a IF you our pastry to your Quests they will say Its delightful It will you entertain tried youll be sorry you didnt try It sooner now call up the food man will be held in the Orange Hall Main Street on Sat urday Jan at oclock The regular Keeling m Womens Missionary So ciety of Trinity United Church ill be hold next Wednesday at oclock sled Kef lets A full report on the Sixth On tario pldec Parliament will appear in this paper next weejk Watch for it under the heading of Letter Number Sis flu THE BEST PROOF of Wis quality our product is the gnat number of monuments we have In the local cemeteries You At net have to take our word for 11 a list of work we have done In and examine It This will verify the claim that we do only the grade of memorial work W GEO UK INNER The Quality Meat Market Corner Queen and Main Streets Newmarket Phone It36 FURNACE WORK PLUMBING SUB SPECIALTIES THE LEADING to Express HeraUd Office The Newmarket Curling Club appointed the Hon E J Davis an honorary member and from him a cheque for to as sist he funds for new year came in with the blowing of whistles the bells silent Club The Tennis Dance 1 dance of the Ton- held on New Years was attended by a large gathering The the ladies were particu larly and presented a pretty picture when all were motion to the music of the fine Mrs Andy Davis won prize The midnight lunch heartily enjoyed Womens Musical Club The Womens Musical and Lit erary of Newmarket will hold their next meeting on Thursday evening Jan at at the Temperance Hall The program will be given by Mrs J mons soprano soloist at St An drews Presbyterian Church To ronto and Mrs Sherman Rut- ledge Newmarket Single ad mission Members free ad Of Interest to All mi will surely 1 of the better community do to Trinity United Sunday January 30th wideawake chap and oust feel proud of Ronald tongs and rouge also from Victoria College as toes one of the boys nominated The man who will be principal the new Pickering College was the first boy premier at the iPar- held in Gordon Lapp a Canadian and an Ontario delegare to both Ihe and Conferences on Id Brotherhood was at both sponsible he head is return ha lectures on World Brotherhood- Its Ideals and its Progress He is at present touring the West Allan VanEvery is one of the deawake young men everywhere recog nizee as a man of more than av erage character and ability Above are examples of the type of manhood being reared under the influence of the Boys Parliaments and judging by the number of boys throughout On Who have been brought inlt contact with its ideals and leader ship since January of yoi need have no misgivings as to the ultimate eru helming and value of he movement More and more every year are getting the adults behind and the Reparians and delegate to the League of Nation atini Toronto and i Ota J dared I Hon Stanley Her of was Hie I of the oily oh Tuesday and delivered a fine address on the imperial Conference at the Oti luncheon While Bruce of lAustralia looked on as inter- ted spectators his Honor Governor was of Toronto citizens at House on Tueday his Honor was taken of remembrance a pearl tie-pin- Sir the preset A contribution of hich Parliament voted to Banting research foundation by Sir Wm Mul Ontario ran back under an open stock shed as though that frail abetter would protect fcsr from the descent of what suggested to her devour ing monster of the air aimed straight she know this her a vivid terror shrank back and with her bands in airplane and Chief of the University of Toronto There were sudden and deaths in Toronto in compared for A toll of lives due to Alcoholic poison accounted for deaths five more than last years record Five deaths from poisoning were duo to motorists being overcome in garages by the fumes escaoimr from the exhausts fifty feet away teas and silent now conventional flying a and was busily of The death of Herbert R in the Swiss Collage Hospital is the first death from smallpox in Toronto since Mr Maddock who was years of age contracted the disease as friend back In- Dele- deed Dr Hale to the League of Canadian Delegate to the Wash Conference in to us for nearly an hour on two movements and here is tin wonderful part jf it He it hack a copy of all litera by the Boys just hubbling Visit to Sutton Lodge Mrs George Luesby and Mrs Smith accompanied lbs Cretonne Chatham THE FUEL WITH WHICH TO WIN fOVEJf BE RIGHT IJTLES COAL QUARTETTE proven to be Our have been proven to be All this being true why dont you sand In your order and give to send you the finest fuel that In troduced to your stove furnace J LITTLE The Try We have a Hew Kind of Plates which Corn and Western Oats FOB SALE Bran and Low Grade Flour Flour Bosch Flour and Tor bread ROSE FOB PASTRY BEAVER FLOUR MILLS Chapter well put on by Tormilo office a social hour following It was a merry crowd left Toronto in a private car kindly provided by Mr Clarence Mott Honorary Life Member On Christmas day Hon J Davis received lie following let I J- Horn lie President of tin Club Toronto Meeting of tb Hoard of Dircclo sly Clu behalf of the Dir yours The President Banquet On New Years the finders and Adanac classes banquet In United Church was a great success about thirty of I tie members being present For a cuiishIcimIjh time Arnold pas teacher of the Pathfinders to porpetua of ill liiis decided to form a Club was drawn up of the Club derived from the names of the lWO classes and the motto nihil fit Nothing Is had been sug gested to wh After a dainty lunch served by three young ladles Arnold took of the meet- Bain ot the benefits Club and on the motto previously mentioned of Older was called on a brief The following Itev A Arnold MoUerifiSauer Vice Allan Mills Harold rectors Clarke Mills Richard Boyd Ted Lewis After a remarks from the president Rev Marshall gave a talk and enth it and is going to start in of Europe than three yea Boys Pari be held in Winnipeg and lh of lw other this is