Newmarket Late senior Union Hospital Fall River Phone 3i Office Hours dr boyd m a Graduate in Medicine of University also Licentiate of Hie Royal College of Physicians and mem ber of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Former clinical assistant in Eye Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Eye Tested Glasses Supplied Telephone Local Saturday was a nice bright morning hut a cold wind prevail ed However there was a splen did winter market offered in a large quantify sold readily from 30 to 35c per in Mr by ills wife Town on of last week to enjoy a winter holiday Taking the daylight run to New City they and lb hen lb Butte DR J H WESLEY Laboratory ate Coroner of County of York OfficeHours Talent Salt The wil Diagnosis by Transillumination DR J W BARTHOLOMEW aU of the Forum Building Toronto Dentist Over Drug Store Newmarket by Appointment Phone DR T J HACKETT Dentist Over Imperial Bank Newmarket Open evenings by appointment Gas for Extraction Phone Successor to Dr H Wilkinson DR E VANDER VOORT Graduate University of Toronto ifteen Years Experience in of Dentistry Childrens work Office over Lyons Candy Store Phone Evening appointments A Newmarket Teacher of Piano Singing and Violin Dealer In New and Used Pianos Pianos Rented Pianos Tuned paying town people they were of a Sale of Home- in he basement on Feb 18th at oclock They will be he will is Ihe lime to hunt up the catalogues and plan fo spring work It may be hat the backboni of winter is broken but we have our heaviest snow before February is over The bloom of the house bulbs cheerful these days you got any Essay Contest nlest launched with the of morning for iterating of oak which although but hundred iIiloc hundred a thai charming group of islands known as Ber muda which although but continent City with its bright lights For Urination SeSlfisypSlght3 The embarrassing and genuine misery of Bladder Weakness often brings discomforts of old those who really ought to be in the prime of life Countless thousands perhaps it of ten of folks near middle life pitiful victims of Headaches Pains In back and down rough groins but and inful urination While serious If neglected- It Is ordinarily a simple matter- to relieve these troubles by the pleasant home which nave been victorious in cases after other treatment failed matter how serious or of how qui city Tin the Education and is endorsed by many leading educationalists Ontario as being very It this jubilee year of Confedera tion It is the desire of the As sociation lo reach every school in Ontario For the Best Essays on he British North America Act The Ontario Womens Liberal fhe following prizes A Public Schools and of Creditors It was shown by the statements presented at he meeting of the William Cane Sons Company Ltd Newmarket held at Ihe of fice of Sons Toronto on Thursday of lasl week hat the companys assets exceeded its liabilities The were slated as Trade creditors preferred creditors Government sales tax taxes wages etc se cured creditors Bank of Tortmto making a tolal of 100 The assets are Factory ami site plant and equipment timber limits inventory slock in trade cash and risk for good druggist will supply absolute guarantee of satisfaction money back If bring quick and certain 1 be greatly pleased If fully satisfy their use nothing Try FIVE CHILDREN Them Out Sault Ste KENNETH M STIVER BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Block Newmarket Late deceased lice Block Main Street Phone Evenings by appointment Funds to loan on first mortgages Prompt attention given to all kinds at reasonable rates J SAMSON Schools Prize and Middle School 1st Prize 2nd Prize Essay not to exceed 700 Secondary Lppe Each essay the teacher the pupil at The class be marked on words oust be certified by the solo work must be legibly side of the The factory and equipment arc subject to mortgage of of was sold to the pub lic and 146600 is held by the bank as security Cash able 4500 and sfock 000 It is stated he properly will be offered for sale and it is thought likely Ihe Cane family will make a bid for i Yesterdays meeting of the appointed G Clark- son as trustee and the following inspectors Bank of Toronto Hugh Donald for the Gov King for the Mickle Co K Robertson for the Canes and other Newmarket creditors Mathews treasurer for the lown of Newmarket Feb 10- a a fire which completely ihe homes of Harry Trimble Coleman at Mich halfpast three Oclock this children of Trimble met deal and the father in his attempt seriously that he Is at deaths door In Michigan Hospital Mrs Trimble herself badly burned Is at he of her motherinlaw child months old was saved from an over heated hard coal stove burning In the entire Jamil wjs sleep lag and the father awoke to find the house aflame He awakenci his wife and with their they escaped Trimble returned to the burning house and made his way to the rooms where he had left he other children and taking Marlon un der his arms told Harry to crawl on his hands and knees beside him The stairs collapsed Well over two hundred of clubs In centres In Quebec left the Canadian Pacific recentl to attend the annual conventions Canadian and US at Manchester an ranks third in world ton Great Britain heads the Ha an aggregate tonnage of tons the United States tons and Japan third with tona Germany follows with 3000000 tons Nearly 100 messengers of the Cana an Pacific Telegraphs were the guests of the Company at a ban in the Windsor Street banquet hall recently The dinner was tendered to the boys as a token of appreciation of the service rendered to the company and the public in their daily delivery of telegraph messages throughout Montreal Immigration to Canada for the calendar year 1926 was compared with for It gain of per cent Of the total new arrivals came from the British Islea from the United States and from other tries Returned Canadians period totalled as against 88987 in submitted at the of the Nova Association showed operating in the province In producing pounds of