Evenings by appointment Funds to loan on Prompt J SAMSON Auctioneer County York FURNACE WORK PLUMBING EAVETROUGHING SPECIALTIES THE TINSMITHS OSBORNE SON to Ex press Herald Office which each candidate estimate Eighteen minutes is allotted for this and the card is then handed in lo the judge hen all the cards had been the candidates were required to give orally the for their estimate After the close of the days par aded the grounds grouped igns indicating their and headed by band The competitors were entertained at a dinner given by he directors and in the evening the grandstand spec tacle as guests of he Exhibition beep judging Durham County won with a score of I of a possible of Victoria County was second with judging of swine Floyd Daniels of Ancaster County Earl Brooks of County no stock section the most remarkable feature has been the high price of store cat tle in spite of the definite and heavy reduction in the value of tie store animals have their value and or dearer than they w tore cattle favorable and issues are likely to be Store sheep have been lightly cheaper hut here also the level of the tall and Walts mora with IMunkelt of Weston 268 fn horse Tor- nee of v Hi Mil of and Russell ormley TWENTYFIVE YEARS A ago i was picked up lo Ocean the did not anything airel until tli fJmiir It to sec what was Inside New Suitings For Fall Scotch Tweeds are the most Popular Materials fop Busi ness Wear this Season Boo Samples before ordering F WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket Property 3000 adrift the Bering Strait and Siberia twenlyi cask one thirtyfour which were Set afloat truth or the theory great ocean current passing from IhePaclffc to the current it was thought entered the Arctic Sea by the strait Can on llu- ntry slightly larger llian during last year A linued improvement is noticeable of cattle shipped but there arc still too many aged beef iitk- and numbers of young itlenuL down from Newmarket the Liberal leader turned off the broad highway and entered Ml Pleasant cemetery On the grave of his mother he laid the flow ers that had been tendered to bin in loken of bis leadershiphof the Liberal party It has always been the belief Mr King that none of the honors that have been heaped upon him would have been his save for the l TRAGIC VACATION Skinner aged In A better lion of freight rates giving duccd rale for young cattl proportionately higher rales for heavy and beef cattle would go a long way towards solving the problem The matter is import ant as this country is coming lo lie continued decline in the numbers of Irish store cattle ex ported to this country The future of he live stock trade is rather uncertain- as it is is closely hound up with the gen eral industrial position no def lator distance tlngham It holds back tons of water The following Is a description of i entertainment given the been Invited to the dirt floor of the ho sheep suspended from a long pole outside th circle The visiting finished The era shore end finally tin and Spitsbergen Only seven have ever polled v Including actually got Into the Q tt at the of the be dearly It Is a marvel that two frail have actu ally worked their way uninjured through the sea WOULDNT LEND HIS LADDERS Once a neighbor told mo he than his farm ladders I dered Just what he meant now I know The other da other neighbor fired up a flame and not a ladd a mile that I knew way to gel lo the roof quickly with a bucket of and safely Had tin Komi ladder or two stored near by In the barn we who rushed to Hie scene could have controlled the lire and saved los no insurance the public is larj but higher rate likely to remain few months may he expected November and Values of store caftlo are likely to be much lower here is a considerable in the numbers from Canada a Sept 8 A quar John today against the the Toronto The action results from he in the Toronto Tel gram of an article charging members of the King minis accepted bribes of liquor while the article George found dead at race track oast of the village on Tuesday morning of last week He bad gone out to exercise llio horse on Monday night One wheel was off the sulky and Just bow ho mot his death Is not known which they were riding was struck by a train on the road between Gam- den and Atlantic City Both Voting ladles were almost Instantly killed Mr and Mis Win of Miss uncle and aunt were also seriously injured and a grandson of William William- aged of Camden J way killed Miss Skinner and Miss were bosom friends On Friday last they started together on their vaca tion They stayed at the home wlille Camden Monday morn ing the parly 16ft Camden- or a days auto excursion to the seashore Alt ken was driving Just as the car the level crossing Poison miles from Atlantic City a crawled from the hushes at the road side For Just a moment the reptile took Altkens attention The result was dial ho failed lo hear the whistle of the approaching train on ho Phila delphia and Heading The rain was going at quite a speed We Want to Give You The Most Sor Your Money WE realize that our success depends upon the value and service we give you Hence we have a very definite reason for seeing that you are satisfied First we analyze the conditions in your home that affect reception Then we recommend the type of set that best meets them We can do this because Crosley have designed and built sets to suit Canadian conditions We make no charge for this service In fact our radio values are outstanding Better results finer tone easier for you to operate at prices that you will recognize as real buys Compare and then you will purchase Crosley No obligation for any demonstration Easy monthly payments if desired AGENT NEWMARKET heard ft lie tried verse but without avail shattered J a If It were matchwood and fragments In every direction than ifect The bodies of Mlsi Skinner and Miss were fount badly mangled later about ten feet from tho by passengers whe had descended from tho train Both Miss Skinner and Mis Me valued employ EVER HEAR THESE What is that which bough hi irk enlightens the world ink What is tho pain of which ev ery light Window end freed with I danger of severing t The steel springs wlille of strength are extremely elastic effect produced la said to be Injuring carpets or polished floors motoring through Slanting before they begin to give i MIGHT COTTON WOOL Prodigys Mother Of course I she make3 little mistakes but see she plays entirely by ear- FINIS Is that play finished you wore irking on It la Has ft been produced yet Yes Thats what finished what will he be WHETHER Merchant Manufacturer or Professional Man he will be better able to make a name for himself If backed by Sufficient Capital Why not begin now to accumulate that Capital Let the boy help Open a savings account for him with the Government Savings Offlce where the total wealth of the Province is your security Withdrawals may be made without notice OF ONTARIO TORONTO I