sellers and Mr John You hill llmo Injuring Sheridan j Bert biers OLDHAM Phone Mount Singing Bdll Call current I lllllliil Tills in I linivh All a In Canton crepe Thi Misses Isabel War- re Miss worth Amid showers confetti good for Toronto Niagara ml Buffalo ie Bride in rtrlmmcd at and hat to match The bride Wis for five hundred dollars gi of her father On heir return and Mis Oliver will oil the Con or Oil Bast Council the last regular That the meeting of adjourn lo lie har spoke first irnporlanl points Organisation Construction Maintenance defined tie floor of Ihe of Council past alt feeling hat there the lluil Cole That Hie for the Carried t II bills ler handed od be suspended that by- before the CouneH be read and thne this day the municipality rail fences ere lUp be to order a I crusher small size led Thai le I Issue his order on the the following payments and lb White re reglslerlnj- 1 and Con tingent Hospital re Mrs I Macintosh Globe Indemnity Co Public Liability Policy Refund do pay roll Varki i Onl Bridge Co firs Iter Graves snow Sinclair snow ifrcd Micks snow the re- Stanley fences and lieu llier ret -j- ping the highway IiiiIiil- iiijiilhs the travelling public of East That a payment of jipi- rod be made to person who removes a wood en fence and substitutes a wire fence boundary of any highway high way snow In large quantities Also provided that notice he given to the Coiinei Ihal it is Ihe Intention of parly lo creel a wire fence and the Council obtained A if 1 the municipal for an payment under tin This bylaw to come 1 upon Hie passing thereof That Ihe Ceo as he accept snow- nob snow tfllekwood sun Boyd snow S snow Albert Morning snow John Gordon King snow lioincr snow sno John snow J Clark snow ft Watson snow Smith Win James OBrien Arthur Knights William Pollock Thos Smith Council adjourned I The Bell With the Voice of a Woman One day ha decided ha cava new bell one ring louder and In official bellmaker an aged honorable of Crown for many a man who had threa Emperors And Hop Wong that mixed bla home atched iDEredlenta Itng pot made and No sooner had the first echo di way than the Emperor called be by demons should the ears of jour monarch deaecraUoo Dost call that a An lump of brass It Go and make another and If yon tall will Bo i came home that In and trembling Bop had a beautiful waa as good as aha was Indeed a To Hop sobbed out the story of his failure and tha displeasure Emperor listened syrups ilea 1 and nodded wisely and Bop to start work i ball Hop leaped into alloy Father for Sad at heart and weary continued work His nimble gera fashioned the ball with deftness of grief Intricate designs ping bitterly tiny appeared It to I needed tb the deparlm of the all beard It wept The mighty Emperor called fo Hop and said Thou hast dona Indeed I am satisfied And Hoi dead of But then the story told of beautiful bells In Japan