For Sale of to Rent Grocery Good stand for Cream and School Supplies also An Residence on Prospect Avenue These properties must be disposed of a owner Intends following other Apply lo of adultery 13 of City Notice Application Notice Is hereby give Hicks of the to in the County of York Province of Ontario Teacher will ap ply to the Parliament of at the present or next session thereof for a Bill Divorce from her husband Alfred Hicks also of the said City of Toronto In the Province of Ontario Monumental on he ground Dated Solicitors for Die Applies apply t said City of present session Divorce from Wright on the ground Dated at Toronto the day I JOHNSTON THOMSON ENTER Bay Street Toronto Solicitors or the Applicant of Application for Wotlffi bat of the City of the County of York Instructor to lite Parliament of a Bl the next thereof for of from his wife Jesslu Noble Of Hie said City of T to on Hie grounds of adultery Dated at the City of Toronto County of York this 1Mb da March 1926 LESLIE ELLIS NOBLE by Is hereby that of Ontario will apply present or session thereof ft KointKhan or the of in County of York- In jlmn Vandorf Mrs Geo New wllh Mr- n at Hit home tern on March Canadian Cooperative Wheat mailed approximately cheques amounting to a total of to members of the wheat pool tate the fitting up of three set found this method mated will produce 10000 tons meal and fertilizer this year President Beatty of anadian Pacific Railway has a of the shareholders for of the type of Montcalm and to ailable for service in May id five freight vessels of 850 ns with a sea speed of about lots also to be ready for the past New Brunswick Of the former fell to the guns of nonresident hun ters and of the latter eluded raccoon skunk 18314 muskrat foxes 9470 ermine 177 martin mink champion two year heifer Princess and bred by the Agricultural College in supply of milk at From January she produced 4010 ilk an average of fat the and Sculpture by which is being shown in London Among the exhibits are pictures by Leonard Richmond of Lake Moraine Lake and Lake Louise painted by the artist Wat by C Coleman general manager of line of the CPR at Winnipeg the Pacific Railway to construct a hotel of 2CH downtown nit being built quest voiced representative of the citizens of hotel there la In and ly il ninth Life anil that hover to get an cinatmct other received in first in i or of Imtll life and Boll To forces in Urn savin roporly sMihlisUiril of stvIi iijinr Itir nan air The NEW STAR car is the hardest to get into trouble and the easiest to get out of trouble of all lowpriced automobiles It is the most accessible and the most easily adjusted car in its class in Canada The NEW STAR is a high quality car possessing the conveniences and refinements of a bigcar construction Aak your Star dealer to give you a demonstra tion of NEW STAR Accessibility The NEW STAR is Supreme in the low cost field Motors of Canada Limited Toronto Ontario Moss Holts Garage Huron St Newmarket lIIIiiff runt in be guilty I bo In Mai JUST FOR FUN Iv with a note from his mother which read A little nonsense now and then Smith j school Is relished by the best of men send him to he and not to be smelt He teacher in one of the side schools joint no rose Sunday School Herald RED LAKE MINING ASSOCIATION RED LAKE ANOTHER PORCUPINE SAYS DOUGLAS WRIGHT OF DOME MINES INVEST 1099 TODAY IN A FEW MONTHS IT MAY BE WORTH HUNDREDS Wright chief geologist for the Dome Mines which has an option on the Howey Red Lake property states that Red Lake district will be a gold camp of very great importance Chukunl Red Lake Mining Association properties lie just east of the famous claims and ate thought to be on the same break TODAYS EACH PRICE UNIT Limited to Units siri PRICE MAY BE ADVANCED AT ANY TIME Positively No Personal Liability The offering of Chukunl la to secure working capital for property development la your opportunity the big Units allotted In the Dont Delay Send your order today