me due interest vestment tot you is HAND erHangarJ The leading County Paper as well as the Oldest paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance SEE OUR NEW LINE OF Oval Round Square Roasters For the Thanksgiving Turkey WEATHER PS to Stop the Draught and Save Fuel STOVE PIPES ELBOWS and ASH SIFTERS SecondHand Cook Stove Coal and Wood STOVES IS OUR SPECIALTY Rowlands Hardware THE PAINT STORE Money When Needed The surest way of having money when you need it is to open a Sav ings Bank account and deposit stated sums with regularity Interest will be added every six months A grow ing Savings Account will assure you of money to meet any emergency in the future Open a Savings Account with this Bank The Tramps Thanksgiving Dinner Thomas up tj up lo the rills of he 2 Bar Ranch I thai morning Bill lc deepy and ground hot SANK SOUTH END LU YARD Coal P W PEARSON Cor Church and DArcy Phone Lindsay las abinil IK years and aged I are believed hi met a grave in Hie at 111 head of Simeon Jake seven miles from afternoon Their was f s 1 1 1 iiioniiie in Hi- hay ami have Man Last Days of lie of ipplin hat Opinion I1EWMCANE SONS CO LIMITED DEALERS IN- Building Material Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc The Win Cane Sons Co Limited Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket COAL IS 100 PURE COAL AND CLEAN Nowfls the Time to Order Before the Weather Gels Cold and Coal ALL 8IZES ON HAND ALSO Steam Coal Cannel Goal and Coke CEMENT LIME AND LUMBER What About Some Storm Sash W H EVES HURON STREET Phone 22 Newmarket had been down all of Hie bo throats all swelled up e swallow good said languidly singling out a for the days mounl surprise none if said Curley up you locoed fool Big See what you Bill I face had turned spile of twenty yea j the illed out just Hi en- to know whether he line rldi Serious Anyone of cowpunchers would have known what ailed the first sight Hes trot the mump We were so much relieved its being nothing worse that burst out laughi rig much to the indignation of and hi thought mump rite who The and Hie Chinese cook prepared a list of things thai we should need for the dinned and I wrote a check sent he list to a commission house in Phoe- nights later be gan to grumble about the food Whats Ihe matter with them there pickles Ah Sing he com plained Theyre poisoned Aint you got sense enough to taste your grub before you it on Ah Sing protested in many broken phrases that there nothing wrong the Better let Doyle sample en ought to he a good judge of THANKSGIVING GOUftTHY the em excellent Then and agreed with REV DR lrged to o for a doctor Doyle came riding down to be After looking at Tag- f arts face he said back lie I he cried holding his tell you theyre pois- can feel it ealin right my tongue He got up from the table and stalked away The next morning SICK I dismay at break the iwtey Doyle is only the ulu uwuei- thereof but there has been any who really rules ho ranch had managed plac for my uncle before I a profit Km let he 1 walked up 1 that Doyle was preoccupied and si lent all the morning even forgot to run after he had pulled a longhorn cowout of a bog hole enjoy I he for home omething pars great deal of ii othed Miss the and 111 ore is look after them And its her aunt an see now that tied loo close lo even taught a pause said Aunt Mary Thanksgiving the ranch We should- to buy arty thing extra the turkeys and a few things Ah Sing is tell you them was poisoned Look at what the done to my face I We looked we also laughed we couldnt help it The sight of those puffedoul jaws beneath the thin nose high cheek hones and narrow forehead caused even the solemn Ah Sing to cackle hi lariously Youve got the mumps I roared Doyle Caught em from baby Curley collapsed inlo a chair his face provoked us to fresh out bursts of mirth Doyle fairly shouted laughter Hugh I said If I got em youll catch em next and next week Hied to keep on laugh ing huf his laughter had a hol low sound After a minute his face grew sober think I had cm was a boy two kins ho black and Hid while mumps You dunno kin you had Awe youre of the arent you said Doyle uneasily the mumps So for Hi at mailer did all he rrat of another of the a Berkshire pig puffed like lov i of us l Mi- tore of tie saddle anil we bunch of big- Hire was strange hat Bill Tag- fail escaped for he could not re- her thai he bad ever Ilia wife shut I lie house and llial he lit- I knew llial it liked tho idea myself I was longing for to break the monotony of ranch When we rode up to the corrals that evening Curley and Doctor had Just arrived ley had until the doctor returned from another Call Without stop ping to unsaddle wo went down to house to verdict on the sick baby gait and Ids wife held their breath while doctor examined baby Bill was about forty possible iwky looked worse Ihan any lie a a handsome