Acres clay loam Close to School and highway Bed Brick rooms Bam Implement Shed and Garage Orchard and small fruit Price Easy terms Apply Really Co Newmarket re Quick am of Wagon ton i Set of Rack a and 393J Stove for on lol in East a Woman Girl for general Sirs Cox Aurora a raise We Said that Ijie failed notify tho Hydro within Ihe days allowed that Lite people had ratified by vote Iho agreement for the next five years The Mayor informs us that ho said Mr Anderson sent the report in at the proper time but Department claimed thai never received it Later clerk made a declaration to that effect which the Hydro accepted Wo apologize to the clerk for our mistake the Hydro account of but the corporation loses years off tin original agreement Ihe Hydro Commission claiming that the power Is being supplied below Support the AD classes of work satisfaction guaran teed Family washing a specialty Phone for prices For Baby gale or Trade Cow all OK or V Huntley Sutton W Sale Assorted kinds and Gibson Sharon For Apply at Era Kindly accept support given me or Deputy Reeve for NEWMARKET thanks for I C mother and lakes this op returning her thanks lw49 ELECTORS OF NEWMARKET I wish lo express my gratitude for disappoint I wish to express my thanks lo those who supported me by their patronage last Monday for the posi tion of Mayor of Newmarket Though not enough to elect me yet It shows that I have many good friends for which I am grateful NEWMARKET ACKNOWLEDGMENT A desires to express hi jjralftude many friends an supporters for assistance render In his recent election He strive earnestly to Justify the which been placed In lilm He extends lo every citizen of New Market lie compliments of the sea we Willi sliding long ft high and Suitable for show case could be used i make good storm sash for ami material and used for other purposes Editorial Notes ma Is made a high rings and up while Iho ieilera debt and taxes down Thai good Who year the y of a take a practical coni- life and Help the youth Ik- and 1 competent authu it i- dent that who depend upon the interest of money or upon their dividends to eke out a living are having a hard time ft isnt prosperity for them ihe date The 3rd of selected for The banquet to be tendered the Hon Mackenzie King in honor ol speak perial London Mil it the recently held ii d and Grit silting stronghold of No more worthy man lias ever a Senate appoint men ban Hon George P Graham A veil informed newspaperman of life judgment and respected by no only his friends hut by his politi cal foes II slid that he be succeeded on lie Tariff Board by Mr W Moore the defeated candidate in Ontark riding last year The to the favoring the St Law for reaching the the Great Lakes is preme interest to Canada The deelcjpiueiil of Ontario indus tries depends so much on the in crease of electric power which is now going to waste and if the Slates will assist in the construe- proposal of an connecting Lake Ontario the Hudson The while Hudson is placed ERUPTING Mlakushih towers over of thai I e volcano the isolated little name southwest of Dutch Alaska is jn violent eruption since Us dis- by a Russian admiral more ban 100 years ago it belched fire smoke at about ifafl amo hour an earthquake was ell in central Washington Stale is a days journey by team or ship from audi ii Will ORB OF this opportunity- to return the and gentlemen our municipality tor sup- the poll on Monday In for I hope to i my long ha The villi about most of thorn being Aleut Indians The was felt prin cipally In Yakima and in this state Desks and other were move by shock ami many people abandoned the of indoors when hocks The quake res fell at Dutch Harbor whip r A Hancock Councillors Dr P Thompson J A Jr L Andrews Taylor Reeve Osborne DeputyReeve Joseph on acclamation Qeorglna was t John Moore by Holland Landing Reeve Lane Edward Percy Thompson W West and Gill wre home for tin Year holiday Miss Olive of Ham- spent the holiday with Bert Donaldso King Township Alex Deputy Thomas Mac- Councillors F A El