PS Us fill I Baa IP lisp ass 111 present shall Goo and Concessions near Pine Orchard pled by Newton Bargain for qui close Estate Apply to on the premises For Sale A Peerless Peninsular Co Range in firstclass condition Con with shelf and tank Apply Ward Clarkson Timothy Street Laundry All work satisfaction washing a specialty for prices Hams Phone Registered Bale Good Quality Orchard Beach good buildings Bo Editorial Note sliah Lloyd Jr has resigned of the Liberals in the Parliament and Eon- on Saturday Nov Liber als of North York should set busy Congratulations to Mr E Gar rett editor or the Signal and formerly edi tor of the Bradford Witness an being- reelected President of the kaielnwan Division of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper i nun din hat so far the sit each other than they hat Apparent- Markham Fair it United of public opinion for Domini for ion that ucli legislation The net but they changes he Provincial Cab will not save Pre drowned in hi W as icral lion J is a beauty- id snowy Dei also business t our and step great lo be the work and town ruination of all pecial death who should bo above deslruolk alone York put a live local te Liberals of North Mr an Bond Weston spent weekend Town Mr and Mrs ald son spent Sunday with his sister Mrs A Number of Newmarket Masons attended the gathering in Aurora last Friday night Jos Meads and wife of Seed Earl and Leo Son lay in me i of clover Both ised the but ho Mr Stark O T A ho went b and favored No temperance Mr Sterling tody attended the of tho late L in Windsor and Chatham week of Mil had kissed the he to fault lu ioani But he told and womanhood are in ill probability hose who are causing much double Comments of Exchanges Something to Do London Advertiser It is said Mr will reside In Toronto If he In politics he might Rune In the Blood Acton Free Press knew the late James J Hill greatest when he farm in who America his day on old that hi son or board of Railway of his lard Mrs T to ti oclock lbe October lay to the that they had taken the in Winers runabout employer of arkel he duty to protect such ill the obstacles in me brought to court by our despite alt the way are efficient polk of London of the ana Mrs Western day of ten days York Co Mrs O Nash for first at her ho the past ten d her from she fount health Holt of King spent in business all do- i us for lurir of the Town he engagement is an- of of Mr and Mrs Myron of to Mr 4w38 ut of bank barn good house miles Pine Orchard Station No- re better Ihi will ever control am lly bring liqi ife of tins right The Newmarket letic Association has shown commendable spirit of generosity donating from the- pro da Die ll Julv ly Newmarket We have a large list of Stock Grain Fruit and Poultry Farms person wishing a good Farm or House In Town at Ihe Right Price It will pay you to look over our list before buying- to Hunt ride Thorncliffe Race Track 8aturday October 30lh Four Steeplechases Four Flat ffjjuijli Tick Is ill- lu change iVvulht I T A we of a policy 4iia life of tins wet I from the at least it and To the may it be Hill learning railroad a a day section hand Minn and Mi berg the dim ill timet the I tins month Mrs Geo Curt writes am in the old home a letter to me track of many msta cur Gods whereof we should be glad pastor of the Methodist Church in Marie was tender the Orangemen of I like to keep that i We have bad a flourish temp le the iool- the a-th- the hoys am That is what makes the the boys and what makes field attitude art of the Athletic Associa or the public and of Day Tlie Mayor of ronto speak- on the York that if the the slop ill carry would not the traffic and the Union ill just loit Gail Sup- favoi His grandfather learned plow and pick rut by Headlights charged County Hospital that it wa Palace Th Charleston Contest Will be In this Theatre OniMonday Evening Oct Prizes 1st 2nd 3rd A on the FEATURE guaranteed PICTURE The Boy Do not fall to mo the Masterpiece PHANTOM of the OPERA With Chancy THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Cottonseed Meal 43potein Per Ton own Attorney Frank Moor had married four f two as stated In bigamy laid against by shot or dro- The ship took fire white anchor Kluklahg the A CAR OF ARRIVING SOON Special Prices In Half Ton Lots Newmarket Farmers CoOperative Company Main St South Fred Meek in 1 I Loosed I flames Iht lie tontiolled iyuiii Our Toronto News president of known almost in stantly killed on Thursday when be was knocked down by a motor car just east of lie just slepnyd lakf Short- bus