V90 Keeps teeth breath weet appetite keen and digestion good NEWMARKET houses Phone Office Box IDS Newmarket Residence 334w after whit with THOMAS GREENHOUSES St Newmarket Say It With Flowers Funeral Work Made Reasonable prices Phone 135 Life Av Aurora United at ived morning Mr f this left on Tuesday on a business trip to Columbia and lire the Canadian Poslmaslers issoeiation of which he is the The death of Mr Richard Burling his home last week highly esleemed in fie a success or the United Church and a Liberal by a grown up family and daughters Snowball of lite North York is Institute was held at Snowball on Monday May 31st the summer speaker tress on Women her Power She also lalk on Institute work branch was organ- Mr A Beckett Mrs Ev- Newmarket Mrs fl A Starr Mrs Steeper District Pies Mrs Charles District were Snowball ladies served re freshments and a pleasant social half hour was spent Bradford General sympathy is extended to iMr A Wright editor the Ml Forest Confederate Re in the death of hi wife last week Mrs Wright was a daughter of the late Wm McConkey of and was married in Wright iimmm id lllllL Mr Sweet of has lite house former net by Arthur nicy attend- of old girl the Co boys of the Bell i Toronto la Mr Tavlor family to West Mount on last They will be very ich missed in the United Marsh who has bee for t Mr Marsh the hospital and will Nellie Rankin of their uncle and aunt Mrs over also Mr and Scanlo of Ne James one Of our awn farmer of the west noted as a sudd raiser of large herds of planing to set out twenly- of land in trees under oresfation plan of the vernment on his property range of lulls west of Go pretty wedding J I vols will higher and less or wo- influence certainly helped l aspects palate thii cheap of Ihe failed the home of JUi and Mrs B Sanders ille on Wednesday June 2nd high noon when Iheir the Rev ling The bride of shell pink net Cham and French vel rying a bouquet of butterfly roses and Valley wearing the gift of the- groom a platinum dinner ring diamonds The bride en tered Ihe drawing room fin of march played by Miss Mae Mar shall of St Calharines- signing of Ihe regisler Mis Ruby Moss render a solo Until Following he ceremony a dainty buffet ppc of pea He t a prohlbillo of fact in ill for Which I am lojqal option bill J dont lite drink trade for the fact that their nominee Is a one of the most powerful Thais was a moral Issue in not only connection wit diink but in op uiuh tioustd Hie protest or all who recognised the challenge has confirmed me In my hat the womens vote will he higher aspects of the trade wise business men are read the signs of lib times the growing need of Pittitl Iormiiuiiil vote all point liquor legislation he The BANK OF of Assets and April Gold Ho tad sola GU kk fra a Csasa fcjr Corr- olMwbra fa CutMla C1k ad Imu m Jj Gratumt Stock nil tad lia Ci CUoliJl Bute Pro wi thr Am 1 434238 3 38M1MM 33S99S9770 2SU7eU23 LIABILITIES TO PUBLIC of Tile la Ihe leaching of schools here published Group No be ing composed of Bradford West on Dan forth and Cheltenham tBut Bradford Club has not held its reorganization meeting yet Bradford came within one of win ning Ontario championship last year They can probably do la- 1 Saturday Ihe case of McDonald came up Gusdick of Toronto lion against Geo McDonald of Wosl for ages and refund of deposit money in connection with a po tato deal last fall claiming lhat he had bought quantity of from Donald and that McDonald did not fulfil his This case was heard before Wismor anil a jury Mr Gus lick was allowed 5 of what he claimed was a deposit and his Others do you can To sell people one has never seen by Long Distance may seem strange to you but it is being done every day I by Long Distance to points miles away writes a hardware mer chant and never see the customers other merchant I recogniz ed his voice at once I had bean calling him by Long months but had doing for others Bert Taylor I on I urn brought back Tire te Bun family and Mi ne ighbours went Sunday night to service puhl teacher at Pine the with J Hacking Mr ana Mrs Rob Campbell and Mr and Mrs Campbell family of Toronto spent part attend 1ib I the Mr and The Mission Circle held church on Monday fairly attended The rain spoiled the Arbor Day plans Ihe Community Hall I evening The Wesley enjoyed their visit to Sharon very much last Tuesday evening Young and old turned out for the outing and appreciated the efforts of the Sharon League who gave them an enjoyable time The honor of winning Ihe ball game ved through the East BANK GIRL Gagged and TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE present like their lie STRONGER THAN DEATH In the British Rouse of Commons there wis recently a story of