an Armstrong North Reeve Charles Willoughby u I Reeve Ernie Councillors Robert Davidson Walter Thomp- Mayor- Newmarket A B A 1st Deputy A 2nd Deputy E Lyons Councillors J O Little Osborne Andrew Davis Bowe Bo rlh I Tied Sutton Reeve Arthur Councillors Burrows J W Osborne A Stouffvllle Reeve F Sylvester Councillors John W Saunders Joseph David School Trustees- Jacob Rev A McLeod Shaw Whitchurch eve- Morgan Baker defeated George by 543 DeputyReeve Herman Kidd Majority 352 Con ill ford J Wesley est and the vote heavy represented THE VOTE IN NEWMARKET Mayor Doyle Miijoril or 1st Deputy 2nd Deputy Dales Lyon St Georges Ward w Andrews Ward 193 E3t Patricks Ward 157 221 215 I BOY TO North Bay Jan 1 his parents- werefm heir night from over Hie general si OF I thank you one and all for In supporting me and and I can rest In the future as It alwaj be for the of our citizen Again I thank you and wish ie a prosperous ye BOS WORTH of John tht verlng from an attack la from house but small out by the smoke and flames were unable lo find the boy Tin fire It Is believed started from wiring Ml Mr left Bard friends in Town ar Holidays Mr John spent he New holiday with her daughter A Lundy Cane and Mrs Fred Muriel of Sir spending a few days this wee with her son Mr Ernest Bo gart Burnside Drive Toronto A number of the Eastern Star Lodge motored Sutton on Tuesday night to lend the installation of office that place Dr and he holidays Mark ham and attended Mrs lufh spent New Year holidays in with her daughter w is at Hamilton General Hospital Mr Lundy of Kingston has return ed home after spending the Christmas holiday with his par ents Queen St East Mrs W Cook accompan ied by Mrs Trow of is visiting her son Mr Frank Cook for a few days ant will then leave for Florida Win Dunn of Niagara chums Mrs Bruce Lloyd ler of Ft Frances who visiting Mr Mrs Lloyd friends in town for their home on Monday by way of Chicago Mr OH Mrs LukeBoyle the Capitol find there wfa Jackson and Miss of To Mrs Jas of and Miss Bertha of Toronto were guests at Maul ton on Now Years day Mr oils lhat bis himson is jift and Mrs died Hie fire el and put thorn Mr Letter form the Teller Accountant at Branch of tho lank has been transferred to Branch at King Ma here he Is Teller Mr at South Wood WE HAVE SPLENDID VALUES BOOTS A GOOD LIKE OF WORKING BOOTS AT PER BOYS RUBBERS AND OF THE BEST MAKES Dont Overlook Out Underwear Stock AS WE HAVE A RANGE OF PENMANS BRAND Wo a line SWEATERS Phono The Cradle Smith In Newmarket Jon daughter At York County At the United Church Parsonage King City by Rev A on Deo 23rd Flossie Leila of King daughter of Mark to llam Henry Crane of Gould-Campbell- home of bride on Near Years Day Eleanor Campbell youngest dfigh- ter of Mr and Mrs Jerome Camp bell of King to Gliomas only son of Mr and Mrs Jacob Gould of A II lialtiert of King On Wednesday Dee Al the Industrial Home New market on Jan Joseph Dent aged years In Newmarket on Jan Aileen infant daughter of Mr aged days his residence Ill Inspector of Public Schools Toronto and brotherinlaw of J F Harvey of Newmarket Landing on Monday Fred Boll beloved i Smith In his Holland Landing Blackburn On Deo at the or her daughter Mrs Alexander Street Toronto Hut- dab Webster beloved wife of the late George Blackburn of King Funeral from above address Mon day morning to St Johns It C- Church St Johns Cemcl band die I nen in li Many friends In Town vicinity will regret to learn I Mies who has been the High School teaching staff for the past years has hi bereaved by the death of her Port Hope The High School Board expressed llieir Sympathy by ordering a wreath to be deposited on casket the Worth While Class in Trinity United Sunday School of winch she is lonelier also ordered a beautiful spray of flowers At Toronto on Jan lib George beloved husband of Irudo Nelson in his year Funeral service Itic residence James Nelson Millard Ave Newmar ket on Thursday Jan Sill at Interment at of 11 Benjamin M Ernest Monday Chapel College 1927 STRAY STEER Game upon