OUT Our Local News Morning Subject Thou hedge about Urn if unday School and Bible Cass monthly Jan at p at the home of Mrs James Leg Broken rid ins last ljd named Ralph Chant 11 accidentally had his broken He was taken to iiuiity Hospital iel where the fracture regular Monthly Keeling ft of the Young Womens Auxiliary will be held at Ihe home Mrs j Everybody on Tuesday evening again School News York County Hospital In addition to the list of published in last weeks is sue to he York County slippery having Hon his hi Hospital a cheque for Of he same time- wishes for an ias to those in the lis christian Tuesday A special prepared of the invited to Trinity United Themes for January A A threeminute to the boys and girls of the congregation General Theme The Wanly Young Han Monday P The usual gathering of the young people foi church are cordially this social ing together Com intermediates Win First Championship Game Newmarket Intermediates jour neyed to Midland last Tuesday in1 defeated Ihe local team in the match of the season by a score of It ff a fast game from start to fulfil with an enthusiastic crowd K delivered and Go Paslo Sudden Call Mr Goo A Haines went to on Now Years day to the holidays with Ms family who had preceded him He took a chill on Monday followed by a and passed away ithin I took place yesterday oh above the that luetalenl youths would light we o known just some to hang on toes and holler i is still bent his hands about fellows when comes to acrobatic stunts aers and Parker do to gad without No body asked or t A j good impression He was accepted by portion of tha community quiet obliging and eminently re spectable person and he won the ad miration and esteem of member of the gentler sex through Ms unvarying courtesy handsome face and exquisite good taste in the matter of drew It was a high tribute to ready when It became known that engaged to Rita Morris She belle of the village Her par- e only folks but had Fifth brought her Tip well Flare ter could never have secured her The tested sincerity and merit of Steele had alone won bis courtier- situated the was simply the in the new wing of a true boys dashed up lacked month of the morning passed when all hand of I building before finally tiis- rjvering their old home Honest it is hard to write when is nothing to write about in ending lets say You could said all that in two words Schools Started BOYS WORK ACTIVITIES At the moning service King toyids Lament rendered by Mr as Milne soloist from Winni peg was very much appreciated is a morning anthem the choir Lend Kindly Light and in ling The House United Church A Marshall in the number of routine matters disposed of among which of the Hon J Davis began career by being electee oilman for the the Township of King He continued four Councillor two years Reeve and four years tin is agog with the Intelligence that a left a tor- hundred thousand Of place averred one become the richest girl in the district Is well fitted for high social life and her folks will look beyond Steele Steele meeting Mr Morris on the one day suggested that Rita un expected conditions might wish t Youre do the way to Canada from Scotland It is sz- Imports will ran to record war Over a million trees have been snipped from New to United States markets according to esttmaUa baaed on exports of car ing to About FrenchCanadians from the Prairie Provinces travelling the of the arrived In Montreal by special Canadian Pacific Railway train at the Windsor Street Station recently to spend Christmas and New Year In the province of their origin According to a recent statement of E Chairman and President of the Canadian Pacific Railway the record of the railways common stock as at June 30th indicates that per cent is held in Great Britain per cent in Canada and per cent In the United States All previous records have been broken by the salmon pack in Brit ish Columbia for 1926 It is esti mated that the total pack for this year when all returns are in will be round figures 1900000 cases The nearest approach to this was in 1924 when slightly more than cases were put up Early in June business demands and during this period after his first elec tion was thereafter elected by In years ago he was elected Warden of the County of York ri is he church on the second unday in February in with this the Ladies Union 11I end having a supper on some pastor introduced the sub- of Temperance suggesting a resolution might be sent to l In liferent- Dr I Hon J Davis and ill approved of such and a special committee the Pastor DC Boy that Mr A Cor draft mie the secretary y Show annual North York Pet Stock Show will hi in the Town Hall New el Jan it and Show is without doubt he greatest exhibition and Pet Stock in North York The follow- the program of lite thief exhibition It The first day will In I Judging commence promptly at 9 a Mr J Clarke also dig- by J In llie evening a on