Shingles No I No I No 2 XXXXX ON HAND AT LOWEST PRICES P W PEARSON Cor Church and DArcy THE CANE SONS CO LIMITED DEALERS IN- ark able During the afternoons pro gram the visitors to he Tempb grouped themselves aboul square of pillars the name of an Apostl allyinclined folk ir the the Temple Mu- Interesting Program Given A pleasing part of Saturday Building Material Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc The Wm Gane Sons So Limited f Hie of When asked would use the connect replied or a doz en He thought the people should foe informed of he cost and if the majority petition ed the Council for its construc tion it could then be considered The impression of Hi was that taxes from An drew street would hardly the expenditure at the present IMr Bill Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket COAL and COKE Anthracite Coal Nut Stove and Egg Sizes Also 2 Cars of Nut Coke Cedar Shinqles Columbia and New Brunswick Aio Hived by Dr James the President who pre Temple Selections were ren dered by the Toronto Ladies Siring white Wins Draper Mount Albert and ii with offering words of Hi winners New market High School track team carried off the silver cup offer ed as the County Pioneer Historical Society Tro phy in the annual competition in high school athletics and pre sented by A J ket United Chinch Choi while medala were presented to Mjas Pearson and Ter of Newmarket Schooil soloists competing in the musical competition Aurora baseball team won tin coveted trophy of the count baseball players In the clos ing moments the program number of new members wen elected the names being present by Caswell Secretary d made ver bal application for the renewal of the license for a Pool Room in ol and alterations he made in the form to the la The the Council ASPHAULT SLATED SHINGLES Green Red Blue and Heather Colours For Partitions use The Material That Will Not Burn W HEVES HURON STREET Phone 22 Newmarket ding to a bulletin Qf the Do luicnt of Agriculture at Ot o on Shipping Cattle- to tain which contains much Valuable information for those engaged in the industry When can get realty good Cana dian cattle the British slon men and feeders prefer Ihem to Irish cattle as are healthier and make more rapid gains But they demand animal- of the highest beef type kept for would deal with Tho Town Clerk said that he had been requesled by to permission of the 6 erect a fire escape in family regarding for electric Tlie Mayor thought a few days ace should be given and it was decided notify Ihem again Enquiries called advisability of providing i for the openair concerts of Urn Hand and asked for the and more or less damage to the same the idea did not meet with the approval of Council On behalf of Separate School Board Mr asked permission to out some trees in front of their premises as they were getting coo thick Permission granted Mr Pearson on behalf of some proporty owners up the mallei- of transient trad licenses At present the Town bylaw demands a fee of detrimental to the business of Town thought it should be reduced to A Tier considerable die during which he feeding but are the port of entry and bring smaller ret at A fatal lie long hill lead- the Spanish plunged through If their nothing cheerfhl close us let us reach ahead in our thoughts to the pleasure hat is coming or back to some is past There Is sunshine somewhere Find It even If you have to creep a long way through ho dark to Epidemic of black smallpox measles and cholera are reported to be spreading In Mexico to bridge and Ids oar tho railing find a drop of about forty was a brand new Inker itch was only secured by Mr Berry It is a complete wreck Fred Berry was well own In Sudbury and district as a lumbering nod railway contractor lis untimely death Mils afternoon later with Percy business He was a bachelor and leaves one sister In The dialers In Sudbur Sates and Service Oarage elated this afternoon that the oar a had Juat been delivered yesterday a deceased from scraps of papers and posters Make it as made his in a hundred important situations Make it as the deaf and blind Helen Keller is making hers Make it as every young nd woman must wlio would anything worth Golden opportunities ar- nothing to laziness and lib greatest advantage will muki I if you are no for It county Miss Wednesday have been making put upon the law by the Solicitor The result was ByLaw Committee bring in a bylaw at next mc of Council to reduce the The matter of liconse for the Blizzard pool room then up Si on and the members were not at all satisfied with the way the promises in the past Mr strong ly object 16 wo in BE GOOD AND CLEVER TOO When bade his swee be good and let who be clever he probably did no i to discredit but only lo put goodness in in is a matter dependent ml on our natural endowment Ml on our choice lint whatever thv poet meant in lis lines Ihore are some people would say Be good sweet maid and dp out aboul being clever ies is enough in a woman For even the ones who are most arnest about it arc likely lo thai brains rather im portant for men and the half of he world should strive to be good and To bo a good man or a good voman is bo greatest thing in world rnnks so much above other things all time a great deal of Is talked about the girl and good of picturing tin types tho good girl or the wife a model or all virtues but so painfully stupid that she cast in shade by a quickwit ted young woman who Is fro quite conscienceless li a matter of fact life does bea rout this portrayal Some of best women in the orld are more ban clever they ro brilliant And hose who lack conscience are more likely lo lack brains than to be ivtlv Bight doing in rood ideal the girl who believes and does Perth High School Tench and Harry Phil lips have gone to the to superintend construction work shipped there from Canes Rev Amos of Ann presented with a purse on Wed- Of the Presbyterian Mr and Mrs John spent civic holiday in the guests of Dr Patterson Volunteer Co No under Allan attended service in the Presbyterian Church Sunday march being led by the Citi zens Band and left Tuesday morning for camp at Niagara ill barn ing on Ihe farm of Calvin Wed- del East on Satur day North York Ag Society held J last Wednesday to tickets were sold The Altar At the residence of the brides father by Rev P Cameron June Miss Alvlra Comers of Lemon lie to Wel lington of Oshawa iAI Toronto June 1st by Rev A Moore Miss Fanny A Moore Geo Sampson Nobleton the residence of he brides parents by Rev F June Miss Austin A The Tomb At ML Albert June Sill Ella Crittenden 341h y If Just life Owing to a lady being I Injured by a boy pushing on the prohibiting children from pushing small than fresh milk d you can That to In VALLEY RICH IN GAME features lo the lost valleys famous in fiction has been dis covered by Captain A Atki- Atkinson today filed at the local Record Office covering a strike he is re ported lo have made near Lake between Red Lake and the Manitoba boundary The valley is near his claims lie said The entrance is difficult and hard lo find and at present a deep secret although the Captain says he will divulge it the game authorities with a to having Hie abundance of game protected is entirely surrounded by cliffs and precipices the vege tation is rich and caribou moose and oilier and so they 1 Atkinson intends build ing a cabin and in connection with the game wardens making the place a haven for wild life Referring sfory of ho staled his place de- to perfection the ivvijM