butter or an increase of the production of ease in value was should should be sent not later thai April 1st loJirs Johnson Dunn Avenue To Supper Euchre and Dance Jiggs failed to turn up at the Oddicllows Hall last Friday night but Capt was DALES Coroner for York County XRAY PHYSICAL THERAPY and did hit excuse his absence It was supposed to foe a mens supper but he ladies apparently bad all work to do and bey did very efficiently mashed potatoes boiled cabbay a was by a good of all church deno in lhat is Vol so much In the progress by Miss Betty Mr Alex When the dance hour and West max and floor was fairly occupied ill after apparently enjoying modern shuffling and Intermedlato Team Wins- Second Round Newmarket Intermediates qual ified for the third round of the fa A when they de feated at the Arena night or last week score of to thus winning the round by 63 The game was considering the sticky and only a few penalties were banded ml The boys had to work hard keep on Iheir winning streak having lost no game yet in the T A season Hi Mathews bandied the game The first period was and seemed lo have he belter of he play Harmon in be local net and in the visitors net were outstanding slopping shot after shot that looked much like goals Up and down ice Ihe teams went but could not gel past be defence players Finally Salmon reduced Newmarkets twogoal lead from first game when he scored Ihe only goal of the first pi Newmarket had plenty of ch ip score but children fell Into a veritable the woodwork an badly burned making safety and the fire that was Trimble clutched escaped but net the vis Aga He winter sports are and Spring seems are many people he summer vacation anil making preparations for those who now Officials of the Hotel Di of the Canadian Nation Railways for Instance arc now busy making ready for the summer months McLean General the opening and closing of companys summer resort hotels during Ihe coming season per Park Lodge situated in Jasper National Park Alberta Will Martin superintendent of the fish culture service of Alberta that nearly brown trout eggs have safely arrived from Wisconsin at the Banff hatchery that the trout which are closely related to the Loch trout will be distributed throughout the tribu taries of the Red Deer River Al- announced recently that the Canadian Pacific Is to build a thousand room hotel on the site of the old at Toronto new hotel will be on Front Street opposite the new Union Station which is to be opened In June and It will be the largest and finest of the famous line of Canadian Pacific hotels and it will be Torontos first big modern hotel entirely owned and operated by a Canadi The man who wins the confidence of a good has mensurnbly his journey to He must win that confidence by integrity and sound business practice And by the same token the bank must win the confidence of its customers The Bank of Toronto has enjoyed steady progress by reposing its confidence in thousands of custom while seeking at the same time to deserve a full of confidence from those whom it is associated i NEWMARKET BRANCH Smiths Hard NEWMARKET EVERYTHING IN BUILDERS NEED8 FARM TOOL8 OF ALL KMD8 OIL AND ELECTRIC STOVES SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS PAINTS OILS AND VARNISHES LET US SHOW VOU WHAT WE HAVE Phone SMITHS HARDWARE with 30i5 I May and continuing a feature of Ihe autumn being golf tournament wild the silver tote pole trophy as the visible pride ilamplonsltip Lodge Will open on June ana close Sept learn lo score Early in Ihe period Mc Kay of lied round livened up all Tnran scored he for he locals by a long from ice sliding in the net while the goalie was stretch ed out in fronl of if Then Newmarket made another raid cm the and Thorns allied from a pass Belfry of and Walker the big man on he July i Jury 1 tp August 15 Sepleiiibur I une to Sept an When mother calls you Hie firs In Ihe morning do you Jump out of bed or do He still for Just longer Ifyou do Ho liaces arc you dont enjoy the stolen sleep lime because youre always expecting hear mother call later have got lo up anyway Those precious ten spent in bed In Ilia morning no end of tilings during Ihe You cant enjoy breakfast bec of being tate for school and when you do get lo youre hurrying all day lo catch up arent The value of the clip of 1926 la estimated provisionally at as compared with in 1D25 Ontario led In pro duction with pounds ed by Quebec with pounds Alberta led in Western Canada with a yield- pounds New trade arrangements will made between Canada and Cuba as result of the visit of the Canadian Minister of Finance to that Canada will receive preferen tial treatment from Cuba and the products of that country will be ad mitted to Canada on terms at those extended to France and favored nations During the months ended imports from Cuba totalled and exports to Cuba Feted by the Governor of the State the Mayor and many other prominent people of Columbus Ohio been the experience of Sam guide of the Milford Camp in Nova Scotia who arrived the Windsor Station Montreal weeks visit to Columbus t tended the convention and banquet of the League of Ohio Sportsmen Is noted throughout the woods of Nova Scotia for bis ability at moose calling addressed gathering of over aports- on Canadian hunting facilities in reference to Nova his NORTH Bribery meals and free trans portation are named In Ihe particu lars of alleged corrupt practices In municipal election in North limbury filed by John Edwin Hopkins unsuccessful candidate In connection with his motion under quo warranto proceedings to have election a set Is alleged Chariot and no two dollar to for offered James his a he would slop home from Tor and staled that on election day whs tendered five Several persons hi WALL PAPERS SUPPLIED LARGE STOCK ON HAND OIL COATED AND DYED BURLAPS Practical Painter and PaperHanger FIRSTOLAS8 QRAINER AND ART Ml Dandy and Regent Laying Masli IT MAKt All LBV WHY NOT YOURS We Hindi Full Line of Poultry Feeds BUY MASH FRENCH BROS AND ST NEWMARKET