comprehending friendship fit to than or of Damon and Pythias or of and John Stuart Mill During the In Ireland two lifelong bosom friends Mr their political Into rival crimps the Stale treaty and eventually foi- Home Affairs In Subsequently OConnor Wat reeled eltiiged with In fortifying and defending our Courts in Dublin as a result action many were lost lie minister found himself face l loo Ihe duly of condemning rem her bed clad only and gagged coed with being having coal oil poured right morning in Ihe hands of four who failed to blow the sate I effort get somewhere be 88000 and Police organized for a bandit tonight the MIss was able I description of of her tall ungainly fellow expression ajid volet genera opinion Is that It vi lli seven years church el lilt hank and ifi leader of the girl guides She I She Is tlte daughter of farmer living and has sister all living ailing Her ere They Worked a Miracle for Him ONTARIO MAN OF DODDS KIDNEY PILLS Mr Austin suffered with in Kidney anywhere than Mr wellknown resident here has good reasons for his on praise liodda ink Ihe year lo of new home last distance of about miles herd of cattle nun head along the Willi Hi along road so kin been and unpleasanl Journey we really an enjoyable trip Era lo ilwh and six bo Is I a to Ich I always keep Kidney I a In I wall Kidney hi I in Mi- Many suffer periodically wilh and as ml ouches pain i hid hey Shenzhen weal kid and 1 pain from D may give or m his old jufitv who of the pleaded terrible signed Ai the end drew what he do met hi Ingly proud to for and Ml understanding to the friend by I died I duty friendship INTERMARRIAGE ftllhB against marriage 1 lilllVnnt ixHglOi doctrine of the lloinan church In litis which should he copied by Ihe for of the Gin Ii I ii are right service In marriage qiWBllqn Catholic tie Should Hi t nine Itni iiii ounselled I la his said the lldllld Hi- point tie askil to explain If IdllM Xjiltlll -ll- Vou are worse than my cow II pastor give my cow some clover there usionx the lot but she eats the anil lots the alone doe ien stop reason It out Now that is a nude Illustration declared Hill bill there are a iiople who would rather they lhan what says In His Won But now we see through a glass darkly what ye know no know hereafter GOOD REASONS re Dr Guthries i for being a total i good because take lolal i heavier A bank account wilh small balance lo your credit comfort and convenience of things buy on I plan are If ha rainy rainy flay Beware the Of A SIXRULE SERMON another Ihe superintendents up give an account of heir work l had evidently a good year for the schools and the reports lil At last came the final report us the chairman called It was a district wheue- life seemed to be like a landlocked stagnant loft behind and almost forgotlen by outer world A little FRED GATES A VKU g ViW i when tin name of school Im afraid friends she said I havent much to report for my school except failure Every Sunday in year I have walked the throe miles from my the school rain or shine mud Sometimes I found ilen wha it down lie You may not have hoped in the his I Profound bees Mi ttpoo the Um of J of thotuaaA 1a the Western sal Central stats As authority matter his work hu all praise He left a trial of results an awakened him of an ptttt value of Hob better Hobs a of toUratlca a lnts est Is armnalaiivj parks IbjhU and other oo I km dm of RMMsafal a work of and I allied to i seat hi the and turning her but one thing least you have done and hat you have preached a sermon les long every Sunday in 1 year The limine faithfully jo your place of duly and have marked faithfulness and it will be and the other day news of a spiritual awakening lhat is sweeping the community is all because a faithful woman preached a sermon sis miles long every Sunday although and Aran To primary object of erenr of bis co to sua t which to rale boy riant r In this kindred work asjata country valuable setrlo lecture Dad and America Fred every father how he can best pal be closest confidant have the greatest Influence hi tin ahaplng of his thoughts and be may develop Into a respected worthy American heritage Gates epeaki at the big brown ChautaDqua tent til To get the performance any other car the same Comfort dependability beauty and refinement as the NEW STAR Car provides would be an expensive undertaking To all who appreciate bigcar quality at smallcar cost the Star Car makes an appeal The NEW STAR is Supreme in the low cost field The Star emblem on the radia tor of a car Four or Six is your guide to unquestionable quality and outstanding value Motors of Canada Limited Toronto Leaaide Ontario Ask for a Moss Holts Garage Huron Street Newmarket rcAn of Fours and Sixes easy credit