and was lg the boulevard to board a car when he was struck iver was held for ler Saturday bound i of the Cha the safe Leslie St vault ant They fail- of city in the f a demand Con of Ontario of an lie form of is the next fiv ly by nting to n tries Friday iiirliVin an cities libra Judge of Judge Tytlei for West and South ami act for the Mi to Canada told Is of the of which of the I was held in is attended by who handled brought however has and the ing up of the prairies lit a change of climate have brought maturing grain ana now Canada lias the granary of the strik folly of SfiL have been drawing salaries thing o 1 it hi How thai they have been would be glad work again only arc the affected but whole country is suffering There has been a in the ex port of four hundred and fifteen million dollars and if is to say that much of thai trade will never come back again the strike soon ended will be untold suffering in it Weber Oct At student body fact Management of Mr nurjiiatiy win aud he has been in that lnm the best and people for his Already predictions York Ik- heal of al political 3ino8 from of the hottest Keith of i expected this tune again Liberals of the i- Ituv Willi Ihe I fori J in Wj president of tot and of County In the 1024 on tin government control question of lbe riding ha pointed out North York gave thy majority of and il i that Mi would i on a I guson would Ma Kb llio was pared to upend time energy and effort lo bring lo llshl ho havi the in- week there have reported In Ikibri out a HOLDUP IN MONTREAL Montreal Que Oct day were searching for men who forced tho manager of rn-ilt- Mr I that It unders hone si to understand I and want of fuel refused to called In two handkerchiefs leader seemed tl 1hirMLH robber unm derates who facci Kuang gainst exploding by Its exploding Many unable to swim plunged over board In nul wtio diuwn In the Drifting past- property damage ly the vessel ground ed upon a and burned lo Ik waters- edge She was of tons and belonged to the China Navigation Company passengers were to have battle against the Can of Province cent Issue of the Great Kalis Tribune the story of a man and a 12yearold boy coming In contact with a lhat had been charged fallen high tension power This affair lias Interest for every problems or high of unthinking any further Irresponsible on this power llni llial of the wires had a Ihe wire fence Inessui the coroners that they did not see a near the scene of the be actual contact wa five blocks away Evidence showed thai the had used standard construction t the line that at leasr Insulators away The pole which been an angle with the other pole lease of the slack lo permit it to fall to the f A piece of a of Insulat hulll was found In who he Inelli use of firearms good material for power companies generally In Ilielr effort to for Irresponsible shooting Insulal A MOTHER Of I heart both ember Ike world tain or a shadow eer lava Tbir ind injurexl in the of Havana by Mr Hake who had been In mptoymonl of the company for about the hurricane Ihree weeks incautiously putting his city this morning according to hand Into planer had It Immediate- official ly at wrist POLIOY Government sale of In not September standard hotels Municipal income exemption raised local option In in licet off i reduced tnlons of good roads policy The Cradle At York Counly Hospital rket on Oct lo Mr a In Mr and Mrs er Charles a daughter Oat of Newmarket a s great grandson of Dr and Mrs Pearson Aurora The Tomb Sutton Oct Get Alfred In Ids yea on Kit Oct John loved husband of Ma Monday Service Hill inn ftnrgan In Newmarket Oct I beloved wife of Flanagan In her 4Mb Funeral from her lain residence- St on Wednesday morning term it SI Johns Cemetery Oct Edward Husband of S In his year Interment hllllf California Jcnnto Long Beach of ROSE Funeral Directors then let every one these short lives leave its ure record of some kindly thing done for others some goodly trengtb of knowledge gained for I made my first call home today Two salesmen met in a small hotel Said one Do know Jim although I on the road over four years I never thought of IW phoning home til today always content to drop a line every couple of days now on its going be differ ent My wife was so glad hear my voice Mid It would brighten her whole day Ill telephone her every night around nine oclock or I happen to be on tho train Ill call around breakfast t to keep In touch with folks at home At slight they enjoy a few Min utes intimate talk that means ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO