NEWMARKET FRIDAY JAN Albert Queens and Satto AGENT MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert WOMENS INSTITUTE The January meeting will be held at the of Miss on Thursday Jan i3th Paper by Mrs Pearson The of Roil Call Why I Joined the Institute Social halfhour Wednesday Jan and will he preceded a banquet to com mence at sharp Every member is entitled to bring one guest Songs and musical num bers will enliven the business of the meeting and it is confidently expected that a most enjoyable evening will be spent by all PRESENTATION Mrs Joseph Taylor and Mr Soribner were each presented with a box of chocolates Vera Hogs organ si and leader of Church as a reward for being most regular in choir practice and church vices during the year We hope this recognition of faithful Our church services are we tended not merely hear the of toe choir but to enjoy the good old gospel as preached by our pastor well advised in future articles to the from the Keswick Complaints have been made that our local Boy Scouts been using their hatchets on shade trees in different parts the Town Surely this is no their idea of doing one good deed a day On account of being late in ing possession of Hie store have a quantity of rubbers that I will sell at a sacrifice price all the winter goods on hand I also buy hides and poultry liurewich SCHOOL MEETING The Annual School Meeting wa held in the schoolroom on Wed nesday last with the usual small attendance the number being nineteen in all ladies and gentle men Why do not the people at tend the School Meeting They are willing stay and the School Hoard rather than offer any suggest to help them Mr Ed W who wa- the retiring inembe the lot- Mm year was reefeeled a- he i splendid man for lie Job The Scripture reading was ta ken by Peg- and the topic was given in two parts by Arnold and Mis Wei piano solo by Miss Ruth Oldham concluded our de votional pari meeting Our program for the evening consisted of two readings by Miss 10 Hayes and Miss Mildred Dike an I the by Miss Hilda and Mr Bert Wheeidun Mr Stewart took charge or a baseball game The meeting Anthem Cook of Woodbridge as returned her borne after spending a days in town with her Dan Cook Miss Nellie Dike has returned lo Sutton spending her at her home own Mr John I ling at the home of Mr Ho an I Tor Mrs wiciirugn ana tt in Mrs was called away in business tier old home Lit Prince Edward County Mis Jake Cook of was in lawn weekend Mr and Mrs McLean were very pleased to receive a cable from their daughter Mrs Barrett in Christmas saying Mr all fa Ike I and family to their son Mel and hi wire in Califor nia at lime Mr Dunn has gone to spend ho of the at Hill Mrs Hayes who works on away north was home for a few days Mr Laws on of Toronto was in town over fhe weekend The funeral of the Iijle Mr A Cae look place on Thursday last to Albert cemetery choir certainly deserves credit and are they have provide us with from Sunday Sun In the choir writeups v KOfitot the minister has giving us or of beautiful Christina message lie which everyone enjoyed so much an went away with more in the The partnership of iloClell A has been dissolved and Mr is continuing in the I ho Sunday School criteria of the Christian Church Christmas night was a decided success The largest crowd ever had filled every of the church After admitting all children free the proeee were 0300 The program closing with beautifully arranged pageant titled His Glory With ihe new officers and teachers dee led we are looking forward to i good years work Last Thursday night was one long lo be remembered when about members of the Church gathered in their meeting A splendid supper about had been raised he year New officers elected for the year and the church membership roll was call with a large number of members responding On Sunday night the Endeavor meeting was in of Mr when a special program was concluded with a fine New Years Pageant con led by young ladies dressed in white representing the monlhs of If- each lighlmpr a candle rind forming them in fhe shape of cross The attendance was good Election day always brings crowd to Keswick and last Mon day was no exception In fact there was more excitement usual for the contest for and Hopkins has been going on in a subdued way throughout whole of past year Hough by debated by Hopkins only two votes in The roads were in fine shape for or molorlne and the vole polled was one of heavi es in he history of the which Is surety a very poor Tor nrl attending the house of In the evening we had a large f30 Rev A J Mann always preaches ajch sermons hat those who not attend most assuredly miss very much worth while is over once again so wc re hoping for something different- to e the of he day The whole community was astir last Tuesday morning phoned an sen had of him was evening We are sorry learn that Mrs Newmarket Keswick is very low having suf fered a slight stroke on Monday We hope lo hear of lier com- Me recovery- shortly Mr Spdcre had the mlgfor- to have his house burnt to the Tuesday moniiiK last The additional now Is very wcl- to many especially those who teaming i be done Now wo good perhaps we shall pleasure of seeing our friends with us as did last winter by bringing sleigh the meeting In