lot In he I Whitchurch Town Line a of December a Red an Owner Is requested i property pay charges and Newmarket Is hereby given that Ai Meeting of the above Society will bo hcbl In the Hall Newmarket IBth at oclock for purpoao of quo anil Election of Ollicera for 1927 A general attendance requested J MATHEWS Secretary Holland Landing Boll farmer yours of age living ill this village was in stantly killed yesterday few minutes after leaving his house by a kick from one of the horses in his stable Mr Bell who was former member of village council only retiring a week ago had loft the house previously when familygoing out 1 his body lying on the stable floor Dr Boyd of Newmarket was hast ily summoned and stated thai death must have been instant- wui struck over Ihe heart He leaves a widow and one son Waller and was horn in North York being told in highest widow and of the besides hi lo Friends id Lillian Roe of Bedford Toronto formerly of Newmarket and husband of Winifred Al the residence of daughter Mrs A Goldsmith larlo Strcpt Newmarket Jan at St Johns Cemetery WleketuAt Porl Hope on Wednes day Jan Wit Maria wife of William and mother of Miss Laura of Newmarket in her year afternoon at Welcomo Cometory Port Hope North York Poultry Pet Stock Association Newmarket Town Hall Jan 11 12 1 13 VALUE IN SPECIAL PRIZES making tile lilgty LADY MARY E008 333 I all nock Laying Contest at Kansas CIl by any pen or Continent Mary No 1061 In pen now holds the worlds record tor Hit in She laid eggs in 365 days Lady exhibit at the Chicago Coliseum under the auspice of the Am red Rock Association where she was Ihe Guest of Honor In the Lexington Hotel where she was taken every night n local on Thursday 78 in I Rocks bred i by French I LARGE EXHIBIT OF HOUSEHOLD CANARIES Special Value Sliver Medal donated by Mr fi Watson Toronto Canary Judge SPECIAL PHIZES for Turkeys Geese Ducks Guinea Pigs While Rats and Mice EXHIBIT LAKE BLACK FOX RANCH 1 offer you your choice from over registered Silver some of which were prize winners the Royal Winter Fair In aim to please and to you Write Information loLIoja I Pollock Proprietor of the Lake Silver Black Fox Ranch Keswick Oil EXHIBIT ALLAN BOTHAM FUR FARM Consists of Foxes Mink Raccoon Ferrets Chinchilla and Blue Severn Lilac etc I buy and sell all kinds of fur bearing GOVERNMENT Allah Schomberg Fur Foot Floor Space of Model Hen Coops Yards Feeds Trap Nests PROGRAMME WEDNESDAY JAN P Judge Moving pictures on Culling Killing Crate Feeding Breed ing Hatching etc Moving Picture Machine kindly loaned and operated by Mr It J Rogers Agricultural Representative Newmarket THURSDAY JAN 13TH 8 Culling Lecture by Mr Frank French Ex- Government Killing Plucking Lecture and Demonstration by Mr Dudley French Lecture on Poultry Feeds and Feeding by Toronto Poultry Formullst Pictures repeated SHOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Jan and 13th from till pro Membership tickets enlllles members to all privileges of the General admission and children Dixon will be Ihe of Agriculture Main SI Newmarket for Hi purpose of taking entries Saturday Jan 8th and Monday Jan from pm till 10 pm Entries close Monday Jan Any birds entered later will be barred from contest lists and Wra Secretary Box Newmarket SCHOOL FREE If You Want to go lo the Country on Pleasure or Business CALL UP LIVE Let us make you Prompt Service Charges Reasonable A BOYD Prop Oalls on Promptly to lo In loving memory of John who passed Deo In Los Angeles Cal Wo have missed your cheerful In bin year Just passed and gone Thoughts of you are always near us Fond memory and love Ive on Wife Daughters and Son MADHOUSE ROSE Funeral Directors I ST NEW CHINK6K LAUNDRY Work Doors North of King George Hotel Newmarket Open from to IB pm Phone will call CHARLIE CHUB Proprietor WANTED Clock Works Even If in poor repair One to Blind on a shelf rather than a grand fathers preferred If estate where and by whom Excellent Servloo mechanic Apply St Thomas Chinese M was giving his best a of and was fined