Canadian Laundry AH classes of work satisfaction guaran teed Family washing a specially Phone for prices Orchard Beach Fronl Good in vestment for builder Cheap cash Apply estminster Ave Fop Sale All kinds of her and Cedar Posts Phone Ford Touring sale tlev Mrs Wilson Phone other I away have lo La lived for street for Newmarket especial for this unday What bath he the ail pinion I ugh he present gen I and tin ays Utile but a ballot box ifing drink is tic happiness and pub to through gov- does not allowed dose refers fo Hi in the people of for much pride and thankfulness that a man of such big at the head of affairs ii vinoe The pity of should be it is that tut CARETAKER WANTED Scott School Sent 1st Slate led Applications received- up CARD OF TOWNSHIP OF of Public luttpiers of the be held in 11m Townhip Hall on Wednesday July at Air Provincial District Engineer the Township Roads will attend end address Itie meeting A pood attendance requested Main Streets under standing wood class box fetalis for sheep etc DAVIDSON situation All Lord been ap pointed to succeed Lord as GovernorGeneral of Canada Hi was a Liberal member in th House of Commons in Englani from to and was ju nior lord of the treasury 1906 to Early his- yea lie went to China at the reques of the British Government Ik consider best use of fundi accruing from the Boxer indem nity He has had considerable experience in the affairs of tin empire served as of Bombay and Madras The governor general of Canada have to go some to to the popularity of Lord regarding safeguarding ndustries with respect petition when only 08 members ere present out of 245 the being a majority of one the King Government and this the London that if Mr had the House of Commons flight have tadjVised mi another general election am a working major- in that way Even if we ad- nit that that might have beer possible at the opening of tin possible today The budget is po The Conservative that it is afraid fo STILL CHEAPER CARS The Government has both automobile makers and buyers a further nrool goodwill by abolishing tin lax of per cent on ear and under wind re of per cent Canadian After April 1st Mi the will apply to imilar cars but must be per cent Canadian munufai a provision which should the transfer Canada of nine processes still carried on Tin- Minister of Finance has the assurances of the Can ad To with s automobile If you da A bo line stave a strong insurance company to your frlenf and pay any claims that you would liable for They will pay any claim made against you no matter J how smalt and look after your Interests generally to building and is suspected that the Alcohol valued at ruck worth worth plus drums and a barrel staves were liee of Avenue children in thrown from a at Queen Street and Kip- fa struck bile park Into th turning out in from thi and assisted It forty and lift by Canadian the held In when the tax was reduced in Ill put Into the pockets onto motor Miller Ontario tall Merchants Asoclatlon said pleaded Indian Road and Codings aged participating In guilty to charges of stealing a mob ear and while rob the Imperial Oil corner of Indian Robert aged pleaded I to I Hire OF CANADIAN MISSIONARY MURDERED IN June Mrs ay wife or a Canadian the latter place ho used a knife was chase The motive arid pin- The benefits of tariff have already lo the public re- The IIH late Rev eonrenn at daughter This I in ye under United J red out lh Harrison fori Jacks Brat Mr lo fits of Inanity and in Hamilton pent a couple of days this Mrs Mrs Geo Smith of Mail lorth who has been spendii ear with relatives in Engl home on Monday e- ill Musselmans Lake last Sat urday afternoon Mr Norman Goodwin Mr Ivan Campbell and the Misses Isabella Heron and Hilda Rev C W and Mrs and son Francis Sydenham have returned home after spending the week with Mi and Mrs J Mr Harry Willis of Toron to brother of the late Richard Willis of Newmarket who mar ried Mist- has been laid up Mi VeriK Noble the clerk at Hardware Rowlands for he pasl year- has accepted a May NEW LAUNDRY Work I North of King Hotel Charlie Proprietor j people rowbr launch all cars for by lire early hour IS lauuches demand for cars The of the excise tax will industry This experience has illustrated the economic principle that a lax on consumption is a hag on production and that the most direct way lo promote in dustry is to encourage buyers by lightening burdens The Olive Industrie will enter spite id Province in duties will bubble London Advertise WHEN OAR I driving plunged Amos Quebec to spend the with a surveying party Misses Beryl and Helen Til a J A of llulaililil ia for copies of 1Ullll MIL illualiating iti in 11 a Mimic Dill urn Mr Mrs Kill lb el to Mr of he car wan saved when he managed to from he touilnK car coming to the rescued a driving rain he and visibility was difficult Is a light near warehouse but ick transport Instantly killed and Ida Thomas Connors if received serious Injuries when heavy touring car which were riding cast on lb Kingston Highway Into tic concrete of a bridge half mile cast of at oclock Sunday evenings other obstructions on tho track Cjnrilian National Hallway near Delta Station Clifford and ill ton both of the Township and both 17 years of a were sentenced today by Pol Magistrate Page to serve six the Ontario Reformatory with further Indeterminate sentence and Mrs son announce 11 engagement of their daughter Myrtle lo tie place he latter part of June Luclla Sanders Browning ly laughter of the- late W Donald younger son of Rev and Mrs Cfeiglilon Toronto The marriage will take place in Oily Road- Chapel London Eng land June Miss Mallei The hi Ibo Annual Meeting the Canadian Manufacturers As sociatlon Yesterday he tor Montreal present at of the General Council of the United Church of Canada which has many important mat ters to with and prob ably bo in session for at least ten South at Deceased was 111 only a few day Service was held in the funeral parlor of Rose on afternoon conducted by Elder ford beloved wife J in her year Funeral Wednesday interment toutfville Cemetery J Terry in his Masonic from the Monday Interment In Bishop In loving memory of ill ilnl We think of torn in His name we oft recall tell The pain of not saying a There Is such a vacant place Oft we think wo bear her footsteps we sec her smiling face In the midst of youth death In the pride lrlhood days In be Till God called HOSE Funeral Directors MAIN ST NEWMARKET Better let us explain It to you A card or phono i very reasonable for prompt attention Fred A Lundy P Bo Newmarket General Insurance Agent Phone 314 Chicken Thieves chickenhoi ks like indow to which it implc the loud report searing the thief i NOBODY CAN BEAT THIS ALARM of the absolute protection FEDERAL af- it cannot lmim even the burg Jim your chickens The Federal Cannot Fail Absolutely Guaranteed To Last a Lifetime Ten Days Money Back Guarantee The Federal Alarm is returnable if after ten days you find the Federal Burglar Alarm any way Simply mail the Burglar- Alarm back to us collect and your money will be cheerfully re- Please send me postpaid one Federal Burglar Alarm for which postal for on the understand that my it Addn vhich I on the be refunded should I find GET YOUR Butter Paper Printed at the Era Office The Drop in Price Still Prevails If You to go to the Country Pleasure or Business CALL UP B PHONE Let us make you Comfortable in a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt Serylce Charges Reasonable E A BOYD Prop on Phone Promptly Attended to IF YOU WANT Quality Printing COMBINED WITH QUICK SERVICE TRY THE ERA OFFICE WITH YOUR NEXT ORDER