phone J BOYD In Medicine of Toronto fla8e of and member or College of Surgeons of Former clinical assistant Id Skids Eye Ear Nose and Hospital London England rested a OR CECIL Dentist by Transillumination for J W BARTHOLOMEW the Forum Toronto Pattersons Drug Store Newmarket by Appointment DR J Dentlit Over Imperial Newmarket Open evenings by appointment Extraction to Dr A Tenter of Piano Singing and Violin Dealer in Ni Flues Rented eek he Worth lass of Trinity United Church on an hour hike and after at Jhe Elsie Scott Pros pect Avenue There were about present including our pastor A The annual meeting of Couny Hospital Association be held on Monday evening in the Bkrcl reminding us of the ap proach of winter The ladies of St Pauls Church made at their talent sale of the are cordially ill ha presented and three new director year will ake Thanksgiving Day Nov Thanksgiving and Armistice Day will be observed on Monday November The recent statute fixes this joint celebration on the Monday of the week which November occurs A special observance has been requested for the actual day of for ith the Day ioned by His Majesty the King the people of Canada are invited lo mart the occasion by two min utes of silence at oclock Thursday morning Nov by Bis ill of Canadt Pianos Tuned A B Solicitor Notary to Building Newmarket Office Bank of K MATHEWS Barrister Solicitor Eto Successor lo the Late H Choppln deceased Block Main Street Newmarket Phone opened the euchre season with very sociable gathering of people in the Block the proceed 11 be tennis court next spring Mrs Charles Thomp son was the winner of the ladies first prize closely followed by Miss Margaret Whyle who awarded second prize Miss An McCaffrey had the most Ion hands among ladies and re the prize for this The first prize for men went Dr Mr Jack Wilson was the lone hand prize fo cripple although no Vill Mo Mr John Moss was Willi his sedan horses atiached to a came galloping along and rani into him Factory corner mortor pretty badly and Mr Moss that One Thin Wei Gained Pounds in Days SKINNY MEN CAN DO THE SAME healthier and take on i days just Getting Ready for Winter Inspector Smith got home from Old Country one day last week lots of jobs waiting for collects directly beneath the grates Talent Sate i be a sale of and Candy in the of the Christian Friday Oct The rain on Saturday after noon a stop to the ball game Usual market last Saturday Eggs went up to 0c ani potatoes lo per bag The senior young people United fill ling night they greatly Did you clean your chimney yet The beautiful flowers spring will more than re trouble of planting bulbs COUNTY POLICE COURT And what a hit the Everybody knows that from of humble codfish a first class vitamins that a wonderful vitalizer flesh producer and health creator Millions of McCoys Cod Extract Tablets are sold every and thousands of frail run- underweight people are be ing helped box of fablels for 61 and if any skinny man o an doesnt gain at least pounds in 30 days money back Ask any good druggist anywhere FAILS TO STOP ILLICIT SALES The results of the Quebec Hanoi control system which the wets urge Ontario to adopt in plate of the A may be summarized In a few Saskatchewan 17000 members Egg production la that province is dozes yearly Saskatchewan is tha largest poultry producing in Canada Ontario being first St Catharines The North Amer ican celery championship has been awarded to James Little of this city by the American Vegetable Grow ers Association convening in Cleve land The high quality of Canadian celery has long been recognised sod this new triumph is expected to fur ther stimulate production The Australian Cricket Team heroes of five test matches against England this summer arrived in Canada on the Canadian Pacific liner Montrose October After visiting some of the principal cities in Canada and the United the team proceeded to Vancouver Into partnership doing so It has I he the 1 hoped- tor result of eliminating Illicit sales and pigs this failure being the admissions made by the Liquor Control Commission the Hill higl lo A Special Attention to All Salt Phone Newmarket FURNACE WORK PLUMBING SPECIALTIES TUB LEADING TINSMITHS R0SB0RNE SON Next- 10 Express Herald Office New Suitings For Fall Scotch Tweeds are the moat popular Materials for Busi ness Wear this Season- See our Samples before ordering F WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket will the next one be Wins Close Game of Richmond last Friday in lie of the ond HillAuroraNewmarkel Football League was played at Aurora drawn up is as Richmond Hill at Oct Aurora at Newmarket J5 Aiiioi Hill Newn Richmond Rich at oclock Trinity United Church mull by In irHhaH who life Twentyfour the choir led the and besides the evening service lie pa showed hat more was ed of the church keeping the decalogue- with driving tanner doing