Poultry Husbandry will he given by Mr Clarke by mov- pictures donated by of Mr Clarke is poultry breeder of years experience and Is one Canadas foremost poultry Ice lurers He is a member of till International Assn of Poultry In structors and Investigators Ev ery interested in poultr hoar address Jan On the last day In ad to the exhibition of birds French Bros of will place on erfiibf oa in he afternoon and even their Championship of Barred This pen won All Rock Laying at Baa City Mo making the in egg product pan of heavy breeds the American Lady jjft i his pen now holds record in Rhfi laid 331 eggs in 305 days Mary has been exhibited ir under he of American Barred Rock 1 she will not be fed anywhere in Canada ex- Show This hi iy Ft in fhn- evening Mr will give an address filling followed a Killing Difsving 1 Mr BuiUpy French Hie Canary exhibit will he one and will also he mack Armitage On Tuesday night of this week number of young people in the held skating Terrys pond Everyone en- Mid 11 pm id then retired to Mr Terrys me where lunch was served The party broke up soon after V may he only of many such gatherings The regular meeting of Club ill he held this Friday at harp The Educational will endeavor to give a good Lets see everyone out Rev Elder conducted church las Sunday left vilh A larger con Last year was the most the starting of the youth icnt for Christian citizenship far as the Boys Parliament but Is to be a still r success and with that end In view earnestly seek your wholehearted qoperation In helping us to achieve the following objectives In Newmarket and vicinity to help finance this move ment that means bo much towards making men and women of the young people of today Have a Canadian Standard Effi ciency Training Sunday conducted en tirely by boys for everybody hut for boys particularly Have a Sunday Joint the Girls- In Training and the S boys as a means to wards gaining practical cooperation till- and Hi has been the int- articles by the young people themselves Have a banque ami enlist the of the fa In helping the boys Jo their highest developncnt mentally spiritually and socially Send at least one boy to rained as a his cry funny and i Kettleby learn that Mr Bel of Keltleby has school near River Cedar Valley Mr and Mrs Ircd Hopper had a Sunday al Mr Frank i fields Dont forget Community meeting on Jan at af oclock As iis will be our first meeting in lie year lei it be a good one Mr and Mrs Rose had Heir New Years dinner with Mr ml Mrs Marshall The ice on pond is for ing Why not skate SKINNY MEN Run Down Men Nervous DONT MISS THIS Youre behind the times If you dont know that Cod Liver Extract Is one of the greatest producers In the world ft Because It contains more vitalizing vltamlncs than any food you can Youll be glad to know that CoyW Cod Extract Tablets If you want to put to pound or solid healthy flesh on bones and feel well and strong have a complexion that people Of McCoys Cod Liver Extract Only for tablets fl you dont gain five pounds in 30 days your druggist will hand you back the money you paid for them It Isnt anything unusual for a per son to gain pounds In 30 days and for old people with overtaking them they work wonders Organize a J 1 town In old man We have been glad to think of the purseproud kind So the wedding took place Steele kept right on with his professional proudly refused to in his siiavf Rita lived entirely for htm She was ambitious for his sake and urged him to enter public life He was elected president of the town board and later named as a candidate for the state It was while Steele was campaigning that Ben and Tom Wall traveling patent medicine Weill said Beazly flaring open frplu recognize I dont replied Wall promptly Then youve got a bad memoi That Is the young fellow whose roc photographs Of taken together richest girl In It Is mining the ho Work briskly I am of husband and his Selling a good deal to see bin political r called lie proceeded him or defeat Organize keep up Interest In the work anil voting list to at least I I f he Seventh Older Boys Parliament hit lo take place early next or in the latter part of October Seventh Older Boys make It I know nothing political or business Rita resenting the fi her visitor Oh I you will be Interested coolly assured Beazly Plainly lady I some photographs taken at a perloi before Mr Steele was married Rita stored aghast Every one the pictures showed Montreal and will inaugurated by the Canadian Transcontinental Airways Company a corporation which has just received its letters patent The airplanes or hydroplanes will make stops at Riviere Loup Quebec Three Rivers Montreal and Ottawa Nearly a ton of mistletoe wasted on the Eveless air of the Canadian Pacific Express Corn s yards in Montreal at Christ- time It arrived from Franco and England via the Canadian Pa cific steamship Montnaim and was boxed In twentytwo crates of which twelve were