United Sunday School next Friday afternoon Jan oclock All are invited to attend by the children wa right encouragingly teacher Now Paul ell we put a hyphen in bird- General Insurance Real Estate Special Attention PAID TO Farm insurance SWITZER KE8WI0I Sutton West On Wednesday evening a number of friends of Miss Gertrude Shier assembled at the home of Mrs Milton Hamilton and gave Miss Gertrude a miscel laneous shower A very pleasant evening was spent by ail King of Newmarket spent he weekend her sister Mrs John King Clara Allen and friend Mr Smith spent the weekend with her uncle Mr J The Misses Clark of Toronto spent fhe New Year holidays heir sister Mrs Shier Mr Shier of Saskatoon is King his brother Mr Mr A Belfry of Mr S Belfry o Year holiday in town Mrs Taylor of Udora and Mr and Mrs Arthur of Ottawa were New Year visitors at Mr Cronsberrys Miss Iona Thompson laflt on Monday for her school at Upsafa Rev Dr associate tor of the United Church and Missionary Rev Mrs Shier gave a trous seau tea on Wednesday for Miss Gertrude Shier a bridefobe A family reunion took place at the home of Mr and Mrs John King on Now Years Day all the members of the family number lijrkcv will he played in the rink here Friday Jan between Queens- ville and Sultan faced at p m The riink is open three days a week now Tuesday Thursdav and Saturday in he after noon and in evening The first Carnival of the season took place at the skating rink Thursday Deo 30 rded Lady Mios Mabel tied Gent Mr Comic Lady Mrs Jack Chalmers Comic Mr Mason Stiles Best Dressed under IS years Miss Margaret McDonald Race for Boys and over Mr Lloyd MKelvey Race for Boys to years Mr Harvey Thompson or Boys under years- Mr Jack Race dor Girls Miss Ruth Scott An interesting time is expected Department of the United A debate has been arranged for Subject Resolved bat the Toiled Stales offers belter oppor tunities for young men than Eva Taylor who is Toronto University and spending the holiday seat home returned to the Ravenshoe Fred Hamilton and Mr and Mrs Garfield spent mother In Mr Earl and Miss Laura of Toronto and Mr and Mrs James Patera look tea with Mr Smith on Wednesday evening Belhaven The holiday season now wo can settle down for work of the new year The enjoyable time which tin Christmas season affords the ideal weather and roads except for lie ley places whirl Nellie Woodward and Mr Will Woodward and friend spent ho weekend with Mr Cameron i Mr Harry Barker Supl the Halted Sunday School presented the scholars with books which delighted little tots very much Mr and Mrs W and fam ily spent New Years with her sister Will Pollock Miss P Sanderson Gerald Pollock spent New at Sorry to hear of the illness friends home for the holiday n noticed Mr Herbert Sweotmai who was the guest of Mr an Mrs Bernard Huntley He left Miss Dorothy also returned Ottawa and Miss Stiles lo Toron to So it looks as if this com munity will in the near future The Ladies Aid met at Mrs Geo last Thursday pending the holidays at home Mr had the to have his house burned on Tuesday Mary Wilson of Tprpnto ilh The annual meeting of the Mount Albert Cemetery Company will be held In the Telephone Board Room Mount Albert on Monday January Mr and Mrs Wilson Virginia BYRON STIVER PVBLiO NOTICE party and watchnight service a Friday at Keswick The Y P are entertaining Hes ack Y P at their next meeting Friday night at The YPS presenting a pageant entitled The of the Cross Everyone Is Mr and Mrs Roy Feriton eekend In Toronto nere a Meeting was also a nice supper by the ositess A good number were resent and plans made for car- on the work of Ladies the Bethel appointment at next Sunday preach- in Nova Scotia Sulla iol a of the foreman A party held al the home Mr and Mrs Herman Styles ist Wednesday evening Those ho were present enjoyed them- elves immensely The High chool and Normal School pupils thank Mr and Mrs tyles for having the party tin the so nil were able to they did not forget lo call in Ills burg while on their vacation Mrs Geo Arnold spent Christ- and New Years with her Iniiffhter Mrs William Mr George and Howard Mall Friday evening of last week Mr William Mr Frank Nolan has installe1 Mr and Mrs Sinclair Burgess mil son parents Mr and Mrs Fd- LVruoId Mr Lloyd was he guest Mr Angus on Sunday support extended last Monda through which I elected Reeve of the Township In that host id my and wish all electors New Year J OSBORNE sympathy with Mrs Terry al the passing of Mr Frank and as chairman the yearly meet jnle in Ihe school and for ELECTORS OF TP I wish to express any sincere thank Tin Mil the George Millard I acreage beautifully the town of Mary Terry spent Ihe holidays nl home Mr Lloyd Pollock has taken a Iiixii io Mr and Mrs John Anderson land Carl spent Christmas With Mr and Mrs Miss Laura Peters and Miss Hilda Locke of Toronto spent the holidays al Mr Peters Mr and Mrs Akin Rye and family also Mr Mrs George were it Mi for Christinas Mr Cordon has turend to Topeka Kansas lwisli to for the Inst Monday re my thanks to Jlllng In my eh CREDITORS Albert widow the or November julred to file their by with the will the New Year I distributed the parties entitled regard only to such claims been received d Dec 192 DAVIDSON Agent for the Mount Albert On