ve had a f the Foster is alleged il Hi- tin William Grain court was told had since disap peared even his own people de claring that they didnt know that kepi out of the way and paid for it he could not produce it country for I ourt be made of hose who hoodwink us JKlVIll III 1 So hoy ink tin fin Mm ye did i In not the Quality Meat Market i Queen and Streets ilex fed by Grace Class had a social in the on of last week The had an jojahle lime in Mm- Friday evening with their Ever Notice This have Iruiiili- I I must and and hand hills that littered up In fact you doubtless were struck never oven taking the rouble lo give them a second glance did you also that you dld- in the the floor ad stable and 14 acre landTlni feet Newmarket y to Box Newmarket basket or I you notice flu always carried fi Mir- giiriiciil in he flip circular advertising I be Iioiik the home and spend youi toy accordingly and also by the evidence of carried in dally pa figures show that the Quebec has not the of Intoxicants but has it and at the I operating at the city Li Quebec arc raise lent In Quebec police type- of malefactor the as compared lo those I cities are wholly unreliable a dry city Iho fact of of liquor is evidence of guilt and first stages into in Quebec or Mont re For the third year the A dam First Aid Team from Brunswick carried off Challenge Trophy of the eastern lines first championship of the Canadian Pacific Railway The competition Place Viger Hotel in he ice Isi president ii celebrated his I of Fort William of the of i birthday Octo ber 10th He has served the Com pany for years and his business experience goes back to the Civil War days Air Ogden was the recipient of felicitations from all parts of the Dominion General Booth head of the Salva tion Army sailed recently from Vancouver on the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Canada for Japan The General will tour Japan China and Korea True to his maxim of not touching food for two days pre vious to a sea voyage the General elf with sipping a hot water while ling to for Toronto The New York Tin about to invest 525000000 in r era Ontario for the production of all of its newsprint about tons a day The announcement of this project was made by the secretary of the president Adolf Ochs during I or else utterley helpless are arrested by the police Conversations with the best cle ment In the Province Indicate that the Government is alienating sympathy and losing respect In Its position as silent partner to the booze trade The Government under lie Quebec he Provincial be composed f the liquors sold Profits are IncrCasti At Hi sain- linn he Pi a I return profits of profits tltim I illy form an In For the foi ally ii lii in lln like in tlit im fur to ivihi- In view of the It will annual The privilege of selling lis own people Is Just lis monopoly In poly the monopoly Probably based on statist fnreveiy ln hired Best control is not feeling that under selected for the where ready a small sulphite generated from Smoky Thirty students from Oxford and ye Agricultural College Kent returned home on the Pacific liner after having assisted in tho of the Saskatchewan Dominion by t where at lowest Travel Funds identification provided for which am be cashed throughout Safety Deposit Boxes for the cars of bonds and all valuable papers at very moderate rates Loans available when conditions warrant at fair Carry your ace tain every banking BAHK10R0NT0 NEWMARKET BRANCH FOR YOUR BARN ROOF Use Brantford ArroLock Slates Neither gales rain snow nor frost can budge them and they last for years The low price and small laying cost make them the most economical roof of exceptional value You can lay them ever the old shingles Ontario Stock Carried Information and Service Newmarket I a bulb thai is almost magical In The new tube a the reel result of Ihe invention of Is a lube anil valve in one hull I Ilk i IMniy 1 lllil nit about four Inches long IL can be fitted li burglar alum- Ibiowinu shadow on it the will own il It Is Introduced chemical turning current on and off ftc to the Intensity with Which i operation a i a particular spot Thou why He be ml Thou hast Thou art ie knows put made In Hardware NEWMARKET EVERYTHING IN BUILDERS NEEDS TOOLS OF ALL KINDS OIL AND ELECTRIC STOVES SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOW PAINTS OILS AND VARNISHES LET US 8HOW VOU WHAT WE HAVE Phone SI hi if in A Wind- Does Mot Smoke is S Sold by Rowland Hardware lliil in Ihe an I lianeinl I been II In on wild west New Jersey 1 week killed I and away IcQt at 300000 Carsill Oct Mis lenclirr lie libido near last nigh of an cause scrafolilim a pimple on lie face a jew days ago I Why Dont You Sleep Better SMITHS HARDWARE Note how the highly resilient of the figure lnurii Wo other GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS J riisrViait For Sale by Rose Newmarket