destined for New York and the balance for hundred and ninetyfour ves sels of gross tons and net tons were built in Canada and registered during the year 1925 according tj the Department of Marine and Fisheries Wood Vessels built consisted of 140 sailing and motor and metal ves sels of 5 sailing and steam Of the total tonnage was attri butable to British Columbia tons to Ontario tons to Que bec and to Nova Scotia United States settlers continue to cross the border in large numbers despite the lateness of the season November figures Issued by the De partment of Immigration and Colon ization show that the Government Agency at Fargo ND forwarded settlers and seven cars of effects compared with 105 settlers and four cars in the same month la3t year The City Agency sent 48 settlers as compared with four last year and the Detroit Agency sent sixty an increase of over per cent over November si these ends in ry way possible for assistance be a wise plan to another he hand In all of the facial expression 1 his attitude and returned entered I What Is he the agitated nearly he dlsjolntedly explained of a hundred of nationality creed or any Be A hearty Invitation fs to everybody Come hear what the boys of your 3 Per Pair TONS W C LUNDY Ths Ladies Store Newmarket January Sale of Linens and Towellings Half Bleached Pure Irish Linen fancy check patterns Reg Sale Price Yd Pure Bleached Linen good pattern and quality Jan Sale Price Pure Bleached Table Linen 72 inches wide good pattern Reg Jan Sale Price 119 Heavy Crash Towelling Pure Linen Sale Price Yd Heavy Pillow Cotton Circular and Inches Price Yd 1927 TENT I ON rot c McKENNA will the nival at its height at the Chateau Frontenac Quebec On the 4th and the foremost speed racers America will com pete in the Canadian Indoor Speed Skating Championship for all dis tances Hockey snow- shoeing bobsled racing will be going on every day of the month but the outstanding event will be the Eastern International Dog Sled Derby February 2123 which will cover the miles of the race at the rate of miles a day Teams from the United States and Canada will compete and It is understood thre will be a woman competitor in era good practical acting a business My the baffled I was a good think anything you do will prevent me were taken to bo to make the show I All Qt the ladies lost of them made he said to brought shop They Well I from becoming HOMES OF LUXURY UNEARTHED AT Twostoroy Houses of Oooupled by Neighbors of Abraham Philadelphia Jan 3rd urioua rivaling the best residences of modern which housed the rich and Influ ential of of the in days of Abraham have been un covered hy the joint expedition in Mesopolamia of Museum of the University of Pennsylvania and the British Museum Twostoried buildings solidly constructed of burnt brick ranged in with tho home of the wealthy alongside those c raffle Officer llie offender ri was driving along of the city with- hi- Leonard or of the expedition In addition Professor Wo reports finding Of Lab THE ASTER MIND In Scientific Palmistry Phrenology and Psychological Readings Will Consult at KING HOTEL Newmarket For Week Hours 11 am until 10 pm Phone or Call You can have Special Advice in LOVE MARRIAGE BUSINESS INVESTMENT and HEALTH He will tell you the Absolute Truth on any of the above Sub jects or by the study of Graphology otherwise known as handwriting PLEASE MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENTS EARLY This is the Proper Time to get your 1927 Reading Hows that Well the gvl who just went I irf a telephone operator- I Old King Winter now reigning Willi Anil lie time seems long In earning when dethroned ho shall Stands But the storm clouds break and lor showing limpid blue Airy billows fleecy changing Ilnge of golden sheen Gently the wind Is blowing and at Inst It sinks rest And the bright sun earthward all In whiteness ein- purity Is lifes oil- in tho blest Eternity Bonny Eloise Young Wife Afraid to Eat Anything I was afraid to eat because I ways had stomach trouble after Wards Since taking I eat and feel fine signed Mrs A Howard ONE spoonful re moves GAS often brings surpris ing relief to the stomach Slops full bloated feeling Remove waste matter from Intestines which you never thought was In system Excellent for obstinate con- W J Patterson Druggist old Newmarket Market HIS CLASS of negroes few departing Ing on Live Stock Markets y B nigger I Weil said Sam when leave and id Sam I did the robbery began rod after first wo want to know what months work will said the banister clearing a largo mound at j Well I may as well gel scene where Iho has box then said the witness been excavating for several talk without thinking Im years lawyer BBSS CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY think know Train leaves Newmarket for Toronto I am and pm it of lha leaves Toronto for Newmarket ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO t fc