man of Hit stalwart he has fine dark eyes a silky black mousltiche and a chin Now a full him sadly regarding himself la Iho mirror was more fun than a roping I do he groaned nt let Klin Send her a telegram not I said I much Rawloy com posed the following Please postpone visil tho mumps BUI curried mos a Dugout Ho look a wag OPPOSES POLICY Will Bring Liquor Trafflo In Polltloa and Create Enormous Increase in At St United Church Toronto last Sunday illcv Or ex Hi I Ohm eh of Canada said fifty years IS ft J J PEARSON I all Hie opporluiitly of tioir- into a national ideas of Proposal Means features of he proposal now Government for the Onla It will bring the liti politics That ll gains and pr before us to i fickle being absent Mi had asked what effect the repeal of Ontario Temperance Act would have upon importation and had also inquired about Sandy Act The Premier Moore that not advise the Leg Ae hands of the dominant party and no can prevent its use- of lie ages ill he an of liq statement made in lust Sunday night by Ilov J or The j Richmond Craig Vancourer o the effect thai prohibition was sold to he people of British Columbia under control this ha 15000000 li on by 10M Trafflo la Then will ho nil i the position against law eaking Any one aequanilei ho liquor that its tendency i their I heir gains rill of Hie com- of lie people for hives Call for Iliem fully realized come for ward now and strike for their The young people if today do not know what neon to in the Jloarl of tin evil of every kind were run by iclal intorests be We hoys crowded into IhB room and hung around look ing very anxious and sympathet ic We all feared the tut none of us prepared for explosion that from old Doctor Think of calling mo all the ay from Dugout Arrlv r And from Curtis I I lee mumps Dugout Wednesday km what it back of every besides itself and using it slieiiKihen ils own posllion ml further its ends you remember must now lead Retreat lnr myself I will not follow dive of such lawbreaking inIll believe that any system thla While wc were gasping e message Ah appealed lowcl Jaws and vvoy from Dugout on a case like aid Me eluli lie lleienls li this I ho exclaimed Why did- 1 Go lake long rest hrccl nt you send to Chicago for life th liquor and moke It Interests of humanity Ihe I that it will corrupt any individual Sir Joseph i the question of the private no of liquor in public houses as that expressed by Premier iguaon in On October nine mure than two weeks be nt the plebiscite there was in a Toronto paper the Premier to Air Albert Chairman of the Ontario committee in lo written by oeckba importation Waubaushe Years Ago Era Nov Tom yhnmb is travelling Canada Big time Ihe hop last Friday evening are attending ho Two dozen new desks from Preston were put inlo the Sep arate School last week The following loft on Saturday for the at Philadel phia Mr and Mrs Jackson and daughter Miss Minnie Mrs Mrs It Bond Miss Kennedy John Alex and Samuel Millard Jos and Morrison Cans Dr Spoil Bond Ross Botsford Caldwell Moses Vernon and By The A of Newmarket arranged to a Week of next n Sunday in Meeting of consisted of speeches The Annual Convention of AMooiallon took Fothering- J Davis J Pearson th Amos Aylward P Ml J Ann John both of King ih Newmarket by Rev John Brown Nov l J g Mb of Whitchurch 25 Years Ago Era l0 brother 1001 in by Government Itself I ho added at afternoon should it uo the expressed desire of the of Onlario to discon tinue dispensing of as at present medi cal prescription ami under take bundling of all sales I liquor Ihrough depots the Govern ment will in event inter pret thai to mean iinliinihd and inumiscuoiis sale No agencies or indi viduals will be sell prifuous or mall li quors There will bo re nin Ihe bar or sale by in any form I his assurance is all more bee goes beyond bounds of Moore inquiry imporla- was a voluntary seems lo been vhilo lie oppose I Kill nil liquor would 1 he sold Mint way And Mr made il plain thai by liquor either spirit no moll would be sold by he of i who Rolur of bar or of individmils by in of bis edge those who for bar fondon IN of Western Canada Is sdeiiu- e a brief flurry In that district and north Edmonton proceeding there In spile of our entreaties with Ilia and bribes look hi by I asked Is It i i as serious as all that and her Waubaushenelasl week tea weai E WWdifield slock tjdl lay last It and wit spent a couple of Pine Orchard ad Mrs Case have after spending Hi in Ironsides is here from alter Members of John and Jackson stewards of Official Board of he J no Jack- Hie oilier lb I vine both of No On al the reside he brides lv 111 John oil ov an v- Zephyr soil Martha aged years l noil of King Township ash Graham formerly of diury aged 75 years Nov is In his year Inter la Toronto Nov An mill doparted lag Page tillable life I IB FislUiiowaiutoifess ARCHIVES OF