just mere he bucket of the tale that be told but hen PB- Boys nig paid to the coal fields in Cheat Britain these land owners paid out no I to produce the coal all Ilia they did was to cash the Over wo bun lied million dollars in Oil ties has already been paid to Miss Vera McCallum of Toronto was a her aunt Mrs Winter over lhe weekend Dew of Victoria at her home hero little son jr Mr ami Mrs CcorgcfcSfone Rev and Mis A Christinas with friends at WeJbliug bells were ringing re on Tuesday- The marriage was received on Monday ir our Miss and arnica lln 1 i wilti lei then car turned Mr and Mm received Ihe pis and child 1000 the of ten would draw annually Little many white men have marrledthe discovered on the waste lands by the University of the the is of are building the fines education buildings in the world out the money received from Royal tics which it is expected to In the years Oil on private lands in Ok lahoma and Texas are capitalized but as the price bight are them thus mak- poasiblo for he individual to participate just the same In the revenue coming from the and private lands duccd by ltgago bond security 1 ore as near gild nan mind can make It to the MJdContinent Bond Corporation 33 Bay St Toronto 2 will receive a very in teresting booklet free of coat tell ing all about this safe and profit mo from the city was supposed to hai ring from I was a married m one small baby King City mllural Course also domestic and home nursing These classes are be held in the Masonic Hall vho can should avail themsehe- this great opportunity It cry fine to have a course of hi held in a rural community Mr and Mrs John Dew am f in illy Miidj with at York Mills where a family re as held Case of Toronto spent the New Years holiday with Mrs Will Carson Misses Hazel and Legga returned to Toronto Monday to attend Normal Williamson of ith spent New Ye tame had alight- gaged In about His agility cheery whistle attracted Effle She timidly advanced The noticed smiled pleasingly and suspended I guess he spoke In Your i Effle but he would be your plane pass over several Very likely responded Dick You see Its part of the air service I fly from Merrill Brampton trying to for regular service later of the valve rockers slipped out He I Is Ar You Interested in Motor Cars Thea here is a chance to familiar with the many improvements which mark the most recent progress of construc tion and design MODERN TRENDS IN AUTOMOBILES Given by a competent Factory Expert from the CHEVROLET MOTOR COM PANY OF CANADA LIMITED this talk will prove most interesting and instructive An evening devoted to this lecture will be well spent and will result in a wider know ledge of motor car construction and design Wednesday Jan 12th at pm AT THE SHOWROOMS OF PHIL HAMILTON NEWMARKET You are Invited to Attend Valuable Prize to Lucky Ticket Holders Souvenirs for the Ladies and seemed reluctant to put In the time asking Kfiie brother and they parted at hast sou place and The first day Dick and Elite ladies escaped A pretty was their youngest litoaiior was united Iiage Thomas inly sou of Mr and J lid of Rev A strains of Mendel played by Mrs A the the parlor loaning on the arm of her father dressed in a light blue georgette gown with bonded and with ho long bridal veil and orange blossoms The bridesmaid was Could of sister of the groom white Archie supported the groom After lie the guests invited dining signals he brought Blue the code thing to You will please why I stopped the hour She was out eld next morning long time the dltniire plainly dl I of a a vVrya K Rev A pro- usual toast to the l t0 lie bride to which the groom made a that 0TC suHable reply Other Speeches her Mr and Mr Colin Campbell in which conveyed to the bride Very best wishes honeymoon they THANKS I Wish to thank all my friends who by their vote anoT efforts helped to secure my election to County Council and hope that I may prove worthy of the placed In me Cats will frequently adopt mother less Infanta of other animal species and thus trait led to their the fox farmers tnd for cubs but It la a tiny Here la Shop partly guarding his adopt the farmyard of Mrs J St Bernard guarding his adopted found him during a tour of the the children of the Lines family fed them by using a babys feeding bottle Then took charge of them and each night cuddled them into warm fur them sleep in comfort Dur ing the day he Ilea in the sun and them play around his feet and if one shows signs ot straying reaches a paw to scoop it back to families seeking protection from the In Canada nest spring directly overhead hie Three were killed and 37 Injured board a French barge at Baltimore hen an explosion Ignited a cargo of Ladles Class of Kin United gave a gho ne of their members MTis le Campbell at the home gifts showing the esteem In which she is held by her many friends All join in wishing her happy years of wedded Trenton from THE I WILL ATTITUDE Is many loophtfles If is something thai needs to bo done go at it with I will altitude Take it for granted that you ere going to overcome every Aesiini Wife Takes Vinol Feels Fine Now weak and had no strength Since taking I feel tine now The very FIRST week you take you begin to Is a simple strengthening Iron and compound In use for over by oil pleasant It m Druggist Con HEAL FEAR Here is one of Winston Churchills latest A lec turer was holding forth- on the subject of fear Only those who have been roused from their sleep on board ship by the terrible Of Man I can fully realize meaning said he leolurer Thats not right Interpoa religion of rules Just short of the effort that wins Forge that success is open MRS TERIIV quostion Say will New and Lot about Four Acres Good Trees highway to His advice Ask yourself the religion of the pie Try to follow the- blessed tops of most holy life Take Toronto what would He do if He were i Nothing else will so XcAvieb sorely load us into the way of holy living George- Hodges